30 research outputs found

    Ichnology of Czarna Shale Formation (Cambrian, Holy Cross Mountains, Poland)

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    Ten ichnogenera and seven ichnospecies are described from the Czarna Shale Formation, possibly representing the Terreneuvian and Cambrian Series 2 of the Holy Cross Mountains. Moreover, five other ichnotaxa are described in open nomenclature. Phycodes circinatus, ?Taenidium isp., Trichichnus linearis and ?Dictyodora isp. are described from the Cambrian of the Holy Cross Mountains for the first time. The stratigraphic ranges of Trichichnus linearis and Phycodes circinatus are extended. The trace fossil assemblage and associated, sedimentological features point to deposition in the upper and lower offshore. Periodic, anoxic events may have occurred on the sea bed

    New finds of Rusophycus from the lower Cambrian Ocies臋ki Sandstone Formation (Holy Cross Mountains, Poland)

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    The Ocies臋ki Sandstone Formation represents the Holmia-Schmidtiellus and the Protolenus-Issafeniella zones. Seven ichnospecies of Rusophycus, including Rusophycus exsilius isp. nov, are recognized in this formation. Moreover, Rusophycus ispp. A, B, C are recognized. The diagnoses for R. dispar, R. crebrus and R. magnus have been emended and the stratigraphic range of R. versans has been extended. The presence of Rusophycus dispar may suggest a palaeozoogeographical connection between the Ma艂opolska Block, the Baltica palaeocontinent and the Laurentia palaeocontinent

    Remarks on age of the Middle Miocene deposits in the Szyd艂贸w area (southern margin of the Holy Cross Mountains

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    The Middle Miocene sediments outcropping between Szyd艂贸w and Brzeziny are represented by the Pi艅cz贸w Beds and the Chmielnik Beds. The Pi艅cz贸w Beds are developed as the Heterostegina sands with intercalations of red algal limestones. These sediments contain numerous fossils of foraminifera, bryozoans, bivalves, ostracods, echinoids, crustaceans and corallinacean red algae. Foraminifera (Amphistegina, Heterostegina, Orbulina suturalis) point to the early Badenian age of the Pi艅cz贸w Beds. The Chmielnik Beds contain mainly organodetritical limestones, which are composed mainly of grains eroded from the Badenian red algal limestones. The organodetritical limestones contain pebbles and blocks of microbial-serpulid limestones, Abra limestones, marls and rare lenses of quartz sands. Numerous pectenids, other small bivalves, gastropods, foraminifera and rhodolites occur here. The fossils point to mainly Anomalinoides dividens Zone. New literature data show that this zone, commonly accepted as diagnostic for the beginning of Sarmatian, is diachronic. Therefore, the Badenian-early Sarmatian age is suggested for the Chmielnik Beds. The presence or absence of normal-marine biota as an age criterium for the Badenian-Sarmatian boundary, the commonly accepted idea for the brackish Sarmatian basin of the central Paratethys has been challenged recently. Both Badenian (not redeposited) and Sarmatian fossils occur in the Chmielnik Beds. Therefore, part of deposits in the Szyd艂贸w area assumed so far to be of Sarmatian age, can in fact represent late Badenian age

    Trilobites, their traces and associated sedimentary structures as indicators of the Cambrian palaeoenvironment of the Ocies臋ki Range (Holy Cross Mountains, Poland)

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    Enrolled specimens of trilobite species Strenuella polonica, partly preserved within their escape structures and burrows from the Cambrian Series 2 Ocies臋ki Sandstone Formation, are described. The specimens are interpreted as buried during storm episodes. Their occurrence in a few horizons, the presence of non-bioturbated tempestites with combined wave-current ripples and groovemarks interbedded with bioturbated beds suggest a depositional environment between normal and storm wave base. The trace fossils Monomorphichnus and some Rusophycus have been interpreted as structures formed during the storm when animal tried to take refuge. Well-preserved syndepositional Rusophycus and its different taphonomic variants are discussed. The part of the Ocies臋ki Sandstone Formation studied is interpreted as deposited on a lower shoreface with storm influence

    Ichnological analysis of the lower cambrian formations from the Holy Cross Mountains : the Czarna shale formation, the Ocies臋ki sandstone formation and the Kamieniec shale formation

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    Dolnokambryjskie formacje: 艂upk贸w Czarnej, piaskowc贸w z Ocies臋k i 艂upk贸w z Kamie艅ca z po艂udniowego bloku G贸r 艢wi臋tokrzyskich by艂y analizowane g艂贸wnie w ma艂ych ods艂oni臋ciach a tak偶e w kilku rdzeniach wiertniczych. Z badanych formacji oznaczono 39 ichnorodzaj贸w oraz 64 ichnogatunki. Formacja piaskowc贸w z Ocies臋k wykszta艂cona jest w postaci arenit贸w kwarcowych i wak, zawieraj膮cych prze艂awicenia 艂upk贸w mu艂owcowych. Formacja 艂upk贸w Czarnej oraz formacja 艂upk贸w z Kamie艅ca wykszta艂cone s膮 jako 艂upki mu艂owcowe z prze艂awiceniami 艂upk贸w ilastych oraz nielicznymi prze艂awiceniami piaskowc贸w kwarcowych. Dla badanych formacji przyj臋to wiek Holmia-Schmidtiellus i Protolenus Issafeniella. Formacja 艂upk贸w Czarnej i formacja 艂upk贸w z Kamie艅ca cechuj膮 si臋 niezbioturbowanym lub bardzo s艂abo zbioturbowanym osadem a wi臋kszo艣膰 formacji piaskowc贸w z Ocies臋k ca艂kowitym zbioturbowaniem osadu. W niekt贸rych warstwach formacji 艂upk贸w Czarnej oraz formacji 艂upk贸w z Kamie艅ca wyst臋puj膮 s艂abo zr贸偶nicowane skamienia艂o艣ci 艣ladowe ichnofacji Cruziana. W dolnej cz臋艣ci formacji piaskowc贸w z Ocies臋k wyst臋puj膮 liczne i zr贸偶nicowane taksonomicznie skamienia艂o艣ci 艣ladowe ichnofacji Cruziana a w jej g贸rnej cz臋艣ci skamienia艂o艣ci 艣ladowe ichnofacji Skolithos. Zaproponowano wyr贸偶nienie nowego ichnogatunku Rusophycus, ponadto w艣r贸d okaz贸w opisanych w nomenklaturze otwartej mog膮 r贸wnie偶 wyst臋powa膰 nowe dla ichnologii taksony. Zdecydowana wi臋kszo艣膰 opisanych ichnotakson贸w pochodzi z formacji piaskowc贸w z Ocies臋k. Struktury sedymentacyjne oraz zespo艂y skamienia艂o艣ci 艣ladowych w ska艂ach formacji 艂upk贸w Czarnej oraz formacji 艂upk贸w z Kamie艅ca wskazuj膮 na depozycj臋 w obr臋bie g贸rnego i dolnego odbrze偶a (upper and lower offshore) i cz臋艣ciowo w obr臋bie g艂臋bszego szelfu. Struktury sedymentacyjne oraz zespo艂y skamienia艂o艣ci 艣ladowych w formacji piaskowc贸w z Ocies臋k wskazuj膮 na depozycj臋 starszej cz臋艣ci tej formacji w obr臋bie dolnego przybrze偶a (lower shoreface) oraz depozycj臋 m艂odszej cz臋艣ci formacji w obr臋bie 艣rodkowego przybrze偶a (upper shoreface). W formacji piaskowc贸w z Ocies臋k g艂贸wnym czynnikiem kontroluj膮cym depozycj臋 i rozw贸j bentosu by艂y sztormy. Podobne zespo艂y skamienia艂o艣ci 艣ladowych s膮 znane z dolnego kambru z wielu miejsc na 艣wiecie. Zespo艂y skamienia艂o艣ci 艣ladowych z dolnego kambru G贸r 艢wi臋tokrzyskich wykazuj膮 najwi臋ksze podobie艅stwo do zespo艂贸w opisanych z kambru polskiej cz臋艣ci platformy wschodnioeuropejskiej oraz Szwecji, obszar贸w nale偶膮cych w kambrze do kontynentu Baltiki.The Lower Cambrian Czarna Shale Fm, Ocies臋ki Sandstone Fm and Kamieniec Shale Fm have been analyzed in small outcrops and a few cores. They contain thirty nine ichnogenera and sixty four ichnospecies. The Ocies臋ki Sandstone Formation is developed as quartz arenites and wackes with intercalations of silty shales. The Czarna Shale and the Kamieniec Shale formations are composed of silty shales with intercalations of clayey shales and rare beds of quartz sandstones. All the studied formations represent the Holmia-Schmidtiellus and the Protolenus-Issafeniella zones. Sediments of the Czarna Shale Fm and the Kamieniec Shale Fm are non-bioturbated or very poorly bioturbated, but the Ocies臋ki Sandstone Fm sediments are mostly totally bioturbated. Low diversified and uncommon trace fossils of the Cruziana ichnofacies in the Czarna Shale Fm and the Kamieniec Shale Fm occur only in some beds. Diversified and numerous trace fossils of the Cruziana ichnofacies in the lower part and the Skolithos ichnafacies in the upper part of the Ocies臋ki Sandstone Fm have been observed. A new ichnospecies of Rusophycus was proposed. A few other possibly new ichnospecies of different ichnogenera have been described in open nomenclature. The highest number of ichnotaxa comes from the Ocies臋ki Sandstone Fm. Sedimentological structures and trace fossil assemblages from the Czarna Shale and the Kamieniec Shale formations point to deposition mainly in the upper and lower offshore and partly in the outer shelf. The same features from the Ocies臋ki Sandstone Fm suggest that the older part of this formation was deposited in the lower shoreface while its younger part was deposited in the middle shoreface. Storm episods were the main factor controlling sedimentation and activity of bentos in the studied formations. Trace fossil assemblages similar to these from the Lower Cambrian of the Holy Cross Mountains are known from many places in the world. The ichnoassemblages from Polish part of the East European Platform and from Sweden, which represent the Baltica palaeocontinent, display the closest similarity

    Ichnological record of the Frasnian-Famennian boundary interval : two examples from the Holy Cross Mts (Central Poland)

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    The Frasnian-Famennian (Late Devonian) boundary interval within the carbonate-siliciclastic series in the Kowala and P艂ucki sections (Holy Cross Mts, Central Poland) has been analysed to evaluate the influence of the Kellwasser event on the macrobenthic tracemaker community. The Upper Kellwasser event has a lithologically variable record, as horizons of flints (Kowala) and as a bed of bituminous, black, cephalopod limestone (P艂ucki). Both sections show mostly laminated, unbioturbated beds of marlstones or shales just above the Frasnian-Famennian boundary, which point to events of anoxia on the sea floor. However, the first anoxic horizon occurs below the Frasnian-Famennian boundary. The trace fossils and bioturbational structures are uncommon and poorly diversified. Trichichnus and Multina are the only frequent trace fossils in some beds. Moreover, one horizon above the Frasnian-Famennian boundary contains numerous Multina and a single? Planolites. Such poorly diversified trace fossil assemblage suggests an unfavourable environment for most of burrowing organisms and fluctuations in oxygenation from anoxic, to dysoxic conditions. The occurrence of the trace fossils and bioturbational structures as spotted and mottled ichnofabrics from the 1.3 m above the Frasnian-Famennian boundary is interpreted as an improvement in bottom water oxygen conditions after the Upper Kellwasser event

    Diversity of vertebrate remains from the Lower Gogolin Beds (Anisian) of southern Poland

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    Middle Triassic (Muschelkalk) limestones and dolostones of southern Poland contain vertebrate remains, which can be used for palaeoecological and palaeogeographical analyses. The results presented concern vertebrate remains uncovered at four localities in Upper Silesia and one on Opole Silesia, a region representing the south-eastern margin of the Germanic Basin in Middle Triassic times. The most abundant remains in this assemblage are fish remains, comprising mostly actinopterygian teeth and scales. Chondrichthyan and sauropsid remains are less common. Reptilian finds include vertebrae, teeth and fragments of long bones, belonging to aquatic or semi-aquatic reptiles, such as nothosaurids, pachypleusorosaurids, and ichthyosaurids. Also, coprolites of possibly durophagous and predacious reptiles occur. In the stratigraphic column of Miko艂贸w, actinopterygian remains are the most numerous and no distinct changes of the taxonomic composition occur. Although this assemblage differs from those described at other localities (Z膮bkowice with numerous chondrichthyans, 呕yglin, and P艂aza with common sauropsid fossils), sampling bias has to be considered

    Large cruzianid trace fossils in the Ordovician of the peri-Baltic area : the case of the Buk贸wka Formation (Holy Cross Mountains, Poland)

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    The Middle Ordovician Buk贸wka Formation, composed of fine-grained quartz sandstones with siltstone intercalations, belongs to the Kielce Region of the Holy Cross Mountains (peri-Baltic palaeogeographic position). It contains trace fossils of low diversity and poor preservation. Particularly noteworthy are the large Cruziana and Rusophycus, that are typical of peri-Gondwanan areas. They consist of casts of bilobate furrows showing diverse preservation. Other trace fossils include mostly horizontal pascichnia, cubichnia, and fodinichnia, but also vertical domichnia. The trace fossil assemblage is typical of the archetypal Cruziana and partly of the Skolithos ichnofacies. Some beds contain abundant orthid brachiopods. The trace fossils and sedimentary structures (horizontal, low-angle and wave ripple cross-laminations, hummocky cross-stratification) suggest deposition on the middle and lower shoreface with storm influence. The poor preservation and low diversity of the trace fossils are related to the homogeneous lithology, low accumulation rate, shallow burial of organic matter and strong bioturbation. Therefore, animals burrowed strongly but mostly in shallow tiers. Thus, the preservation potential of their traces was much lower than in many peri-Gondwanan sections but still higher than in Baltica sedimentary rocks. This explains the provincial differences in ichnofauna during the Ordovician, which at least partly were influenced by the preservation potential

    New vertebrate assemblage from marginal-marine and land Lower Keuper strata (Ladinian, Middle Triassic) of Miedary, Silesia, SW Poland

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    Vertebrate remains, mostly nothosaurid vertebrae and long bones, archosaur partially preserved long bones and teeth (probably rauisuchid remains), fish teeth and scales, are described from the Lower Keuper Miedary Beds (Ladinian, Middle Triassic) of Miedary, Silesia, SW Poland. The analyzed vertebrate fossils were collected from three lithologically different types of deposits. The first assemblage, which contains nothosaurid and fish remains, occurs in yellowish dolomites, where poorly preseved invertebrate macrofossils were also found (marine bivalves and brachiopods). In grey yellowish, sometimes greenish or red clays, rare isolated bones and teeth of large archosaur were found. In sandstone intercalations partially preserved and highly disarticulated fish fossils were identified. In all assemblages osteological remains are generally very well preserved. This new interesting vertebrate bones association from the upper part of the Middle Triassic marginal-marine strata of Poland has been correlated with age equivalents from other regions of Europe