13 research outputs found

    Difficult to treat recurrent stenosis of the aorta

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    The risk associated with repeated treatment of aortic stenosis is as high as 5% and increases to as much as 25% in complex heart diseases. Among the methods that are commonly accepted and used in the treatment of recurrent aortic stenosis are balloon dilatation and stent implantation. In this study we describe five patients with recurrent stenosis of the aorta treated with stent implantation. The short-term results of such treatment are promising. However, in some cases it is only palliative in character and does not completely resolve the problems arising from congenital heart disease. (Cardiol J 2007; 14: 186-192

    An unusual epiphytic habitat for hedwigia ciliata (Bryophyta: Hedwigiaceae) in Poland (central Europe)

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    In Poland, Hedwigia ciliata (Hedw.) P. Beauv., an obligatory epilithic moss species, has in recent years also been observed on the bark of trees. In this paper, we describe 25 recently identified sites in which epiphytic H. ciliata has been observed, and provide a plausible explanation to account for this phenomenon

    Trudne do leczenia nawrotowe zwężenia aorty - opis pięciu przypadków

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    Powtórne leczenie operacyjne nawrotowego zwężenia aorty wiąże się z dużym ryzykiem (5%) w izolowanych zwężeniach aorty i zwiększa się do 25% w złożonych wadach serca. Powszechnie stosowaną metodą w terapii nawrotu zwężenia aorty po przebytej wcześniej operacji pozostaje jej poszerzenie przy użyciu balonów i stentów. Opisano 5 trudnych przypadków pacjentów, u których nawrotowe zwężenia aorty poszerzono stentem. Wczesne wyniki zastosowania stentu w terapii nawrotowego zwężenia po operacyjnym leczeniu cieśni aorty są dobre. Jednak w części przypadków interwencje kardiologiczne z użyciem stentów stanowią terapię paliatywną nielikwidującą całkowicie problemów związanych z tą wadą. (Folia Cardiologica Excerpta 2007; 2: 2430-249

    Impacts of soil conditions and light availability on natural regeneration of Norway spruce Picea abies (L.) H. Karst. in low-elevation mountain forests

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    & Key message Natural regeneration of P. abies (L.) H. Karst. may reach high densities in lower mountain elevations. The highest densities were found in sites with moderate light availability, with low pH, and not near the riverbank. However, age-height classes differed in the predicted magnitude of response, but were consistent in response directions. Mosses and understory species typical of coniferous forests were positively correlated with regeneration density. & Context Norway spruce Picea abies (L.) H. Karst. in Central Europe is at risk under climate change scenarios, particularly in mountain regions. Little is known about the impact of environmental factors on the natural regeneration of P. abies in lowelevation mountain forests. & Aims We aimed to assess impacts of distance from the riverbank, soil pH, and light availability on natural P. abies regeneration. We hypothesized that (1) natural P. abiesregeneration would depend on light availability and soil pH and (2) there are understory plant species which may indicate the microsites suitable for natural regeneration of P. abies. & Methods The study was conducted in the Stołowe Mountains National Park (SW Poland, 600–800 m a.s.l.). We established 160 study plots (25 m2 ) for natural regeneration, light availability, soil pH, and understory vegetation assessment

    Quo Vadis, Orthotrichum pulchellum? A Journey of Epiphytic Moss across the European Continent

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    Orthotrichum pulchellum is a species of epiphytic moss in which a significant expansion from the oceanic part of Europe to the east of the continent has been observed in the recent two decades. The improvement in air quality in Central and Eastern Europe, but also climate change, probably plays a role in this. This study shows what direction of its spreading we can expect in the future. Ecological niche modeling (ENM) is a widespread method to find out species niches in environmental and geographical space, which allows us to highlight areas that have a higher probability of occurrences of the studied species, based on identifying similar environmental conditions to those already known. We also made predictions for different future scenarios (CMIP5 climatology datasets for the years 2041–2060). Because we were not able to distinguish between historical and newly settled areas, and so, had to use some of the traditional approaches when modeling invasive species, we proposed to use niche clusters based on environmental layers to split the data of all known occurrences and make models separately for each cluster. This approach seems reasonable from the ecological species point of view because using all the morphologically same samples could be misleading. Altogether, 2712 samples were used from three separate niche clusters. For building the models, the Maxent algorithm was used as a well-tested, well-accepted, and commonly used method

    Percutaneous procedures for the repair of iatrogenic occlusion or stenosis of peripheral vessels in children - report on 5 cases

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    Percutaneous procedures for the repair of iatrogenic occlusion or stenosis of peripheral vessels in children - report on: Invasive percutaneous diagnostic or therapeutic procedures are associated with the risk of thrombosis and occlusion of peripheral vessels which are used for vascular access. Data on the transcatheter therapy of vascular complications in children are scarce. We described five children in four of whom percutaneous transluminal balloon angioplasty of occluded peripheral vessels was successfully performed. Technical aspects of this treatment and indications are discussed

    Transcatheter closure of perimembranous ventricular septal defect using an Amplatzer occluder - early results

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    Background: Transcatheter closure of perimembranous ventricular septal defect with the use of an Amplatzer occluder was introduced in 1999, however, clinical experience with this method remains limited.Aim: To assess short-term safety and efficacy of this technique in children.Methods: Since 2001, nine children underwent transcatheter closure of perimembranous ventricular septal defect in the cardiac centre in Bratislava (Slovak Republic) or in our centre. Patients were selected for the procedure based on the results of transesophageal echocardiography (TEE). Transcatheter closure using the Amplatzer occluder was guided by both TEE and angiography. The follow-up duration ranged from 3 to 22 months, mean 11.5 months. Control angiography was performed in order to detect any leakage through the aortic valve. The end-diastolic left ventricular diameter before and after the procedure as well as the function of the aortic, tricuspid and mitral valves were also assessed.Results: The procedure was effective in all patients. No damage to atrio-ventricular nor aortic valves was observed. Tricuspid regurgitation, present prior to the procedure, markedly decreased following the closure of the defect. The left ventricular end-diastolic diameter significantly (p=0.001) decreased after the procedure.Conclusions: (1) Perimembranous ventricular septal defect can be safely and effectively closed using a transcatheter Amplatzer occluder. (2) Appropriate selection for the procedure as well as TEE and angiographic guidance during the procedure enable the avoidance of complications. (3) Tricuspid regurgitation is not an absolute contraindication to perform this procedure

    The red alga Hildenbrandia rivularis is a weak indicator of the good ecological status of riverine habitats

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    Our knowledge about the size of benthic red alga populations inhabiting European freshwater ecosystems is still insufficient. For many years, in Europe, Hildenbrandia rivularis (Rhodophyta, Hildenbrandiaceae) was believed to be a very rare species of crustaceous red algae, valuable for oligotrophic system biomonitoring. In this paper, we challenge this assumption and show the phenomenon of H. rivularis expansion (i.e., from mountains and highlands to lowlands) in Europe based on detailed data from Poland. We collected over 311 records of H. rivularis occurring in rivers, streams and lakes (not typical habitats for this alga) across the country, including historical data. Here, we show the detailed distribution of this endangered species in Poland, one of the largest European countries. To examine the mechanism of H. rivularis population expansion, physicochemical data from 122 aquatic ecosystems were investigated. A comparison between three subperiods (1860–1944, 1945–1999, and 2000–2019) revealed an increase in the average abundance of the H. rivularis population in the lowlands area. However, the studied species seems to be disappearing in mountain and upland ecosystems. We found altitude and water flow and quality (i.e., alkalinity, oxygenation and biogens) to be the main determinants of H. rivularis occurrence within the study area. The results indicate that this red alga can be described as an expansive species, and its occurrence does not always indicate good water quality and fast water flow. Surprisingly, in contrast to observations from the last century, the population of H. rivularis in Poland currently occurs mainly in habitats with eu- and hypertrophic waters. We point out here that in the zone with temperate climate influence, H. rivularis is no longer an obvious indicator for oligotrophic ecosystems. We suggest that climate warming and eutrophication–reoligotrophication may have contributed to the increased spread of H. rivularis in Europe over recent decades. In addition, we see no reason to classify H. rivularis as an endangered species in Poland. This species most often inhabits anthropogenic water systems and occurs at high abundance in waters with high concentrations of biogens. For these reasons, H. rivularis is more ubiquitous than a cosmopolitan species (i.e., with a wide range of occurrence but associated with only a specific type of habitat and specific environmental parameters). Thus, the value of H. rivularis as a bioindicator for oligotrophic water ecosystems is very low

    Register of New Localities for Bryophytes Occurring in Poland, 1

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    W publikacji przedstawiono nowe stanowiska rzadkich mszaków w Polsce, tj. Anastrophyllum michauxii, Eremonotus myriocarpus, Neckera pennata, Scapania crassiretis, Sphagnum majus, Ulota bruchii oraz Zygodon rupestris.This work presents a list of new localities in Poland for the following rare bryophytes: Anastrophyllum michauxii, Eremonotus myriocarpus, Neckera pennata, Scapania crassiretis, Sphagnum majus, Ulota bruchii, and Zygodon rupestris.The research was self-financed by the authors

    Materials for the Distribution of Lichens and Lichenicolous Fungi in Poland, 2

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    W publikacji przedstawiono nowe stanowiska 39 gatunków porostów oraz 10 grzybów naporostowych (te ostatnie oznaczono gwiazdką), które są zagrożone w Polsce lub rzadkie w kraju lub regionie. Didymocyrtis epiphyscia s. l. jest podawany poraz pierwszy z obszaru Polski. W zamieszczonych wykazach stanowisk, obok współrzędnych geograficznych, podano kwadraty siatki ATPOL, zmodyfikowanej na potrzeby Atlasu rozmieszczenia geograficznego porostów w Polsce (wydawnictwo Instytutu Botaniki im. W. Szafera PAN, 1993) przez Cieślińskiego i Fałtynowicza. Poza wykazem stanowisk, przy każdym z gatunków zamieszczono dane na temat ich cech diagnostycznych oraz rozmieszczenia w Polsce.The paper presents new localities of 39 species of lichens and 10 species of lichenicolous fungi (marked by an asterisk), which are endangered in Poland or are regionally rare. Didymocyrtis epiphyscia s. l. is reported from Poland for the first time. The name of each taxon is followed by data on its diagnostic features and distribution in Poland. Provided lists of localities contain geographic coordinates and ATPOL grid squares, modified by S. Cieśliński and W. Fałtynowicz for the purposes of the Atlas of the Geographical Distribution of Lichens in Poland (published by W. Szafer Institute of Botany, Polish Academy of Sciences, 1993).The research was self-financed by the authors