8 research outputs found

    Dlaczego farmaceuci proponują zamianę leków?

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    INTRODUCTION: The Article is bringing up the problem of the exchange of prescribed medicines for the recipe for their counterparts in the context of motivation and the reflectiveness of pharmacists participating in this process.MATERIAL AND METHODS: 50 questionnaire forms, get from pharmacists working in pharmacies in Lesser Poland province, in which they were asking for motivation for proposing patients the exchange of medicines for equivalents, perception of anxieties of patients in the discussed situation of the exchange of medicines and the awareness, that pharmacists apart from delivering the specific medicinal product additionally are going up the position of the third participant of the therapeutic relation.RESULTS: Collected data are indicating that, submitting to the proposal the exchange of medicines is a general practice in polled pharmacies. They are most often declared motivations for the exchange of medicines in the equal proportion declared „good of the patient” as well as convincing the pharmacist that the patient is bothered about the minimum price of the medicine. It only recognised the 10% of polled pharmacists that the good of the patient is guaranteed when he receives this medicine which the doctor prescribed exactly.CONCLUSIONS: Achieved results are pointing indirectly at the significant influence of the promotion of medicines for the forming of the motivation system of pharmacists and to their low awareness, that proposing the exchange of medicines actively are joining in the therapeutic relation.WSTĘP: W artykule porusza się problem zamiany leków przepisywanych na receptę na ich odpowiedniki w kontekście motywacji i refleksyjności uczestniczących w tym procesie farmaceutów.MATERIAŁ I METODY: Poddano analizie 50 ankiet, uzyskanych od farmaceutów pracujących w aptekach w Małopolsce, w których pytano o motywację do proponowania pacjentom zamiany leków na odpowiedniki, percepcję obaw pacjentów w omawianej sytuacji zamiany leków oraz świadomość, że farmaceuci poza dostarczaniem określonego „produktu leczniczego” jako sprzedawcy dodatkowo wchodzą na pozycję „trzeciego” uczestnika w proces relacji terapeutycznej.WYNIKI: Uzyskane dane wskazują, że składanie propozycji zamiany leków jest powszechną praktyką w ankietowanych aptekach. Najczęściej deklarowanymi motywacjami do zamiany leków są w równej proporcji deklarowane „dobro pacjenta” oraz przekonanie farmaceuty, że pacjentowi zależy na niższej „cenie leku”. Tylko 10% ankietowanych farmaceutów uznało, że dobro pacjenta zagwarantowane jest wtedy, kiedy otrzyma on dokładnie ten lek, który przepisał lekarz.WNIOSKI: Uzyskane wyniki wskazują pośrednio na istotny wpływ promocji leków na kształtowanie systemu motywacyjnego farmaceutów oraz na ich niską świadomość, że proponując zamianę leków aktywnie włączają się w relację terapeutyczną

    “Fast Track” Analysis of Small Wind Turbine Blade Performance

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    Small wind turbines (SWTs) can be significantly sensitive to variances in the blade geometry shape when their operation in relatively low ranges of Reynolds numbers is considered. An SWT case study, where an existing wind turbine prototype was equipped with a redesigned blade set, to increase its aerodynamic efficiency, is presented. The geometry modification process was targeted at maximizing the turbine power coefficient in the presumed point of low Reynolds operation. The applied design and analysis methods included practical implementation of previously established “Fast Track” procedure for wind turbine development. A newly prepared blade geometry and a reference blade set were examined numerically and experimentally. Selected design and assessment processes were supposed to be low resource demanding, making them possibly highly applicable in renewable energy industry. Therefore, the numerical analysis of both geometries was based on BEM (blade element momentum theory) equations. The research was expanded by model validation in small-scale wind tunnel tests to provide detailed information on BEM data reliability in comparison to the results of the experiment. The small-scale analysis, performed in Reynolds numbers below 100,000, provided information sufficient for evaluation of the redesigned blade. Implementation of the geometry obtained throughout the proposed procedure increased the rotor’s maximum power coefficient by 10%

    Challenging low Reynolds - SWT blade aerodynamics

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    One of the main issues related to the design and development of small wind turbines (SWTs) is the low Reynolds number. Operation in the transitory regime makes the rotor aerodynamic analysis a challenging task. Project GUST (Generative Urban Small Turbine) realized currently at the Institute of Turbomachinery (Lodz University of Technology, Poland) is devoted to the development of SWT (D = 1.6 m) for low-Reynolds number (low wind speed) flow conditions. The emphasis is on the blade design, aiming at improving the rotor aerodynamic efficiency. The paper will highlight the rotor design process, based on contemporary methods of experiment-simulation integration approach and use of rapid manufacturing techniques. In-house wind tunnel measurements of a scaled model performance were executed. A numerical analysis using dedicated software (QBlade) was conducted in parallel. A comparison between the obtained results indicated that the chosen numerical tools are capable of providing a reliable output, even in complex, transitional flow conditions. Bearing in mind the above observations, QBlade was incorporated into the development process of a completely new blade geometry which would increase rotor performance. The selected design has indeed prove to show better power outcome in an additional experimental campaign

    Challenging low Reynolds - SWT blade aerodynamics

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    One of the main issues related to the design and development of small wind turbines (SWTs) is the low Reynolds number. Operation in the transitory regime makes the rotor aerodynamic analysis a challenging task. Project GUST (Generative Urban Small Turbine) realized currently at the Institute of Turbomachinery (Lodz University of Technology, Poland) is devoted to the development of SWT (D = 1.6 m) for low-Reynolds number (low wind speed) flow conditions. The emphasis is on the blade design, aiming at improving the rotor aerodynamic efficiency. The paper will highlight the rotor design process, based on contemporary methods of experiment-simulation integration approach and use of rapid manufacturing techniques. In-house wind tunnel measurements of a scaled model performance were executed. A numerical analysis using dedicated software (QBlade) was conducted in parallel. A comparison between the obtained results indicated that the chosen numerical tools are capable of providing a reliable output, even in complex, transitional flow conditions. Bearing in mind the above observations, QBlade was incorporated into the development process of a completely new blade geometry which would increase rotor performance. The selected design has indeed prove to show better power outcome in an additional experimental campaign

    Cardiovascular Complications of Viral Respiratory Infections and COVID-19

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    Viral respiratory infections (VRI) are the most prevalent type of infectious diseases and constitute one of the most common causes of contact with medical care. Regarding the pathophysiology of the cardiovascular system, VRI can not only exacerbate already existing chronic cardiovascular disease (such as coronary artery disease or heart failure) but also trigger new adverse events or complications (e.g., venous thromboembolism), the latter particularly in subjects with multimorbidity or disease-related immobilization. In the current paper, we provide a narrative review of diverse cardiovascular complications of VRI as well as summarize available data on the pathology of the circulatory system in the course of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)

    Unstable Flow Structures Present at Different Rotational Velocities of the Centrifugal Compressor

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    Unstable flow structures cause inevitable energy losses in all power energy systems, including turbomachines. In this study, a set of analyses was conducted with the use of spectral maps on the pressure signals obtained from an industrial centrifugal compressor. The spectral maps provide one a detailed visualization of the flow conditions present in the machine along the performance curve and to distinguish the flow phenomena present prior to the surge. The method accuracy is especially useful in detecting the inlet recirculation. The study was conducted at four impeller rotational speeds with varying loads imposed by a valve at the outlet. At each speed, the machine experienced different stages of unstable flow conditions prior to the surge. Five main frequency peaks that appeared in all cases were identified and discussed. The surge was observed at all impeller speeds. At lower ones, however, it appeared at higher valve closures. At higher speeds, the surge was much more intense. The study has also shown that the inlet recirculation appears also for the closed-type industrial impeller. The phenomenon was present in all conditions. The higher impeller speed, the faster onset of the inlet recirculation was. This structure has a strong potential for an early instability warning because it appears in various types of impellers, has a very particular spectral structure and its positioning is very predictable. This study gives another example of the inlet recirculation universality and potential for efficient anti-surge protection

    Changes in histological structure and NOS expression in aorta of rats supplemented with bee pollen or whey protein

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    Various protein-based supplements are at least periodically consumed by 30%–40% of sportspeople. The current study compares cardiovascular effects of diet supplementation with 2 different protein-rich products: bee pollen and whey protein. Thirty Wistar rats were divided into 2 groups, one subjected to daily moderate physical activity and one not. Each group consisted of 3 subgroups: control, whey-protein-supplemented, and bee-pollen-supplemented. After 8 weeks, rats were decapitated, and proximal parts of thoracic aortas were collected and embedded in paraffin blocks. Histological slides were stained according to standard hematoxylin and eosin, Masson’s trichrome, and Verhoeff – Van Gieson staining. Special immunohistochemical stains against neuronal nitric oxide synthase (nNOS), endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS), and alpha smooth muscle actin were also prepared. Histological evaluation revealed noticeable changes in all supplemented groups: disturbances in elastic laminae, slight increase in collagen deposition, and significantly lowered nNOS and eNOS expression. The prevalence of small atherosclerotic plaques was the highest in non-running supplemented groups, while in running supplemented groups it resembled the prevalence in control groups. Both running groups had thinner tunica media than control. Both supplements exert visible effects on aortic structure, but the difference between them is far less evident. In some aspects, however, the bee pollen seems to be even slightly more harmful, which may be related to various possible contaminants like mycotoxins or pesticides.The accepted manuscript in pdf format is listed with the files at the bottom of this page. The presentation of the authors' names and (or) special characters in the title of the manuscript may differ slightly between what is listed on this page and what is listed in the pdf file of the accepted manuscript; that in the pdf file of the accepted manuscript is what was submitted by the author