14 research outputs found

    Optoelectronic Capillary Sensors in Microfluidic and Point-of-Care Instrumentation

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    This paper presents a review, based on the published literature and on the authors’ own research, of the current state of the art of fiber-optic capillary sensors and related instrumentation as well as their applications, with special emphasis on point-of-care chemical and biochemical sensors, systematizing the various types of sensors from the point of view of the principles of their construction and operation. Unlike classical fiber-optic sensors which rely on changes in light propagation inside the fiber as affected by outside conditions, optical capillary sensors rely on changes of light transmission in capillaries filled with the analyzed liquid, which opens the possibility of interesting new applications, while raising specific issues relating to the construction, materials and instrumentation of those sensors


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    This article describes a set of algorithms for so-called balancing of numerical matrices, which were developed by the author. Each section consists of several algorithms that are divided into different levels. The order of these levels depended on the chronology of the creation of certain algorithms. Chronology also affected the complexity of these balancing algorithms, so it can be argued that the algorithms are described in order from the simplest level to the most complex. It is important to emphasize that the purpose of the article is to describe the actions on matrices that determine the balancing algorithm of a certain level, and practical application will be the next step.Artykuł przedstawia autorskie algorytmy bilansowania macierzy. Każdy rozdział składa się z kilku algorytmów, które są rozdzielone na różne poziomy. Te poziomy są uporządkowane w zależności od chronologii ich stworzenia. Podobnie chronologia ma wpływ na złożoność algorytmów zbilansowania, w związku z tym można stwierdzać, że algorytmy są uszeregowana według stopnia złożoności. Niniejszy artykuł jest pierwszym etapem pokazującym sposób zbilansowania pewnego poziomu macierzy, natomiast kolejnym etapem będzie efekt praktyczny

    A Proposed New Approach for the Assessment of Selected Operating Conditions of the High Voltage Cable Line

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    Calculation models for the selection of cable lines used for expansion and modernization in the energy system and energy transmission planning are recognized tools supporting decision-making in both the energy sector and energy policy. At the same time, the above calculation models contain a large number of correction factors taking into account the temperature of the external environment at various points, the mutual influence of which is not taken into account. This means limitations to today’s common approaches to solutions, especially with regard to the required safety buffer for cable line selection. To meet this challenge, this article presents a parameter that takes into account the change and difference in temperature at various points in the external environment in the analyzed cable line systems. The purpose of this paper was to develop a new approach to the selection of a cable line in order to minimize failure during operation. For this purpose, possible temperature cases that may occur during line operation in different countries and at different rated voltages have been identified. Simulation models for individual cable line layouts were developed and the extreme temperature cases of the line operation for the maximum negative and positive temperature difference between the cable core and the external environment were considered in detail. The development of the curve of the change of the correction factor for the difference in the operating temperature of the cable line will allow for a more precise selection of the cable line parameters and the shortening of the current calculation model in terms of cable selection. In addition, this article presents a comparison of the change in the value of the correction factor from the change in temperature of a selected phase of a cable line system

    Methods of Assessing the Effectiveness of Filter Elements in Power Electronics

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    Newly constructed devices must meet a number of requirements in terms of the level of generated disturbances. To achieve an acceptable level in such devices, filters are installed—one of the cheapest ways to reduce interference in devices. One of the key elements of the filter that is responsible for the effectiveness of noise reduction are ferrites. Unfortunately, for various devices, an individual approach should be used in the selection of filters and, accordingly, ferrites. Due to the fact that ferrites from different manufacturers do not have standardized characteristics and information on their effectiveness, the selection of the right ferrite is a very time-consuming process. Therefore, this article will present the possibilities of quickly determining selected ferrite parameters in order to ensure the necessary level of noise reduction. For this purpose, assumptions from the CISPR 17 standard will be used. For selected types of ferrites, a large number of measurements were carried out in order to determine the optimal computational algorithm for adjusting ferrite characteristics to the designed conditions. The performance of these tests will be the basis for conducting tests on a larger number of ferrites, as well as for the development of possible standardization procedures

    Risk level analysis in the selected (initial) stage of the project life cycle

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    This paper focuses on the analysis of selected risks as part of investments in the power engineering at the initial (tender) stage of the life cycle in the context of the method of project management by the Contractor. The study was carried out on the basis of an analysis of over 500 tenders in the power engineering, from the last 5 years, taking into account future forecast data. The analysis carried out in this article was aimed at achieving specific and unique goals and results aimed at creating a useful product, which is the Contractor’s offer in the power engineering, taking into account the most significant risks. The result of this article is to support the project team in implementing risk management in the project at the tender stage. For this purpose, the risks with their basic parameters were defined, which allowed for the development of a risk matrix taking into account the data obtained in the tender procedures of leading electric power distributors. Based on the proposed risk quantification criteria, a list of remedial actions was prepared for all risk types listed in this article. In addition, the aspects of possible elimination/reduction of the impact of the most significant risks that occur at the analyzed stage of the investment life cycle were developed

    A Legal Opinion on the Application of a Group of Churches Submitted to the Council of Ministers on 15 February 2010

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    Opinia dotyczy wniosku z dnia 15 lutego 2010 r. złożonego przez grupę dziewięciu kościołów i innych związków wyznaniowych należących do pentakostalnego nurtu chrześcijaństwa. Wniosek skierowany był do Prezesa Rady Ministrów i dotyczył przystąpienia przez Radę Ministrów do rozmów w celu zawarcia umowy i wydania odpowiedniej ustawy o stosunkach między Rzecząpospolitą Polską a wnioskującymi Kościołami, zgodnie z art. 25 ust. 5 Konstytucji RP. Analizując obowiązujące prawo oraz przebieg postępowania w sprawie wniosku autorzy opinii krytycznie oceniają działania i zaniechania w tej sprawie naczelnych organów władzy i administracji państwowej.The opinion refers to the application dated 15 February 2010 submitted by a group of nine churches and other religious associations belonging to the Pentacostal Christian movement. The application was addressed to the Prime Minister and requested the entry of the Council of Ministers into talks on concluding an agreement and passing relevant law on the relations between the Republic of Poland and the applying churches, in accordance with Article 25(5) of the Constitution of the Republic of Poland. By analysing the applicable law and the administrative procedure adopted for the examining of the application, the authors share a critical opinion on the activities and omissions of the supreme bodies of public administration

    Comparative Simulation Analysis of Selected Medium and High Voltage Surge Protection Devices

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    The aim of the article is to present and analyze the processes occurring as a result of installing a long flashover arrester (LFA) and a multi-chamber arrester (MCA) as overvoltage protection of power networks. The numerical models of LFA and MCA will be made in order to carry out simulations in the scope of selected structural elements of the considered overvoltage protection device. The above research is a significant supplement to the information on the selection of an effective solution for overvoltage protection

    Comparative Simulation Analysis of Selected Medium and High Voltage Surge Protection Devices

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    The aim of the article is to present and analyze the processes occurring as a result of installing a long flashover arrester (LFA) and a multi-chamber arrester (MCA) as overvoltage protection of power networks. The numerical models of LFA and MCA will be made in order to carry out simulations in the scope of selected structural elements of the considered overvoltage protection device. The above research is a significant supplement to the information on the selection of an effective solution for overvoltage protection

    Methods of Assessing the Effectiveness of Filter Elements in Power Electronics

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    Newly constructed devices must meet a number of requirements in terms of the level of generated disturbances. To achieve an acceptable level in such devices, filters are installed—one of the cheapest ways to reduce interference in devices. One of the key elements of the filter that is responsible for the effectiveness of noise reduction are ferrites. Unfortunately, for various devices, an individual approach should be used in the selection of filters and, accordingly, ferrites. Due to the fact that ferrites from different manufacturers do not have standardized characteristics and information on their effectiveness, the selection of the right ferrite is a very time-consuming process. Therefore, this article will present the possibilities of quickly determining selected ferrite parameters in order to ensure the necessary level of noise reduction. For this purpose, assumptions from the CISPR 17 standard will be used. For selected types of ferrites, a large number of measurements were carried out in order to determine the optimal computational algorithm for adjusting ferrite characteristics to the designed conditions. The performance of these tests will be the basis for conducting tests on a larger number of ferrites, as well as for the development of possible standardization procedures

    Diversity Pertaining to the Attenuation of the RF Disturbance Suppression Power Line Filters

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    Filters for the suppression of the RF disturbances in power lines are passive; wideband stop filters attenuating common as well as differential disturbances should be insensitive to the variation in the impedance at the input and the output. The design and verification process of such filters differs entirely from that used for the signal RF filters. In the document CISPR 17, entitled “Methods of measurement of the suppression characteristics of passive EMC filtering devices”, two definitions of the attenuation of the common and differential modes are presented. The first is simply direct measurement, and the second is based on a calculation using the single-ended S-parameters of the multiport. These two definitions are the source of diversity. In this paper, we hypothesize that the attenuations achieved with these two methods are identical only if the filter is in perfect balance. Consequently, different attenuations can be achieved. The requirement of balance can be violated due to the tolerances of the components used in the filter. The paper begins with a simple unbalanced four-port, for which analytical formulas are derived. It is also shown that an approach with single-ended S-parameters enables the calculation of the mode conversion between the input and the output, which is called the conversion loss. This is the measure of the grade of the imbalance. Thereafter, the common-mode attenuation of an exemplary RF suppression filter is derived with the presented methods. Additionally, the conversion loss of the filter is calculated. The comparison of the conversion loss with both attenuations is satisfactory, proving the hypothesis formulated in the paper