13 research outputs found

    Rus' military in wars with Polovtsians from mid-11th to the mid-13th century

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    Celem pracy jest przedstawienie wojskowo艣ci ruskiej w walkach z ludem Po艂owc贸w od po艂owy XI do po艂owy XIII wieku. W oparciu o analiz臋 藕r贸de艂 przedstawione zosta艂y metody odpierania najazd贸w po艂owieckich, wyprawy ruskie w stepy oraz taktyka stosowana w bitwach. Przybli偶ona zosta艂a tak偶e organizacja ruskich i po艂owieckich si艂 zbrojnych, a tak偶e wzajemne relacje obu stron konfliktu na przestrzeni omawianego okresu.This paper's purpose is to present Rus' military affairs during wars with Polovtsian people from mid-11th to the mid-13th century. Based on the analysis of the sources methods of defence against Polovtsian invasions, Rus' expeditions and battle tactics were presented. Also organisation of Rus' and Polovtsian armies was brought closer, as well as their relations during described period

    Mercenaries in Rus' during the 9th-12th century

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    Celem niniejszej pracy jest poddanie analizie wzmianek 藕r贸d艂owych mog膮cych 艣wiadczy膰 o obecno艣ci najemnik贸w na s艂u偶bie w艂adc贸w ruskich od po艂owy IX wieku do ko艅ca XII wieku. Na ile pozwalaj膮 na to przekazy 藕r贸d艂owe, dokonano pr贸by rozdzielenia przypadk贸w s艂u偶by najemniczej od si艂 zbrojnych dzia艂aj膮cych jako wsparcie sojusznicze. Om贸wiona zosta艂a rola i liczebno艣膰 najemnik贸w w konfliktach, a tak偶e metody ich najmowania oraz op艂acania przez Rurykowicz贸w. Praca jest podzielona wed艂ug wyr贸偶nienia trzech grup najemnik贸w: skandynawskich Wareg贸w, koczownik贸w ze step贸w oraz wojownik贸w zachodnich.The purpose of this work is to analyse sources which can confirm presence of mercenaries at the Russian rulers' services since half of 9th century to the end of 12th century. There was a try to separate cases of mercenary services from situations when foreign soldiers were fighting as support of ally. In the text, there is a discussion about the role and number of mercenaries in the conflicts and also about their methods of hiring and paying them. The work is divided into three chapters according to division mercenaries in three groups: Scandinavian Varangians, steppe nomads and warriors from the West

    Data supplementary to the paper 'Influence of slope incline on the ejection of two-phase soil splashed material'

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    The results are related with experiments of soil splash phenomenon on simulated slope samples affected by single drop impact. The dataset contains 1) raw data with measured quantitites (mass of ejected material) and 2) Supplementary Material for the paper (detailed statistical analysis).More details are available in README file.</p

    Soil Deformation after Water Drop Impact鈥擜 Review of the Measurement Methods

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    Water erosion is an unfavorable phenomenon causing soil degradation. One of the factors causing water erosion is heavy or prolonged rainfall, the first effect of which is the deformation of the soil surface and the formation of microcraters. This paper presents an overview of research methods allowing the study of microcraters as well as the process of their formation. A tabular summary of work on the measurements of various quantities describing the craters is presented. The said quantities are divided into three groups: (i) static quantities, (ii) dynamic quantities, and (iii) dimensionless parameters. The most important measurement methods used to study crater properties, such as (i) basic manual measurement methods, (ii) photography, (iii) high-speed imaging, (iv) profilometers, (v) 3D surface modelling, and (vi) computed tomography (CT) and its possibilities and limitations are discussed. The main challenges and prospects of research on soil surface deformation are also presented

    Splash erosion and surface deformation following a drop impact on the soil with different hydrophobicity levels and moisture content.

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    The splash phenomenon and the scale of the surface deformation of post-fire soils in the variants of various hydrophobicity and moisture content were studied. Splash erosion is the result of the impact of a single water drop and was analysed using high-speed cameras, while the surface deformation was parameterized using a structured light scanner. The extremely water-repellent variant (dry_V) showed distinct differences, expressed primarily in the number of ejected particles, which was 2.5 times higher than in the four soils with lower levels of hydrophobicity. It was also observed that as a result of the drop impact onto an extremely hydrophobic soil surface, a form known as liquid marble was created inside the crater. Soil moisture content determined the manner, scale and dynamics of the splash erosion. In the case of wet soils, the phenomenon proceeded up to five times faster, and as a result of the drop impact, a large number of fine particles were ejected, which reached nearly twice the velocities and three times the displacement distances compared to the dry soil group. However, the particles and/or aggregate splashed on the dry samples were larger, which also translated into the formation of craters up to twice as extensive as those in the wet soils

    The static parameters of the crown.

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    <p>S鈥搒pread, H鈥揾eight, D鈥揹iameter, h<sub>unbr</sub>鈭抙eight of unbroken part of crown, d<sub>b</sub>鈭抌ase diameter.</p

    Comparison of crown shapes at different time intervals.

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    <p>(t<sub>1</sub> = 0.92 ms, t<sub>2</sub> = 1.53 ms, t<sub>3</sub> = 3.06 ms, t<sub>4</sub> = 7.65 ms) Time intervals after the drop impact from 1.5 m height for: (a) crown on soil surface; (b) crown on water layer.</p

    The differences in crown formation during the splash on the thin water layers formed on the saturated soil surface and model surface - Fig 6

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    <p><b>The velocities of (A) crown rising (vertical velocity) and (B) crown spreading (horizontal velocity) for the saturated soil and water layer</b>.</p