24 research outputs found

    Personality profiles in youth with DBD

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    Abstract : This registered report is a conceptual replication of the study conducted by Wilson et al. (2019) which showed that distinct latent personality profiles in adolescents with disruptive behavior disorders differed on key functioning variables. The present study included 206 adolescents (M = 17.25; SD = 0.95) with borderline clinical or clinical scores for oppositional deviant disorder or conduct disorder. Latent profile analyses using parent- and adolescent-reported Big Five domains revealed two- and three-profile solutions, respectively. When controlling for sex, results from the manual BCH method for auxiliary variables showed that profile membership is associated with different clinically relevant outcomes, such as comorbid psychological disorders, risky sexual behavior, and attachment to parents and friends

    The favorable role of natural organic matter on disinfection efficacy

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    Patron de marche : comparaison entre contrĂ´les et adolescents atteints d'une scoliose idiopathique

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    Scoliosis is a 3D deformation of the spine and thoracic cage and mostly teenager girls are affected by it. Spatio-temporal parameters during walking has been described for this population but kinetic factors have not been documented as well as the asymmetry between the two legs. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to quantify the kinetics of the lower limbs in idiopathic scoliotic patients (ISP) and control adolescents. Ten control adolescents and nine ISP walked at comfortable speed for ten trials on a 10m walkway. Control adolescents walked at a slightly but not significantly faster speed than ISP. No other tendency is reported for cadence, stride length, stance and double support phases durations. Control adolescents show greater ankle (A2) plantar flexors energy generation during push-off and hip (H3) flexor energy generation during late stance and early swing phases compared to ISP. ISP displayed significantly more work asymmetry than controls for the knee absorption bursts. Generally, work bursts of the control group are usually greater than the ones of the ISP group. The greater work reported by the ankle plantar flexors (A2) during push-off and hip flexors (H3) during late stance and pull-off can explain the higher walking speed compared to the ISP group

    Les rotations des ceintures scapulaire et pelvienne Ă  la marche : comparaison entre contrĂ´les et adolescents atteints d'une scoliose idiopathique

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    Subjects with idiopathic scoliosis, during a walking task at natural speed, showed no difference in pelvic and shoulder range of motion. However, idiopathic scoliosis shoulder minimum range of motion was smaller in coronal plane and did not cross the neutral position. Consequently, that means idiopathic scoliosis shoulder rotated farer counterclockwise than clockwise. Surprisingly, it did not affect movement nor coordination in the frontal plane which demonstrates that, even if shoulder rotations are asymmetric, the trunk is able to adapt and to coordinate walking pattern

    Workers’ characteristics associated with the type of healthcare provider first seen for occupational back pain

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    Abstract Background Few studies have compared the factors that drive patients’ decision to choose a chiropractor, physician or physiotherapist as their first healthcare provider for occupational back pain. The purpose of this study is to identify characteristics associated with the choice of first healthcare provider seen for acute uncomplicated occupational back pain. Methods We analyzed data collected by the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board from a cohort of workers with compensated back pain in 2005 in Ontario (Canada). Multivariable logistic regression models were created to identify factors associated with the type of first healthcare provider seen (chiropractor, physician, or physiotherapist). Adjustments to the final models were evaluated using the area under the receiver-operating characteristics curve (ROC). Results According to the 5520 analyzed claims, 85.3 % of the patients saw a physician, 11.4 % saw a chiropractor, and 3.2 % saw a physiotherapist. Longer job tenure (odds ratio (OR) = 1.02, P = 0.004), higher gross personal income (OR = 1.06, P = 0.018), mixed-manual job (OR = 1.35, P = 0.004) and previous similar injury (OR = 1.60, P 500,000 inhabitants) and the availability of an early return to work program in the workplace (OR = 0.77, P = 0.035) decreased it. The odds of seeing a physiotherapist rather than a physician increased with increasing age (OR = 1.19, P = 0.019), previous similar injury (OR = 1.71, P 1,500,000 inhabitants; OR = 2.58, P = 0.002) increased the odds of seeing a physiotherapist rather than a chiropractor, while holding a mixed-manual job significantly decreased those odds (OR = 0.63, P = 0.044). The area under the ROC curve of our multivariable models varied from 0.62 to 0.64. Conclusion The type of first healthcare provider sought for occupational back pain is influenced by injury-and work-related factors and by the worker’s age, income and community size. Contrary to previous studies, the workers who first sought a physician did not have higher odds of having a severe injury

    A taxonomy of nursing care organization models in hospitals

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    Abstract Background Over the last decades, converging forces in hospital care, including cost-containment policies, rising healthcare demands and nursing shortages, have driven the search for new operational models of nursing care delivery that maximize the use of available nursing resources while ensuring safe, high-quality care. Little is known, however, about the distinctive features of these emergent nursing care models. This article contributes to filling this gap by presenting a theoretically and empirically grounded taxonomy of nursing care organization models in the context of acute care units in Quebec and comparing their distinctive features. Methods This study was based on a survey of 22 medical units in 11 acute care facilities in Quebec. Data collection methods included questionnaire, interviews, focus groups and administrative data census. The analytical procedures consisted of first generating unit profiles based on qualitative and quantitative data collected at the unit level, then applying hierarchical cluster analysis to the units’ profile data. Results The study identified four models of nursing care organization: two professional models that draw mainly on registered nurses as professionals to deliver nursing services and reflect stronger support to nurses’ professional practice, and two functional models that draw more significantly on licensed practical nurses (LPNs) and assistive staff (orderlies) to deliver nursing services and are characterized by registered nurses’ perceptions that the practice environment is less supportive of their professional work. Conclusions This study showed that medical units in acute care hospitals exhibit diverse staff mixes, patterns of skill use, work environment design, and support for innovation. The four models reflect not only distinct approaches to dealing with the numerous constraints in the nursing care environment, but also different degrees of approximations to an “ideal” nursing professional practice model described by some leaders in the contemporary nursing literature. While the two professional models appear closer to this ideal, the two functional models are farther removed.</p