494 research outputs found

    Interactions between self penetrating neural interfaces and peripheral nerves

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    This work provides a simple framework to optimize the design of self penetrating neural interfaces. First, an assessment of interactions between electrodes and peripheral nerves is provided and related to the instantaneous elasticity of the tissue. Then, the elastic instability of electrodes is considered, because it is the main cause of failure of implants. The connection between the previous two sections, integrated with an assessment of a safety coefficient for in-vivo implants, allows to predict some important parameters of a reliable electrode: its maximum slenderness ratio (SR) and the minimum Young modulus of its main shaft

    European study of research and development in mobility technology for persons with disabilities

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    In the fall of 2010, the National Science Foundation, the National Institutes of Health and the U.S. Veteran's Administration jointly supported a review of mobility technology in Europe. A delegation of American Scientists traveled to Europe to visit a number of research centers and engaged in a demonstration and dialogue related to the global state-of-the-art for mobility impairment rectification and augmentation. From the observations and exchanges between the U.S. delegation and host institutions, the researchers were able to derive a series of papers which are now published in this thematic series of Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation. The papers describe the main themes of the European mobility technology research activities showing a healthy picture of research and innovation in the field

    Characterization of age-related modifications of upper limb motor control strategies in a new dynamic environment

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>In the past, several research groups have shown that when a velocity dependent force field is applied during upper limb movements subjects are able to deal with this external perturbation after some training. This adaptation is achieved by creating a new internal model which is included in the normal unperturbed motor commands to achieve good performance. The efficiency of this motor control mechanism can be compromised by pathological disorders or by muscular-skeletal modifications such as the ones due to the natural aging process. In this respect, the present study aimed at identifying the age-related modifications of upper limb motor control strategies during adaptation and de-adaptation processes in velocity dependent force fields.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Eight young and eight elderly healthy subjects were included in the experiment. Subjects were instructed to perform pointing movements in the horizontal plane both in a null field and in a velocity dependent force field. The evolution of smoothness and hand path were used to characterize the performance of the subjects. Furthermore, the ability of modulating the interactive torque has been used as a paradigm to explain the observed discoordinated patterns during the adaptation process.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The evolution of the kinematics during the experiments highlights important behavioural differences between the two groups during the adaptation and de-adaptation processes. In young subjects the improvement of movement smoothness was in accordance with the expected learning trend related to the consolidation of the internal model. On the contrary, elders did not show a coherent learning process. The kinetic analysis pointed out the presence of different strategies for the compensation of the external perturbation: older people required an increased involvement of the shoulder with a different modulation of joint torque components during the evolution of the experiments.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The results obtained with the present study seem to confirm the presence of different adaptation mechanisms in young and senior subjects. The strategy adopted by young subjects was to first minimize hand path errors with a secondary process that is consistent with the optimization of the effort. Elderly subjects instead, seemed to shift the importance of the two processes involved in the control loop slowing the mechanism optimizing kinematic performance and enabling more the dynamic adaptation mechanism.</p

    Characterization of age-related modifications of upper limb motor control strategies in a new dynamic environment

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>In the past, several research groups have shown that when a velocity dependent force field is applied during upper limb movements subjects are able to deal with this external perturbation after some training. This adaptation is achieved by creating a new internal model which is included in the normal unperturbed motor commands to achieve good performance. The efficiency of this motor control mechanism can be compromised by pathological disorders or by muscular-skeletal modifications such as the ones due to the natural aging process. In this respect, the present study aimed at identifying the age-related modifications of upper limb motor control strategies during adaptation and de-adaptation processes in velocity dependent force fields.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Eight young and eight elderly healthy subjects were included in the experiment. Subjects were instructed to perform pointing movements in the horizontal plane both in a null field and in a velocity dependent force field. The evolution of smoothness and hand path were used to characterize the performance of the subjects. Furthermore, the ability of modulating the interactive torque has been used as a paradigm to explain the observed discoordinated patterns during the adaptation process.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The evolution of the kinematics during the experiments highlights important behavioural differences between the two groups during the adaptation and de-adaptation processes. In young subjects the improvement of movement smoothness was in accordance with the expected learning trend related to the consolidation of the internal model. On the contrary, elders did not show a coherent learning process. The kinetic analysis pointed out the presence of different strategies for the compensation of the external perturbation: older people required an increased involvement of the shoulder with a different modulation of joint torque components during the evolution of the experiments.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The results obtained with the present study seem to confirm the presence of different adaptation mechanisms in young and senior subjects. The strategy adopted by young subjects was to first minimize hand path errors with a secondary process that is consistent with the optimization of the effort. Elderly subjects instead, seemed to shift the importance of the two processes involved in the control loop slowing the mechanism optimizing kinematic performance and enabling more the dynamic adaptation mechanism.</p

    In vivo interactions between tungsten microneedles and peripheral nerves

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    Tungsten microneedles are currently used to insert neural electrodes into living peripheral nerves. However, the biomechanics underlying these procedures is not yet well characterized. For this reason, the aim of this work was to model the interactions between these microneedles and living peripheral nerves. A simple mathematical framework was especially provided to model both compression of the external layer of the nerve (epineurium) and the interactions resulting from penetration of the main shaft of the microneedle inside the living nerves. The instantaneous Young's modulus, compression force, the work needed to pierce the tissue, puncturing pressure, and the dynamic friction coefficient between the tungsten microneedles and living nerves were quantified starting from acute experiments, aiming to reproduce the physical environment of real implantations. Indeed, a better knowledge of the interactions between microneedles and peripheral nerves may be useful to improve the effectiveness of these insertion techniques, and could represent a key factor for designing robot-assisted procedures tailored for peripheral nerve insertion

    Alignment of angular velocity sensors for a vestibular prosthesis

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    Vestibular prosthetics transmit angular velocities to the nervous system via electrical stimulation. Head-fixed gyroscopes measure angular motion, but the gyroscope coordinate system will not be coincident with the sensory organs the prosthetic replaces. Here we show a simple calibration method to align gyroscope measurements with the anatomical coordinate system. We benchmarked the method with simulated movements and obtain proof-of-concept with one healthy subject. The method was robust to misalignment, required little data, and minimal processing

    On the identification of sensory information from mixed nerves by using single-channel cuff electrodes

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    Background: Several groups have shown that the performance of motor neuroprostheses can be significantly improved by detecting specific sensory events related to the ongoing motor task (e.g., the slippage of an object during grasping). Algorithms have been developed to achieve this goal by processing electroneurographic (ENG) afferent signals recorded by using single-channel cuff electrodes. However, no efforts have been made so far to understand the number and type of detectable sensory events that can be differentiated from whole nerve recordings using this approach. Methods: To this aim, ENG afferent signals, evoked by different sensory stimuli were recorded using single-channel cuff electrodes placed around the sciatic nerve of anesthetized rats. The ENG signals were digitally processed and several features were extracted and used as inputs for the classification. The work was performed on integral datasets, without eliminating any noisy parts, in order to be as close as possible to real application. Results: The results obtained showed that single-channel cuff electrodes are able to provide information on two to three different afferent (proprioceptive, mechanical and nociceptive) stimuli, with reasonably good discrimination ability. The classification performances are affected by the SNR of the signal, which in turn is related to the diameter of the fibers encoding a particular type of neurophysiological stimulus. Conclusions: Our findings indicate that signals of acceptable SNR and corresponding to different physiological modalities (e.g. mediated by different types of nerve fibers) may be distinguished

    A finite element model of the mechanical interactions between peripheral nerves and intrafascicular implants

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    : Objective.Intrafascicular peripheral nerve implants are key components in the development of bidirectional neuroprostheses such as touch-enabled bionic limbs for amputees. However, the durability of such interfaces is hindered by the immune response following the implantation. Among the causes linked to such reaction, the mechanical mismatch between host nerve and implant is thought to play a decisive role, especially in chronic settings.Approach.Here we focus on modeling mechanical stresses induced on the peripheral nerve by the implant's micromotion using finite element analysis. Through multiple parametric sweeps, we analyze the role of the implant's material, geometry (aspect-ratio and shape), and surface coating, deriving a set of parameters for the design of better-integrated implants.Main results.Our results indicate that peripheral nerve implants should be designed and manufactured with smooth edges, using materials at most three orders of magnitude stiffer than the nerve, and with innovative geometries to redistribute micromotion-associated loads to less delicate parts of the nerve such as the epineurium.Significance.Overall, our model is a useful tool for the peripheral nerve implant designer that is mindful of the importance of implant mechanics for long term applications