14 research outputs found

    Facilitating factors and barriers to accessibility and utilization of kangaroo mother care service among parents of low birth weight infants in Mangochi District, Malawi: a qualitative study

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    Kangaroo Mother Care (KMC) is one of the interventions widely used in low-income countries to manage Low Birth Weight Infants (LBWIs), a global leading cause of neonatal and child mortality. LBWI largely contributes to neonatal mortality in Malawi despite the country strengthening and implementing KMC, nationwide, to enhance the survival of LBWIs. This qualitative study aimed to assess the facilitating factors and barriers to accessibility and utilization of KMC service by the parent of low birth weight infants (PLBWIs) in Mangochi District, Malawi. Methods: Two focused group discussions assessed factors facilitating and hindering the accessibility and utilization of KMC service were conducted in April 2018 that reached out to (N = 12) participants; (n:6) PLBWI practicing KMC at Mangochi district hospital (MDH) referred from four health facilities and (n:6) high-risk pregnant mothers (HRPMs) visiting antenatal care (ANC) clinic at MDH. The availability of KMC at MDH was assessed using KMC availability checklist. The study used purposive, convenient and simple random sampling to identify eligible participants

    Genre, pouvoir et développement : des stratégies des femmes dans la production maraîchère de Kinshasa, Zaïre

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    Evidence of the factors that influence the utilisation of Kangaroo Mother Care by parents with low-birth-weight infants in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs): a scoping review protocol

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    Abstract Background The Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 3 emphasises on reducing neonatal deaths caused by low birth weight (LBW) complications by the implementation and utilisation of Kangaroo Mother Care (KMC) in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). Despite the empirical evidence of KMC optimising low-birth-weight infants’ (LBWIs’) survival, its advantages and the LMICs implementing the service, studies have shown that LBW infant deaths occurring in LMICs are largely contributing to global child mortality. The aim of this scoping review is to map out the literature on barriers, challenges and facilitators of KMC utilisation by parents with LBWIs. Methods and analysis This scoping review will use Endnote X7 reference management software to manage articles. The review search strategy will use SCIELO and LILACS databases. Other databases will be used via EBSCOHost search engine and these are Academic search complete, CINAHL with full text, Education source, Health source: Nursing/Academic Edition, Medline with full text and Medline. We will also use Google Scholar, JSTOR, Open grey search engines and reference lists. A two-phase search mapping out process will be done. In phase 1, one reviewer will perform the title screening and removal of duplicates. Two reviewers will do a parallel abstract screening according to eligibility criteria. Phase 2 will involve the reading of full articles and exclusion of articles, in accordance with the eligibility criteria. Data extraction from the articles will be done by two reviewers independently and parallel to the data extraction form. The data quality assessment of the eligible studies will be done using the Mixed Method Appraisal Tool (MMAT). The extraction of the synthesised results and thematic content analysis of the studies will be done by NVIVO version 10. Discussion We expect to find studies on barriers, challenges and facilitating factors of KMC utilisation by parents with LBWIs in LMICs. The review outcomes will guide future research and practice and inform policy. The findings will be disseminated in print, electronic and conference presentations related to maternal child and neonatal health

    chirurgia 6 op_c 4'2006 a.qxd

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    Rezumat Anastomoza Cannieu-Riche a nervului ulnar cu nervul median: prezentare de caz Am decelat la un cadavru de sex masculin un tip nou de anastomozã Cannieu-Riche foarte lungã între partea proximalã a trunchiului profund a nervului ulnar pentru adductorul policelui aei ramul trunchiului recurent al nervului median pentru capãtul superficial al flexorului scurt al policelui. Semnificaåia clinicã a unei astfel de comunicaåii este posibila prezervare a funcåiei, totalã sau paråialã, muaechilor tenari prin nervul ulnar în cazul leziunilor nervului median. Ignorarea acestei anomalii poate duce la dificultãåi în interpretarea datelor clinice, chirurgicale aei electroneuromiografice. Prezentãm incidenåa, dubla inervaåie aei semnificaåia clinicã a anastomozei Cannieu-Riche aei propunem o nouã clasificare a tipurilor variate a acestei anastomoze nervoase. Cuvinte cheie: anastomozã Cannieu-Riche, nervul ulnar, nervul median Abstract We observed in a male cadaver the presence of a new type of very long Cannieu-Riche anastomosis between the proximal portion of the deep branch of the ulnar nerve for the adductor pollicis and ramus of the recurrent branch of the median nerve to the superficial head of the flexor pollicis brevis. The clinical relevance of such a communication is the possible preservation of the function of all or part of thenar muscles from the ulnar nerve in case of median nerve lesion. The ignorance of that anomaly can induce obscure clinical, surgical and electroneuromyographical findings. We report on the incidence, the double innervation and the clinical significance of Cannieu-Riche anastomosis and provide a new classification of the various types of this nerval connection

    Quantifier les dimensions des houppiers à l’aide d’images aériennes à haute résolution pour estimer l’accroissement diamétrique des arbres dans les forêts d’Afrique centrale

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    Caractériser la dynamique d’une forêt est essentiel pour la gestion forestière. Les houppiers des arbres forment un élément clé de cette dynamique ; mais, en forêt tropicale, les mesurer n’est pas simple. Cette étude teste l’utilisation d’images aériennes à haute résolution pour estimer la croissance diamétrique des arbres, en intégrant des mesures fines des houppiers détectés. Des ortho-images de 10 cm/pixel de résolution ont été obtenues à l’aide d’un drone à aile fixe sur une parcelle de 9 ha, installée dans la forêt de Yoko en République démocratique du Congo. Les inventaires menés sur les arbres de DHP ≥ 10 cm en 2008 et en 2016 ont permis d’avoir accès à différentes caractéristiques dendrométriques individuelles, dont le diamètre des arbres et leur tempérament, et de calculer des accroissements diamétriques. Des modèles linéaires mixtes ont été calibrés pour prédire l’accroissement de 163 arbres identifiés à la fois sur le terrain et sur les ortho-images en utilisant les variables quantifiées uniquement sur le terrain et/ou à partir de variables mesurées sur les ortho-images. Les images aériennes ont permis de détecter 23,4 % des arbres de DHP ≥ 10 cm inventoriés au sol, et représentant 75,1 % de la biomasse aérienne du peuplement. La probabilité de détection des arbres a varié en fonction de leur DHP : de 0,09 pour les arbres de DHP < 30 cm à 0,97 pour les arbres de DHP ≥ 60 cm. Les variables quantifiées par télédétection ajoutées aux variables de terrain ont permis d’améliorer significativement la prédiction de l’accroissement diamétrique. Les meilleurs modèles d’estimation des accroissements diamétriques contiennent notamment un terme caractérisant la dimension du houppier des arbres qui n’a pu être mesuré que par télédétection. Parmi les variables déterminées par télédétection, la superficie convexe du houppier est apparue la plus performante dans les modèles, et s’avère ainsi être la mesure la plus intéressante pour décrire la compétition entre les houppiers. Ces résultats ouvrent des perspectives pour construire de nouveaux outils d’acquisition de données au service de l’aménagement forestier

    chirurgia 4 Ku_c 4&apos;2006 a.qxd

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    Rezumat Osteodistracåia bimaxilarã -o metodã eficientã pentru corectarea deficitului transversal. Prezentare de caz Dizarmoniile dento-maxilare apar la pacienåii adulåi datoritã discrepanåei dintre dimensiunea dinåilor aei a osului subjacent fiind mai frecvent întâlnite în cazurile cu hipodezvoltare transversalã maxilarã si mandibularã. Tratamentul ortodontic clasic utilizeazã ca metodã de creare de spaåiu extracåiile dentare sau expansiunea arcadelor, care însã au dezavantaje estetice majore pentru pacienåi. Expansiunea palatinã rapidã asistatã chirurgical împreunã cu osteodistracåia medianã mandibularã reprezintã o metodã de avangardã în tratamentul ortodontic aei chirurgical al pacienåilor cu deficite transversale severe de dezvoltare al ambelor maxilare. Expansiunea obåinutã prin aceastã metodã este mai stabilã aei spaåiul generat este mult mai mare în comparaåie cu metoda convenåionalã ortodonticã. Cazul de faåã ilustreazã avantajele acestei proceduri chirurgicale, care asociatã cu un tratament ortodontic produce modificãri morfologice faciale majore aei ocluzale aei totodatã permite o aliniere dentarã armonioasã. Cuvinte cheie: expansiune palatinã rapidã asistatã chirurgical, osteodistracåie mandibularã medianã, deficit transversal bimaxilar, tratament ortodontic Abstract Severe dental crowding in adult patients is one of the features of disparity between the size of the teeth and the jaws. It is most frequently found in cases with a transverse hypoplasia of the maxilla and the mandible. The traditional orthodontic approach is extraction of teeth or arch expansion, both of them with major esthetic disadvantages for the patients. The surgically assisted maxillary expansion (SARME) and the mandibular midsymphyseal distraction osteogenesis procedures open new horizons for the orthodontists and maxillofacial surgeons in the effort to solve the esthetic demands of the patients with dental crowding and severe transversal discrepancy. The amount of surgical expansion is of higher magnitude and stability then the one achieved in orthodontic cases. The case presented here highlights the importance of the surgical procedure followed by the orthodontic therapy due to the enhancement in occlusion, dental alignment and facial morphology