16 research outputs found

    The Geoscience of Climate and Energy 1. Understanding the Climate System, and the Consequences of Climate Change for the Exploitation and Management of Natural Resources: The View from Banff

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    A commonly expressed opinion within the earth-science community is that the work of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has largely ignored paleoclimate data and the methods of research utilized by earth scientists. It can be demonstrated that this is not the case, and one of the objectives of the Gussow–Nuna conference was to present current research in this area. Whereas earth scientists might seem ideally placed to address issues of climate change and energy, many of the beliefs that inform public opinion about global warming and climate change are based on misrepresentations or over-simplifications. Six examples are discussed here, including mis-perceptions about the melting and retreat of glaciers, the true causes of concern about the future fate of polar bears, and myths about petroleum pricing and availability. There is ample space for the earth-science community to add its informed voice to debates about energy and climate change, but, to date, this voice appears to be have been largely ineffective. RÉSUMÉ Dans le milieu des sciences de la Terre on a souvent l’opinion que les travaux du Groupe d'experts intergouverne-mental sur l'Ă©volution du climat (GIEC) ont largement ignorĂ© les donnĂ©es et les mĂ©thodes de recherche palĂ©oclimatiques employĂ©es par les gĂ©oscientiques. On peut prouver que ce n’est pas le cas, et que c’était un des objectifs de la ConfĂ©rence Gussow− Nuna que de prĂ©senter les recherches actuelles en la matiĂšre. Bien qu’il semble que les gĂ©oscientifiques soient les mieux placĂ©s pour traiter de questions de changement climatique et d’énergie, de nombreuses croyances qui modĂšlent l’opinion publique sur le rĂ©chauffement global et le changement climatique reposent sur des informations trompeuses ou des simplifications excessives. Six exemples seront discutĂ©es ci-dessous, dont les perceptions erronĂ©es sur la fonte et le retrait des glaciers, les vĂ©ritables motifs d’inquiĂ©tude sur le sort des ours blancs, et la saga des prix et de la disponibilitĂ© du pĂ©trole. Nombreux sont les forums oĂč les gĂ©oscientifiques peuvent faire entendre leur voix compĂ©tentes dans les dĂ©bats sur l’énergie et le changement climatique, mais il semble que cela ait Ă©tĂ© sans grand effet jusqu’à maintenant

    Canada-wide Survey of Canadian Scientiests: A Preliminary Report on the State of the Discipline, the Fossil Fuel Industries and Environmental Science

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    A survey of Canadian earth scientists has yielded important information concerning their attitudes in four key areas relevant to the future of geoscience in Canada. First, most respondents agree that traditional geology departments in Canada are shifting their primary focus from the science of exploration and extraction of resources to environmental science and environmental remediation. Second, a majority believe that fossil fuel industries are perceived by the general public as contributors to global warming. Notably, most respondents also support the implementation of programs to mitigate the effects of these emissions. Third, in terms of the relevance of earth science to the study of climate change, although a majority responded that climate change, over the last few decades, has been driven by a combination of natural and anthropogenic processes, most also agreed that explanations for this climate change have not adequately taken paleoclimate data into consideration. Finally, in terms of the role of science and advocacy in informing public policy, a significant majority of respondents felt that public understandings and media representations of climate change are not based on good scientific knowledge and that politicians are more influenced by public opinion than science. Most respondents felt that earth scientists need to become more active in speaking out about social problems and their solutions. An agenda for change should include the development of public position statements on issues of national importance, and a public education campaign about the work of the geoscience community. SOMMAIRE Une enquĂȘte d'opinion menĂ©e auprĂšs des gĂ©oscientifiques canadiens a mis au jour des informations significatives sur leurs attitudes quant Ă  l'avenir des gĂ©osciences au Canada. PremiĂšrement, la plupart des rĂ©pondants se sont dit d'avis que les centres d'intĂ©rĂȘts des dĂ©partements de gĂ©ologie au Canada changeaient des sciences de l'exploration et de l'extraction des ressources vers les sciences de l'environnement et les sciences de restauration de l'environnement. DeuxiĂšmement, une majoritĂ© ont dit croire que les industries des Ă©nergies fossiles sont perçues par le public en gĂ©nĂ©ral, comme facteurs du rĂ©chauffement planĂ©taire. On notera aussi, que la plupart ont dit soutenir la mise en Ɠuvre de programmes d'attĂ©nuation des effets des Ă©missions dont elles sont responsables. TroisiĂšmement, quant Ă  l'intĂ©rĂȘt des gĂ©osciences dans l'Ă©tude des changements climatiques, bien qu'une majoritĂ© se soit montrĂ©s d'accord, que les changements climatiques des derniĂšres dĂ©cennies aient Ă©tĂ© causĂ©s par une combinaison de processus naturels et anthropogĂ©niques, la plupart ont considĂ©rĂ©s que les explications n'avaient pas suffisamment tenu compte des donnĂ©es palĂ©oclimatiques. Finalement, en ce qui Ă  trait Ă  la science et Ă  son devoir d'information et de soutien des politiques publiques, une importante majoritĂ© des rĂ©pondants ont estimĂ© qu'en matiĂšre de changements climatiques, la comprĂ©hension du public et la reprĂ©sentation qu'en donne les mĂ©dias ne reposent pas sur des connaissances scientifiques de qualitĂ©, et que les politiciens sont davantage influencĂ©s par l'opinion publique que par la science. La plupart des rĂ©pondants ont estimĂ© que les gĂ©oscientifiques devaient s'investir davantage dans les dĂ©bats et faire entendre leur voix sur les problĂšmes sociaux et leurs solutions. Toute initiative de changement doit comprendre un volet d'Ă©laboration de prise de position publique sur les questions d'intĂ©rĂȘt nationale, ainsi qu'une campagne d'Ă©ducation du public sur le travail de la communautĂ© gĂ©oscientifique

    Mass media and adolescent female fashion decisions

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    Bibliography: p. 150-158

    Talking About Genetics: Community Perceptions of the Importance of Biological Inheritance for Determining Child Outcome

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    As part of a study of community attitudes toward adoption, 82 Canadians responded to questions concerning the importance of biological inheritance for determining child outcome, whether it is important for a person to know a great deal about his or her biological background, and what particular things a person should know about his or her biological background. Substantial support existed for the need to know one's biological background, especially medical history. Reference to scientific studies, genes, and genetics were strongly associated with "very important" responses; but parenting and sociocultural family environment were viewed as mediating the influence of biological inheritance. Implications for adoption practice are considered

    A Comparison of Biological and Adoptive Mothers and Fathers: The Relevance of Biological Kinship and Gendered Constructs of Parenthood

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    Using in-depth qualitative interviews with 82 respondents, we examine the nature of beliefs and values about biological (birth) and adoptive parents. With a Canada-wide random sample of 706 respondents, we examine their prevalence in the larger population. We also consider how aspects of biological kinship, gender and actual parenting behaviour affect assessments respondents make of the emotional bonding that occurs between parents and children. Different “natures” are ascribed to women and men whether biological or adoptive parents-motherhood is instinctive and fatherhood is learned. We consider the implications of the social context and these gendered constructs of motherhood and fatherhood for family practitioners working in adoption