811 research outputs found

    Diet Digestibility and Growth Performance of Giant Gouramy Juvenile, Osphronemus Goramy Fed on Diet Supplemented Using Glutamine

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    Ikan gurami Osphronemus goramy sebagai komoditas unggulan ikan air tawar mempunyai pertumbuhan yang lambat. Oleh sebab itu, penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan mengevaluasi penambahan glutamin dengan dosis berbeda dalam pakan terhadap kecernaan pakan dan kinerja pertumbuhan benih ikan gurami. Penelitian ini terdiri atas dua tahap yaitu uji kecernaan pakan dan uji pertumbuhan. Glutamin dengan dosis 0, 1, 2 dan 3% dicampurkan ke dalam pakan uji isoprotein dan isoenergi. Chromium oxide (Cr2O3) ditambahkan dalam pakan uji sebanyak 0,6% sebagai indikator kecernaan. Ikan uji yang digunakan adalah benih ikan gurami dengan bobot awal 2,07±0,00 g, dipelihara dalam akuarium berukuran 50x40x35 cm3 dengan padat tebar 25 ekor per akuarium. Ikan diberi pakan uji dengan frekuensi tiga kali dalam sehari yaitu pada pukul 07.00, 12.00, dan 17.00 WIB secara at satiation. Uji kecernaan pakan dilakukan selama 20 hari menggunakan metode pengumpulan feses yang dilakukan pada hari ketujuh setelah ikan diberi pakan uji. Uji pertumbuhan dilakukan selama 60 hari dan selama pemeliharaan dilakukan pergantian air sebanyak 30% dari volume media pemeliharaan pada pagi hari sebelum pemberian pakan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penambahan glutamin 3% meningkatkan kecernaan total (73,66±0,18%), kecernaan energi (64,79±0,22%), kecernaan protein (90,57±0,01%), aktivitas enzim protease (6,13±0,02 U g-1 protein) dan lipase (0,86±0,01 U g-1 protein) serta kadar glikogen hati (6,86±0,17mg g-1 sampel). Penambahan glutamin 2% meningkatkan efisiensi pakan (88,75±2,54%), laju pertumbuhan harian (4,25±0,07%) dan retensi protein (47,19±0,77%). Disimpulkan bahwa penambahan glutamin dosis 2-3% dalam pakan dapat meningkatkan kecernaan pakan dan kinerja pertumbuhan benih ikan gurami

    Hubungan Dukungan Sosial dengan Prestasi Belajar Mahasiswa Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Riau Angkatan 2011

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    Social support is one of the factors affect learning achievement. Socialsupport are attention, love, and advice that will give positive effect toward thestudents. The purpose of this study was to determine correlation of level study skillwith learning achievement of Medical Faculty students of Riau University batch2011. The study design was analytic with cross sectional method . The subject of thisstudy was Medical Faculty students of Riau University batch 2011. This study samplewas taken by total sampling technique. This study used a questionnaire of socialsupport and social support Study Results Card ( SRC ) to measure learningachievement . Statistical test used for correlation of social support with learninugachievment was Spearman test. The statistially study results showed there was nosignificant correlation between social support learning achievement. The conclusionof this study was most of students have categorie high social support and most ofstudent (Grade Point Avarage) GPA category were very satisfying

    Hambatan Pelaksanaan Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal Mata Pelajaran Produktif Tata Busana SMKN 1 Lembah Gumanti

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    This study aims to describe the implementation of Productive KKM dressmaking courses in SMKN 1 Gumanti Valley, in terms of the criteria for determining the KKM intake (student ability), complexity (difficulty level indicator), and carrying capacity. This research is qualitative research. Subject and informant research is Professor Earning dressmaking, amounting to 5 (five) people. Data collection techniques are observation, interviews, documentation, and triangulation. Data processing techniques are data collection, data reduction, data display, and conclusion. The results of this study indicate the general implementation of the Productive subjects KKM dressmaking, where teachers are still having difficulty, namely the intake criteria (student ability), On the criteria of complexity where teachers are difficult to adjust the complexity of the material with the ability of students. As well as carrying on the criteria, lack of educational infrastructure that supports the learning process, and the number of teachers earning dressmaking that do not meet the ideal standards

    Intelligent Information Loss: The Coding of Facial Identity, Head Pose, and Non-Face Information in the Macaque Face Patch System

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    Faces are a behaviorally important class of visual stimuli for primates. Recent work in macaque monkeys has identified six discrete face areas where most neurons have higher firing rates to images of faces compared with other objects (Tsao et al., 2006). While neurons in these areas appear to have different tuning (Freiwald and Tsao, 2010; Issa and DiCarlo, 2012), exactly what types of information and, consequently, which visual behaviors neural populations within each face area can support, is unknown. Here we use population decoding to better characterize three of these face patches (ML/MF, AL, and AM). We show that neural activity in all patches contains information that discriminates between the broad categories of face and nonface objects, individual faces, and nonface stimuli. Information is present in both high and lower firing rate regimes. However, there were significant differences between the patches, with the most anterior patch showing relatively weaker representation of nonface stimuli. Additionally, we find that pose-invariant face identity information increases as one moves to more anterior patches, while information about the orientation of the head decreases. Finally, we show that all the information we can extract from the population is present in patterns of activity across neurons, and there is relatively little information in the total activity of the population. These findings give new insight into the representations constructed by the face patch system and how they are successively transformed

    Can holography reproduce the QCD Wilson line?

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    Recently a remarkable agreement was found between lattice simulations of long Wilson lines and behavior of the Nambu Goto string in flat space-time. However, the latter fails to fit the short distance behavior since it admits a tachyonic mode for a string shorter than a critical length. In this paper we examine the question of whether a classical holographic Wilson line can reproduce the lattice results for Wilson lines of any length. We determine the condition on the the gravitational background to admit a Coulombic potential at short distances. We analyze the system using three different renormalization schemes. We perform an explicit best fit comparison of the lattice results with the holographic models based on near extremal D3 and D4 branes, non-critical near extremal AdS6 model and the Klebanov Strassler model. We find that all the holographic models examined admit after renormalization a constant term in the potential. We argue that the curves of the lattice simulation also have such a constant term and we discuss its physical interpretation

    Comprehensive Study on Tool Wear During Machining of Fibre-Reinforced Polymeric Composites

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    © 2021 Springer-Verlag. The final publication is available at Springer via https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-981-33-4153-1.The use of fibre reinforced polymeric (FRP) composites has increased rapidly, especially in many manufacturing (aerospace, automobile and construction) industries. The machining of composite materials is an important manufacturing process. It has attracted several studies over the last decades. Tool wear is a key factor that contributes to the cost of the machining process annually. It occurs due to sudden geometrical damage, frictional force and temperature rise at the tool-work interaction region. Moreover, tool wear is an inevitable, gradual and complex phenomenon. It often causes machined-induced damage on the workpiece/FRP composite materials. Considering the geometry of drill, tool wear may occur at the flank face, rake face and/or cutting edge. There are several factors affecting the tool wear. These include, but are not limited to, drilling parameters and environments/conditions, drill/tool materials and geometries, FRP composite compositions and machining techniques. Hence, this chapter focuses on drilling parameters, tool materials and geometries, drilling environments, types of tool wear, mechanisms of tool wear and methods of measurement of wear, effects of wear on machining of composite materials and preventive measures against rapid drill wear. Conclusively, some future perspectives or outlooks concerning the use of drill tools and their associated wears are elucidated, especially with the advancement in science and technology.Peer reviewedFinal Accepted Versio

    Anti-diabetic properties of Securinega virosa (Euphorbiaceae) leaf extract

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    This study was undertaken to evaluate the hypoglycemic effect of methanol extract of securinega virosa leaves on blood levels of streptozocin-induced diabetes rats. Three doses of the extract (100, 300 and 600 mg/kg) were administered intraperitoneally. After 2 h of extract administration there was no significant change in the blood glucose levels in all the three doses of the extract. Also after 4, 8 and 24 h of extract administration there was a significant (p < 0.05 - 0.001) decrease in the blood glucose levelsin all the three doses of the extract. The preliminary phytochemical screening revealed the presence of reducing sugars, cardiac glycosides, resin, tannins, saponins, glycosides, flavonoids, glycerin carbohydrate, anthraquine and steroids. The median lethal dose (LD50) in rats was calculated to be 1264.9 mg/kg body weight

    D3-D7 Quark-Gluon Plasmas at Finite Baryon Density

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    We present the string dual to SU(Nc) N=4 SYM, coupled to Nf massless fundamental flavors, at finite temperature and baryon density. The solution is determined by two dimensionless parameters, both depending on the 't Hooft coupling λh\lambda_h at the scale set by the temperature T: ϵh∼λhNf/Nc\epsilon_h\sim\lambda_h Nf/Nc, weighting the backreaction of the flavor fields and δ~∼λh−1/2nb/(NfT3)\tilde\delta\sim\lambda_h^{-1/2}nb/(Nf T^3), where nbnb is the baryon density. For small values of these two parameters the solution is given analytically up to second order. We study the thermodynamics of the system in the canonical and grand-canonical ensembles. We then analyze the energy loss of partons moving through the plasma, computing the jet quenching parameter and studying its dependence on the baryon density. Finally, we analyze certain "optical" properties of the plasma. The whole setup is generalized to non abelian strongly coupled plasmas engineered on D3-D7 systems with D3-branes placed at the tip of a generic singular Calabi-Yau cone. In all the cases, fundamental matter fields are introduced by means of homogeneously smeared D7-branes and the flavor symmetry group is thus a product of abelian factors.Comment: 27 pages; v2: 29 pages, 1 (new) figure, new section 4.4 on optical properties, references, comments added; v3: eq. (3.19), comments and a reference adde
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