17 research outputs found

    Proposta de ferramenta de gestão das bolsas de resíduos brasileiras com uso do Balanced Scorecard e Boston Consulting Group

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    Um grande marco para o Brasil foi a aprovação da Política Nacional de Resíduos Sólidos (PNRS), em 02 de agosto de 2010, por meio da Lei nº 12.305/10. A PNRS introduziu diversos mecanismos tendentes a minimizar os impactos negativos provocados pelos consumidores e produtores, definindo as etapas gerenciais para minimização desses impactos, tendo destaque para a reutilização e reciclagem dos resíduos. Um aliado para aumentar os percentuais de produtos reutilizados e reciclados é a utilização da Bolsa de Resíduos como identificadora de mercados para negociação de resíduos, por meio da aproximação entre os geradores e os interessados em reciclar e reutilizar. A bolsa é uma importante ferramenta de gerenciamento de resíduos no Brasil, porém subutilizada, pois existem alguns entraves no sistema de gestão das bolsas que dificultam mensurar a importância no processo de mitigação de resíduos. Essa pesquisa é justificada pela necessidade de buscar melhorias no sistema de gestão das bolsas de resíduos a fim de aumentar o percentual de reuso e reciclagem dos resíduos anunciados. O objetivo dessa pesquisa é elaborar uma estrutura de Balanced Scorecard (BSC) como proposta para utilização na gestão das bolsas de resíduos brasileiras em atendimento aos princípios e objetivos da PNRS. A proposta de construir uma estrutura de BSC para a gestão das bolsas possibilita o desenvolvimento de uma ferramenta administrativa baseada em 4 perspectivas (financeira, clientes, processos internos e aprendizado) para identificar os entraves do sistema de gestão e potencializar o uso da bolsa de resíduos como ferramenta para PNRS. Com relação ao método da pesquisa, o trabalho apresenta uma abordagem de caráter qualitativo, composta de duas fases: uma bibliográfica exploratória e uma pesquisa aplicada. Como conclusão a estrutura de BSC foi desenvolvida e adaptada para uma melhor operacionalização das bolsas de resíduos brasileiras em atendimento aos clientes. As 4 perspectivas estão em sintonia para melhorar e aprimorar as informações e serviços prestados aos usuários das bolsas. O BSC desenvolvido propõe modificações na estrutura de gestão das bolsas de modo a aprimorar sua utilização, aumentando o volume de resíduos negociados, desenvolvendo planos em conjunto com setor privado (redução, reciclagem e reuso) e transformando sua estrutura para que opere com recursos próprios, de modo financeiramente estável, atendendo assim aos princípios e objetivos da PNRS.A great milestone for Brazil was the approval of the National Policy Solid Waste, on 2010 August 2nd, by Law number 12.305/10. The National Policy Solid Waste which introduced several mechanisms to minimize the negative impacts caused by consumers and manufacturers, defining managerial steps to minimize these impacts, with emphasis on reuse and recycling waste. For improving the percentage of reused and recycled products is the use of waste exchange as identifying markets for trading of waste by means of rapprochement between generators and interested in recycling and reuse. Waste exchange is an important tool for waste management in Brazil, but underutilized, because there are some obstacles in the management system that make it difficult to measure the importance of the mitigation process waste. This research is justified by the need to improvements in the management of waste exchange in order to increase the percentage of reuse and recycling of waste advertised, corroborating the National Policy Solid Waste, contributing to sustainable development. The objective of this research is to develop a framework of Balanced Scorecard (BSC) as proposed for use in the management of waste exchange of Brazilian in compliance with the principles and objectives of National Policy Solid Waste. The proposal to build a framework of BSC for management of waste exchange enables the development of a management tool based on four perspectives (financial, customer, internal processes and learning) for identifying obstacles management system and increase the use of waste exchange as a tool for National Policy Solid Waste. With respect to the research method, the paper presents a qualitative approach consisting of two phases: an exploratory literature and applied research. In conclusion the structure of BSC was developed and adapted for better operationalization of waste exchange in Brazilian customer service. The four perspectives are tuned to improve and enhance the information and services provided to users. The BSC developed proposed changes in the management structure of the waste exchange in order to enhance their use, increasing the volume of waste traded develop plans in conjunction with private sector (reduction, recycling and reuse) and changing it structure to operate with own resources, financially stable, according to the principles and objectives of National Policy Solid Waste

    Graded perturbations of metabolism in multiple regions of human brain in Alzheimer’s disease.:Snapshot of a pervasive metabolic disorder.

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    Alzheimer's disease (AD) is an age-related neurodegenerative disorder that displays pathological characteristics including senile plaques and neurofibrillary tangles. Metabolic defects are also present in AD-brain: for example, signs of deficient cerebral glucose uptake may occur decades before onset of cognitive dysfunction and tissue damage. There have been few systematic studies of the metabolite content of AD human brain, possibly due to scarcity of high-quality brain tissue and/or lack of reliable experimental methodologies. Here we sought to: 1) elucidate the molecular basis of metabolic defects in human AD-brain; and 2) identify endogenous metabolites that might guide new approaches for therapeutic intervention, diagnosis or monitoring of AD. Brains were obtained from nine cases with confirmed clinical/neuropathological AD and nine controls matched for age, sex and post-mortem delay. Metabolite levels were measured in post-mortem tissue from seven regions: three that undergo severe neuronal damage (hippocampus, entorhinal cortex and middle-temporal gyrus); three less severely affected (cingulate gyrus, sensory cortex and motor cortex); and one (cerebellum) that is relatively spared. We report a total of 55 metabolites that were altered in at least one AD-brain region, with different regions showing alterations in between 16 and 33 metabolites. Overall, we detected prominent global alterations in metabolites from several pathways involved in glucose clearance/utilization, the urea cycle, and amino-acid metabolism. The finding that potentially toxigenic molecular perturbations are widespread throughout all brain regions including the cerebellum is consistent with a global brain disease process rather than a localized effect of AD on regional brain metabolism

    Metabolites showing significant effect (p<0.05) of bariatric surgery in a Repeated Measures Mixed Model Two-Way ANOVA.

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    <p>Values given are scaled to mean pre-GBP to enable comparison between all groups. Asterisks denote significant difference compared to baseline for the specific surgery type (Sidak's multiple comparisons test);</p><p>*, p&lt;0.05;</p><p>**, p&lt;0.01.</p

    Schematic of implicated metabolic pathways based on metabolomics results (selected metabolites only).

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    <p>Metabolites are inscribed in color coded ellipses with the effect of GBP in left half and effect of SG in right half. Color code: blue, significantly lower; orange, significantly higher; white, no significant effect of bariatric surgery; diagonal stripes, significant effect of surgery but not significant in post-hoc test. Grey highlights an undetected metabolite.</p

    Subject characteristics and effect of surgeries on fasting glucose, fasting insulin and HOMA-IR.

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    <p>Data are shown as mean ± S.E.M.; p values are derived from Mixed Model Repeated Measures Two-Way ANOVA. Abbreviations: NZE, NZ European; PI, Pacific Islander; HOMA-IR, insulin resistance calculated by homeostatic model assessment.</p

    Assessment of correlation between selected proteins and metabolites (showing greater decrease after GBP than SG) with insulin resistance (estimated by HOMA-IR).

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    <p>The values shown are Spearman rank correlation coefficients with two-tailed p values for significance of correlation in brackets. Asterisks highlights significant correlations (*, p&lt;0.05; **, p&lt;0.01).</p