15 research outputs found

    Child protection in Bangladesh: An analysis of regulatory framework and future reforms

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    Extreme acts and cruel treatment of children deprive them of their rights. Reliable and constant evidence from many countries shows that children are continuing to face brutal abuse, exploitation and distortive practices continue to happen despite the existence of laws which aims at protecting them. In fact, this remains mostly invisible. This study tries to draw attention regarding brutal behaviour towards children and major concerns on the need for regulatory changes. The reason for this study is to assess the role of existing laws in defending children rights in Bangladesh. Besides, the article aims to gain a deeper understanding of the present legal protection of children and how future reforms can be done. In addition, efforts have been made to study the various parts of childrenโ€™s rights, which will affect the children-friendly environment. Secondary sources textbook, journal articles and case commentaries are used to examine the guarantee of children rights and to evaluate the applicability of laws within the country. The results of the study show that although there are several laws and policies to protect children in Bangladesh, children are still being exploited and ill-treated. Therefore, legal reforms should be introduced to combat the situation

    Framework of waqf management and administration in Bangladesh: challenges and way forward

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    Freedom of speech and expression in Malaysia: protection under the federal constitution

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    This study aims to understand the position of freedom of speech and expression and the right to freedom of speech in Malaysia stipulated in the Federal Constitution, the controversy over restrictions on freedom of speech, and the issues that hinder freedomof speech from being fully practised. Therefore, this study focuses on the extent of freedom of speech and expression under the Federal Constitution of Malaysia. This study employs qualitative analysis based on secondary data collection. The findings indicate that the Constitution does promote the right to freedom of speech and expression, and it is included in Article 10 of the Federal Constitution of Malaysia, which allows only its citizens to exercise.Freedom of speech and expression does not have any general structure and is notoriously known by others, such as national safety issues, public well-being, and good impulses. Nonetheless, this study lacks the analysis of present position of free speech and hate speech in Malaysia.However, the right to free speech is a fundamental part of human beings and in the establishment of a free society. This study emphasizes theimportance of informationin various platforms such as socialmedia for citizens and the limitations of their freedom of speech and expressions

    Labor rights of tannery workers in Bangladesh: an overview

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    Tannery in Bangladesh has long history as profitable business though it has both environmental and health hazards. Labor rights of tannery workers are disrupted and their standard of living is miserable. Nevertheless, the job of tannery workers is tedious. The aim of this paper is to explore the current status of basic labor rights maintained in tanneries based on Dhaka and Narayanganj districts of Bangladesh. This study is qualitative in nature. Primary data have been collected from tannery workers through four Focus Group Discussions (FGDs) and five observations from five different factory visits in 2021. The findings reveal that tannery workers are exploited by insufficient employment benefits and lack of welfare facilities as stated in BLA-2006. They also suffer from occupational health, hygiene and safety crisis. Long working hour and pay below minimum wage are also common in this sector. In addition, tannery workers have serious observation on their pay, leave, job security, maternity benefit etc. This paper concludes with the observations that basic labor rights at tanneries in Bangladesh are not protected, which generate grievances. This study also recommends for practicing BLA-2006 in tannery sector in order to avoid further legal obligation and possible labor unrest

    An analysis of regulatory framework of child protection in Bangladesh

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    Legally, a child is a person between birth and puberty who is generally a minor, also known as an individual younger than a major. Accordingly, based on the recent statistics, Bangladesh is home to over 160 million people, where more than 64 million children make up around 40 percent of the population. Many of these children continue to live below the global poverty line. Though children should have basic rights including food, education, well-being and nutrition, security, upbringing, entertainment, safe drinking, disinfection, and cleaning, these fundamental rights have been deprived of the rights of most descendants in Bangladesh. Hence, this study aims to examine firstly, the regulatory framework protecting children in Bangladesh that includes: international standards of child protection, international commitments of Bangladesh government, critical analysis of Children Act 1974, Children Rules 1976, and Children Act 2013 of Bangladesh, and National Policies and Action Plans on children protection and their shortcomings. Secondly, this study outlines a critical evaluation of domestic standards to protect children in the current Bangladeshi practices. It is a qualitative research. Secondary sources textbook, journal articles and case commentaries are used to examine the guarantee of children rights and to evaluate the applicability of laws within the country. The results of the study show that although there are several laws and policies to protect children in Bangladesh, children are still being exploited and ill-treated. Therefore, legal reforms should be introduced to combat the situation

    Application of International laws in Bangladesh: a critical evaluation

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    This article discusses the incorporation and implementation of international laws, specifically international treaties and agreements into the domestic legal system of Bangladesh. The position of international laws in the legal system of Bangladesh and their authority to interpret and challenge domestic laws has been focused upon. To that effect, the constitutional provisions dealing with international law along with various authoritative court decisions have been analyzed. Additionally, status and implementation of customary international laws in Bangladesh have also been absorbed. How the norms of customary international lawsare being incorporated and implemented have been discussed in detail. The analytical methods of research have been carried in the piece highlighting judicial decisionsand internationalinstruments.This articleis based on secondary materials with the key sources includingtextbooks, reports, journal articles, conference papers, daily newspapers and online documents. The study has also relied on international instruments, domestic lawsand decided cases of Apex Court of Bangladesh.The findings show that as a democratic country Bangladesh needs to incorporate for the sake of its own people the provisions of international treaties into domestic laws. This is a gradual but perilous process which would take more than political goodwill to materialize. As a young nation, it still has a long way to go to level its regulations up-to the international standards. The positive indication is that the supreme courts of Bangladesh are increasingly realizing and interpreting international instruments through their decisions pressurizing the government to make positive changes in the legislations

    Predicting the Possibility of Student Admission into Graduate Admission by Regression Model: A Statistical Analysis

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    This study aims to alleviate the uncertainties faced by prospective students during the application process by developing a predictive model for admission probabilities based on CGPA and GRE scores. The research investigates the significance of these predictor variables about the response variable, "Chance of Admit." Employing linear regression analysis, the model is thoroughly examined to evaluate its adequacy, predictive accuracy, and the need for interaction terms. The findings indicate that both CGPA and GRE scores play a crucial role in forecasting admission chances, with an adjusted R2 value of 0.0835, suggesting an 80% reduction in variance around the regression compared to the main line. The diagnostic plot of the model confirms its precision, revealing minimal deviations from linearity and normality in residuals. Furthermore, the study addresses concerns about multicollinearity using the Variable Inflation Factor (VIF) and finds no significant correlation between GRE Scores and CGPA. In summary, this research presents a robust predictive model for student admission probabilities, offering valuable insights for both prospective applicants and educational institutions

    Advanced Cybercrime Detection: A Comprehensive Study on Supervised and Unsupervised Machine Learning Approaches Using Real-world Datasets

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    In the ever-evolving field of cybersecurity, sophisticated methodsโ€”which combine supervised and unsupervised approachesโ€”are used to tackle cybercrime. Strong supervised tools include Support Vector Machines (SVM) and K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN), while well-known unsupervised methods include the K-means clustering model. These techniques are used on the publicly available StatLine dataset from CBS, which is a large dataset that includes the individual attributes of one thousand crime victims. Performance analysis shows the remarkable 91% accuracy of SVM in supervised classification by examining the differences between training and testing data. K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN) models are quite good in the unsupervised arena; their accuracy in detecting criminal activity is impressive, at 79.56%. Strong assessment metrics, such as False Positive (FP), True Negative (TN), False Negative (FN), False Positive (TP), and False Alarm Rate (FAR), Detection Rate (DR), Accuracy (ACC), Recall, Precision, Specificity, Sensitivity, and Fowlkesโ€“Mallow's scores, provide a comprehensive assessment

    Parkinson's Disease Detection through Vocal Biomarkers and Advanced Machine Learning Algorithms

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    Parkinson's disease (PD) is a prevalent neurodegenerative disorder known for its impact on motor neurons, causing symptoms like tremors, stiffness, and gait difficulties. This study explores the potential of vocal feature alterations in PD patients as a means of early disease prediction. This research aims to predict the onset of Parkinson's disease. Utilizing a variety of advanced machine-learning algorithms, including XGBoost, LightGBM, Bagging, AdaBoost, and Support Vector Machine, among others, the study evaluates the predictive performance of these models using metrics such as accuracy, area under the curve (AUC), sensitivity, and specificity. The findings of this comprehensive analysis highlight LightGBM as the most effective model, achieving an impressive accuracy rate of 96% alongside a matching AUC of 96%. LightGBM exhibited a remarkable sensitivity of 100% and specificity of 94.43%, surpassing other machine learning algorithms in accuracy and AUC scores. Given the complexities of Parkinson's disease and its challenges in early diagnosis, this study underscores the significance of leveraging vocal biomarkers coupled with advanced machine-learning techniques for precise and timely PD detection