74 research outputs found

    Mixed evidence on the relationship between socioeconomic position and atopic dermatitis: A systematic review.

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    BACKGROUND: Lower socioeconomic position usually portends worse health outcomes, but multiple studies have found that atopic dermatitis is associated with higher socioeconomic position. The nature of this relationship remains unclear. OBJECTIVE: To systematically review the literature on socioeconomic position and atopic dermatitis and determine whether the association varies by patient or study characteristics. METHODS: A literature search was conducted in the PubMed and Embase databases. Individual-level studies addressing the association between all measures of socioeconomic position and the prevalence or incidence of atopic dermatitis were eligible for inclusion. Two independent reviewers screened all texts and extracted all data for qualitative synthesis. RESULTS: Eighty-eight studies met the inclusion criteria. Of the 88 studies, 42% (37) found a positive association between atopic dermatitis and socioeconomic position, 15% (13) found a negative association, and 43% (38) found a null or inconsistent association. Studies conducted in Europe, among children, and based on self-report of eczema were more likely to find a positive association with socioeconomic position. LIMITATIONS: Studies varied both in terms of the measurement of socioeconomic position and the definition of atopic dermatitis, limiting quantitative synthesis. CONCLUSION: The evidence of a positive association between atopic dermatitis and socioeconomic position is not consistent

    Low-Quality Housing Is Associated With Increased Risk of Malaria Infection: A National Population-Based Study From the Low Transmission Setting of Swaziland.

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    BackgroundLow-quality housing may confer risk of malaria infection, but evidence in low transmission settings is limited.MethodsTo examine the relationship between individual level housing quality and locally acquired infection in children and adults, a population-based cross-sectional analysis was performed using existing surveillance data from the low transmission setting of Swaziland. From 2012 to 2015, cases were identified through standard diagnostics in health facilities and by loop-mediated isothermal amplification in active surveillance, with uninfected subjects being household members and neighbors. Housing was visually assessed in a home visit and then classified as low, high, or medium quality, based on housing components being traditional, modern, or both, respectively.ResultsOverall, 11426 individuals were included in the study: 10960 uninfected and 466 infected (301 symptomatic and 165 asymptomatic). Six percent resided in low-quality houses, 26% in medium-quality houses, and 68% in high-quality houses. In adjusted models, low- and medium-quality construction was associated with increased risk of malaria compared with high-quality construction (adjusted odds ratio [AOR], 2.11 and 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.26-3.53 for low vs high; AOR, 1.56 and 95% CI, 1.15-2.11 for medium vs high). The relationship was independent of vector control, which also conferred a protective effect (AOR, 0.67; 95% CI, .50-.90) for sleeping under an insecticide-treated bed net or a sprayed structure compared with neither.ConclusionsOur study adds to the limited literature on housing quality and malaria risk from low transmission settings. Housing improvements may offer an attractive and sustainable additional strategy to support countries in malaria elimination

    Household Flooring Associated with Reduced Infant Diarrheal Illness in Zimbabwe in Households with and without WASH interventions

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    Objectives Diarrhoeal illness is a leading cause of childhood morbidity and mortality and has long‐term negative impacts on child development. Although flooring, water and sanitation have been identified as important routes of transmission of diarrhoeal pathogens, research examining variability in the association between flooring and diarrhoeal illness by water and sanitation is limited. Methods We utilised cross‐sectional data collected for the evaluation of Zimbabwe’s Prevention of Mother‐to‐Child HIV transmission programme in 2014 and 2017–18. Mothers of infants 9–18 months of age self‐reported the household's source of drinking water and type of sanitation facility, as well as infant diarrhoeal illness in the four weeks prior to the survey. Household flooring was assessed using interviewer observation, and households in which the main material of flooring was dirt/earthen were classified as having unimproved flooring, and those with solid flooring (e.g. cement) were classified as having improved flooring. Results Mothers of infants living in households with improved flooring were less likely to report diarrhoeal illness in the last four weeks (PDa = −4.8%, 95% CI: −8.6, −1.0). The association between flooring and diarrhoeal illness did not vary by the presence of improved/unimproved water (pRERI = 0.91) or sanitation (pRERI = 0.76). Conclusions Our findings support the hypothesis that household flooring is an important pathway for the transmission of diarrhoeal pathogens, even in settings where other aspects of sanitation are sub‐optimal. Improvements to household flooring do not require behaviour change and may be an effective and expeditious strategy for reducing childhood diarrhoeal illness irrespective of household access to improved water and sanitation

    “Losing the Phobia:” Understanding How HIV Pre-exposure Prophylaxis Facilitates Bridging the Serodivide Among Men Who Have Sex With Men

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    The use of HIV serostatus information has played a pivotal role in partner selection norms. A phenomenon known as serosorting is the practice of selecting a partner based on a perception that they are of the same HIV status in order to avoid transmission from one partner to the other. An understudied aspect of serosorting is that it has a divisive effect—one accepts or rejects a potential partner based on a singular characteristic, the partner's HIV status, and thus excludes all others. This division has been formally referred to as the HIV serodivide. In this study, we explored partner selection strategies among a group of HIV-negative, young men who have sex with men (n = 29) enrolled in a PrEP demonstration project in Northern California. We found that trends in serosorting were in fact shifting, and that a new and opposite phenomenon was emerging, something we labeled “seromixing” and that PrEP use played a part in why norms were changing. We present three orientations in this regard: (1) maintaining the phobia: in which men justified the continued vigilance and exclusion of people living with HIV as viable sex or romantic partners, (2) loosening/relaxation of phobia: among men who were reflecting on their stance on serosorting and its implications for future sexual and/or romantic partnerships, and (3) losing the phobia: among men letting go of serosorting practices and reducing sentiments of HIV-related stigma. The majority of participants spoke of changing or changed attitudes about intentionally accepting rather than rejecting a person living with HIV as a sex partner. For those who maintained strict serosorting practices, their understandings of HIV risk were not erased as a result of PrEP use. These overarching themes help explain how PrEP use is contributing to a closing of the HIV serodivide

    Evaluation of the Tsima community mobilization intervention to improve engagement in HIV testing and care in South Africa: study protocol for a cluster randomized trial

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    Abstract Background HIV transmission can be decreased substantially by reducing the burden of undiagnosed HIV infection and expanding early and consistent use of antiretroviral therapy (ART). Treatment as prevention (TasP) has been proposed as key to ending the HIV epidemic. To activate TasP in high prevalence countries, like South Africa, communities must be motivated to know their status, engage in care, and remain in care. Community mobilization (CM) has the potential to significantly increase uptake testing, linkage to and retention in care by addressing the primary social barriers to engagement with HIV care—including poor understanding of HIV care; fear and stigma associated with infection, clinic attendance and disclosure; lack of social support; and gender norms that deter men from accessing care. Methods/design Using a cluster randomized trial design, we are implementing a 3-year-theory-based CM intervention and comparing gains in HIV testing, linkage, and retention in care among individuals residing in 8 intervention communities to that of individuals residing in 7 control communities. Eligible communities include 15 villages within a health and demographic surveillance site (HDSS) in rural Mpumalanga, South Africa, that were not exposed to previous CM efforts. CM activities conducted in the 8 intervention villages map onto six mobilization domains that comprise the key components for community mobilization around HIV prevention. To evaluate the intervention, we will link a clinic-based electronic clinical tracking system in all area clinics to the HDSS longitudinal census data, thus creating an open, population-based cohort with over 30,000 18–49-year-old residents. We will estimate the marginal effect of the intervention on individual outcomes using generalized estimating equations. In addition, we will evaluate CM processes by conducting baseline and endline surveys among a random sample of 1200 community residents at each time point to monitor intervention exposure and community level change using validated measures of CM. Discussion Given the known importance of community social factors with regard to uptake of testing and HIV care, and the lack of rigorously evaluated community-level interventions effective in improving testing uptake, linkage and retention, the proposed study will yield much needed data to understand the potential of CM to improve the prevention and care cascade. Further, our work in developing a CM framework and domain measures will permit validation of a CM conceptual framework and process, which should prove valuable for community programming in Africa. Trial Registration NCT02197793 Registered July 21, 2014

    Routine Rapid HIV Screening in Six Community Health Centers Serving Populations at Risk

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    In 2006, to increase opportunities for patients to become aware of their HIV status, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released updated guidelines for routine, opt-out HIV screening of adults, adolescents, and pregnant women in healthcare settings. To date, there are few documented applications of these recommendations. To measure the impact of application of the guidelines for routine screening in health centers serving communities disproportionately affected by HIV in the southeastern US. A multi-site program implementation study, describing patients tested and not tested and assessing changes in testing frequency before and after new guidelines were implemented. All patients aged 13 to 64 seen in participating health centers. Routine rapid HIV screening in accord with CDC guidelines. The frequency of testing before and after routine screening was in place and demographic differences in offering and receipt of testing. Compared to approximately 3,000 patients in the year prior to implementation, 16,148 patients were offered testing with 10,769 tested. Of 39 rapid tests resulting in preliminary positives, 17 were newly detected infections. Among these patients, 12 of 14 receiving referrals were linked to HIV care. Nineteen were false positives. Younger patients, African Americans and Latinos were more likely to receive testing. By integrating CDC-recommended guidelines and applying rapid test technology, health centers were able to provide new access to HIV testing. Variation across centers in offering and receiving tests may indicate that clinical training could enhance universal access

    Use of data from various sources to evaluate and improve the prevention of mother‐to‐child transmission of HIV programme in Zimbabwe: a data integration exercise

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    INTRODUCTION: Despite improvements in prevention of mother-to-child transmission (PMTCT) of HIV outcomes, there remain unacceptably high numbers of mother-to-child transmissions (MTCT) of HIV. Programmes and research collect multiple sources of PMTCT data, yet this data is rarely integrated in a systematic way. We conducted a data integration exercise to evaluate the Zimbabwe national PMTCT programme and derive lessons for strengthening implementation and documentation. METHODS: We used data from four sources: research, Ministry of Health and Child Care (MOHCC) programme, Implementer – Organization for Public Health Interventions and Development, and modelling. Research data came from serial population representative cross-sectional surveys that evaluated the national PMTCT programme in 2012, 2014 and 2017/2018. MOHCC and Organization for Public Health Interventions and Development collected data with similar indicators for the period 2018 to 2019. Modelling data from 2017/18 UNAIDS Spectrum was used. We systematically integrated data from the different sources to explore PMTCT programme performance at each step of the cascade. We also conducted spatial analysis to identify hotspots of MTCT. RESULTS: We developed cascades for HIV-positive and negative-mothers, and HIV exposed and infected infants to 24 months post-partum. Most data were available on HIV positive mothers. Few data were available 6-8 weeks post-delivery for HIV exposed/infected infants and none were available post-delivery for HIV-negative mothers. The different data sources largely concurred. Antenatal care (ANC) registration was high, although women often presented late. There was variable implementation of PMTCT services, MTCT hotspots were identified. Factors positively associated with MTCT included delayed ANC registration and mobility (use of more than one health facility) during pregnancy/breastfeeding. There was reduced MTCT among women whose partners accompanied them to ANC, and infants receiving antiretroviral prophylaxis. Notably, the largest contribution to MTCT was from postnatal women who had previously tested negative (12/25 in survey data, 17.6% estimated by Spectrum modelling). Data integration enabled formulation of interventions to improve programmes. CONCUSIONS: Data integration was feasible and identified gaps in programme implementation/documentation leading to corrective interventions. Incident infections among mothers are the largest contributors to MTCT: there is need to strengthen the prevention cascade among HIV-negative women
