23 research outputs found

    Poverty of families in Poland in the last ten years based on selected studies

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    The paper presents some aspects of poverty and exclusion in the Polish society. The authors are interested in those manifestations of poverty which pose a current or potential challenge for social work. Cultural imperatives and authorities' interests have for a longer time been focused around the issue of material and social situation of children and single mothers. It is observed a departure from the patriarchal model of marriage and family, emancipation (social, cultural, political, economic) of women and even their advantage in education (better results, numerical superiority at the third level of education) or employment (feminization of services). The disappearance of the tutelary function exercised by women (mothers, grandmothers, aunts) in traditional families and the dysfunctions that follow (social orphanage, socialization shortages, physical and emotional neglect, behavioural disorders, alcohol and drug dependency, violence in peer groups etc.) cause an increased interest of state, self-government and non-governmental agencies in the situation of children and adolescents

    Uogólnione schematy i reguły wnioskowania w logice rozmytej

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    In Chapter 1 we recall the most important notions in the theory of fuzzy sets. In Chapter 2 we give some basic facts regarding approximate reasoning. In the main part of the thesis we consider functional equations and inequalities mentioned above when one function is given - usually a t-norm T (or a semicopula or any other generalization of a classical conjunction). Therefore we show some solutions for chosen families of fuzzy im- plications. In Chapter 3 we focus on hypothetical syllogism - there are solutions for (CRI-GHS), (BK-GHS) and (HS), but also we present here some algebraic properties of a composition sup-T. Chapter 4 contains information regarding solutions of (CRI-GMP), (BK-GMP) and (MP). In Chapter 5 analogous facts for (CRI-GMT), (BK-GMT) and (MT) can be found. Solutions for (CRI-GRA), (BK-GRA) and (RA) have been described in Chapter 6. In Chapter 7 we shortly give some remarks concerning some other possible functional equa- tions that might be received when combinig rules of inference and different fuzzy relations. In last Chapter 8, we present a different method of reasoning - similarity based reasoning. Also we give some remarks for two main strategies in approximate reasoning - FITA (First Infer Then Aggregate) and FATI (First Aggregate Then Infer) with respect to some proven theorems

    Some Remarks on the Generalized Scheme of Reduction to Absurdity and Generalized Hypothetical Syllogism in Fuzzy Logic

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    In this paper we investigate two generalizations, in fuzzy logic, of classical scheme of reduction to absurdity. We compare them with two possible generalizations of classical hypothetical syllogism (in fuzzy logic) and we show that generalized hypothetical syllogism is more general. We present new results concerning solutions of an inequality and an equation connected directly with generalization of scheme of reduction to absurdity in fuzzy logic

    On Some Functional Equations Related to Alpha Migrative t-conorms

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    In this contribution, we analyse in details the recently introduced definition of migrative tconorms [see Fuzzy implications: alpha migrativity and generalised laws of importation, M. Baczy´nski, B. Jayaram, R. Mesiar, 2020]. We also focus on some general functional equations, which might be obtained from such a notion. We concentrate on some particular well-known families of fuzzy implications and show solutions of those equations among this kind of fuzzy implication functions

    Zooterapia jako innowacyjna metoda pracy socjalnej wspierająca jakość życia seniorów

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    Animal assisted therapy in social work with the elderly as a key to improve the quality of their lifeSocial work is a profession still searching for more eff ective methods of work that lead to improve the quality of people’s lives. In the area of professional activity nowadays is an animal assisted therapy considered to be the most natural, as based on the direct contact with animals, method used in the process of treatment and rehabilitation of people with disabilities. Many research and inter Katarzyna vention programs incorporated in the United States shown the positive results of the method on people’s well being. The effects are noticeable independently of age, gender and race, sexual  orientation, socio-economic status or living conditions. Th e answer to the question whether it is possible to introduce this innovative method of work with the elderly in social work in Poland will be presented in our article. In this text a reference is made to our qualitative research we carried out among animal-assisted therapy experts

    Animal assisted therapy in social work with the elderly as a key to improve the quality of their life

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    Praca socjalna jest profesją stale poszukującą nowych, bardziej skutecznych metod aktywizacji i poprawy jakości życia osób, które z różnych powodów znalazły się poza głównym nurtem życia społecznego. W polu działania profesjonalnego znalazła się obecnie animaloterapia, uznawana za naturalną metodę wspomagania leczenia i rehabilitacji osób niepełnosprawnych opartą na bezpośrednim kontakcie ze zwierzętami. Liczne badania prowadzone za granicą potwierdziły pozytywny wpływ tej metody na dobrostan osób starszych. Szacuje się, że w samych Stanach Zjednoczonych wdrożonych zostało ponad 2,500 programów opartych na udziale zwierzęcia, co wynika przede wszystkim z mierzalnego, korzystnego wpływu, jaki zwierzęta mają na zdrowie człowieka, jego dobrostan i motywację. Efekty te zauważalne są u wszystkich, bez względu na wiek, rasę, płeć, orientację seksualną, status socjoekonomiczny i warunki życia. Pionierskie praktyki w zakresie alpakoterapii podejmowane są od niedawna również w Polsce. Ich wpływ na funkcjonowanie osób starszych jest znaczący pomimo tego, że standardy pracy w oparciu o ten rodzaj terapii nie zostały jeszcze opracowane. Przeprowadzone przez nas badania oraz wstępne analizy przedstawione w niniejszym artykule potwierdzają, że działania podejmowane w kierunku rozwoju alpakoterapii są słuszne, ważne i potrzebne. Czy zatem możliwe jest w Polsce otwarcie przestrzeni dla tej innowacyjnej formy terapii skierowanej ku seniorom, a tym samym poszerzenie oferty pomocy? Na czym polega jej nowatorski charakter? Próba odpowiedzi na te pytania będzie przedmiotem naszej refleksji.Social work is a profession still searching for more effective methods of work that lead to improve the quality of people's lives. In the area of professional activity nowadays is animal assisted therapy considered to be the most natural, as based on the direct contact with animals, method used in the process of treatment and rehabilitation of people with disabilities. Many research and intervention programs incorporated in the United States shown the positive results of the method on people's well being. The effects are noticeable independently of age, gender and race, sexual orientation, socio-economic status or living conditions. The answer to the question whether it is possible to introduce this innovative method of work with the elderly in social work in Poland will be presented in our article

    Old age in the Websites of Regional Centers of Social Policy : population problems and social policy

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    Powiększa się liczba ludzi starych w Polsce. Przyczynami są – między innymi - wydłużanie się ludzkiego życia i emigracja ludzi młodych zagranicę. Zmiany demograficzne stają się problemem, na który reagują instytucje polityki społecznej państwa, takie jak rząd, ministerstwa oraz władze samorządowe. W artykule przedstawiamy zakres korzystania z technologii komunikacyjno-informatycznych przez ludzi po sześćdziesiątym roku życia. Ukazujemy również ofertę Regionalnych Ośrodków Polityki Społecznej skierowanej do ludzi starszych. W ostatnim latach w niewielu województwach istniała internetowa informacja i oferta pomocowa skierowana do seniorów. Ponadto, sformułowana była zazwyczaj w języku biurokratycznym, nieprzyjaznym dla potencjalnych klientów.The number of old people in Poland has significantly increased for last decade. Among others, the causes of this growth are: lengthening of human life and emigration of young people abroad. Population changes has been becoming a problem, which meet reaction from side of state social policy institutions, such as government, ministries and local authorities. In this paper, we present scope of usage of information and communication technologies by old people (after their sixty year of age). We show also offers of Regional Centers of Social Policy addressed to elderly people. In last years, a few regional centers offered information and some assistance programs targeted to seniors. In addition, the offers were usually formulated in bureaucratic language, very unfriendly to potential customers

    Intra-arterial computed tomography angiography with ultra-low volume of iodine contrast and stent implantation in transplant renal artery stenosis in terms of contrast-induced kidney injury : a preliminary report

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    Purpose: Traditional digital subtraction angiography is still regarded as the gold standard in the diagnostics of transplant renal artery stenosis (TRAS). However, this procedure requires a high volume of iodine contrast medium for optimal visualisation of the renal artery. The aim of this study was to analyse both the usefulness and the safety of intra-arterial computed tomography angiography (IA-CTA) with ultra-low-volume iodine contrast administration in the diagnostic and therapeutic management of TRAS in patients with impaired renal transplant function. Material and methods: Thirty-three patients with a suspicion of TRAS based on Doppler-ultrasound and clinical setting underwent IA-CTA with ultra-low iodine contrast volume. A special, author-elaborated CTA protocol was used. The volume of 8-18 ml of diluted iodine contrast medium was administered through a catheter with the tip placed 2 cm below the aortic bifurcation. Results: In six patients the CTA examinations revealed TRAS in three configurations: in the anastomosis, in the trunk (critical and high-grade), or in both sections. Stenoses were treated with primary stenting obtaining favourable anatomical outcome. No intervention-related complications were observed. No contrast-induced acute kidney injury was diagnosed in this study. Mean serum creatinine concentration was 2.93 ± 0.89 mg/dl at the baseline and 2.89 ± 1.73 mg/dl and 2.17 ± 0.51 mg/dl after three and seven days from IA-CTA, respectively. Conclusions: Intra-arterial CTA with ultra-low volume of iodine contrast seems to be a safe and reliable diagnostic tool to detect and assess TRAS in the aspect of stent implantation. Application of this imaging modality eliminates the need for a high volume of iodine contrast and thus does not adversely influence renal transplant function

    Mechanical thrombectomy in acute stroke – Five years of experience in Poland

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    Objectives Mechanical thrombectomy (MT) is not reimbursed by the Polish public health system. We present a description of 5 years of experience with MT in acute stroke in Comprehensive Stroke Centers (CSCs) in Poland. Methods and results We retrospectively analyzed the results of a structured questionnaire from 23 out of 25 identified CSCs and 22 data sets that include 61 clinical, radiological and outcome measures. Results Most of the CSCs (74%) were founded at University Hospitals and most (65.2%) work round the clock. In 78.3% of them, the working teams are composed of neurologists and neuro-radiologists. All CSCs perform CT and angio-CT before MT. In total 586 patients were subjected to MT and data from 531 of them were analyzed. Mean time laps from stroke onset to groin puncture was 250±99min. 90.3% of the studied patients had MT within 6h from stroke onset; 59.3% of them were treated with IV rt-PA prior to MT; 15.1% had IA rt-PA during MT and 4.7% – emergent stenting of a large vessel. M1 of MCA was occluded in 47.8% of cases. The Solitaire device was used in 53% of cases. Successful recanalization (TICI2b–TICI3) was achieved in 64.6% of cases and 53.4% of patients did not experience hemorrhagic transformation. Clinical improvement on discharge was noticed in 53.7% of cases, futile recanalization – in 30.7%, mRS of 0–2 – in 31.4% and mRS of 6 in 22% of cases. Conclusion Our results can help harmonize standards for MT in Poland according to international guidelines

    Motivating employees of Miejskie Przedsiębiorstwo Komunikacyjnych S.A. in Cracow.

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    Praca dotyczy motywowania pracowników Miejskiego Przedsiębiorstwa Komunikacyjnego S.A. w Krakowie. Celem pracy było poznanie, w jaki sposób przedsiębiorstwo motywuje swoich pracowników do pracy. Problemem badawczym było określenie, jakie narzędzia motywacyjne są używane w MPK S.A. w Krakowie do podnoszenia poziomu motywacji pracowników i zachęcania ich do wykonywania efektywniejszej pracy. W pracy wykorzystano metodę sondażu diagnostycznego przy badaniu motywacji pracowników MPK S.A. w Krakowie. Technika, którą się posłużono, to anonimowa ankieta internetowa przeprowadzona za pomocą platformy google docs. Wnioski płynące z przeprowadzonych badań są następujące: pracowników motywuje się w badanym przedsiębiorstwie, dla jednostek najważniejszą wartością podczas pracy w przedsiębiorstwie jest poczucie stabilności, premie pieniężne są najbardziej efektywnym narzędziem motywowania. Pracownicy cenią sobie dobrą atmosferę w pracy, gdyż uważają, że to ona wpływa na podwyższenie ich poziomu motywacji. Pracodawca dba o rozwój pracowników, gdyż pracownicy biorą udział w szkoleniach. Natomiast pracownicy uważają, że płaca podstawowa jest nie adekwatna do ich kwalifikacji i doświadczenia na stanowisku pracy oraz że pracownicy są nierówno traktowani.The thesis focuses on motivating employees of Miejskie Przedsiębiorstwo Komunikacyjnych S.A. in Cracow. The subject of the study was Miejskie Przedsiębiorstwo Komunikacyjne S.A. in Cracow. The purpose of the work was to get to know how the company motivates their employees to work. The research problem was to determine what incentive tools are used at MPK S.A. in Krakow to raise the level of employee motivation and encourage them to perform more effective work. The technique used in the thesis was the diagnostic survey technique to examine the motivation of employees of MPK S.A. in Cracow. An anonymous online survey was conducted using the google docs platform. The conclusions are: employees are motivated by their employers; the most important value for workers is a sense of stability; cash bonuses are the most effective motivation tool. Employees value a good atmosphere at work, because it increases their level of motivation. The employer cares for employee development and employees are taking part in trainings. On the other hand, employees believe that their basic salary is not adequate to their qualifications and experience in the workplace and employees are not treated equally