18 research outputs found

    Potential for improvement of comfort parameters in off-road vehicles of Serbian Armed Forces

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    U radu su prikazani usporedni rezultati ispitivanja parametara udobnosti u kabini terenskog automobila Land Rover Defender. Mjerenja su provedena na dvije varijante vozila 110 GS Hard Top i 110 GS Soft Top ā€“ heavy duty. Testiranja parametara udobnosti obavljena su samo na vojnim terenskim vozilima, ili joÅ” preciznije, na terenskim vozilima koja su u uporabi u Vojsci Srbije. Rezultati obavljenih testiranja nude neke prijedloge za poboljÅ”anje udobnosti vojnih terenskih vozila koja se koriste u Vojsci Srbije. Uspoređeni su elementi udobnosti s aspekta smjeÅ”taja posade, buke, vibracija i efikasnosti grijanja. Dio eksperimenta je obavljen u realnim eksploatacijskim uvjetima, prilikom intenzivne vožnje terenskih vozila na tri odabrane opitne staze, kako bi se osigurala ponovljivost rezultata ispitivanja: ispresijecana ledina (Deliblatska peŔčara), ravničarski makadam (FruÅ”ka gora) i asfaltna podloga (dionica autoputa Beograd ā€“ Zagreb pored Å ida zbog manje frekvencije saobraćaja i kvalitetne podloge). Mjerenja buke i vibracija su obavljena na mjestima vozača, suvozača i članova posade pri strogo definiranim brzinama gibanja vozila. Ispitivanje efikasnosti grijanja u kabini obavljeno je u laboratorijskim uvjetima u hladnoj komori poligona Nikinci pri konstantnoj temperaturi okoline od -16 Ā°C.The paper presents the comparative results of comfort parameter testing inside the cabin of Land Rover Defender off-road vehicles. The measurements were carried out on two vehicle models ā€“ 110 GS Hard Top and 110 GS Soft Top Heavy Duty. Tests on comfort parameters were performed only on the military off-road vehicles, or to be more precise on the military off-road vehicles used by the Serbian Armed Forces. The results of the performed tests offer some suggestions for the improvement of comfort of military off-road vehicles used by the Serbian Armed Forces.The comfort elements have been compared from the aspect of accommodation of the crew, noise, vibrations and heating efficiency. A part of the experiment was performed by intensive driving of these off-road vehicles in real world conditions, on three pre-selected types of terrain surface, in order to ensure the repeatability of the testing results: heath, gravel and asphalt base (a portion of the Belgrade ā€“ Zagreb highway at the territory near Å id was used due to its less frequent traffic and surface quality). Noise and vibration measurements were carried out at the driverā€™s seat, co-driverā€™s seat and other passenger seats under strictly defined vehicle speeds. Testing of the heating efficiency inside the cabin was carried out under laboratory conditions in the cold chamber of the artillery range at Nikinci at a constant ambient temperature of -16 Ā°C

    Ispitivanje karakteristika sopstvenih i prinudnih oscilacija na terenskom vozilu FAP 2228 sa specijalnom nadgradnjom

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    The paper presents the testing of free and forced oscillations characteristics on FAP 2228 BS/A-45 off-road vehicle. The testing of free oscillations was conducted according to SORS 9127 (Standard of Defense of the Republic of Serbia) in laboratory conditions. The testing of forced oscillations was conducted in the course of driving on various surface paths - the heath in Deliblatska pescara, gravel at the territory of Fruska gora, on concrete surface at the runway of the Kovin airport, as well as on the asphalt surface of Belgrade-Šid highway. The testing was carried out according to SORS 0318 and ISO 2631 standards, and the results were evaluated according to 2002/44/EC Directive.U radu je dat prikaz ispitivanja karakteristika sopstvenih i prinudnih oscilacija terenskog vozila FAP 2228 BS/A-45. Ispitivanje sopstvenih oscilacija vozila obavljeno je prema SORS 9127 u laboratorijskim uslovima. Ispitivanje prinudnih oscilacija vozila obavljeno je vožnjom po stazi - ispresecana ledina, u oblasti Deliblatske peŔčare, ravničarski makadam u oblasti FruŔke gore, po betonskoj podlozi na pisti aerodroma Kovin, kao i po asfaltnoj podlozi autoputa Bgd - Šid. Ispitivanja su obavljena prema SORS 0318 i ISO 2631, a rezultati su ocenjeni prema direktivi 2002/44/EC

    Analysis of Comfort Parameters in Special Purpose Vehicles from Technological Development Point of View

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    The analysis of comfort parameters in the crew cabin space of two variants of the special purpose off-road vehicle is presented, taking technological development aspects into account. Tests of noise, vibration and heating ā€“ cooling efficiency have been performed in realistic operating conditions, during the intensive driving on three selected test tracks, in order to ensure the repeatability of the obtained results. Measuring of noise and vibration levels at the drivers, co-drivers and crew membersā€™ seats were performed at strictly defined vehicle speed. Heating efficiency tests for the cabin have been performed in laboratory conditions, inside a cold chamber with the constant temperature of (āˆ’16 Ā°C), whereas cooling efficiency tests were conducted in the hot chamber at the temperature of (+40 Ā°C). The results of these tests enable the selection of a more comfortable variant of vehicle, wherein the one with less seats for passengers in the cabin which, in addition to more comfort also has the advantage of greater storage space, and from the application flexibility standpoint, which is offered by the possibility of transporting more passengers and less load, such vehicles offer better environment control from within the vehicle

    Fire extinguisher conformity assessment ā€“ a case study

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    The development of large fires has an extremely detrimental effect on the working and living environment. The chances for their effective extinguishing are greatest in the initial stages of flare-up, but that time interval is very short. That is why it is extremely important that fire extinguishers be reliable and, above all, efficient. The usable quality of extinguishers is assessed through a series of laboratory and field experimental tests in the certification process, i.e. prior to placing on the market, an assessment of their conformity with the specified requirements of the relevant standards must be performed. As a result of the previous statements, it can be concluded that it is necessary to develop an appropriate certification scheme for manual and mobile fire extinguishers so that we would have the means with the appropriate level of quality in use. The paper presents a case study of fire extinguishers certification by the certification body - Technical Testing Center

    The Role of Air Quality in Perception of Health of the Local Population

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    The research aim was to investigate and establish the perception of health among population groups with different number of industrial polluters in their living environment. Namely, the Kostrena living area (3250 inhabitants) is situated near big industrial pollutant producers: INA oil refinery Urinj, thermo power plant Rijeka, shipyard Ā»Viktor LenacĀ«, while in Crikvenica living area such pollutant producers do not exist. In this research 146 subjects from Kostrena participated (74 men and 72 women with age average 40.8, SD 9.2 years), and 157 subjects from Crikvenica area (79 men and 78 women with age average 39.4, SD 10.1 years). The perception of health was measured by the means of SF-36 questionnaire variables. Lung function (FEV1, FVC, FEV 25/75, PEF), cardiovascular function (systolic and diastolic arterial blood pressure, heart rate were also measured, including body proporton measures by the means of waste and hip circumference and silhouette test, in order to establish the eventual objective physical health parametar difference among examined population groups. Subjects from Kostrena perceived their general health, mental health, and vitality worse than subjects from Crikvenica. Group from Kostrena felt themself more limited in their roles due to emotional problems, perceiving more pain than group from Crikvenica. On the opposite site, social functioning of subjects from Kostrena was better in comparison to Crikvenica group. No signifficant differences between groups were found in physical functioning and in role limitation due to physical problems. In addition, there were no signifficant differences between groups in objective physical health parameters, such as pulmonary function, arterial blood pressure, pulse, and waist to hip ratio. Subjects using sensoric systems and the mental cognition about harmfull environmental factors, percieve their health worse if there are present industrial resources in their environment, even when concentration of the pollutants are within legal ranges

    Perception of Stress, Depression, Hypertension and Myocardial Infarction as Predictors of Adherence to Hypertension Drug Treatment

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    This survey was performed to determine the relationship between the adherence to hypertension drug treatment and the perception of stress, depression, hypertension, and myocardial infarction. 300 patients with uncomplicated hypertension from Rijeka, Croatia, were included (131 women, 169 men, mean age 53.5 years). Adherence to hypertension drug treatment as criterion, and the perception of stress, depression hypertension and myocardial infarction as prediclors were determined by self-assessment. Collected data were analysed using factor analysis, regression analysis, Kolmogorov- Smirnov test, Ļ‡2-test and t-test. The statistical signifi cance was set at a probability rate of less than 5% (p<0.05). 45.09% of women (p=0.479), and 64.08% of men (p=0.032) were motivated to take antihypertensives. 55.79% of women (p=0.382) and 64.78% of men (p=0.028) had suffi cient knowledge about drug treatment of hypertension. The positive predictors of motivation for taking antihypertensives were physiological disturbances and perceived potency of hypertension and the negative were perceived helplessness in stress control and negative thoughts and emotions. The positive predictors of knowledge about taking antihypertensives were perceived helplessness in stress control, perceived potency of hypertension and myocardial infarction and the negative predictors were perceived self-effi cacy in stress control, physiological disturbances and evaluation of hypertension. Both the motivation as well as the knowledge about taking antihypertensives should be improved, especially in women. The perception of stress, depression, hypertension and myocardial infarction can be used to predict adherence to hypertension drug treatment

    Perception of Arterial Hypertension and Myocardial Infarction in hypertensive and Normotensive Men and Women

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    The research aims were to test perception of arterial hypertension and myocardial infarction in hypertensive and normotensive men and women as well as to test perception of arterial hypertension and myocardial infarction as predictors of blood pressure control in hypertensives. In the research 470 subjects of 4 general practices from Rijeka, Croatia participated, hypertensive group from the list of hypertensive patients without cardiovasular complications and other major chronic conditions, normotensive group from the list of patients without chronic conditions. Each group had 235 subjects, 128 men and 107 women. Perception of hypertension and myocardial infarction was measured as the result on semantic differential questionnaire. Factor analysis extracted evaluation, potency and activity factor. Blood pressure control was interpreteted on the five degrees scale. Statistical significance was defined under 5% (p<0.05). Hypertensive subjects perceived hypertension as less negative and more active, while myocardial infarction was percieved as more potent term than by normotensives. Women perceived myocardial infarction as less negative, and less potent term than men. Both groups perceived myocardial infarction as more negative, potent and active term than hypertension. Normotensive women evaluated hypertension as more negative, and percieved myocardial infarction as less potent than other subjects. Well-controlled hypertension was correlated with a lower potency of hypertension and lower activity of myocardial infarction. Both conditions are perceived as more Ā»maleĀ« diseases. As perception of hypertnsion and myocardial infarction is correlated with blood pressure regulation in hypertensives, and hypertension is major risk factor for myocardial infarction, family doctors should put additional effort in changing perception of cardiovascular diseases in their patients, especially in women

    Electric vehicle conversion: optimisation of parameters in the design process

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    Jedan od pravaca ka stvaranju čistijih i ekonomičnijih vozila jeste prihvatanje koncepta električnog vozila. Rad predstavlja suvremene koncepte konstrukcije električnih vozila Ŕirom svijeta, kao i načine snabdjevanja vozila energijom. Opisan je prepravak vozila kako bi ga se moglo pogoniti elektro-motorom. Prikazani su rezultati vučno-dinamičkog proračuna i simulacije stabilnosti prije i poslije prepravka. Analizirani su dobiveni rezultati i utjecajni čimbenici radi optimiziranja u cilju utjecaja na karakteristike prepravljenog vozila. Zaključeno je da je proces optimizacije neophodno provesti prije početka prepravka kako bi se izbjegle neželjene posljedice, tj. neželjene karakteristike prepravljenog vozila i visoki troŔkovi prepravka.One of the directions for making cleaner and more economic vehicles is to adopt electric vehicle concept. The paper shows current design concepts for electric vehicles worldwide, as well as current sources for supplying vehicles with electric energy. It describes a conversion of one vehicle so that it can be powered by electric motor. The results of tractive and dynamic characteristics calculation and vehicle stability simulation, before and after the conversion, are shown. Obtained results and influential factors are analysed so they can be optimised in order to influence the final characteristics of the converted vehicle. The conclusion is that the complete optimisation process should be performed before the beginning of vehicle conversion in order to avoid undesirable effects, i.e. undesirable characteristics of converted vehicle and high conversion costs