1,494 research outputs found

    Non-coding RNAs and HIV: viral manipulation of host dark matter to shape the cellular environment

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    On October 28th 1943 Winston Churchill said “we shape our buildings, and afterward our buildings shape us” (Humes, 1994). Churchill was pondering how and when to rebuild the British House of Commons, which had been destroyed by enemy bombs on May 10th 1941. The old House had been small and insufficient to hold all its members, but was restored to its original form in 1950 in order to recapture the “convenience and dignity” that the building had shaped into its parliamentary members. The circular loop whereby buildings or dwellings are shaped and go on to shape those that reside in them is also true of pathogens and their hosts. As obligate parasites, pathogens need to alter their cellular host environments to ensure survival. Typically pathogens modify cellular transcription profiles and in doing so, the pathogen in turn is affected, thereby closing the loop. As key orchestrators of gene expression, non-coding RNAs provide a vast and extremely precise set of tools for pathogens to target in order to shape the cellular environment. This review will focus on host non-coding RNAs that are manipulated by the infamous intracellular pathogen, the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). We will briefly describe both short and long host non-coding RNAs and discuss how HIV gains control of these factors to ensure widespread dissemination throughout the host as well as the establishment of lifelong, chronic infection

    Lnc-ing Trained Immunity to Chromatin Architecture

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    Human innate immune cells exposed to certain infections or stimuli develop enhanced immune responses upon re-infection with a different second stimulus, a process termed trained immunity. Recent studies have revealed that hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) are integral to trained immune responses as they are able to “remember” transcriptional responses and transmit this state to their progeny to educate them how to respond to future infections. The macrophages that arise from trained HSCs are epigenetically reprogrammed and as a result robustly express immune genes, enhancing their capability to resolve infection. Accumulation of H3K4me3 epigenetic marks on multiple immune gene promoters underlie robust transcriptional responses during trained immune responses. However, the mechanism underpinning how these epigenetic marks accumulate at discrete immune gene loci has been poorly understood. In this review, we discuss the previously unexplored contributions of nuclear architecture and long non-coding RNAs on H3K4me3 promoter priming in trained immunity. Altering the activity of these lncRNAs presents a promising therapeutic approach to achieve immunomodulation in inflammatory disease states

    The lncRNA Connection Between Cellular Metabolism and Epigenetics in Trained Immunity

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    Trained immunity describes the ability of innate immune cells to form immunological memories of prior encounters with pathogens. Recollection of these memories during a secondary encounter manifests a broadly enhanced inflammatory response characterized by the increased transcription of innate immune genes. Despite this phenomenon having been described over a decade ago, our understanding of the molecular mechanisms responsible for this phenotype is still incomplete. Here we present an overview of the molecular events that lead to training. For the first time, we highlight the mechanistic role of a novel class of long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) in the establishment and maintenance of discrete, long lasting epigenetic modifications that are causal to the trained immune response. This recent insight fills in significant gaps in our understanding of trained immunity and reveals novel ways to exploit trained immunity for therapeutic purposes

    tRNA-linked molecular beacons for imaging mRNAs in the cytoplasm of living cells

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    When oligonucleotide probes are microinjected into cells to image the distribution of RNAs, they are rapidly sequestered into the nucleus. As a result, it is difficult to detect mRNAs in the cytoplasm of living cells. We were able to overcome this process by attaching tRNA transcripts to the probes. We show that when fluorescently labeled tRNAs, tRNAs with extensions at their 5′ end, or chimeric molecules in which a molecular beacon possessing a 2′-O-methylribonucleotide backbone is linked to a tRNA, are injected into the nucleus of HeLa cells, they are exported into the cytoplasm. When these constructs are introduced into the cytoplasm, they remain cytoplasmic. These constructs allow the distribution of both the general mRNA population and specific mRNAs to be imaged in living cells. This strategy should also be useful for enhancing the efficacy of antisense oligonucleotides by keeping them in the cytoplasm. Our observations show that the fidelity of the tRNA export system is relaxed for unnatural tRNA variants when they are introduced into the nucleus in large amounts

    PALM and STORM : unlocking live-cell super-resolution

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    Live-cell fluorescence light microscopy has emerged as an important tool in the study of cellular biology. The development of fluorescent markers in parallel with super-resolution imaging systems has pushed light microscopy into the realm of molecular visualization at the nanometer scale. Resolutions previously only attained with electron microscopes are now within the grasp of light microscopes. However, until recently, live-cell imaging approaches have eluded super-resolution microscopy, hampering it from reaching its full potential for revealing the dynamic interactions in biology occurring at the single molecule level. Here we examine recent advances in the super-resolution imaging of living cells by reviewing recent breakthroughs in single molecule localization microscopy methods such as PALM and STORM to achieve this important goal.http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1002/(ISSN)1097-028

    Viral Apoptosis Evasion via the MAPK Pathway by Use of a Host Long Noncoding RNA

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    An emerging realization of infectious disease is that pathogens can cause a high incidence of genetic instability within the host as a result of infection-induced DNA lesions. These often lead to classical hallmarks of cancer, one of which is the ability to evade apoptosis despite the presence of numerous genetic mutations that should be otherwise lethal. The Human Immunodeficiency Virus type 1 (HIV-1) is one such pathogen as it induces apoptosis in CD4+ T cells but is largely non-cytopathic in macrophages. As a consequence there is long-term dissemination of the pathogen specifically by these infected yet surviving host cells. Apoptosis is triggered by double-strand breaks (DSBs), such as those induced by integrating retroviruses like HIV-1, and is coordinated by the p53-regulated long noncoding RNA lincRNA-p21. As is typical for a long noncoding RNA, lincRNA-p21 mediates its activities in a complex with one of its two protein binding partners, namely HuR and hnRNP-K. In this work, we monitor the cellular response to infection to determine how HIV-1 induces DSBs in macrophages yet evades apoptosis in these cells. We show that the virus does so by securing the pro-survival MAP2K1/ERK2 cascade early upon entry, in a gp120-dependent manner, to orchestrate a complex dysregulation of lincRNA-p21. By sequestering the lincRNA-p21 partner HuR in the nucleus, HIV-1 enables lincRNA-p21 degradation. Simultaneously, the virus permits transcription of pro-survival genes by sequestering lincRNA-p21's other protein partner hnRNP-K in the cytoplasm via the MAP2K1/ERK2 pathway. Of particular note, this MAP2K1/ERK2 pro-survival cascade is switched off during T cell maturation and is thus unavailable for similar viral manipulation in mature CD4+ T cells. We show that the introduction of MAP2K1, ERK2, or HDM2 inhibitors in HIV-infected macrophages results in apoptosis, providing strong evidence that the viral-mediated apoptotic block can be released, specifically by restoring the nuclear interaction of lincRNA-p21 and its apoptosis protein partner hnRNP-K. Together, these results reveal a unique example of pathogenic control over mammalian apoptosis and DNA damage via a host long noncoding RNA, and present MAP2K1/ERK2 inhibitors as a novel therapeutic intervention strategy for HIV-1 infection in macrophages

    Genome-wide profiling of transcribed enhancers during macrophage activation

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    Background: Macrophages are sentinel cells essential for tissue homeostasis and host defence. Owing to their plasticity, macrophages acquire a range of functional phenotypes in response to microenvironmental stimuli, of which M(IFN-γ) and M(IL-4/IL-13) are well known for their opposing pro- and anti-inflammatory roles. Enhancers have emerged as regulatory DNA elements crucial for transcriptional activation of gene expression. Results: Using cap analysis of gene expression and epigenetic data, we identify on large-scale transcribed enhancers in bone marrow-derived mouse macrophages, their time kinetics, and target protein-coding genes. We observe an increase in target gene expression, concomitant with increasing numbers of associated enhancers, and find that genes associated with many enhancers show a shift towards stronger enrichment for macrophage-specific biological processes. We infer enhancers that drive transcriptional responses of genes upon M(IFN-γ) and M(IL-4/IL-13) macrophage activation and demonstrate stimuli specificity of regulatory associations. Finally, we show that enhancer regions are enriched for binding sites of inflammation-related transcription factors, suggesting a link between stimuli response and enhancer transcriptional control. Conclusions: Our study provides new insights into genome-wide enhancer-mediated transcriptional control of macrophage genes, including those implicated in macrophage activation, and offers a detailed genome-wide catalogue of transcribed enhancers in bone marrow-derived mouse macrophages