13 research outputs found

    The pattern of the frequency of hbsag, hbeag, anti-hcv and anti-hbe in patients with haemoglobin genotype HbSS and HbSC in a rural community.

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    Sixty HbSS sickle cell anaemic patients aged 17.45 ±10.1years (Female=30, Male=30) and sixty HbSC sickle cell disease patients aged 20.6±11.0years(Female=30,Male=30) were recruited for the investigation. Haemoglobin genotype of each of the patient was determined by electrophoresis. HepatitisB‘s' antigen, HBeAg,anti-HBe, and anti-HCV in patients' plasma were determined by Enzyme Immunoassay. The frequencies of HBsAg, anti-HBe, HBeAg +HBsAg, HBsAg + antiHBe, in HbSS(6.7% , 20%,13.3%, and 20% respectively) were higher than those of HbSC( 5% ,8.3%, 5% , and 3.3% respectively). The frequency of anti-HCV + anti-HBe in HbSC was higher compared with that of HbSS patients ( 3.3% Vs 0%).The frequency of HBeAg in female HbSS and HbSC patients was higher than their male counterparts.( HbSS:16.7%Vs 10%;HbSC:6.7% Vs 3.3%).Higher frequency of HBsAg was found in HbSS male patients than the females (26.7% Vs 13.3%).The frequency of anti-HBe in HbSS male patients and HbSC female patients was higher than those of HbSS female patients and HbSC male patients respectively( HbSS:10% Vs 3.3%; HbSC: 10% Vs 6.7%).The frequency of HBeAg+ HBsAg obtained in HbSS male patients and HbSC female patients was higher than the results obtained from HbSS female patients and HbSC male patients (HbSS: 16.7% Vs 10%; HbSC:6.7% Vs 3.3%).The frequency of HBsAg + anti-HBe in HbSS female patients was higher than in HbSS male patients.(23.3% Vs 16.7%).None of the patients plasma was found to contain both HBeAg + anti-HBe. This research work has therefore been used to examine the pattern of HBeAg, HBsAg, anti-HCV, and anti-HBe in the plasma of patients with haemoglobin genotype HbSS and HbSC in rural community. Keywords: Pattern, Frequency, HepatitisB, Hepatitis C, Antibody, Surface (‘s') and Envelope (‘e') antigens. African Journal of Clinical and Experimental Microbiology Vol. 9 (2) 2008 pp. 82-8

    Abo blood group system: in the context of human diseases

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    The expression of ABO blood group antigens on red cell surface and a variety of human cells, tissues and fluids is well documented. Studies in the recent times have reported association between these blood group antigens and some disorders in man. Cancer, Cardiovascular disease and infection are some of the disorders reported. The interplay has given rise to the assertion that ABO blood group system has extended its clinical significance beyond the natural frontier of transfusion Science. This narrative review aims at summarizing information concerning the role of these blood antigens in the pathogenesis of human disorders such as cardiovascular, cancer and infectious diseases. Methodology: Literature on the role of ABO blood group antigens in human disease was searched from BMCMed, PubMed and text books. The search words were ABO blood group antigens, cardiovascular disease, Von Willebrand factor, cancer, infectious disease, and neuroscience. We reviewed, evaluated and summarized the relationship between these disorders and ABO blood group; and possible pathogenic mechanism involved. Conclusion: It is now known that non – O blood group antigens are linked with the risk for cardiovascular disease, oncological states and infectious disorders. However further studies are needed to elucidated molecular mechanism/s in the interplay between these antigens and human health. This may as well elevate ABO blood typing as a veritable tool for cardiovascular and oncologic disorders risk assessment

    13. The late onset of the 2015 wet season in Nigeria

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    We find no evidence that the delayed onset of the wet season over Nigeria during April - May 2015 was made more likely by anthropogenic influences or anomalous sea surface temperatures