1,088 research outputs found

    Recovery of fluctuation spectrum evolution from tomographic shear spectra

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    Forthcoming large angle surveys are planned to obtain high precision tomographic shear data. In principle, they will allow us to recover the spectra of matter density fluctuation, at various redshift, through the inversion of the expressions yielding shear from fluctuation spectra. This was discussed in previous work, where SVD techniques for matrix inversion were also shown to be the optimal tool to this aim. Here we show the significant improvements obtainable by using a 7 bin tomography, as allowed by future Euclid data, as well as the question of error propagation from shear to fluctuation spectra. We find that the technique is a promising tool, namely for the analysis of baryon physics throug high-l shear spectra and to test the consistency between expansion rate and fluctuation growth.Comment: 22 pages, 10 figure

    The Mass Function of Nearby Galaxy Clusters

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    We present the distribution of virial masses for nearby galaxy clusters, as obtained from a data-set of 75 clusters, each having at least 20 galaxy members with measured redshifts within 1 Abell radius. After having accounted for problems of incompleteness of the data-set, we fitted a power-law to the cluster mass distribution.Comment: 10 pages (2 figures not included, available upon request), LATEX, Ref.SISSA 54/93/

    Constraints on Dark Energy state equation with varying pivoting redshift

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    We assume the DE state equations w(a) = w_0+w_a(a_p-a), and study the dependence of the constraints on w_0 and w_a coefficients on the pivoting redshift 1+z_p=1/a_p. Coefficients are fitted to data including WMAP7, SNIa (Union 2.1), BAO's (including WiggleZ and SDSS results) and H_0 constraints. The fitting algorithm is CosmoMC. We find specific differences between the cases when neutrino mass is allowed or disregarded. More in detail: i) The z_p value yielding uncorrelated constraints on w_0 and w_a is different in the two cases, holding ~0.25 and ~0.35, respectively. (ii) If we consider the intervals allowed to w_0, we find that they shift when z_p increases, in opposite directions for vanishing or allowed neutrino mass. This leads to no overlap between 1sigma intervals already at z_p >~0.4. (iii) The known effect that a more negative state parameter is required to allow for neutrino mass displays its effects on w_a, rather than on w_0. (iv) The w_0-w_a constraints found by using any pivot z_p can be translated into constraints holding at a specific z_p value (0 or the z_p where errors are uncorrelated). When we do so, error ellipses exhibit a satisfactory overlap.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figures, 2 table

    Evidence of a new low field cross-over in the vortex critical velocity of type-II superconducting thin films

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    We measure current-voltage characteristics as function of magnetic field and temperature in Nb strips of different thickness and width. The instability voltage of the flux flow state related to the vortex critical velocity v* is studied and compared with the Larkin-Ovchinnikov theory. Beside the usual power-law dependence v* ~ B^-1/2, in the low field range a new cross-over field, Bcr1, is observed below which v* decreases by further lowering the external magnetic field B. We ascribe this unexpected cross-over to vortex channeling due to a fan-like penetration of the applied magnetic field as confirmed by magneto-optic imaging. The observation of Bcr1 becomes a direct evidence of a general feature in type-II superconducting films at low fields, that is a channel-like vortex motion induced by the inhomogeneous magnetic state caused by the relatively strong pinning

    Structures in Galaxy Clusters

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    The analysis of the presence of substructures in 16 well-sampled clusters of galaxies suggests a stimulating hypothesis: Clusters could be classified as unimodal or bimodal, on the basis of to the sub-clump distribution in the {\em 3-D} space of positions and velocities. The dynamic study of these clusters shows that their fundamental characteristics, in particular the virial masses, are not severely biased by the presence of subclustering if the system considered is bound.Comment: (16 pages in LATEX, 4 tables in LATEX are at the end of the file, the figures not included are available upon request), REF SISSA 158/93/

    A new apparatus for deep patterning of beam sensitive targets by means of high-energy ion beam

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    The paper reports on a high precision equipment designed to modify over 3-dimensions (3D) by means of high-energy gold ions the local properties of thin and thick films. A target-moving system aimed at creating patterns across the volume is driven by an x-y writing protocol that allows one to modify beam sensitive samples over micrometer-size regions of whatever shape. The apparatus has a mechanical resolution of 15 nm. The issue of the local fluence measurement has been particularly addressed. The setup has been checked by means of different geometries patterned on beam sensitive sheets as well as on superconducting materials. In the last case the 3D modification consists of amorphous nanostructures. The nanostructures create zones with different dissipative properties with respect to the virgin regions. The main analysis method consists of magneto-optical imaging that provides local information on the electrodynamics of the modified zones. Features typical of non-linear current flow hint at which pattern geometry is more functional to applications in the framework of nanostructures across superconducting films.Comment: 7 page
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