16 research outputs found
Distorsioni temporali e coscienza dell'azione intenzionale
Riassunto: Le “distorsioni” temporali paiono riguardare l’agentivitĂ umana in tutte le proprie manifestazioni. Da una prospettiva strutturale, l’azione si manifesta come un intreccio di processi che fondamentalmente comprende la formulazione di un’intenzione, l’esecuzione di un movimento e infine il processamento di un feedback che include gli effetti dell’azione. Lo studio dell’agentivitĂ umana ha incontrato molti ostacoli dovuti principalmente alla complessitĂ dei processi mentali che accompagnano azioni specifiche. E tuttavia studi recenti hanno gettato luce sui processi mentali sottostanti l’azione. In questo articolo intendo sostenere che, lungi dall’essere “distorsioni” temporali, le discrepanze tra tempo soggettivo (in prima persona) e tempo oggettivo (terza persona) mostrano piĂą profonde modalitĂ soggettive inconsce di costituzione del tempo, che aggirano l’indagine scientifica e puntano direttamente alla costituzione fenomenologica di una rappresentazione del mondo coerente e dotata di significato, che non può essere ulteriormente ridotta mediante il riferimento al tempo oggettivo.Parole chiave: SoggettivitĂ ; Tempo; AgentivitĂ ; Distorsioni temporali; EsperienzaTemporal Distorsions and Consciousness of Intentional Action Abstract: Temporal “distortions” seem to affect human agency in all its manifestations. From a structural point of view, action manifests itself as a plot of processes that essentially include the formulation of an intention, the execution of a motion, and, finally, processing feedback including the effects of the action. The study of human agency has encountered several obstacles which are mainly due to the complexity of mental processes that accompany specific actions. Yet recent studies have shed light on the mental processes underlying action. In my paper I argue that, far from being temporal “distortions”, mismatches between subjective time (first person) and objective time (third person) indicate deeper unconscious subjective modes of in-forming time, which bypass scientific exploration and point directly to the phenomenological constitution of a consistent and meaningful representation of the world, which cannot be further reduced by referring to clock time.Keywords: Subjectivity; Time; Agency; Temporal Distorsions; ExperienceÂ
Tempo, soggettivita', esperienza. Per un'ermeneutica trascendentale e fenomenologica del rapporto aporetico tra esperienza soggettiva e analisi neuro scientifica della percezione e dell'azione.
The first chapter deals with one of the most radical questions in neuroscience regarding our perceptual experience: how is the stability and continuity of our experience generated, given the distortions emerging from the comparison between the experimentally recorded neural time and the lived time emerging from subjective referrals? Here, we critically examine the concept of distortion, which makes sense only in as much as the clock time and the geometrical space are regarded as absolute.
In the second chapter we examine the experiments that, starting from B. Libet's works, seem to undermine the existence of our free will, especially because of the existence of neural processes that precedes voluntary motor acts, making it possible for neuroscientists to read our decisions before we become aware of them. Here, a Kantian interpretation of conscious decisions allows us to find room for our freedom as the essence of humankind.
The third chapter evaluates the literature on the relationship between consciousness, action, and perception, stressing in particular their intrinsic presence in every act of constitution of spatial and temporal experience.
In the fourth chapter we analyze the binding problem, i.e. the problem of the global interconnection of our experience. We suggest that a process very similar to the Kantian structures of subjectivity as transcendental forms of our synthetic, coherent, and meaningful experience underlies the neural process of binding.
In the fifth chapter, the neuroquantistic interpretations of consciousness, according to which consciousness is a de-temporalized dynamic subjective structure, are shown to be very close to the Kantian concept of the transcendental unity of consciousness. In particular, the transcendental schematism allows for the detection of a possible reunification of our subjective experience and the scientific inquiry of action and perception.
Finally, we propose an innovative view of the relationship between consciousness, space, and time. Inspired by Kant's transcendental perspective, by Husserl's phenomenology, as well as by Merleau-Ponty's phenomenology of perception, and by Heidegger's notion of being-in-the world, we articulate a deep interpretation of the recently discovered neural mechanisms, by virtue of which subjectivity processes the active in-formation of objectivity.
The topic of the appendix is constituted by mirror neurons, whose behavior allows for a better understanding of intersubjective experience
Olfactory-related quality of life impacts psychological distress in people with COVID-19: The affective implications of olfactory dysfunctions
Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) often causes chemosensory impairment, and olfactory dysfunctions may have negative consequences on psychological distress. This study aimed at assessing which dimension of perceived olfactory disfunctions (i.e., subjective olfactory capability, smell-related problems, or olfactory-related quality of life [QoL]) was most associated with psychological distress in people diagnosed with COVID-19.
364 participants (65 men and 299 women) diagnosed with COVID-19 on average 7 months prior to the beginning of the study were recruited between June 5 and 21, 2021, to take part in an online cross-sectional survey. Participants answered questions on demographics, clinical factors, perceived olfactory functioning, and psychological distress. Hierarchical multiple linear regression analysis was conducted, assessing the role of demographics, clinical factors, and perceived olfactory functioning dimensions on psychological distress.
More than half of the participants met the cut-off for all perceived olfactory dysfunctions scales and psychological distress. Being women, smoker, with comorbidities, and greater severity of COVID-19 symptoms were associated with higher scores on psychological distress. Among perceived olfactory functioning scales, only impairment in olfaction QoL was associated with psychological distress.
Limitations concerned the cross-sectional nature of the study and the unbalanced sample in terms of gender.
The study confirmed the core intertwining between mood, perceived QoL, and olfactory functioning, showing how impairments in olfactory processing are strongly correlated with psychological distress through the impact they have on the perceived QoL
Gender Identity Milestones, Minority Stress and Mental Health in Three Generational Cohorts of Italian Binary and Nonbinary Transgender People
Transgender and gender nonconforming (TGNC) people experience high rates of minority stress and associated risk for negative health outcomes. However, during the last years, significant positive socio-cultural changes have happened, and younger cohorts of TGNC individuals are having diverse experiences compared to older cohorts. By integrating the minority stress theory and the life course perspective, this cross-sectional, web-based study aimed to explore in 197 Italian TGNC people aged 18 to 54 years (M = 29.82, SD = 9.64) whether the average ages of gender identity milestones (i.e., first insights about being TGNC, self-labeling as a TGNC person, and coming out), minority stress, and mental health vary among three generational cohorts (i.e., Generation Z, Millennials, and Generation X). Compared with older cohorts, younger participants: (a) were more likely to be in the trans-masculine spectrum; (b) self-labeled as TGNC and came out earlier; (c) had more negative expectations and lower levels of disclosure; and (d) had higher levels of mental health problems. No generational differences related to first insights about being TGNC and distal minority stressors were found. Furthermore, compared with binary individuals, participants with a non-binary identity: (a) reported later ages for the gender identity milestones; (b) had higher negative expectations; and (c) had higher levels of mental health problems. Overall, our findings indicated that changes in the social environments have a limited impact on stigmatization processes and mental health of Italian TGNC people
The psychological benefits and efficacy of computer-assisted training on competency enhancement in adults with intellectual disability. A systematic review
The use of modern technologies as instructional tools is becoming increasingly prevalent in both general and special education. This systematic review examines the effects of computer-assisted and digital training on competency enhancement for adults with intellectual disabilities. As opposed to mere knowledge, “competency” was defined as the ability to apply and employ acquired knowledge to carry out tasks and solve problems in professional, social, and personal life domains. The PRISMA procedure was used to search for records dealing with competency enhancement using computerized training for intellectually disabled adults. Twenty-two articles met the inclusion criteria, showing that contemporary technology, computer-based tools, and digital instruments can positively affect the quality of life of adults with intellectual disabilities, and enhance their personal, professional, and social competencies. Ultimately, fostering computer-based technology to enhance competencies in adults with intellectual disabilities appears to be very promising, in that it allows these individuals to better integrate into society and live more independently, autonomously, and effectively
The Effectiveness of Neroli Essential Oil in Relieving Anxiety and Perceived Pain in Women during Labor: A Randomized Controlled Trial
Childbirth is a stressful and physically painful event in a woman’s life and aromatherapy is one of the most used non-pharmacological methods that is effective in reducing anxiety and perceived pain. This randomized controlled study aimed at determining the effect of neroli oil aromatherapy on anxiety and pain intensity perception in 88 women during labor, randomly assigned to either an intervention group (n = 44) or control group (n = 44). Anxiety and perceived pain were assessed through the visual analogue scale during the latent, early, and late active phases of labor. Data analyses included the t-test, Chi-square test, and repeated measures ANOVA. Perceived pain and anxiety in the group receiving aromatherapy were significantly lower than in the control group at all stages of labor (p < 0.05). Specifically, as the labor progressed, pain and anxiety increased in all participants, but the increase was milder in the experimental group than in the control group. The multiparas showed higher average anxiety scores, but not perceived pain, than the primiparas in all phases of labor (p < 0.05). Ultimately, neroli oil aromatherapy during labor can be used as an alternative tool to relieve anxiety and perceived pain in women during all stages of labor
Perinatal depression during the fourth wave of the COVID-19 outbreak in a single prenatal clinic in Southern Italy: The role of loneliness, anxiety, and maternal support
Background: The current study aimed at assessing the levels of perinatal depression (i.e., both antenatal and postnatal) during the fourth wave of the COVID-19 outbreak in a group of Italian women, as well as to evaluate the role of loneliness, anxiety, and lack of maternal support in cumulatively predicting perinatal depression. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted with 200 Italian women recruited during a peak of the COVID-19 pandemic in Italy (i.e., from September to December 2021) from a single prenatal clinic in Southern Italy. A non-parametric binomial test was conducted to assess whether the perinatal depression frequencies of the current sample differed from those found in a pre-Covid reference group. Additionally, hierarchical multiple linear regression analyses assessing whether loneliness, anxiety, and maternal support affected women's perinatal depression were also conducted. Results: The general prevalence of perinatal depression was significantly higher in participants recruited during the fourth wave of the COVID-19 pandemic compared to the pre-Covid reference group (29% vs. 9.2%). However, results showed that, contrary to postnatal depression (18.2% vs. 19.9%), only the prevalence of antenatal depression was significantly higher compared to the pre-Covid reference group (39.6% vs. 6.4%). Furthermore, loneliness and anxiety, but not maternal support, were associated with higher levels of PD. Limitations: Limitations concerned the cross-sectional nature of the study and the relatively small sample size. Conclusions: This study sheds light on the need to address perinatal mental health of women during major stressful events, such as the COVID-19 pandemic
Affiliative Bonds and Cruel Behavior in Childhood Interspecific Relationships: A Conceptual Framework on the Psychodynamics of Affect Regulation
Background: Childhood interspecific relationships can be viewed as a mirror of the person’s capacity to interact with other living beings. The interspecific relationship can involve different attachment styles, affect regulation skills, transitional object dynamics, and self-awareness and mentalization processes. Yet interspecific relationships can also be disrupted, since they can be associated with cruel behavior toward animals, which is in turn related to possible psychopathology.
Method: We provided a conceptual framework based on the literature addressing the interspecific relationship in both its adaptive and positive features as well as in its disrupted aspects.
Discussion: Pets have often been regarded as attachment figures that can aid children in socialization and growth processes. They have been deemed to represent “social catalysts” that tend to facilitate human relationships, thus increasing prosocial behaviors. On the dark side of the pet-child interaction, childhood abuse of animals tends to be associated with behavioral and emotional problems that have been thought of as underlying psychopathology (e.g., conduct disorder and antisocial personality traits). Childhood cruelty to animals seems to accompany emotion dysregulation, poor social information processing, and low empathy.
Conclusions: Since the child-pet relationship has substantial implications for the individual’s mental health and for the potential development of psychopathology, addressing children’s attitudes toward animals can aid in understanding the affective and emotional dimensions of their interpersonal experience