552 research outputs found

    Study of the propolis extract as a corrosion inhibitor of copper alloy in ethylene glycol/water 0.1 M NaCl

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    The effect of propolis extract as a corrosion inhibitor of copper alloy in ethylene glycol / water 0.1 M NaCl solution was studied by electrochemical measurements. The Tafel polarization curves showed that the propolis extract at different concentration acts as mixed inhibitor, and the maximum value of the inhibitory efficacy is 73.28% at optimum concentration of 1.25 g/L of propolis extract. The activation parameters reveal that the inhibitor molecules on copper surface are absorbed by physisorption and obey Langmuir isotherm adsorption. These results were supplemented by IR Spectroscopy, Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and EDX spectrum of chemical composition. The metal solution interface is simulated as a physical model by using Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS).Keywords: Copper Alloy, Propolis extract, ethylene glycol; Corrosion inhibition; Adsorption, Electrochemical impedance Spectroscopy (EIS

    Fast flux botnet detection framework using adaptive dynamic evolving spiking neural network algorithm

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    A botnet, a set of compromised machines controlled distantly by an attacker, is the basis of numerous security threats around the world. Command and Control servers are the backbones of botnet communications, where the bots and botmasters send report and attack orders to each other. Botnets are also categorized according to their C&C protocols. A Domain Name System method known as Fast-Flux Service Network (FFSN) – a special type of botnet – has been engaged by bot herders to cover malicious botnet activities and increase the lifetime of malicious servers by quickly changing the IP addresses of the domain name over time. Although several methods have been suggested for detecting FFSNs, they have low detection accuracy especially with zero-day domain. In this research, we propose a new system called Fast Flux Killer System (FFKS) that has the ability to detect FF-Domains in online mode with an implementation constructed on Adaptive Dynamic evolving Spiking Neural Network (ADeSNN). The proposed system proved its ability to detect FF domains in online mode with high detection accuracy (98.77%) compare with other algorithms, with low false positive and negative rates respectively. It is also proved a high level of performance. Additionally, the proposed adaptation of the algorithm enhanced and helped in the parameters customization process

    Hématome spontané de la surrénale (à propos de 2 cas)

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    L’hématome spontané de la surrénale est rare et d’étiologies multiples. Il est caractérisé par sa latence clinique et prête à confusion à une tumeur maligne de la surrénale. Nous rapportons deux observations: la première concernant un patient de 77 ans, sans antécédents pathologiques, qui a consulté pour des douleurs abdominales isolées. L’échographie et la tomodensitométrieont révélé l’existence d’une masse hétérogène aux dépens de la surrénale droite. La deuxième observation concerne une femme de 31 ans ayant consulté pour lombalgies gauches intermittentes. L’échographie et la tomodensitométrie ont révélé une tumeur kystique de la surrénale gauche.Dans les deux cas le bilan biologique était normal et une surrénalectomie par voie sous-costale a été réalisée. L’étude anatomopathologique a conclu à un hématome surrénalien sans lésion tumorale associée. Les aspects diagnostiques et thérapeutiques sont discutés

    The Impact of Arabic Diacritization on Word Embeddings

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    Word embedding is used to represent words for text analysis. It plays an essential role in many Natural Language Processing (NLP) studies and has hugely contributed to the extraordinary developments in the field in the last few years. In Arabic, diacritic marks are a vital feature for the readability and understandability of the language. Current Arabic word embeddings are non-diacritized. In this paper, we aim to develop and compare word embedding models based on diacritized and non-diacritized corpora to study the impact of Arabic diacritization on word embeddings. We propose evaluating the models in four different ways: clustering of the nearest words; morphological semantic analysis; part-of-speech tagging; and semantic analysis. For a better evaluation, we took the challenge to create three new datasets from scratch for the three downstream tasks. We conducted the downstream tasks with eight machine learning algorithms and two deep learning algorithms. Experimental results show that the diacritized model exhibits a better ability to capture syntactic and semantic relations and in clustering words of similar categories. Overall, the diacritized model outperforms the non-diacritized model. Interestingly, we obtained some more interesting findings. For example, from the morphological semantics analysis, we found that with the increase in the number of target words, the advantages of the diacritized model are also more obvious, and the diacritic marks have more significance in POS tagging than in other tasks

    Corrélation des variations morphologiques de Streptococcus salivarius subsp. thermophilus CNRZ 368 avec la prise du lactose

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    La présente étude a porté sur la détermination. du taux de prise du lactose chez trois variants morphologiques de la souche CNRZ 368 de S. salivarius subsp. hermophilus, en fonction du glucide de culture et du temps d'incubation en présence du diholoside marqué au 14C. Ceci nous a permis de mettre en évidence une variabilité de la prise du lactose en fonction à la fois de la source d'énergie préalable et du variant. Par contre, les résultats de l'effet de l'action des inhibiteurs métaboliques, l'énergétique de la prise du lactose; et les compétiteurs métaboliques du diholoside démontrent que le système de prise du diholoside n'est pas en relation avec la morphologie des variants. Il s'agit d'un système actif de type perméase dont l'énergie est fournie par l'ATP

    Le kyste hydatique facial isole

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    Le kyste hydatique se présente exceptionnellement comme une masse faciale. Nous rapportons le cas d’un kyste hydatique de la région temporo-jugale chez un patient de 20 ans révélé par une tuméfaction faciale isolée. Le bilan radiologique a montré une formation liquidienne avec pseudo cloisons siégeant au niveau des parties molles temporales gauche. C’est l’exploration chirurgicale qui a posé le diagnostic de kyste hydatique, confirmé par l’étude anatomopathologique. Elle a permis une kystectomie totale. L’évolution a été marquée par l’absence de récidive à 3 ans.Mots clès : Kyste hydatique, face, kystectomie
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