19 research outputs found

    Are We Ready for Smart Transport? Analysis of Attitude Towards Public Transport in Budapest

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    In every case of serious development that concerns the majority of society, it is vital to analyze the current social opinion on the particular service and to analyze the possible effects, that the elements of the system being developed, could have. This is no different, when it comes to smart cities, more specifically smart traffic systems, even if these developments are to serve the improvement of people’s living conditions. It is essential to determine what the decisive factors are for the man of today in choosing a mode of transport; which attributes influence that decision; what sort of opinion that individual has about different urban modes and whether he/she is ready to utilise smart means of transport. Furthermore,it is inevitable to explore, what would make people choose smart solutions (e.g. autonomous vehicles). Current article is to showcase the responses to the above questions of people living in the Hungarian capital, Budapest. The article begins with an overview of the international literature on smart cities and their transport system. Afterwards, the results of a research sponsored by the Hungarian Ministry of Human Capacities are presented, followed by the conclusions based on the results obtained

    Okos, fenntartható és biztonságos városok = Smart sustainable and safe cities

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    Smart, sustainable and safe cities. But how can a traditional metropolis achieve this complex aim? What facts are go handed together with the sustainability and the safety expected by the townsmen? How could we improve our city better all by ourselves? What kinds of technological side has got a smart city’s construction and development? We could easily illustrate the answers several numbers from among the urban infrastructures. At the same time in our sight the urban traffic infrastructure in the city's fabric such as the vascular system which encompassed human bodies. The vehicular traffic in cities is almost look likes the flow of the blood in our body. Accordingly, we will point out the local transport system of the city only subjective way. The reason of the above applied method is that we would like to analyse the main qualities of the clever city transport subsystem

    Okos, fenntartható és biztonságos városok = Smart sustainable and safe cities

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    Smart, sustainable and safe cities. But how can a traditional metropolis achieve this complex aim? What facts are go handed together with the sustainability and the safety expected by the townsmen? How could we improve our city better all by ourselves? What kinds of technological side has got a smart city’s construction and development? We could easily illustrate the answers several numbers from among the urban infrastructures. At the same time in our sight the urban traffic infrastructure in the city's fabric such as the vascular system which encompassed human bodies. The vehicular traffic in cities is almost look likes the flow of the blood in our body. Accordingly, we will point out the local transport system of the city only subjective way. The reason of the above applied method is that we would like to analyse the main qualities of the clever city transport subsystem


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    The widespread use of smart cities and the various "smart" modes of transport can’t be questioned. These „smart” solutions produce definite changes for people living in the city, both individually and socially. It is however important to assess and examine, how actual „consumers” react to new services, a different lifestyle, since the purpose of creating smart systems is to provide people living in the city, better, more environmentally conscious and liveable surroundings. The aim of our research is to examine, how accepting or rejecting people are, who use public transport in Budapest, regarding autonomous means of public transport, which will become one of the corner stones of future smart cities. Furthermore we aim to explore, how people today judge the different service features of railway public transport in Budapest as well as if there are any differences in judgements, between people accepting and rejecting autonomous modes of transport and what those differences are.Az okos városok és a különböző ”okos” közlekedési módok folyamatos elterjedésemegkérdőjelezhetetlen. Ezen „okos” megoldások egyértelmű változásokat hoznak a városban élőkszámára, mind egyénileg és társadalmilag is. Fontos azonban felmérni, és vizsgálni miként reagálnak,a tényleges „fogyasztók” az új szolgáltatásokra megváltozott élethelyzetekre, hiszen az okosrendszerek létrehozásának célja a jobb, környezettudatosabb élhető körülmények létrehozása avároslakók számára. Kutatásunk célja megvizsgálni, hogy napjainkban a budapesti tömegközlekedésthasználók, mennyire elfogadók és elutasítók a különböző önvezető tömegközlekedési módokkalkapcsolatban, amelyek a jövőbeni okos városok egyik alappillérét fogja képezni. További cél feltárni abudapesti vaskerekes tömegközlekedési módok különböző szolgáltatási tulajdonságait miként ítélimeg a mai utazóközönség, valamint van-e és ha igen milyen megítélési különbségek vannak, azönvezető közlekedési módot elfogadók és elutasítók között

    Fogyasztói vélemények a kötöttpályás közlekedéssel kapcsolatban

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    The widespread use of smart cities and the various “smart” modes of transport can’t be questioned. These „smart” solutions produce definite changes for people living in the city, both individually and socially. It is however important to assess and examine, how actual „consumers” react to new services, a different lifestyle, since the purpose of creating smart systems is to provide people living in the city, better, more environmentally conscious and liveable surroundings. The aim of our research is to examine, how accepting or rejecting people are, who use public transport in Budapest, regarding autonomous means of public transport, which will become one of the corner stones of future smart cities. Furthermore, we aim to explore, how people today judge the different service features of railway public transport in Budapest as well as if there are any differences in judgements, between people accepting and rejecting autonomous modes of transport and what those differences are

    Autonóm intelligens járművek helyzete Európa

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    In 2014, a future route was planned between Rotterdam and Vienna, where – in the coming years - they want to realize the first cross-Europe corridor of the cooperative, intelligent transport system. Even in everyday life, we hear about the increased use of autonomous vehicles now. We are now able to come across driverless metros from Budapest to Paris. The marketable variation of the different automated vehicles (such as buses, truck, cars) are being developed and tested. We’ve been witnessing the success and failure of some of the early models. According to this, the Europe-wide mobility will – with the networking of the various transportation systems and spreading of the individual and public transportation that is capable of autonomous operation - probably change the verticum of the whole society, which will create one of the essential pillars of the intelligent city

    Autonóm intelligens járművek helyzete Európa

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    In 2014, a future route was planned between Rotterdam and Vienna, where – in the coming years - they want to realize the first cross-Europe corridor of the cooperative, intelligent transport system. Even in everyday life, we hear about the increased use of autonomous vehicles now. We are now able to come across driverless metros from Budapest to Paris. The marketable variation of the different automated vehicles (such as buses, truck, cars) are being developed and tested. We’ve been witnessing the success and failure of some of the early models. According to this, the Europe-wide mobility will – with the networking of the various transportation systems and spreading of the individual and public transportation that is capable of autonomous operation - probably change the verticum of the whole society, which will create one of the essential pillars of the intelligent city