16 research outputs found

    Munkapiaci rugalmassĂĄg Ă©s ifjĂșsĂĄgi foglalkoztathatĂłsĂĄg

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    Az ifjĂșsĂĄgi munkanĂ©lkĂŒlisĂ©g napjaink egyik legĂ©getƑbb problĂ©mĂĄja vilĂĄgszerte, amely tovagyƱrƱzƑ hatĂĄsai rĂ©vĂ©n nem csak a fiatalokat Ă©rinti. A jelensĂ©g hĂĄtterĂ©ben rejlƑ strukturĂĄlis Ă©s intĂ©zmĂ©nyi tĂ©nyezƑk döntƑ többsĂ©ge összefĂŒggĂ©sbe hozhatĂł a munkapiaci rugalmatlansĂĄg kĂŒlönbözƑ dimenziĂłival, a tĂșlzott mĂ©rtĂ©kben szabĂĄlyozott munkafeltĂ©telekkel. EzĂ©rt a cikk a munkapiaci rugalmassĂĄg Ă©s az ifjĂșsĂĄgi munkanĂ©lkĂŒlisĂ©g összefĂŒggĂ©seire vilĂĄgĂ­t rĂĄ. Mind a rugalmassĂĄg, mind az ifjĂșsĂĄgi munkanĂ©lkĂŒlisĂ©g kĂ©rdĂ©seit ĂĄttekintve, elmondhatĂł hogy rugalmasabb munkapiacokon a pĂĄlyakezdƑ fiatalok könnyebben Ă©s gyorsabban talĂĄlnak ĂĄllĂĄst, azonban ez a rugalmassĂĄg minden korosztĂĄly szĂĄmĂĄra csökkenti a munkavĂĄllalĂłi biztonsĂĄgot. EzĂ©rt egyszerre szĂŒksĂ©ges a gazdasĂĄgi vĂĄltozĂĄsokhoz jĂłl alkalmazkodĂł munkapiac megteremtĂ©se, az aktĂ­v munkapiaci politika alkalmazĂĄsa Ă©s a szociĂĄlis biztonsĂĄg megƑrzĂ©se is, ahogyan azt a rugalmas biztonsĂĄg (flexicurity) megközelĂ­tĂ©s hangsĂșlyozza. Journal of Economic Literature (JEL) kĂłd: J21, J64

    KĂ­na Afrika-politikĂĄja: minden mindegy?

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    Effects of the debt crisis on the EU-China relations

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    The economic (debt) crisis has become serious in the EU and in the Eurozone especially in the last few months. The European Financial Stability Facility (EFSF) was created as an instrument to handle this situation. But the financial contributions of the EU Member States seem not to be enough and China appears as a potential contributor. It is often cited that China offered Portugal and Spain in March 2011 to support their crisis management. However, recently, there are attempts from the side of the EU to convince China take part in the EFSF. Thus the question raised often in Europe is the following: Will China contribute to the EFSF? If yes, what conditions will the country raise? What are the arguments of the Chinese capital both in China and the EU? Consequently, our research is focusing on the impacts of the global financial and economic crisis on the new relations between the European Union and China. China’s enormous reserves enable the Asian financial assistance to European countries in crisis management but there are a number of questions related to this. The main findings of this study are that China can benefit from its European crisis management from many aspects, as the EU is the largest market for the Chinese products. Furthermore, reserve currency diversification and political considerations cannot be neglected, either. But the assistance may have serious risks for China: not only the expected return on investment is at a stake, but internal social and political tensions can emerge from helping the Europeans who still live in significantly higher wealth than most of the Chinese people. Adopting Chinese capital raises questions for the European Union, as well. China may impose such terms by which the EU may become vulnerable and get into a dependent position, then presumably it will be difficult to solve the cooperation

    Crisis management in the Baltic States

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    The economic and financial recession started in 2008 brought serious difficulties for every European country, although not to the same extent. The previous situation of countries plays a major role in the course of the crisis and crisis management. The three Baltic countries showed a relatively prominent economic growth after their accession to the European Union in 2004. Their performance over these years often cited as Baltic Miracle. But this growth went hand in hand with serious macroeconomic imbalances, since the main moving factor of growth was the foreign direct investment flowing into the tertiary sector and the boom of internal consumption. These factors led to unsustainable current account deficit. The problems of these overheated economies would have needed solution even before the global downturn; however the recession put inevitable pressure on the Baltics to take actions. In the Baltic States most of the macroeconomic indicators deteriorated in the year 2008: GDP and consumer demand decreased, unemployment increased drastically, general government expenditures and government gross debt also grew. One of the most serious problems was the significant amount of debt denominated in foreign currency, which was responsible for the financial „bubbles” popped simultaneously with the outbreak of the crisis. The paper examines the main macroeconomic effects of the global economic crisis on the Baltic States and presents their governments’ economic policy measures taken to combat the crisis. The reactions of dealing with the recession in these three countries can be a lesson to other European countries as well

    A vålsåg meglepetése - Lengyelorszåg = Surprise of the crisis - Poland

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    A pĂ©nzĂŒgyi Ă©s gazdasĂĄgi vĂĄlsĂĄg gyors növekedĂ©si szakaszban Ă©rte el a lengyel gazdasĂĄgot. S bĂĄr a növekedĂ©s ĂŒteme a vĂĄlsĂĄg hatĂĄsĂĄra lassult, LengyelorszĂĄgnak EurĂłpĂĄban egyedĂŒlĂĄllĂł mĂłdon mĂ©g a legkritikusabb idƑszakban, 2007 Ă©s 2009 között is sikerĂŒlt pozitĂ­v növekedĂ©si eredmĂ©nyeket produkĂĄlnia. EredmĂ©nyes keynes-i anticiklikus gazdasĂĄgpolitikĂĄjĂĄval ellensĂșlyozni tudta a negatĂ­v hatĂĄsokat, Ă©s ĂĄllami tĂĄmogatĂĄsokkal Ă©lĂ©nkĂ­tette nagymĂ©retƱ, zĂĄrt, önellĂĄtĂĄsra kĂ©pes belsƑ gazdasĂĄgĂĄt. VĂ©gĂŒl – megkĂ©sve ugyan, de – a vĂĄlsĂĄgjelensĂ©gek LengyelorszĂĄgban is jelentkeztek – azonban ezek mĂĄr nem voltak olyan sĂșlyosak, Ă©s nem hĂșzĂłdtak el annyira, mint az EurĂłpai UniĂł mĂĄs tagĂĄllamaiban. A vĂĄlsĂĄgkezelĂ©s rövidtĂĄvon sikeresnek bizonyult, ami elsƑsorban a szerencsĂ©s kiindulĂĄsi helyzetnek Ă©s a megfelelƑ idƑben bevezetett kormĂĄnyzati intĂ©zkedĂ©seknek: a gyors, hatĂ©kony Ă©s eredmĂ©nyes reformoknak köszönhetƑ. Azonban a közĂ©p- Ă©s hosszĂș tĂĄvĂș hatĂĄsokat illetƑen mĂĄr ĂĄrnyaltabb a kĂ©p. The economic and financial crisis reached the Polish economy at its fast growing period. Although the economic growth has slowed down as a consequence of the crisis, the Polish economy – in a unique way in Europe – managed to show positive results even at the most critical period between 2007 and 2009. The Keynesian anti-cycle policy of the Polish government could successfully offset the negative effects of the global crisis. The government managed to stimulate the large, closed and self-supplying internal economy by financial supports. Finally, the impacts of the crisis reached Poland, but only in 2009, and they were not so serious and permanent as in other member states of the European Union. The short run success of the Polish crisis management is due to the fast, efficient and effective reforms and to the government measures introduced at the right time. However, the impacts in medium and long term are not so unambiguous

    Crisis Management in the Baltic States

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    The economic and financial recession started in 2008 brought serious difficulties for every European country, although not to the same extent. The previous situation of countries plays a major role in the course of the crisis and crisis management. The three Baltic countries showed a relatively prominent economic growth after their accession to the European Union in 2004. Their performance over these years often cited as Baltic Miracle. But this growth went hand in hand with serious macroeconomic imbalances, since the main moving factor of growth was the foreign direct investment flowing into the tertiary sector and the boom of internal consumption. These factors led to unsustainable current account deficit. The problems of these overheated economies would have needed solution even before the global downturn; however the recession put inevitable pressure on the Baltics to take actions. In the Baltic States most of the macroeconomic indicators deteriorated in the year 2008: GDP and consumer demand decreased, unemployment increased drastically, general government expenditures and government gross debt also grew. One of the most serious problems was the significant amount of debt denominated in foreign currency, which was responsible for the financial „bubbles” popped simultaneously with the outbreak of the crisis. The paper examines the main macroeconomic effects of the global economic crisis on the Baltic States and presents their governments’ economic policy measures taken to combat the crisis. The reactions of dealing with the recession in these three countries can be a lesson to other European countries as well

    Crisis management in the Baltic States

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    The economic and financial recession started in 2008 brought serious difficulties for every European country, although not to the same extent. The previous situation of countries plays a major role in the course of the crisis and crisis management. The three Baltic countries showed a relatively prominent economic growth after their accession to the European Union in 2004. Their performance over these years often cited as Baltic Miracle. But this growth went hand in hand with serious macroeconomic imbalances, since the main moving factor of growth was the foreign direct investment flowing into the tertiary sector and the boom of internal consumption. These factors led to unsustainable current account deficit. The problems of these overheated economies would have needed solution even before the global downturn; however the recession put inevitable pressure on the Baltics to take actions. In the Baltic States most of the macroeconomic indicators deteriorated in the year 2008: GDP and consumer demand decreased, unemployment increased drastically, general government expenditures and government gross debt also grew. One of the most serious problems was the significant amount of debt denominated in foreign currency, which was responsible for the financial „bubbles” popped simultaneously with the outbreak of the crisis. The paper examines the main macroeconomic effects of the global economic crisis on the Baltic States and presents their governments’ economic policy measures taken to combat the crisis. The reactions of dealing with the recession in these three countries can be a lesson to other European countries as well

    Effects of the debt crisis on the EU-China relations

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    The economic (debt) crisis has become serious in the EU and in the Eurozone especially in the last few months. The European Financial Stability Facility (EFSF) was created as an instrument to handle this situation. But the financial contributions of the EU Member States seem not to be enough and China appears as a potential contributor. It is often cited that China offered Portugal and Spain in March 2011 to support their crisis management. However, recently, there are attempts from the side of the EU to convince China take part in the EFSF. Thus the question raised often in Europe is the following: Will China contribute to the EFSF? If yes, what conditions will the country raise? What are the arguments of the Chinese capital both in China and the EU? Consequently, our research is focusing on the impacts of the global financial and economic crisis on the new relations between the European Union and China. China’s enormous reserves enable the Asian financial assistance to European countries in crisis management but there are a number of questions related to this. The main findings of this study are that China can benefit from its European crisis management from many aspects, as the EU is the largest market for the Chinese products. Furthermore, reserve currency diversification and political considerations cannot be neglected, either. But the assistance may have serious risks for China: not only the expected return on investment is at a stake, but internal social and political tensions can emerge from helping the Europeans who still live in significantly higher wealth than most of the Chinese people. Adopting Chinese capital raises questions for the European Union, as well. China may impose such terms by which the EU may become vulnerable and get into a dependent position, then presumably it will be difficult to solve the cooperation

    A görög vålsåg - az euróövezet dråmåja = The Greek crisis - drama of the euro area

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    A jelenlegi görög vĂĄlsĂĄg – bĂĄr a globĂĄlis pĂ©nzĂŒgyi vĂĄlsĂĄggal egy idƑben bontakozott ki – legfƑkĂ©ppen tartĂłs Ă©s krĂłnikus belsƑ problĂ©mĂĄkbĂłl ered. Ezeket egĂ©szĂ­tette ki a kĂŒlsƑ vĂĄlsĂĄg negatĂ­v hatĂĄsa, mely kezdetben indirekt volt, Ă©s amelyet a görög gazdasĂĄg gyengesĂ©gei, a nagy strukturĂĄlis egyensĂșlytalansĂĄgok tovĂĄbb erƑsĂ­tettek. GörögorszĂĄg emellett ĂłriĂĄsi fizetĂ©si mĂ©rleg hiĂĄnyban is szenved, ami az eurĂł bevezetĂ©se utĂĄn növekedett meg igazĂĄn. A nagy költsĂ©gvetĂ©si hiĂĄny – a több Ă©ves gyors gazdasĂĄgi növekedĂ©s ellenĂ©re – tovĂĄbbi jele volt a szerkezeti gyengesĂ©geknek. GörögorszĂĄg helyzete lĂĄthatĂłan fenntarthatatlan, Ă­gy az orszĂĄg tragĂ©diĂĄja vĂĄrhatĂł volt, ahol a vĂĄlsĂĄg kialakulĂĄsĂĄra sok jel utalt, Ă©s ahol az Ă©vek sorĂĄn szĂĄmos korrekciĂłs lehetƑsĂ©get elszalasztott a görög vezetĂ©s. A tanulmĂĄny elsƑsorban ezekre a problĂ©mĂĄkra mutat rĂĄ, valamint a vĂĄlsĂĄg kezelĂ©sĂ©nek eddigi lĂ©pĂ©seit ismerteti. The current Greek crisis springs mainly from persistent and chronic internal problems – although evolved parallel to the global financial crisis. The initial negative effects of the global economic crisis were indirect, triggered by the weaknesses of the country arose from the enormous structural imbalances. The Greek economy also experiences an enormous current account deficit, which expanded strongly after the adoption of the euro. In spite of several years of rapid growth, the huge budget deficit was an additional sign of the structural weaknesses. Greece’s circumstances were clearly unsustainable, thus the Greek crisis was an expectable tragedy where there were several signs for a possible serious crisis and many missed opportunities to handle the problems as well. The study concerns with these factors and investigates the steps of the Greek crisis management