104 research outputs found

    Priming Unaccusative Middles: Flexible Argument Structures and the Online Processing of Middle Constructions.

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    ABSTRACT Priming Unaccusative Middles: Flexible Argument Structures and the Online Processing of Middle Constructions. Juliana Meyohas, M.A. Middle constructions, such as This book sells well, are formed with a transitive verb, but with an object figuring in subject position (This book). It has been proposed that these constructions either project a transitive structure (e.g., Bowers, 2002) or an unaccusative one (e.g., Rapoport, 1999). Recent studies (Di Sciullo, de Almeida, Manouilidou, & Dwivedi, 2007; Maia, Oliveira, & dos Santos, submitted) seem to suggest that middle constructions are more complex to process than their transitive counterparts. We contrasted middles constructions against syntactically simplex transitive constructions, and syntactically complex transitive and unaccusative constructions, namely passives and predicatives. We kept the verbs constant across conditions, and controlled for subject animacy. Results from Experiment 1 (self-paced reading) and Experiment 3 (eye-tracking) indicated a facilitation on the processing of middles when compared against their transitive counterparts. Results from Experiment 2 (an off-line rating task), indicated greater complexity associated with the comprehension of middles when compared against transitives, but not when compared against their passive and predicative counterparts. We suggest that, once materials were composed of two clauses in a contrastive coordinated relation (e.g., That stucco is rough, but this wall paints smoothly), information pertaining to the unaccusative predicative clause in the first conjunct (That stucco is rough) influenced the processing of the target sentences in the second conjunct. Our findings are consistent with the proposal that middle constructions project an unaccusative structure and that argument structure information is available during online processing

    La invisibilidad del asistente social en la salud pĂşblica y en particular la salud mental nuestros aportes.

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    El Trabajo Social en Salud es un ámbito disciplinario que remite a las primeras expresiones disciplinarias de nuestra profesión. Este artículo, aborda una faceta del fenómeno social del trabajo social en salud, cual es la aparente invisibilidad que este tiene en el equipo interdisciplinario de salud. Las reflexiones están orientadas a desarrollar una línea de investigación hasta el momento no abordada en este campo, que se interroga respecto de la funcionalidad del Trabajo Social en la medicina del sistema capitalista y su ubicación en el campo particular de las relaciones sociales de la institucionalidad sanitaria

    A atuação da Defensoria Pública como curadoria especial

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    Este trabalho monográfico tem por objeto o estudo da atuação da Defensoria Pública em sua função institucional atípica e exclusiva de curadoria especial, a fim de suscitar reflexões, utilizando-se de análise legal, doutrinária e jurisprudencial. Inicialmente, aborda-se a evolução histórica do acesso à justiça e da Defensoria Pública, com o seu fortalecimento como Instituição trazido pelo Código de Processo Civil de 2015. Em seguida, aprofunda-se o instituto da curadoria especial, por meio de um estudo sobre a sua natureza jurídica e as suas hipóteses legais. Por fim, analisa-se a atuação da Defensoria Pública como curadoria especial nos polos ativo e passivo, destacando a sua dispensa do ônus da impugnação especificada dos fatos e a questão dos honorários sucumbenciais. Portanto, ao longo do estudo, observa-se a importância da jurisprudência sobre o tema, com a crescente pacificação de suas controvérsias pelos Tribunais brasileiros. Ainda, destaca-se a relevância do tema no ordenamento jurídico brasileiro, pelo fato de a curadoria especial ser um instituto processual protetivo necessário para garantir o acesso à justiça àqueles em vulnerabilidade e hipossuficiência jurídica, de modo que seu estudo se torna necessário

    Fato ou fake: a agência de checagem do Grupo Globo nas eleições 2018

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    Este trabalho pretende abordar o projeto unificado de fact-checking do Grupo Globo nas eleições brasileiras de 2018: o Fato ou Fake. Criado em meados daquele ano, o portal reuniu dezenas de jornalistas de diferentes veículos, estados e regiões, com uma organização de trabalho diferente. Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo descrever e analisar o funcionamento da plataforma de checagem

    La Vierge à l’Enfant dite de Saint-Sauveur (Lille, palais des Beaux-Arts) : un exceptionnel témoignage de la sculpture des Pays-Bas bourguignons

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    La Vierge à l’Enfant dite de Saint-Sauveur, chef-d’œuvre du palais des Beaux-Arts de Lille (inv. A1), a fait l’objet d’une restauration fondamentale entre 1994 et 1997. Cette opération sans précédent au Service de restauration des musées de France a donné lieu à un examen approfondi des techniques de mise en œuvre et de polychromie d’une sculpture monumentale en pierre, dont peu d’exemples avaient jusqu’alors été étudiés. Le dégagement a mis en évidence l’exceptionnelle qualité de la couche originale et son remarquable état de conservation. Celle-ci se distingue par la prédominance de l’or, notamment sur les vêtements dont les décors, particulièrement raffinés, suggèrent subtilement la texture et le poids des riches étoffes.The Virgin and Child, known as the Virgin and Child from the Church of Saint-Sauveur, a masterpiece now in the Palais des Beaux-Arts, Lille, was the subject of an extensive restoration between 1994 and 1997. This unprecedented operation undertaken by the Musées de France Restoration Department entailed an in-depth investigation into production techniques and the application of polychromy to a monumental stone sculpture, few examples of which had been previously studied. The removal of overpaint revealed the exceptional quality of the original layer of paint and its remarkable condition. What was truly outstanding was the predominant use of gold, notably on the garments, whose particularly refined decorative patterns suggest the texture and weight of rich fabrics

    La Corinthe de J.-L. Gérôme, reconstitution ou libre imitation de la polychromie grecque antique ?

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    Acquise en 2008, Corinthe (1903), l’un des rares plâtres originaux de J.-L. Gérôme (1824-1904), est probablement la dernière œuvre de l’artiste, plus connu comme peintre. Afin d’en mieux comprendre les techniques de réalisation et l’état lors de l’achat, cette sculpture a fait l’objet d’une étude préalable menée en collaboration par le musée d’Orsay, les restauratrices et les services concernés du C2RMF. Cette première étude a révélé que la subtile polychromie de J.-L. Gérôme était masquée par un épais repeint du début du xxe siècle. Après plusieurs tests, le choix audacieux d’un dégagement de la polychromie originale s’est imposé. Mise au jour par les restauratrices, cette polychromie permet aujourd’hui de mieux apprécier le caractère novateur de cette œuvre et fait regretter la non-localisation du marbre posthume, lui aussi polychrome.Acquired in 2008, Corinth (1903), one of the rare original plasters made by J.-L. Gérôme (1824-1904), is probably the last work of the artist who was better known for his paintings. To obtain a clearer understanding of the production techniques involved and the condition of the statue at the time of its purchase, this sculpture underwent a preliminary study, jointly conducted by the Musée d’Orsay and the conservators and relevant departments. This initial study showed how J.-L. Gérôme’s subtle polychromy was concealed by a layer of thick paint applied in the early 20th century. After several tests, the bold decision to uncover the original polychromy was made. Refreshed by restorers, this polychromy today enables us to better appreciate the innovative character of this work and regret that the location of the posthumous marble, also in colour, remains unknown

    Simple scoring system to predict in-hospital mortality after surgery for infective endocarditis

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    BACKGROUND: Aspecific scoring systems are used to predict the risk of death postsurgery in patients with infective endocarditis (IE). The purpose of the present study was both to analyze the risk factors for in-hospital death, which complicates surgery for IE, and to create a mortality risk score based on the results of this analysis. METHODS AND RESULTS: Outcomes of 361 consecutive patients (mean age, 59.1\ub115.4 years) who had undergone surgery for IE in 8 European centers of cardiac surgery were recorded prospectively, and a risk factor analysis (multivariable logistic regression) for in-hospital death was performed. The discriminatory power of a new predictive scoring system was assessed with the receiver operating characteristic curve analysis. Score validation procedures were carried out. Fifty-six (15.5%) patients died postsurgery. BMI >27 kg/m2 (odds ratio [OR], 1.79; P=0.049), estimated glomerular filtration rate 55 mm Hg (OR, 1.78; P=0.032), and critical state (OR, 2.37; P=0.017) were independent predictors of in-hospital death. A scoring system was devised to predict in-hospital death postsurgery for IE (area under the receiver operating characteristic curve, 0.780; 95% CI, 0.734-0.822). The score performed better than 5 of 6 scoring systems for in-hospital death after cardiac surgery that were considered. CONCLUSIONS: A simple scoring system based on risk factors for in-hospital death was specifically created to predict mortality risk postsurgery in patients with IE

    As toadas da cantoria nordestina à luz das noções de arquivo e repertório

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    A partir do que Diana Taylor, pesquisadora especializada nos estudos de performance, desenvolve no livro “Arquivo e repertório”, este trabalho se pretende a discriminar e discutir sobre quais seriam as representações dessas duas noções dentro da manifestação poético-musical nordestina da cantoria de viola, especialmente no que tange ao material melódico sobre o qual a poesia improvisada é versada. Para tal, foi tido como base textos acadêmicos produzidos nas últimas quatro décadas que descrevem e debatem sobre o repente sertanejo
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