2,658 research outputs found

    A Baseline Greenhouse Gas Inventory for Oberlin: Stepping Up to the Challenge of Climate Neutrality

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    The City of Oberlin joined the International Council for Leadership in Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI) in 2007, committing to reduce greenhouse gas emissions through ICLEI\u27s five-milestone process. As the first official step in this process, I conducted greenhouse gas inventories for the years 2001 and 2007 for community-wide and municipal operations emissions. I found that the community emitted 174,400 tons of carbon dioxide equivalent in 2007, more than half of which was associated with the consumption of coal-intensive electricity. This amounts to 20.9 tons CO2e per resident annually. Of the community\u27s overall emissions, the commercial sector, including all Oberlin College properties, was responsible for approximately 65%, with the College contributing about 20%. The residential and transportation sectors were each responsible for about 15%. Quantifying emissions in this manner is crucial to evaluating the effect of various emissions reductions measures and subsequent climate action strategy. Oberlin\u27s next step is to institutionalize climate action within the municipal and community structure in order to sustain a formal effort to reduce emissions. Based on interviews I conducted with officials from eight ICLEI cities, there appear to be a variety of options for Oberlin to consider. Other cities have assigned the responsibility of completing the ICLEI milestones to one or more of four main entities: a City Sustainability Coordinator or small group of City employees, an existing City committee (e.g. a Recycling Committee), a newly established Energy Task Force of local businesspeople, City employees, experts, and other community members, and/or a nonprofit organization closely partnered with the municipal government. Oberlin should consider these and other strategies for establishing a framework for continued progress through the ICLEI process. If successful at reducing emissions over the next several years, the community of Oberlin could emerge as a bona fide leader in addressing the generation-defining challenge of climate change

    High Tunnels for Local Food Systems: Subsidies, Equity, and Profitability

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    High tunnels (HTs) constitute a growing, local level response to the globalization of our food. As semi-permanent greenhouses, HTs bring practical on-farm solutions to biophysical growing constraints; they extend the growing season and buffer delicate crops from extreme weather events. In 2009, the Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS) began subsidizing the construction of HTs with the documented goals of increasing environmental stewardship and the added benefit of promoting local foods. However, many questions remain about the impacts of HT’s. Who is benefiting from the NRCS HT program? Will farmers continue to adopt HTs in the absence of government subsidies? What is their production potential? This paper explores the impacts of the NRCS HT program and high tunnels on farms, consumers, and the local food movement. Preliminary results indicate that farms with high tunnels are expanding around areas with the greatest demand for local produce. The combined results from farmers who use high tunnels and the United States government who pays for the leads us to conclude that high tunnels are a growing part of the U.S. food system with the potential to increase access to local produce.https://scholarworks.uvm.edu/fss2014/1007/thumbnail.jp

    Angular correlations on causally-coherent inflationary horizons

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    We develop a model for correlations of cosmic microwave background anisotropy on the largest angular scales, based on standard causal geometrical relationships in slow-roll inflation. Unlike standard models based on quantized field modes, it describes perturbations with nonlocal directional coherence on spherical boundaries of causal diamonds. Causal constraints reduce the number of independent degrees of freedom, impose new angular symmetries, and eliminate cosmic variance for purely angular 2-point correlations. Distortions of causal structure from vacuum fluctuations are modeled as gravitational memory from randomly oriented outgoing and incoming gravitational null shocks, with nonlocally coherent directional displacements on curved surfaces of causal diamonds formed by standard inflationary horizons. The angular distribution is determined by axially symmetric shock displacements on circular intersections of the comoving sphere that represents the CMB photosphere with other inflationary horizons. Displacements on thin spheres at the end of inflation have a unique angular power spectrum CℓC_\ell that approximates the standard expectation on small angular scales, but differs substantially at large angular scales due to horizon curvature. For a thin sphere, the model predicts a universal angular correlation function C(Θ)C(\Theta) with an exact ``causal shadow'' symmetry, C(π/4<Θ<3π/4)=0C(\pi/4<\Theta<3\pi/4)= 0, and significant large-angle parity violation. We apply a rank statistic to compare models with WMAP and Planck satellite data, and find that a causally-coherent model with no shape parameters or cosmic variance agrees with the measured C(Θ)C(\Theta) better than a large fraction (>0.9999> 0.9999) of standard model realizations. Model-independent tests of holographic causal symmetries are proposed

    Temporal Trends in Incidence, Sepsis-Related Mortality, and Hospital-Based Acute Care After Sepsis.

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    OBJECTIVES: A growing number of patients survive sepsis hospitalizations each year and are at high risk for readmission. However, little is known about temporal trends in hospital-based acute care (emergency department treat-and-release visits and hospital readmission) after sepsis. Our primary objective was to measure temporal trends in sepsis survivorship and hospital-based acute care use in sepsis survivors. In addition, because readmissions after pneumonia are subject to penalty under the national readmission reduction program, we examined whether readmission rates declined after sepsis hospitalizations related to pneumonia. DESIGN AND SETTING: Retrospective, observational cohort study conducted within an academic healthcare system from 2010 to 2015. PATIENTS: We used three validated, claims-based approaches to identify 17,256 sepsis or severe sepsis hospitalizations to examine trends in hospital-based acute care after sepsis. INTERVENTIONS: None. MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS: From 2010 to 2015, sepsis as a proportion of medical and surgical admissions increased from 3.9% to 9.4%, whereas in-hospital mortality rate for sepsis hospitalizations declined from 24.1% to 14.8%. As a result, the proportion of medical and surgical discharges at-risk for hospital readmission after sepsis increased from 2.7% to 7.8%. Over 6 years, 30-day hospital readmission rates declined modestly, from 26.4% in 2010 to 23.1% in 2015, driven largely by a decline in readmission rates among survivors of nonsevere sepsis, and nonpneumonia sepsis specifically, as the readmission rate of severe sepsis survivors was stable. The modest decline in 30-day readmission rates was offset by an increase in emergency department treat-and-release visits, from 2.8% in 2010 to a peak of 5.4% in 2014. CONCLUSIONS: Owing to increasing incidence and declining mortality, the number of sepsis survivors at risk for hospital readmission rose significantly between 2010 and 2015. The 30-day hospital readmission rates for sepsis declined modestly but were offset by a rise in emergency department treat-and-release visits

    Lineage dynamics of murine pancreatic development at single-cell resolution.

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    Organogenesis requires the complex interactions of multiple cell lineages that coordinate their expansion, differentiation, and maturation over time. Here, we profile the cell types within the epithelial and mesenchymal compartments of the murine pancreas across developmental time using a combination of single-cell RNA sequencing, immunofluorescence, in situ hybridization, and genetic lineage tracing. We identify previously underappreciated cellular heterogeneity of the developing mesenchyme and reconstruct potential lineage relationships among the pancreatic mesothelium and mesenchymal cell types. Within the epithelium, we find a previously undescribed endocrine progenitor population, as well as an analogous population in both human fetal tissue and human embryonic stem cells differentiating toward a pancreatic beta cell fate. Further, we identify candidate transcriptional regulators along the differentiation trajectory of this population toward the alpha or beta cell lineages. This work establishes a roadmap of pancreatic development and demonstrates the broad utility of this approach for understanding lineage dynamics in developing organs

    Mixing variability in the Southern Ocean

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    Author Posting. © American Meteorological Society, 2015. This article is posted here by permission of American Meteorological Society for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Journal of Physical Oceanography 45 (2015): 966–987, doi:10.1175/JPO-D-14-0110.1.A key remaining challenge in oceanography is the understanding and parameterization of small-scale mixing. Evidence suggests that topographic features play a significant role in enhancing mixing in the Southern Ocean. This study uses 914 high-resolution hydrographic profiles from novel EM-APEX profiling floats to investigate turbulent mixing north of the Kerguelen Plateau, a major topographic feature in the Southern Ocean. A shear–strain finescale parameterization is applied to estimate diapycnal diffusivity in the upper 1600 m of the ocean. The indirect estimates of mixing match direct microstructure profiler observations made simultaneously. It is found that mixing intensities have strong spatial and temporal variability, ranging from O(10−6) to O(10−3) m2 s−1. This study identifies topographic roughness, current speed, and wind speed as the main factors controlling mixing intensity. Additionally, the authors find strong regional variability in mixing dynamics and enhanced mixing in the Antarctic Circumpolar Current frontal region. This enhanced mixing is attributed to dissipating internal waves generated by the interaction of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current and the topography of the Kerguelen Plateau. Extending the mixing observations from the Kerguelen region to the entire Southern Ocean, this study infers a large water mass transformation rate of 17 Sverdrups (Sv; 1 Sv ≡ 106 m3 s−1) across the boundary of Antarctic Intermediate Water and Upper Circumpolar Deep Water in the Antarctic Circumpolar Current. This work suggests that the contribution of mixing to the Southern Ocean overturning circulation budget is particularly significant in fronts.AM was supported by the joint CSIRO–University of Tasmania Quantitative Marine Science (QMS) program and the 2009 CSIRO Wealth from Ocean Flagship Collaborative Fund. BMS was supported by the Australian Climate Change Science Program, jointly funded by the Department of the Environment and CSIRO. KLPs salary support was provided by Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution bridge support funds.2015-10-0

    The importance of radiological controls of anastomoses after upper gastrointestinal tract surgery - a retrospective cohort study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Introduction</p> <p>This study was designed to analyze whether routine radiological controls of anastomoses in the upper gastrointestinal tract an early detection of anastomotic leaks.</p> <p>Patients and Methods</p> <p>135 patients who underwent upper gastrointestinal tract surgery were retrospectively analyzed. Patients in the first group (n = 55) underwent routine radiological control of the anastomoses. In the second group (n = 80) the radiological control was only performed in case of clinical symptoms or signs of anastomotic leaks.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The incidence of anastomotic leaks in the patients seen by us was 5.2%, equivalent to 7 of 135 patients In Group 1 leaks were seen in 4 of 55 patients (7,2%) in group 2 leaks were seen in 3 of 80 (3,8%). The radiological control of the anastomoses with contrast swallow showed the leakage in two cases. Twice the results were false negative. The sensitivity of computed tomography was 100%.</p> <p>Discussion</p> <p>Routine radiological control of anastomoses with contrast swallow only has low sensitivity. This procedure should not be performed routinely any more.</p> <p>The radiological control should be used in cases with signs of anastomotic leakage or with postoperatively impaired gastrointestinal passage.</p

    N-Acetylation phenotype and genotype and risk of bladder cancer in benzidine-exposed workers

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    Several studies in subjects occupationally exposed to arylamine carcinogens have shown increased risks for bladder cancer associated with the slow acetylator phenotype. To follow up these reports, a case-control study of N-acetylation and bladder cancer risk was carried out among subjects occupationally exposed to benzidine, in benzidine dye production and use facilities in China. Thirty-eight bladder cancer cases and 43 controls from these factories were included for study of acetylation phenotype, by dapsone administration, and for polymorphisms in the NAT2 gene, by a polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based test. In contrast to previous studies, no increase in bladder cancer risk was found for the slow N-acetylation phenotype (OR= 0.3; 95% CI = 0.1-1.3) or for slow N-acetylation-associated double mutations in NAT2 (OR = 0.5; 95% CI = 0.1-1.8). Examination of specific mutations and adjustment for age, weight, city and tobacco use did not alter the results. When examined by level of benzidine exposure in the cases, the bladder cancer risks associated with low (OR = 0.3, 95% CI = 0.0-2.2), medium (OR = 0.7, 95% CI = 0.1-4.5) and high (OR = 0.6, 95% CI = 0.1-3.5) exposure showed no interaction between genotype and benzidine exposure, within the range of exposures experienced by subjects in this study. This study, which is the first to incorporate phenotypic and genotypic analyses, provides evidence that the NAT2-related slow N-acetylation polymorphism is not associated with an increased risk of bladder cancer in workers exposed to benzidine, and may have a protective effec

    Musculoskeletal ultrasound: athletic injuries of the lower extremity

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    Athletic injuries of the lower extremities are commonly encountered in clinical practice. While some pathology can be diagnosed on physical exam, others are a clinical dilemma with nonspecific symptomatology. In these situations, ultrasound imaging can be utilized as an exceptional diagnostic tool, offering unique advantages over other imaging modalities. This article will review the imaging characteristics of commonly encountered athletic injuries of the lower extremity

    Twist1-Haploinsufficiency Selectively Enhances the Osteoskeletal Capacity of Mesoderm-Derived Parietal Bone Through Downregulation of Fgf23

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    Craniofacial development is a program exquisitely orchestrated by tissue contributions and regulation of genes expression. The basic helix–loop–helix (bHLH) transcription factor Twist1 expressed in the skeletal mesenchyme is a key regulator of craniofacial development playing an important role during osteoskeletogenesis. This study investigates the postnatal impact of Twist1 haploinsufficiency on the osteoskeletal ability and regeneration on two calvarial bones arising from tissues of different embryonic origin: the neural crest-derived frontal and the mesoderm-derived parietal bones. We show that Twist1 haplonsufficiency as well Twist1-sh-mediated silencing selectively enhanced osteogenic and tissue regeneration ability of mesoderm-derived bones. Transcriptomic profiling, gain-and loss-of-function experiments revealed that Twist1 haplonsufficiency triggers its selective activity on mesoderm-derived bone through a sharp downregulation of the bone-derived hormone Fgf23 that is upregulated exclusively in wild-type parietal bone
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