5 research outputs found

    Residu Antibiotika Dalam Air Susu Segar Yang Berasal Dari Peternakan di Wilayah Aceh Besar

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui adanya residu antibiotika pada susu segar yang berasal dari peternakan di wilayah Aceh Besar (Pagar air dan Saree) dengan menggunakan10 sampel susu sapi segar. Pemeriksaan dilakukan di Laboratorium Mikrobiologi Fakultas    Kedokteran    Hewan,    Universitas    Syiah    Kuala.Pengujian    dilakukan    denganmenggunakan metode Kundrat dan Bacillus stearothermophillus sebagai bakteri penguji.Bakteri pengujian dari 4 tabung Nutrien agar miring, dimasukkan  dalam 250 ml Nutrien agar bersuhu40ÂșC - 45ÂșC dengan menggunakan ose, dihomogenkan selanjutnya dimasukkan dalam penangas air dengan suhu 50ÂșC selama 20 menit. Diambil 15 ml dimasukkan ke masing-masing cawanpetri steril lalu dibiarkan membeku. Diambil 10 ml susu menggunakan pipet steril masukkan dalam tabung reaksi steril, dipanaskan menggunakan penangas air pada suhu 80ÂșC selama 5 menit, didinginkan sampai suhu 65ÂșC, tuang susu tersebut ke dalam cawan petri steril. Letakkan kertas  cakram  steril  pada  susu  menggunakan  pinset  steril,ditutup  dan  dibiarkan  15  menit, diambil kembali dan diletakkan pada permukaan cawan petri berisi Nutrien agar yang berisi bakteri Bacillus stearothermophillus, dieramkan dalam inkubator dengan suhu 55ÂșC selama 12 jam. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dari 10 sampel yang diperiksa seluruhnya mengandung residu antibiotika yang sensitive terhadap kuman penguji. Pagar Air 5 sampel susu (100%) dan Saree 5 sampel susu (100%)Kata kunci: Air susu, residu antibiotika, Bacillus stearothermophillu


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    The objective of this research is to know Aceh cattle follicle dynamic under environmental heat stress condition. This research was conducted on December 2012 until August 2013. Animals used in this research were 20 Aceh cattle aged 5-8 years old, weighing of 150-250 kg, and had at least 2 regular cycles. All cattle used were clinically in good body condition score. The cattle were divided into two groups of 10, used in two different period of times (December-January and July-August) to examine the effect of environmental heat to their follicle dynamic. Each group is separated into two different keeping management; one group was kept in pens while the others in the pasture, 5 cattle in each management group. Research timing was based on information acquired from Indrapuri Agency for Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysics (BMKG) which predicted that extreme weather would last from July to August while December to January would be relatively normal in Aceh region. All cattle’s estrous cycle were synchronized by 5 mg/mL of PGF2α intramuscularly (Lutalyseℱ, Pharmacia Upjohn Company, Pfizer Inc.). Ultrasonography examination was performed to monitor ovary follicle’s growth and dynamic during one cycle. Days during ovulation marked by standing heat was regarded as Day 0 of estrous cycle. Follicular dynamic examination during estrous cycle on December-January and also on July-August, both penned or pastured cattle showed the follicle waves that was 3 follicle growth waves. The size of follicle growth on first wave (1st DF) on cattle kept in pen on July-August and December-January were relatively similar. The size of follicle growth on first wave for cattle kept in pasture on July-August and December-January were relatively similar. To conclude, Aceh cattle’s follicle dynamic is not change during environment heat stress condition and is not affected by different cattle-keeping management

    Hubungan Kadar Progesteron pada Fase Awal Luteal dengan Kematian Embrio pada Sapi Aceh

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    ABSTRAK.  Progesteron merupakan hormon yang berperan penting dalam proses pemeliharaan kebuntingan dan dihasilkan oleh corpus luteum. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui hubungan antara kadar hormon progesteron pada fase awal luteal dengan kematian embrio pada sapi Aceh. Dalam penelitian ini digunakan empat ekor sapi betina dewasa berumur 3-5 tahun, bobot badan 150-250 kg, sehat secara klinis, dan memiliki reproduksi normal. Sapi disinkronisasi menggunakan 5 ml prostaglandin F2 alfa (PGF2α) dengan pola penyuntikan ganda berinterval 11 hari. Koleksi sampel darah untuk pengukuran konsentrasi progesteron dilakukan pada hari ke-5, 6, dan 7 pasca inseminasi. Pengukuran konsentrasi progesteron dilakukan menggunakan metode enzymelinked-immunoassay (ELISA), pemeriksaan kebuntingan dan kematian embrio menggunakan metode transrektal ultrasonografi pada hari ke-25 pasca inseminasi. Pemeriksaan diulang setiap 10 hari sampai hari ke-55 pasca inseminasi. Puncak sekresi progesteron pada sapi bunting dengan embrio yang bertahan hidup terdapat pada hari ke-7 (2,082 ng/ml), pada sapi Late Embryonic Mortality (LEM) di hari ke-5 (8,209 ng/ml) dan pada sapi tidak bunting di hari ke-7 (3,051±1,157 ng/ml). Sekresi progesteron sapi LEM pada hari ke-5 sampai dengan ke-7 cenderung menurun sedangkan pada sapi yang bertahan hidup cenderung meningkat.  (Correlation between progesterone levels in early luteal phase and embryonic death  in Aceh cattle) ABSTRACT. Progesterone is an important hormone that functions to maintain pregnancy and is produced by the corpus luteum. The aim of this study was to see a correlation between progesterone and the incidence of embryonic death in Aceh cattle. This study used four adult female cows, 3-5 years old, 150-250 kg body weight, clinically healthy, and have a normal reproduction. The synchronized with 5 ml prostaglandin F2 alfa hormone, and double injection pattern with 11-day intervals. The blood was collected for progesterone measurements on 5th, 6th, 7th day post artificial insemination. Measurement of progesterone concentration was carried out using an enzymelinked-immunoassay (ELISA), while pregnancy and embryo mortality was performed using the trans-rectal ultrasonography method on the 25th day after insemination. The examination was repeated every 10 days until day 55th after insemination. Progesterone secretion peaks in pregnant cows were on day 7th (2.082 ng/ml), in cattle Late Embryonic Mortality (LEM) on day 5th (8.209 ng/ml) and in cattle not pregnant on day 7th (3.051±1.157 ng/ml). The pattern of LEM progesterone secretion on days 5th to 7th tends to decrease while those that survive tend to increase

    Deviation of Body Weight Estimation using Lambourne Formula Against Aceh Bull’s Actual Body Weight

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    This study aims to determine the percentage of body weight deviation of Aceh bull using the Lambourne formula and compared to the actual weight of Aceh bull. The sample used in this study was 50 Aceh bull aged 2-2.5 years in BPTU-HPT Indrapuri Aceh. The parameters observed were Body Length (BL), Chest Circumference (CC), and Body Weight (BW). BL measurement procedure was conducted by measuring the distance between the lateral humeral tuberculum to the ischiadium tuberculum using a measuring stick. CC was measured by encircling the chest cavity which is behind the shoulder bone joint (os scapula) using measuring tape. BW measurement procedure was carried out in two ways, first with digital livestock scales and second with Lambourne formula. The percentage of body weight deviation of Aceh bull using Lambourne formula to the actual’s Aceh bull body weight was 3.41% with regression equation was Y = -350.30 + 2.27x1 + 2.06x2