919 research outputs found

    Metal Transport to the Gaseous Outskirts of Galaxies

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    We present a search for outlying H II regions in the extended gaseous outskirts of nearby ( D < 40 Mpc) galaxies and subsequent multi-slit spectroscopy used to obtain the H II region nebular oxygen abundances. The galaxies in our sample have extended H I disks and/or interaction-related H I features that extend well beyond their primary stellar components. We report oxygen abundance gradients out to 2.5 times the optical radius for these galaxies which span a range of morphologies and masses. We analyze the underlying stellar and neutral H I gas distributions in the vicinity of the H II regions to understand the physical processes that give rise to the observed metal distributions in galaxies. These measurements, for the first time, convincingly show flat abundance distributions out to large radii in a wide variety of systems and have broad implications for galaxy chemodynamical evolution.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/90754/1/0004-637X_735_2_71.pd

    Effect of Testing and Treatment on Emergency Department Length of Stay Using a National Database

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    Objectives:  Testing and treatment are essential aspects of the delivery of emergency care. Recognition of the effects of these activities on emergency department (ED) length of stay (LOS) has implications for administrators planning efficient operations, providers, and patients regarding expectations for length of visit; researchers in creating better models to predict LOS; and policy‐makers concerned about ED crowding. Methods:  A secondary analysis was performed using years 2006 through 2008 of the National Hospital Ambulatory Medical Care Survey (NHAMCS), a nationwide study of ED services. In univariate and bivariate analyses, the authors assessed ED LOS and frequency of testing (blood test, urinalysis, electrocardiogram [ECG], radiograph, ultrasound, computed tomography [CT], or magnetic resonance imaging [MRI]) and treatment (providing a medication or performance of a procedure) according to disposition (discharged or admitted status). Two sets of multivariable models were developed to assess the contribution of testing and treatment to LOS, also stratified by disposition. The first was a series of logistic regression models to provide an overview of how testing and treatment activity affects three dichotomized LOS cutoffs at 2, 4, and 6 hours. The second was a generalized linear model (GLM) with a log‐link function and gamma distribution to fit skewed LOS data, which provided time costs associated with tests and treatment. Results:  Among 360 million weighted ED visits included in this analysis, 227 million (63%) involved testing, 304 million (85%) involved treatment, and 201 million (56%) involved both. Overall, visits with any testing were associated with longer LOS (median = 196 minutes; interquartile range [IQR] = 125 to 305 minutes) than those with any treatment (median = 159 minutes; IQR = 91 to 262 minutes). This difference was more pronounced among discharged patients than admitted patients. Obtaining a test was associated with an adjusted odds ratio (OR) of 2.29 (95% confidence interval [CI] = 1.86 to 2.83) for experiencing a more than 4‐hour LOS, while performing a treatment had no effect (adjusted OR = 0.84; 95% CI = 0.68 to 1.03). The most time‐costly testing modalities included blood test (adjusted marginal effects on LOS = +72 minutes; 95% CI = 66 to 78 minutes), MRI (+64 minutes; 95% CI = 36 to 93 minutes), CT (+59 minutes; 95% CI = 54 to 65 minutes), and ultrasound (US; +56 minutes; 95% CI = 45 to 67 minutes). Treatment time costs were less substantial: performing a procedure (+24 minutes; 95% CI = 20 to 28 minutes) and providing a medication (+15 minutes; 95% CI = 8 to 21 minutes). Conclusions:  Testing and less substantially treatment were associated with prolonged LOS in the ED, particularly for blood testing and advanced imaging. This knowledge may better direct efforts at streamlining delivery of care for the most time‐costly diagnostic modalities or suggest areas for future research into improving processes of care. Developing systems to improve efficient utilization of these services in the ED may improve patient and provider satisfaction. Such practice improvements could then be examined to determine their effects on ED crowding.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/92123/1/j.1553-2712.2012.01353.x.pd

    On the Escape of Ionizing Radiation from Starbursts

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    Far-ultraviolet spectra obtained with FUSEFUSE show that the strong CIIλCII\lambda1036 interstellar absorption-line is essentially black in five of the UV-brightest local starburst galaxies. Since the opacity of the neutral ISM below the Lyman-edge will be significantly larger than in the CIICII line, these data provide strong constraints on the escape of ionizing radiation from these starbursts. Interpreted as a a uniform absorbing slab, the implied optical depth at the Lyman edge is huge (τ0102\tau_0 \geq 10^2). Alternatively, the areal covering factor of opaque material is typically \geq 94%. Thus, the fraction of ionizing stellar photons that escape the ISM of each galaxy is small: our conservative estimates typically yield fesc6f_{esc} \leq 6%. Inclusion of extinction due to dust will further decrease fescf_{esc}. An analogous analysis of the rest-UV spectrum of the star-forming galaxy MS1512CB58MS 1512-CB58 at zz =2.7 leads to similar constraints on fescf_{esc}. These new results agree with the constraints provided by direct observations below the Lyman edge in a few other local starbursts. However, they differ from the recently reported properties of star-forming galaxies at zz \geq 3. We assess the idea that the strong galactic winds seen in many powerful starbursts clear channels through their neutral ISM. We show empirically that such outflows may be a necessary - but not sufficient - part of the process for creating a relatively porous ISM. We note that observations will soon document the cosmic evolution in the contribution of star-forming galaxies to the metagalactic ionizing background, with important implications for the evolution of the IGM.Comment: 17 pages; ApJ, in pres

    The Metal-Enriched Outer Disk of NGC 2915

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    We present optical emission-line spectra for outlying HII regions in the extended neutral gas disk surrounding the blue compact dwarf galaxy NGC 2915. Using a combination of strong-line R23 and direct oxygen abundance measurements, we report a flat, possibly increasing, metallicity gradient out to 1.2 times the Holmberg radius. We find the outer-disk of NGC 2915 to be enriched to a metallicity of 0.4 Z_solar. An analysis of the metal yields shows that the outer disk of NGC 2915 is overabundant for its gas fraction, while the central star-foming core is similarly under-abundant for its gas fraction. Star formation rates derived from very deep ~14 ks GALEX FUV exposures indicate that the low-level of star formation observed at large radii is not sufficient to have produced the measured oxygen abundances at these galactocentric distances. We consider 3 plausible mechanisms that may explain the metal-enriched outer gaseous disk of NGC 2915: radial redistribution of centrally generated metals, strong galactic winds with subsequent fallback, and galaxy accretion. Our results have implications for the physical origin of the mass-metallicity relation for gas-rich dwarf galaxies.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figures, accepted to ApJ April 8th, 201

    Isolated OB Associations in Stripped HI Gas Clouds

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    HST ACS/HRC images in UV (F250W), V (F555W), and I (F814W) resolve three isolated OB associations that lie up to 30 kpc from the stellar disk of the S0 galaxy NGC 1533. Previous narrow-band Halpha imaging and optical spectroscopy showed these objects as unresolved intergalactic HII regions having Halpha luminosities consistent with single early-type O stars. These young stars lie in stripped HI gas with column densities ranging from 1.5 - 2.5 * 10^20 cm^-2 and velocity dispersions near 30 km s^-1. Using the HST broadband colors and magnitudes along with previously-determined Halpha luminosities, we place limits on the masses and ages of each association, considering the importance of stochastic effects for faint (M_V >-8) stellar populations. The upper limits to their stellar masses range from 600 M_sun to 7000 M_sun, and ages range from 2 - 6 Myrs. This analysis includes an updated calculation of the conversion factor between the ionizing luminosity and the total number of main sequence O stars contained within an HII region. The photometric properties and sizes of the isolated associations and other objects in the HRC fields are consistent with those of Galactic stellar associations, open clusters and/or single O and B stars. We interpret the age-size sequence of associations and clustered field objects as an indication that these isolated associations are most likely rapidly dispersing. Furthermore, we consider the possibility that these isolated associations represent the first generation of stars in the HI ring surrounding NGC 1533. This work suggests star formation in the unique environment of a galaxy's outermost gaseous regions proceeds similarly to that within the Galactic disk and that star formation in tidal debris may be responsible for building up a younger halo component.Comment: 21 pages, 9 figures, 6 tables; accepted for publication in Ap

    The Rich Globular Cluster System of Abell 1689 and the Radial Dependence of the Globular Cluster Formation Efficiency

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    We study the rich globular cluster (GC) system in the center of the massive cluster of galaxies Abell 1689 (z=0.18), one of the most powerful gravitational lenses known. With 28 HST/ACS orbits in the F814W bandpass, we reach magnitude I_814=29 with >90% completeness and sample the brightest ~5% of the GC system. Assuming the well-known Gaussian form of the GC luminosity function (GCLF), we estimate a total population of N(GC_total) = 162,850 GCs within a projected radius of 400kpc. As many as half may comprise an intracluster component. Even with the sizable uncertainties, which mainly result from the uncertain GCLF parameters, this is by far the largest GC system studied to date. The specific frequency S_N is high, but not uncommon for central galaxies in massive clusters, rising from S_N~5 near the center to ~12 at large radii. Passive galaxy fading would increase S_N by ~20% at z=0. We construct the radial mass profiles of the GCs, stars, intracluster gas, and lensing-derived total mass, and we compare the mass fractions as a function of radius. The estimated mass in GCs, M(GC_total)=3.9x10^10 Msun, is comparable to ~80% of the total stellar mass of the Milky Way. The shape of the GC mass profile appears intermediate between those of the stellar light and total cluster mass. Despite the extreme nature of this system, the ratios of the GC mass to the baryonic and total masses, and thus the GC formation efficiency, are typical of those in other rich clusters when comparing at the same physical radii. The GC formation efficiency is not constant, but varies with radius, in a manner that appears similar for different clusters; we speculate on the reasons for this similarity in profile.Comment: 13 pages, 11 figures; accepted for publication in Ap

    Evaluation of medical professionals' knowledge about Q fever.

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    Aims: evaluate the medical professionals’ knowledge about Q fever, seeking integrative contributions to public health that may favor the formulation of policies and the development of strategies based on a One Health approach. Methods: this is a cross-sectional and quantitative study with data collection through a structured questionnaire applied face-to-face to physicians from various clinical specialties working at the three levels of health care in Brazil. The questionnaire consisted of 25 questions, seven of which were specific to assessing knowledge about Q fever. Univariate and multivariate logistic regression analyses were conducted to assess whether the variables medical specialty, level of health care in which they work, age range and gender were associated with a correct answer to at least one specific question about Q fever. Results: among the 254 physicians included, 236 (92.9%) were unaware of Q fever. Only three (16.6%) of the 18 who correctly answered at least one specific question about the disease had a score of more than 50%. The highest rates of correct answers for at least one question (p < 0.0001) occurred among the medical specialties most related to clinical signs and symptoms or the differential diagnosis of Q fever and among males. It is highlighted that 85.8% of physicians consider Q fever a neglected and underreported disease in Brazil. Additionally, all physicians responded that they were not aware of the One Health approach. Conclusions: the almost total lack of knowledge among medical professionals regarding Q fever reinforces the need for greater disclosure for this zoonosis with a One Health approach in Medical Schools, in Residency Programs and for physicians in general. In addition, the inclusion of Q fever in the national list of notifiable diseases becomes relevant, allowing a better understanding of its epidemiological situation in Brazil. Finally, effective public health actions must be carried out to avoid underdiagnosis and the development of severe cases of the disease

    Outlying HII Regions in HI-Selected Galaxies

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    We present results from the first systematic search for outlying HII regions, as part of a sample of 96 emission-line point sources (referred to as ELdots - emission-line dots) derived from the NOAO Survey for Ionization in Neutral Gas Galaxies (SINGG). Our automated ELdot-finder searches SINGG narrow-band and continuum images for high equivalent width point sources outside the optical radius of the target galaxy (> 2 X r25 in the R-band). Follow-up longslit spectroscopy and deep GALEX images (exposure time > 1000 s) distinguish outlying HII regions from background galaxies whose strong emission lines ([OIII], Hbeta or [OII]) have been redshifted into the SINGG bandpass. We find that these deep GALEX images can serve as a substitute for spectroscopic follow-up because outlying HII regions separate cleanly from background galaxies in color-color space. We identify seven SINGG systems with outlying massive star formation that span a large range in Halpha luminosities corresponding to a few O stars in the most nearby cases, and unresolved dwarf satellite companion galaxies in the most distant cases. Six of these seven systems feature galaxies with nearby companions or interacting galaxies. Furthermore, our results indicate that some outlying HII regions are linked to the extended-UV disks discovered by GALEX, representing emission from the most massive O stars among a more abundant population of lower mass (or older) star clusters. The overall frequency of outlying HII regions in this sample of gas-rich galaxies is 8 - 11% when we correct for background emission-line galaxy contamination (~75% of ELdots).Comment: 20 pages, 14 Figures, Accepted by A