212 research outputs found

    Do protoperithecia smell perithecia?

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    Long ago, Howe and Prakash (1969, Can. J. Genet. Cytol. 11:689-705) reported a surprising finding. Working with Neurospora tetrasperma, they initiated crosses by plating conidia onto part of a lawn of protoperithecia of the opposite mating type

    Alternate ways to preserve strains with silica gel

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    The method for storing Neurospora strains described by D. D. Perkins (Can. J. Microbiol 8:591-594, 1962; Neurospora Newsl. 24:16-17, 1977) and elaborated in a collection of articles in Neurospora Newsl. 26 has made it possible to keep large collections with much less effort than would be required with the older lyophil method. In Perkins\u27 method, conidia are suspended in sterilized non-fat milk, and the suspension is pipetted onto chilled sterile silica gel. For non-conidiating strains, mycelia are mulled or otherwise fragmented in milk to make the suspension. However, even this greatly improved method requires a non-trivial amount of manipulation when large numbers of strains are to be preserved, especially for non-conidiating strains. Preparing each stock consumes a pipet and at least two test tubes: one for growth of the strain, and one for preservation. Both tubes need to be labelled, which adds to the effort and to the chance of error. The following method requires no pipetting. The stock is preserved in the tube in which it was grown

    An alternate way of collecting, storing, and dissecting Neurospora asci.

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    Tetrad analysis may be accomplished either with ordered asci squeezed from perithecia, or with asci shot as an unordered group at a target slab of agar (Perkins 1966, Neurospora Newsl. 9:11)

    Killing mites without killing Neurospora

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    Killing mites without killing Neurospora

    Mutation affecting the houskeeping (low affinity) phosphate permease of Neurospora crassa

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    No mutation affecting the structure or expression of the housekeeping (low affinity) phosphate permease of Neurospora crassa has been reported. The null double mutant lacking both high affinity repressible permeases cannot grow at low phosphate concentrations and high pH. A presumptive mutant affecting the housekeeping permease has been isolated as a suppressor of the double mutant\u27s inability to grow under the restrictive condition

    Gene replacements at the his-3 locus of Neurospora crassa

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    We report the construction of pRAUW122, a plasmid capable of directing the integration of gene-constructs by gene replacement at the his-3locus of Neurospora crassa. Gene targeting at his-3 is selected by growing the transformants in histidine-free medium. The elimination of a second selectable marker (Bmlr), flanking the gene construct, is detected by screening for benomyl sensitivity of the his-3+ transformants. Therefore, his-3+ Bmls transformants have a high probability of having arisen by the desired gene replacement event

    Restriction polymorphism maps of Neurospora crassa: update

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    When a gene or other fragment of DNA is cloned. it is often useful to identify the chromosomal region from which it arose

    Restriction polymorphism maps of Neurospora crassa: updates

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    When a gene or an unidentified fragment of DNA from an organism has been cloned, it is often useful to map its site of chromosomal origin with respect to known markers

    A simple strategy for identifying a single complementing clone in a 96-well microtiter dish.

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    A simple strategy for identifying a single complementing clone in a 96-well microtiter dish

    A restriction polymorphism map of Neurospora crassa: More Data

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    A restriction polymorphism map of Neurospora crassa: More Dat
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