3,136 research outputs found

    Instability of frozen-in states in synchronous Hebbian neural networks

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    The full dynamics of a synchronous recurrent neural network model with Ising binary units and a Hebbian learning rule with a finite self-interaction is studied in order to determine the stability to synaptic and stochastic noise of frozen-in states that appear in the absence of both kinds of noise. Both, the numerical simulation procedure of Eissfeller and Opper and a new alternative procedure that allows to follow the dynamics over larger time scales have been used in this work. It is shown that synaptic noise destabilizes the frozen-in states and yields either retrieval or paramagnetic states for not too large stochastic noise. The indications are that the same results may follow in the absence of synaptic noise, for low stochastic noise.Comment: 14 pages and 4 figures; accepted for publication in J. Phys. A: Math. Ge

    Symmetric sequence processing in a recurrent neural network model with a synchronous dynamics

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    The synchronous dynamics and the stationary states of a recurrent attractor neural network model with competing synapses between symmetric sequence processing and Hebbian pattern reconstruction is studied in this work allowing for the presence of a self-interaction for each unit. Phase diagrams of stationary states are obtained exhibiting phases of retrieval, symmetric and period-two cyclic states as well as correlated and frozen-in states, in the absence of noise. The frozen-in states are destabilised by synaptic noise and well separated regions of correlated and cyclic states are obtained. Excitatory or inhibitory self-interactions yield enlarged phases of fixed-point or cyclic behaviour.Comment: Accepted for publication in Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretica

    Aliquoting structure for centrifugal microfluidics based on a new pneumatic valve

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    We present a new microvalve that can be monolithically integrated in centrifugally driven lab-on-a-chip systems. In contrast to existing operation principles that use hydrophobic patches, geometrically defined capillary stops or siphons, here we present a pneumatic principle. It needs neither additional local coatings nor expensive micro sized geometries. The valve is controlled by the spinning frequency and can be switched to be open when the centrifugal pressure overcomes the pneumatic pressure inside an unvented reaction cavity. We designed and characterized valves ranging in centrifugal burst pressure from 6700 Pa to 2100 Pa. Based on this valving principle we present a new structure for aliquoting of liquids. We experimentally demonstrated this by splitting 105 muL volumes into 16 aliquots with a volume CV of 3 %

    Structure analysis of the virtual Compton scattering amplitude at low energies

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    We analyze virtual Compton scattering off the nucleon at low energies in a covariant, model-independent formalism. We define a set of invariant functions which, once the irregular nucleon pole terms have been subtracted in a gauge-invariant fashion, is free of poles and kinematical zeros. The covariant treatment naturally allows one to implement the constraints due to Lorentz and gauge invariance, crossing symmetry, and the discrete symmetries. In particular, when applied to the ep→eâ€Čpâ€ČÎłep\to e'p'\gamma reaction, charge-conjugation symmetry in combination with nucleon crossing generates four relations among the ten originally proposed generalized polarizabilities of the nucleon.Comment: 19 pages, LaTeX2e/RevTeX, no figures, original sections IV.-VI. removed, to be discussed in a separate publication, none of the conclusions change

    Nucleon generalized polarizabilities within a relativistic Constituent Quark Model

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    Nucleon generalized polarizabilities are investigated within a relativistic framework, defining such quantities through a Lorentz covariant multipole expansion of the amplitude for virtual Compton scattering. The key physical ingredients in the calculation of the nucleon polarizabilities are the Lorentz invariant reduced matrix elements of the electromagnetic transition current, which can be evaluated from off-energy-shell helicity amplitudes. The evolution of the proton paramagnetic polarizability, ÎČpara(q)\beta_{para}(q), as a function of the virtual-photon three-momentum transfer q, q, is explicitly evaluated within a relativistic constituent quark model by adopting transition form factors obtained in the light-front formalism. The discussion is focussed on the role played by the effects due to the relativistic approach and to the transition form factors, derived within different models.Comment: 14 pages and three figures (included), to appear in Phys. Rev. C (May 1998

    Field-dependent heat transport in the Kondo insulator SmB6 : phonons scattered by magnetic impurities

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    The thermal conductivity Îș\kappa of the Kondo insulator SmB6_6 was measured at low temperature, down to 70 mK, in magnetic fields up to 15 T, on single crystals grown using both the floating-zone and the flux methods. The residual linear term Îș0/T\kappa_0/T at T→0T \to 0 is found to be zero in all samples, for all magnetic fields, in agreement with previous studies. There is therefore no clear evidence of fermionic heat carriers. In contrast to some prior data, we observe a large enhancement of Îș(T)\kappa(T) with increasing field. The effect of field is anisotropic, depending on the relative orientation of field and heat current (parallel or perpendicular), and with respect to the cubic crystal structure. We interpret our data in terms of heat transport predominantly by phonons, which are scattered by magnetic impurities.Comment: publish versio

    Rabi Oscillations at Exceptional Points in Microwave Billiards

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    We experimentally investigated the decay behavior with time t of resonances near and at exceptional points, where two complex eigenvalues and also the associated eigenfunctions coalesce. The measurements were performed with a dissipative microwave billiard, whose shape depends on two parameters. The t^2-dependence predicted at the exceptional point on the basis of a two-state matrix model could be verified. Outside the exceptional point the predicted Rabi oscillations, also called quantum echoes in this context, were detected. To our knowledge this is the first time that quantum echoes related to exceptional points were observed experimentally.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figure

    Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy in a multiple Sclerosis patient diagnosed after switching from natalizumab to fingolimod

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    Background: Natalizumab- (NTZ-) associated progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML) is a severe and often disabling infectious central nervous system disease that can become evident in multiple sclerosis (MS) patients after NTZ discontinuation. Recently, novel diagnostic biomarkers for the assessment of PML risk in NTZ treated MS patients such as the anti-JC virus antibody index have been reported, and the clinical relevance of milky-way lesions detectable by MRI has been discussed. Case Presentation and Conclusion: We report a MS patient in whom PML was highly suspected solely based on MRI findings after switching from NTZ to fingolimod despite repeatedly negative (ultrasensitive) polymerase chain reaction (PCR) testing for JC virus DNA in cerebrospinal fluid. The PML diagnosis was histopathologically confirmed by brain biopsy. The occurrence of an immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome (IRIS) during fingolimod therapy, elevated measures of JCV antibody indices, and the relevance of milky-way-like lesions detectable by (7 T) MRI are discussed

    Birth, life and survival of Tidal Dwarf Galaxies

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    Advances on the formation and survival of the so-called Tidal Dwarf Galaxies (TDGs) are reviewed. The understanding on how objects of the mass of dwarf galaxies may form in debris of galactic collisions has recently benefited from the coupling of multi-wavelength observations with numerical simulations of galaxy mergers. Nonetheless, no consensual scenario has yet emerged and as a matter of fact the very definition of TDGs remains elusive. Their real cosmological importance is also a matter of debate, their presence in our Local Group of galaxies as well. Identifying old, evolved, TDGs among the population of regular dwarf galaxies and satellites may not be straightforward. However a number of specific properties (location, dark matter and metal content) that objects of tidal origin should have are reminded here. Examples of newly discovered genuine old TDGs around a nearby elliptical galaxy are finally presented.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures, invited talk at JENAM 2010 symposium on "Dwarf Galaxies", v2:reference and acknowledgements update
