4,576 research outputs found

    Effect of frequency mismatched photons in quantum information processing

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    Many promising schemes for quantum information processing (QIP) rely on few-photon interference effects. In these proposals, the photons are treated as being indistinguishable particles. However, single photon sources are typically subject to variation from device to device. Thus the photons emitted from different sources will not be perfectly identical, and there will be some variation in their frequencies. Here, we analyse the effect of this frequency mismatch on QIP schemes. As examples, we consider the distributed QIP protocol proposed by Barrett and Kok, and Hong-Ou-Mandel interference which lies at the heart of many linear optical schemes for quantum computing. In the distributed QIP protocol, we find that the fidelity of entangled qubit states depends crucially on the time resolution of single photon detectors. In particular, there is no reduction in the fidelity when an ideal detector model is assumed, while reduced fidelities may be encountered when using realistic detectors with a finite response time. We obtain similar results in the case of Hong-Ou-Mandel interference -- with perfect detectors, a modified version of quantum interference is seen, and the visibility of the interference pattern is reduced as the detector time resolution is reduced. Our findings indicate that problems due to frequency mismatch can be overcome, provided sufficiently fast detectors are available.Comment: 14 pages, 8 figures. Comments welcome. v2: Minor changes. v3: Cleaned up 3 formatting error

    Atomic cluster state build up with macroscopic heralding

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    We describe a measurement-based state preparation scheme for the efficient build up of cluster states in atom-cavity systems. As in a recent proposal for the generation of maximally entangled atom pairs [Metz et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 97, 040503 (2006)], we use an electron shelving technique to avoid the necessity for the detection of single photons. Instead, the successful fusion of smaller into larger clusters is heralded by an easy-to-detect macroscopic fluorescence signal. High fidelities are achieved even in the vicinity of the bad cavity limit and are essentially independent of the concrete size of the system parameters.Comment: 14 pages, 12 figures; minor changes, mainly clarification

    Structure analysis of the virtual Compton scattering amplitude at low energies

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    We analyze virtual Compton scattering off the nucleon at low energies in a covariant, model-independent formalism. We define a set of invariant functions which, once the irregular nucleon pole terms have been subtracted in a gauge-invariant fashion, is free of poles and kinematical zeros. The covariant treatment naturally allows one to implement the constraints due to Lorentz and gauge invariance, crossing symmetry, and the discrete symmetries. In particular, when applied to the ep→eâ€Čpâ€ČÎłep\to e'p'\gamma reaction, charge-conjugation symmetry in combination with nucleon crossing generates four relations among the ten originally proposed generalized polarizabilities of the nucleon.Comment: 19 pages, LaTeX2e/RevTeX, no figures, original sections IV.-VI. removed, to be discussed in a separate publication, none of the conclusions change

    Low-energy and low-momentum representation of the virtual Compton scattering amplitude

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    We perform an expansion of the virtual Compton scattering amplitude for low energies and low momenta and show that this expansion covers the transition from the regime to be investigated in the scheduled photon electroproduction experiments to the real Compton scattering regime. We discuss the relation of the generalized polarizabilities of virtual Compton scattering to the polarizabilities of real Compton scattering.Comment: 13 pages, LaTeX2e/RevTeX, no figure

    Production of entanglement in Raman three-level systems using feedback

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    We examine the theoretical limits of the generation of entanglement in a damped coupled ion-cavity system using jump-based feedback. Using Raman transitions to produce entanglement between ground states reduces the necessary feedback bandwidth, but does not improve the overall effect of the spontaneous emission on the final entanglement. We find that the fidelity of the resulting entanglement will be limited by the asymmetries produced by vibrations in the trap, but that the concurrence remains above 0.88 for realistic ion trap sizes.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figure

    The Stromlo Missing Satellites Survey

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    The Stromlo Missing Satellites (SMS) program is a critical endeavor to investigate whether cold dark matter cosmology is flawed in its ability to describe the matter distribution on galaxy scales or proves itself once again as a powerful theory to make observational predictions. The project will deliver unprecedented results on Milky Way satellite numbers, their distribution and physical properties. It is the deepest, most extended survey for optically elusive dwarf satellite galaxies to date, covering the entire 20,000 sq deg of the Southern hemisphere. 150TB of CCD images will be analysed in six photometric bands, 0.5-1.0 mag fainter than SDSS produced by the ANU SkyMapper telescope over the next five years. (For more details see: http://msowww.anu.edu.au/~jerjen/SMS_Survey.html)Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure, in "Galaxies in the Local Volume" (Sydney, 8-13 July 2007), eds B. Koribalski and H. Jerjen, Springer Astrophysics and Space Science Proceedings, p. 18

    Milky Way potentials in CDM and MOND. Is the Large Magellanic Cloud on a bound orbit?

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    We compute the Milky Way potential in different cold dark matter (CDM) based models, and compare these with the modified Newtonian dynamics (MOND) framework. We calculate the axis ratio of the potential in various models, and find that isopotentials are less spherical in MOND than in CDM potentials. As an application of these models, we predict the escape velocity as a function of the position in the Galaxy. This could be useful in comparing with future data from planned or already-underway kinematic surveys (RAVE, SDSS, SEGUE, SIM, GAIA or the hypervelocity stars survey). In addition, the predicted escape velocity is compared with the recently measured high proper motion velocity of the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC). To bind the LMC to the Galaxy in a MOND model, while still being compatible with the RAVE-measured local escape speed at the Sun's position, we show that an external field modulus of less than 0.03a00.03 a_0 is needed.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS, 13 pages, 7 figures, 3 table

    Hot Interstellar Gas and Stellar Energy Feedback in the Antennae Galaxies

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    We have analyzed Chandra archival observations of the Antennae galaxies to study the distribution and physical properties of its hot interstellar gas. Eleven distinct diffuse X-ray emission regions are selected according to their underlying interstellar structures and star formation activity. The X-ray spectra of these regions are used to determine their thermal energy contents and cooling timescales. Young star clusters in these regions are also identified and their photometric measurements are compared to evolutionary stellar population synthesis models to assess their masses and ages. The cluster properties are then used to determine the stellar wind and supernova energies injected into the ISM. Comparisons between the thermal energy in the hot ISM and the expected stellar energy input show that young star clusters are sufficient to power the X-ray-emitting gas in some, but not all, active star formation regions. Super-star clusters, with masses >= 1x10^5 M_sol, heat the ISM, but the yield of hot interstellar gas is not directly proportional to the cluster mass. Finally, there exist diffuse X-ray emission regions which do not show active star formation or massive young star clusters. These regions may be powered by field stars or low-mass clusters formed within the last ~100 Myr.Comment: 36 pages, 6 figures, 8 tables, 2 appendices, to appear in the Astrophysical Journal, April 20 issu

    Gravitational hydrodynamics of large scale structure formation

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    The gravitational hydrodynamics of the primordial plasma with neutrino hot dark matter is considered as a challenge to the bottom-up cold dark matter paradigm. Viscosity and turbulence induce a top-down fragmentation scenario before and at decoupling. The first step is the creation of voids in the plasma, which expand to 37 Mpc on the average now. The remaining matter clumps turn into galaxy clusters. Turbulence produced at expanding void boundaries causes a linear morphology of 3 kpc fragmenting protogalaxies along vortex lines. At decoupling galaxies and proto-globular star clusters arise; the latter constitute the galactic dark matter halos and consist themselves of earth-mass H-He planets. Frozen planets are observed in microlensing and white-dwarf-heated ones in planetary nebulae. The approach also explains the Tully-Fisher and Faber-Jackson relations, and cosmic microwave temperature fluctuations of micro-Kelvins.Comment: 6 pages, no figure
