167 research outputs found

    Nutritivna i fizička svojstva hrane za ribe

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    Ishrana čini najveći deo troškova u intenzivnoj i polu-intenzivnoj proizvodnji u akvakulturi. Zbog toga hrana mora imati visok kvalitet, kako bi bili sigurni da će se dobro iskoristiti, obezbedi visok dnevni prirast, dobro zdravlje i proizvode visokog kvaliteta. Nutritivni kvalitet se obično definiše kao sposobnost hraniva da obezbedi ribama hranljive materije kako bi se postigao dobar porast. Fizički kvalitet se obično ne vezuje da nutritivni kvalitet ali se definiše kao sposobnost obrađenih hraniva da podnesu rukovanje bez stvaranja većih količina prašine. Postoji više metoda da se oceni kvalitet hrane za ribe. Oni koji se najviše koriste opisani su i diskutovani u ovom radu

    Augmentation of implant surfaces with BMP-2 in a revision setting:effects of local and systemic bisphosphonate

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    AIMS: We wanted to evaluate the effects of a bone anabolic agent (bone morphogenetic protein 2 (BMP-2)) on an anti-catabolic background (systemic or local zoledronate) on fixation of allografted revision implants. METHODS: An established allografted revision protocol was implemented bilaterally into the stifle joints of 24 canines. At revision surgery, each animal received one BMP-2 (5 µg) functionalized implant, and one raw implant. One group (12 animals) received bone graft impregnated with zoledronate (0.005 mg/ml) before impaction. The other group (12 animals) received untreated bone graft and systemic zoledronate (0.1 mg/kg) ten and 20 days after revision surgery. Animals were observed for an additional four weeks before euthanasia. RESULTS: No difference was detected on mechanical implant fixation (load to failure, stiffness, energy) between local or systemic zoledronate. Addition of BMP-2 had no effect on implant fixation. In the histomorphometric evaluation, implants with local zoledronate had more area of new bone on the implant surface (53%, p = 0.025) and higher volume of allograft (65%, p = 0.007), whereas implants in animals with systemic zoledronate had the highest volume of new bone (34%, p = 0.003). Systemic zoledronate with BMP-2 decreased volume of allograft by 47% (p = 0.017). CONCLUSION: Local and systemic zoledronate treatment protects bone at different stages of maturity; local zoledronate protects the allograft from resorption and systemic zoledronate protects newly formed bone from resorption. BMP-2 in the dose evaluated with experimental revision implants was not beneficial, since it significantly increased allograft resorption without a significant compensating anabolic effect. Cite this article: Bone Joint Res 2021;10(8):488–497

    Postnatal consultations with an obstetrician after critical perinatal events:a qualitative study of what women and their partners experience

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    Objective The objective of this study was to explore women’s and their partners’ experiences with attending postnatal consultations with an obstetrician after critical perinatal events.Design Qualitative interview study. We did semi-structured individual narrative interviews exploring the lived experiences. Interviews were analysed using a phenomenological approach and the thematic analysis was validated by a transdisciplinary group of anthropologists, obstetricians and a midwife.Setting Department of obstetrics at a large hospital in Denmark.Participants We did a qualitative study with 17 participants (10 women and 7 partners) who had experienced critical perinatal events.Results Five major themes were identified: (1) a need to gain understanding and make sense of the critical perinatal events, (2) a need for relational continuity, (3) the importance of discussing emotional effects as well as physical aspects of occurred events, (4) preparing for future pregnancies and (5) closure of the story.Most of the participants emphasised the importance of knowing the obstetrician undertaking the postnatal consultation. The majority of the participants described a need to discuss the emotional effects of the experience as well as the physical aspects of occurred events. The postnatal consultation served as an approach to obtain a positive closure of their birth story and to feel confident about potential future pregnancies.Conclusions This interview-based study suggests that postnatal consultation with an obstetrician might be an important tool for women and their partners in understanding the course of events during the critical birth experience and in processing it and preparing for future pregnancies. It appears to be important to assign an obstetrician whom they already know and to encourage them to discuss not only physical aspects of what happened but also the emotional effects of the experience

    Potrebe u proteinima u ishrani mlađi šarana

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    Protein level and quality are of utmost important to growth of fish. Although common carp is a popular experimental fish, contradictory results on protein requirement have been reported by different works. An experiment lasting for 3 months included different protein level in 4 diets: 38.1%, 38.5%, 41.5% and 43.7%. Carp yearlings (body mass 95.5g) were fed in order to investigate effects on growth rate. There were no significant differences in the final individual weights, weight gains, specific growth rates (SGR), feed conversion rate (FCR) and thermal growth coefficient (TGC) among fish fed different diets (P>0.05)

    Potrebe u proteinima u ishrani mlađi šarana

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    Protein level and quality are of utmost important to growth of fish. Although common carp is a popular experimental fish, contradictory results on protein requirement have been reported by different works. An experiment lasting for 3 months included different protein level in 4 diets: 38.1%, 38.5%, 41.5% and 43.7%. Carp yearlings (body mass 95.5g) were fed in order to investigate effects on growth rate. There were no significant differences in the final individual weights, weight gains, specific growth rates (SGR), feed conversion rate (FCR) and thermal growth coefficient (TGC) among fish fed different diets (P>0.05)

    Mogućnost korišćenja mikroalgi u hrani za karnivorne vrste riba

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    Potreba za sastojcima visokog kvaliteta u proizvodnji hrane za ribe raste zajedno sa razvojem proizvodnje u akvakulturi u svetu. Riblje brašno i riblje ulje su najčešće birani sastojci za hranu za ribe zbog njihove visoke nutritivne vrednosti i ukusa. Riblje brašno sadrži onu količinu amino kiselina koja je ribi potrebna. Riblje ulje je odličan izvor esencijalnih n-3 masnih kiselina dugog lanca, koje su veoma važne za unapređenje zdravlja, kako kod riba tako i kod onih koji konzumiraju ribu. Riblje brašno i ulje su zamenjivani biljnim sastojcima u proteklih 25 godina. Međutim, biljn sastojci često sadrže širok spektar anti-nutririvnih sastojaka koji imaju negativan uticaj na zdravlje ribe kao i korišćenje hrane za ribe. Ulje biljnog porekla u hrani za ribe menja sastav masnih kiselina u tkivu ribe, umanjuje povoljan profil masnih kiselina pa dominiraju manje pogodne n-6 masne kiseline. Postoji sve veća zainteresovanost za pronalaženjem izvora hrane za ribe u nižim trofičkim nivoima morskih ekosistema, kao što su mikroalge. Morske mikroalge su primarni proizvođači n-3 masnih kiselina i zbog toga su verovatno bolja alternativa za riblje ulje od biljnog. Neke mikroalge imaju odgovarajući sastav proteina kao i profil amino kiselina. Cilj ovog eksperimenta je da istraži nutritivnu svarljivost (ADC) suve materije (DM), proteina i pepela mikroalgi Nanofrustulum (C3), Desmodesmus (C4) i Nannochloropsis (C1) koji su inkorporirani u hranu za Atlantskog lososa, Salmo salar. Dva testa svarljivosti su urađena sa Atlantskim lososom. Cilj prvog ekperimenta (inicijalni test, P, prosečna inicijalna težina ribe 1000g) bio je da istraži svarljivost sastojaka 3 alge tako što je kontrolna hrana bazirana na ribljem brašnu rastvorena sa 30% test sastojka (u odnosu 70:30). Ove tri vrste hrane su proizvedene hladnim procesom peletiranja. Drugi eksperiment (ekperiment provere, V; prosečna inicijalna težina ribe 436g), urađen je da bi potvrdio rezultate C1 i C4 korišćenjem ekstrudirane hrane. Feces je sakupljan metodom ceđenja. U oba eksperimenta, primećene su značajne razlike u svarljivosti ADC mikroalgi. Sveukupno, najviša ADC za proteine, DM i pepeo (P<0.05) utvrđena je kod hrane C3, dok nije bilo značajnih razlika između C1 i C4. Kada je reč o eksperimentu V, najviša ADC suve materije i proteina utvrđena je za hranu C1 (P<0.05), dok se razlika ADC pepela nije pokazala među različitim tipovima hrane. ADC proteina i suve materije je bio u istom opsegu kao i vrednosti eksperimenta P, dok je ADC pepela bio viši. Nutritivna svarljivost varira među različitim vrstama mikroalgi. Ona verovatno takođe zavisi od tehnoloških uslova procesuiranja hrane. Zasnovano na ADC vrednostima, iako je C3 pokazala bolji potencijal, njen visok sastav pepela i nizak sastav proteina, mogu biti ograničavajući factor za korišćenje ove mikroalge u ishrani za ribe. Velike razlike nisu pronađene u vrednostima svarljivosti između algi C1 i C4. Ova zapažanja treba dalje potvrditi dugoročnim eksperimentima hranjenja Atlantskog lososa da bi se u potpunosti definisao potencijal sva tri kandidata. Ova studija je deo projekta “Proizvodnja velikih dimenzija goriva i hrane iz mikroalgi”. Projekat je finansiran od strane Odeljenja za Energiju Sjedinjenih Američkih Država

    Prognosis of ovarian cancer subsequent to venous thromboembolism: a nationwide Danish cohort study

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    BACKGROUND: Venous thromboembolism (VTE) is associated with ovarian cancer and may impact the prognosis of ovarian cancer. Our aims were to examine the extent of disease at the time of the diagnosis of ovarian cancer and to estimate the impact of VTE on survival of ovarian cancer. METHODS: We identified 12,835 ovarian cancer patients diagnosed from 1980 to 2003 in the Danish Cancer Registry and obtained information on previous primary VTE diagnosis from the Danish National Hospital Discharge Registry. Ovarian cancer patients with previous VTE related to other cancers, surgery, or pregnancy were excluded. The vital status was determined by linking data to the Civil Registration System. RESULTS: We identified 50 ovarian cancer patients diagnosed less than 4 months after the VTE and 78 ovarian cancer patients diagnosed more than 4 months after the VTE diagnosis. Advanced stages tended to be more common among patients with VTE. One-year survivals were 44% and 54% among the two VTE groups, compared with 63% among patients without VTE. Adjusted (for age, calendar time, comorbidity, and FIGO-stage) mortality ratios were 1.7 (95% CI = 1.2–2.5) and 1.2 (95% CI = 0.8–1.7), respectively. CONCLUSION: Ovarian cancer diagnosed less than four months before VTE is associated with an advanced stage and a poorer prognosis

    Common variants in LEPR, IL6, AMD1, and NAMPT do not associate with risk of juvenile and childhood obesity in Danes:a case-control study

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    BACKGROUND: Childhood obesity is a highly heritable disorder, for which the underlying genetic architecture is largely unknown. Four common variants involved in inflammatory-adipokine triggering (IL6 rs2069845, LEPR rs1137100, NAMPT rs3801266, and AMD1 rs2796749) have recently been associated with obesity and related traits in Indian children. The current study aimed to examine the effect of these variants on risk of childhood/juvenile onset obesity and on obesity-related quantitative traits in two Danish cohorts. METHODS: Genotype information was obtained for 1461 young Caucasian men from the Genetics of Overweight Young Adults (GOYA) study (overweight/obese: 739 and normal weight: 722) and the Danish Childhood Obesity Biobank (TDCOB; overweight/obese: 1022 and normal weight: 650). Overweight/obesity was defined as having a body mass index (BMI) ≥25 kg/m(2); among children and youths, this cut-off was defined using age and sex-specific cut-offs corresponding to an adult body mass index ≥25 kg/m(2). Risk of obesity was assessed using a logistic regression model whereas obesity-related quantitative measures were analyzed using a general linear model (based on z-scores) stratifying on the case status and adjusting for age and gender. Meta-analyses were performed using the fixed effects model. RESULTS: No statistically significant association with childhood/juvenile obesity was found for any of the four gene variants among the individual or combined analyses (rs2069845 OR: 0.94 CI: 0.85–1.04; rs1137100 OR: 1.01 CI: 0.90–1.14; rs3801266: 0.96 CI: 0.84–1.10; rs2796749 OR: 1.02 CI: 0.90–1.15; p > 0.05). However, among normal weight children and juvenile men, the LEPR rs1137100 A-allele significantly associated with lower BMI (β = −0.12, p = 0.0026). CONCLUSIONS: The IL6, LEPR, NAMPT, and AMD1 gene variants previously found to associate among Indian children did not associate with risk of obesity or obesity-related quantitative measures among Caucasian children and juvenile men from Denmark