4 research outputs found


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    Local history should be taught in history courses. It enables students to investigate and learn geography, form connections between past and present, and gain important life skills. This study analyzes the views and practices of Turkish history teachers vis-a-vis local histories in a qualitative study. The focus group consisted of 12 history teachers working in the central provinces of Kayseri city. Researchers used semi-structured interviews to collect data, and used qualitative analysis, explanatory and deductive codes to explore emerging patterns in the data. Our data show that local history lessons facilitate greater knowledge of local geography and culture. Conversely, teachers reported financial issues, lower teaching hours, and disinterested students when implementing local history curricula. According to these results, our researchers provide recommendations to better implement local history activities in the classroom.  Article visualizations


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    Learning is a life-long process. In fact, it is a process of thinking in which the most significant construct is an individual’s awareness of their own learning and the learning process, in other words, their metacognition. The justification of the present study was to identify the relationship between entrepreneurial dispositions and metacognition and epistemological beliefs that teachers should possess. In line with this, the main aim of the study was to determine the extent to which pre-service teachers’ entrepreneurial dispositions were predicted by metacognition and epistemological beliefs variables. The study was a prediction study and followed a correlational research design. Participants were 516 prospective teachers who studied in a public university in Turkey. Linear regression analyses were conducted using the data collected from Metacognition, Epistemological Beliefs, and Entrepreneurial Dispositions Scales. Analysis results indicated that while planning sub-dimension of the metacognition scale and “Learning depends on ability” and “Learning depends on effort” sub-dimensions of the epistemological beliefs scale positively and significantly predicted entrepreneurial dispositions, organization sub-dimension of the former and “There is only one unchanging truth” sub-dimension of the latter scale were not able to predict entrepreneurial dispositions. The results of the research were discussed in the light of literature and suggestions were presented.Öğrenme yaşam boyu devam eden bir süreçtir. Öğrenme aslında bir düşünme sürecidir ki bu süreçteki en kapsamlı yapı kişinin kendi öğrenmesi ve öğretim süreci hakkındaki farkındalığı yani bilişsel farkındalık yetisidir. Öğretmende bulunması gereken bilişsel farkındalık ve epistemolojik inançlarla girişimcilik eğilimi arasında ne gibi ilişkiler bulunduğunun belirlenmesi bu araştırmanın gerekçesini oluşturmaktadır. Bu doğrultu da araştırmanın genel amacı öğretmen adaylarının girişimcilik eğiliminin bilişsel farkındalık ve epistemolojik inanç değişkenlerince ne derece yordandığını ortaya çıkarmaktır. Araştırma ilişkisel tarama yönteminde yordamsal modele göre desenlenmiştir.  Türkiye’de bir devlet üniversitesinde 516 öğretmen adayı üzerinde araştırma gerçekleştirilmiştir. Bilişsel Farkındalık, Epistemolojik İnançlar  ve Girişimcilik Ölçekleri kullanılarak toplanan verilerin analizinde çoklu doğrusal regresyon analizinden  yararlanılmıştır. Analiz sonucunda girişimcilik eğilimleri ölçeğinin toplam puanlarını; bilişsel farkındalık ölçeğinin planlama,  epistemolojik inançlar ölçeğinin öğrenmenin yeteneğe bağlı olduğuna ve öğrenmenin çabaya bağlı olduğuna dair inanç alt ölçekleri anlamlı olarak yordarken değerlendirme, organizasyon ve tek bir doğrunun var olduğuna dair inanç alt ölçekleriyse yordamamaktadır. Araştırmanın bulguları, alanyazın ve araştırmalar ışığında tartışılmış, öneriler sunulmuştu

    Opinions of Social Studies Prospective Teachers on Out-of-School Learning

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    This study aims to analyse opinions of social studies prospective teachers towards out-of-school learning. It was conducted with 12 prospective teachers who were at their final year at Kafkas University Education Faculty, Social Studies Teaching Department. In this qualitative study, phenomenological design was adopted, and the data was collected with semi-structured interview form which was developed by the researcher. To explain qualitative data and to find relationships, explanatory and inferential codes during analysis were adopted. Based on the results obtained from this study, prospective teachers expressed that they had inadequate knowledge about out-of-school learning, and out-of-school learning may present advantageous to learning process such as learning with doing-experiencing, permanence of subjects, and materialisation of information. Additionally, regarding out-of-school learning, prospective teachers expressed that there may be problems with time and incorrect learning practices. Recommendations were presented for these results

    The relationship between urine heat shock protein 70 and congenital anomalies of the kidney and urinary tract: UTILISE study

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    BackgroundCongenital anomalies of the kidney and urinary tract (CAKUT) are defined as structural malformations of the kidney and/or urinary tract. Heat shock proteins (HSPs) are expressed in the kidney in response to cellular changes, such as thermal, hemodynamic, osmotic, inflammatory, and mechanical stresses. This study aimed to assess uHSP70 levels during acute urinary tract infections (UTI) and non-infection periods in patients with CAKUT, and to evaluate whether uHSP70 is elevated in CAKUT subtypes.MethodsAmong patients with CAKUT, 89 patients with UTI (CAKUT-A), 111 without UTI (CAKUT-B), and 74 healthy children were included in the study. uHSP70 levels were measured using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA).ResultsuHSP70 level was significantly higher in the CAKUT-A group than in the CAKUT-B and healthy control groups (p < 0.0001). Moreover, the level of uHSP70 was significantly higher in the CAKUT-B group than in the control group (p < 0.0001), but was not different between the CAKUT subtypes (p > 0.05).ConclusionUrine HSP70 can also be used to predict UTI in patients with CAKUT. Moreover, uHSP70 levels were higher in children with CAKUT during the non-infectious period than in healthy controls. This suggests that children with CAKUT are at risk of chronic non-infectious damage