119 research outputs found

    Yalova İ linde Farkl ı Özelliklerdeki Seralar İçin Is ıtma Gereksinimlerinin Belirlenmesi

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    Bu çal ışmada, ülkemizin en yoğ un seracı l ı k bölgelerinden biri olan Yalova ilinde yayg ı n olarak görülen, 30 adet farkl ı boyut ve malzeme özelliklerine sahip seran ı n ı s ı tma gereksinimleri hesaplanm ışt ı r. Elde edilen sonuçlar grafiksel olarak değerlendirilmi ştir. Çal ışmada sera hacmine göre havaland ı rma yolu ile olu şan ı s ı kayb ı , sera örtü alan ı na göre kondüksiyon yolu ile olu şan ı s ı kayb ı ve sera taban alan ı na göre olu şan toplam ı s ı açığı aras ı nda doğrusal bir ilişki bulunduğ u belirlenmiştir. Havaland ı rma yoluyla olu şan ı s ı kayı plar ı , sera hacmindeki art ışa bağ l ı olarak % 10 - 17 oran ı nda azalma göstermi ştir. Kondüksiyon yoluyla olu şan ı s ı kay ı pları , örtü alan ı n ı n artmas ı ile cam seralarda %1 , plastik seralarda ise tek katl ı PE örtü malzemesinin kullan ı lmas ı durumunda çift katl ı PE malzemesine göre % 32 oran ı nda art ış göstermi ştir. Seralar ı n 1 m 2taban alan ı ndan kaybolan toplam ı s ı miktarları ise hacim art ışı na ve örtü malzemesinin cinsine göre cam seralarda % 1 - 2, plastik seralarda % 1 - 6 oran ı nda artmaktad ı r

    Adaptation abilities of the human body in extreme conditions - where are the limits?

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    This is a review dedicated to the innovations in the field of thermoregulation, the role of brown adipose tissue and its regulation, and the application of this knowledge in treating some diseases.Under the influence of environmental factors mechanisms, which ensure optimal adaptation of the organism to various circumstances, are created. Thermoregulation is a significant moment in adaptation reactions and includes different processes for preserving and sustaining normal body temperature. In low temperatures thermogenesis is activated. The application of modern scientific methods expands our knowledge of the functioning of brown adipose tissue and its role in thermoregulatory and metaboloregulatory thermogenesis. New data define the role of adrenergic control in the regulation of brown adipose tissue. The purposeful control of thermoregulation responses is a challenge to researchers. The results of experiments with rodents suggest possibilities to apply in clinical practice induced hypothermia in patients with brain or cardiac ischemia, as an antipyretic. It is considered even in the metabolic regulation of humans during prolonged space flights.Interesting are also the results from the application of a healing approach, which includes extreme cold and breathing techniques. The willful activation of the sympathetic nervous system affects in a positive way the inflammatory factors and immune response and can be beneficial for patients with autoimmune diseases.This is a review dedicated to the innovations in the field of thermoregulation, the role of brown adipose tissue and its regulation, and the application of this knowledge in treating some diseases.Under the influence of environmental factors mechanisms, which ensure optimal adaptation of the organism to various circumstances, are created. Thermoregulation is a significant moment in adaptation reactions and includes different processes for preserving and sustaining normal body temperature. In low temperatures thermogenesis is activated. The application of modern scientific methods expands our knowledge of the functioning of brown adipose tissue and its role in thermoregulatory and metaboloregulatory thermogenesis. New data define the role of adrenergic control in the regulation of brown adipose tissue. The purposeful control of thermoregulation responses is a challenge to researchers. The results of experiments with rodents suggest possibilities to apply in clinical practice induced hypothermia in patients with brain or cardiac ischemia, as an antipyretic. It is considered even in the metabolic regulation of humans during prolonged space flights.Interesting are also the results from the application of a healing approach, which includes extreme cold and breathing techniques. The willful activation of the sympathetic nervous system affects in a positive way the inflammatory factors and immune response and can be beneficial for patients with autoimmune diseases

    The postmodern reflections of modern theories : the role of the reader in the reader response literary theory

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    From the second half of the 20th century, it can be expressed that a paradigmatic change took place in the field of literature. This change came into view when the new role of the reader was discovered and when a new definition was put forward about the reader, who was generally ignored by the literary theorists and critics until that time but in fact who has played the most important role in literature from the very beginning. The reader, who had a passive status in front of the author and the literary work s/he produced, has gradually acquired an active position since the ircumstances of the period were appropriate. From 1970s, a vast number of new perspectives and philosophical understandings dealing with the readers new role came to the fore. Each of these perspectives, particularly those emerging in Germany, America and France, under the effect of the philosophical traditions leading them to emerge, introduced a different reader model. In this study, three of these different reader models have been analysed in order to discuss how they describe and define the concept related to the reader. By dwelling on these three different perspectives, what is questioned in this article is whether or not these understandings have contributed to the "postmodern reader" model which has been employed to define the position of the reader, who has a significant role nowadays in identifying the literary texts.20. yüzyılın ikinci yarısından itibaren edebiyat alanında önemli bir paradigma değişikliğinin gerçekleştiği söylenebilir. Bu değişiklik genel olarak edebiyat kuram ve eleştirilerinin o güne kadar ihmal ettiği ancak en başından itibaren edebiyatın en önemli parçası olan okurun yeni bir yönüyle keşfedilmesi ve yeniden tanımlanmasıyla gerçekleşir. Yazar ve onun yazdığı metin karşısında o güne kadar edilgen bir rol biçilen okur, dönemin koşullarının da elverişli olması nedeniyle aşama aşama etken bir role büründürülür. 1970'li yıllardan itibaren ise okurun bu özelliğini ele alan bir dizi yeni bakış açısı ve yaklaşım ortaya çıkar. Özellikle Almanya, Amerika ve Fransa'da ortaya çıkan bu yaklaşımların her birisi beslendikleri felsefi geleneğin etkisi altında farklı bir okur modeli geliştirirler. Bu çalışmada bu farklı okur modellerinden üç tanesi incelenerek okur kavramı ile neyi veya kimi kastettikleri üzerinde durulmuştur. Bu üç farklı yaklaşımın ele alınmasındaki amaç ise, günümüzde edebiyat metnini anlamlandırmada etken bir rol üstlenen okuru tanımlamak üzere kullanılan "postmodern okur" modeline katkılarının olupc olmadığını sorgulamaktır

    Farklı Sığır Irklarında Kolostrum Kalitesinin Araştırılması

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    Çalışmada 4 farklı sığır ırkında (Siyah Alaca, Jersey, Simental,Danimarka Kırmızısı) doğum sonrası brix refraktometre ile kolostrumkalitesinin belirlenmesi ve elde edilecek sonuçların karşılaştırılmasıamaçlanmıştır. Çalışmada, 56 baş Siyah Alaca, 29 baş Jersey, 12 başSimental ve 10 baş Danimarka Kırmızısı olmak üzere 4 farklı ırktantoplam 107 adet kolostrum numunesi araştırılmıştır. Kolostrumkalitesinin tespit edilmesinde kolostrum brix refraktometre kullanılmışolup sonuçlar % oranlar olarak ifade edilmiştir. Çalışmadan elde edilensonuçlar kolostrum brix değeri bakımından ırklar arasıdaki farklılıklarınistatistiki düzeyde önemli (P&lt;0.05) olduğunu göstermiştir. Irklara göreen yüksek kolostrum brix değeri %27.8 ile Simental ırkında belirlenmişbunu sırasıyla %27.5 ile Danimarka Kırmızısı, %27.2 ile Siyah Alaca ve%26.0 Jersey ırkı takip etmiştir. Laktasyon sayısı, kuru dönem süresi,buzağı doğum ağırlığı ve buzağılama mevsimi faktörlerinin kolostrumbrix değeri düzeyine etkisinin istatistiksel olarak önemli olmadığıbelirlenmiştir (P&gt;0.05). Çalışmada, kolostrum brix değerinin ırklararasında farklılık gösterdiği ancak bu parametre üzerinde incelenen diğerfaktörlerin etkisinin önemli olmadığı sonucu ortaya çıkmıştır.&nbsp;In this study, it was aimed to compare and determine the quality ofcolostrum by brix refractometer in the postpartum period in 4 differentcattle breeds (Holstein, Jersey, Simental, Danish Red). In the study wereused 107 colostrum samples that from 4 different breeds of cows, 56Holstein, 29 Jersey, 12 Simmental and 10 Danish Red. Colostrum brixrefractometer was used to determine the colostrum quality and theresults were expressed as % ratios. In the study, the differences betweenbreeds in terms of colostrum brix value were statistically significant(P&lt;0.05). According to the breeds, the highest colostrum brix value wasdetermined in the Simmental breed (27.8 %), followed by the DanishRed (27.5 %), the Holstein (27.2 %) and the Jersey breed (26.0 %),respectively. In the study, the effect of lactation number, dry periodlenght, calf birth weight and calving season on colostrum brix value wasnot statistically significant (P&gt;0.05). In the study, it was concluded thatthe colostrum brix value differed between breeds, but the effect of otherfactors examined on this parameter was not significant.&nbsp;</p

    Prognostic factors and clinical outcome of patients with Ewing's sarcoma family of tumors in adults: multicentric study of the Anatolian Society of Medical Oncology

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate prognostic factors, survival rate and the efficacy of the treatment modalities used in patients with Ewing sarcoma family of tumors (ESFT). Data of patients with ESFTs followed up at different cancer centers in Turkey between 2001 and 2010 were retrospectively analyzed. The median age of 114 patients was 26 years (range 14-66). The median follow-up was 20 months (range 1-118 months). Tumor size was between 1.5 and 14 cm (median 8 cm). Eighty-six percent of patients had localized disease at presentation, and 14 % had metastatic disease. Local therapy was surgery alone in 31 % of patients, surgery combined with radiotherapy in 41 % and radiotherapy alone in 18 %. Approximately 70 % of patients were treated with vincristine, doxorubicin, cyclophosphamide and actinomycin-D, alternating with ifosfamide and etoposide every 3 weeks. In patients with localized disease at presentation, the 5-year disease-free survival and overall survival were 60 and 65 %, respectively. At univariate analysis, patients with tumor size >= 8 cm, high serum lactate dehydrogenase, metastasis at presentation, poor histological response to chemotherapy and positive surgical margin had significantly worse event-free survival. The significant predictors of worse overall survival at univariate analysis were tumor size <= 8 cm, high lactate dehydrogenase, metastasis at presentation, poor histological response to chemotherapy, radiotherapy only as local treatment and positive surgical margin. ESFTs are aggressive tumors with a high incidence of local recurrence and distant metastasis. Multimodality treatment consisting of adequate surgical resection, aggressive chemotherapy (VAC alternating with IE) and radiotherapy is recommended for patients with ESFTs

    A probable secondary infertility due to osseous metaplasia of the endometrium

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    Objective: Osseous metaplasia is a rare pathological entity that affects the uterus and usually appears following abortion, chronic endometritis, metabolic disorders or following LEEP excision of the cervix. Case: Herein, we present the occurrence of osseous metaplasia in a 27-year-old patient with a history of an abortion 2 years ago and suffering infertility. Conclusion: We suggest that the infertility in this patient may be caused by calcification and ossification of fetal tissue retained in the uterus after abortion. © 2007 Springer-Verlag