407 research outputs found

    Analisis Kualitas Pelayanan Pemberian Kredit terhadap Kepuasan Pelanggan di PT. BPR Cabang Tangerang

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan  untuk mengetahui kualitas pelayanan pemberian kredit PT. BPR Cabang Tangerang dan untuk mengetahui tingkat kepuasan pelanggan PT. BPR Cabang Tangerang. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kuantitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui observasi, angket, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Penentuan  responden  dipilih  dengan  menggunakan  purposive  sampling  dengan sampel sebanyak 70 responden. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah statistik deskriptif , untuk melihat tingkat kepuasan pelanggan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa:  (1) Kualitas pelayanan pemberian kredit PT. BPR Cabang Tangerang berada pada kategori baik (79,81 persen). Jika ditinjau dari tiap dimensinya, satu dimensi berada pada kategori sangat baik yaitu, dimensi bukti langsung 90,50%, dua dimensi berada pada kategori baik yaitu dimensi jaminan 84,86% dan dimensi Empati 84,64%, serta dua dimensi pada kategori cukup baik yaitu dimensi kehandalan 69,43% dan dimensi responsivitas 69,64%. (2) Kepuasan pelanggan PT. BPR Cabang Tangerang berada dalam kategori cukup puas. Hal tersebut mengindikasikan bahwa secara umum kepuasan pelanggan belum tercapai. Kata Kunci : Kualitas Pelayanan, Kepuasan Nasaba

    Entanglement dynamics of electron-electron scattering in low-dimensional semiconductor systems

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    We perform the quantitative evaluation of the entanglement dynamics in scattering events between two insistinguishable electrons interacting via Coulomb potential in 1D and 2D semiconductor nanostructures. We apply a criterion based on the von Neumann entropy and the Schmidt decomposition of the global state vector suitable for systems of identical particles. From the timedependent numerical solution of the two-particle wavefunction of the scattering carriers we compute their entanglement evolution for different spin configurations: two electrons with the same spin, with different spin, singlet, and triplet spin state. The procedure allows to evaluate the mechanisms that govern entanglement creation and their connection with the characteristic physical parameters and initial conditions of the system. The cases in which the evolution of entanglement is similar to the one obtained for distinguishable particles are discussed.Comment: 22 pages, 7 figures, submitted to Physical Review

    Uji Efektivitas Pupuk Organonitrofos Dan Kombinasinya Dengan Pupuk Anorganik Terhadap Serapan Hara Dan Produksi Tanaman Jagung (Zea Mays L.) Pada Musim Tanam Ke Dua Di Tanah Ultisols Gedong Meneng

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    Pupuk Organonitrofos merupakan pupuk organik baru yang terbuat dari pencampuran kotoran sapi dengan batuan fosfat alam yang diperkaya mikroorganisme penambat N dan pelarut P. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektivitas pupuk Organonitrofos dan kombinasinya dengan pupuk anorganik terhadap pertumbuhan, serapan hara, dan produksi tanaman jagung. Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) terdiri dari 6 perlakuan yaitu A (kontrol), B (900 kg urea ha-1, 250 kg SP-36 ha-1, 250 kg KCl ha-1), C (600 kg urea ha-1, 150 kg SP-36 ha-1, 150 kg KCl ha-1, 500 kg Organonitrofos ha-1), D (150 kg urea ha-1, 50 kg SP-36 ha-1, 100 kg KCl ha-1, 1.000 kg Organonitrofos ha-1), E (100 kg urea ha-1, 50 kg SP-36 ha-1, 100 kg KCl ha-1, 2.000 kg Organonitrofos ha-1), dan F (3.000 kg Organonitrofos ha-1) dengan 3 ulangan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pupuk Organonitrofos mampu mengurangi penggunaan pupuk anorganik. Berdasarkan perhitungan standar deviasi kombinasi antara pupuk anorganik dan Organonitrofos pada perlakuan D dengan dosis 150 kg urea ha-1, 50 kg SP36 ha-1, 100 kg KCl ha-1, 1.000 kg Organonitrofos ha-1 menunjukkan hasil pertumbuhan, produksi, serta serapan hara N, P, dan K total tertinggi. Perlakuan D juga paling efektif terhadap biomass total tanaman jagung berdasarkan perhitungan Relative Agronomic Effectiveness yaitu sebesar 125,33 %. Serapan hara N, P, dan K berkorelasi dengan tinggi tanaman, bobot pipilan kering serta bobot berangkasan tanaman, kecuali antara serapan P dengan tinggi tanaman

    Finding the Pion in the Chiral Random Matrix Vacuum

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    The existence of a Goldstone boson is demonstrated in chiral random matrix theory. After determining the effective coupling and calculating the scalar and pseudoscalar propagators, a random phase approximation summation reveals the massless pion and massive sigma modes expected whenever chiral symmetry is spontaneously broken.Comment: 3 pages, 1 figure, revte

    Hidden Breit-Wigner distribution and other properties of random matrices with preferential basis

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    We study statistical properties of a class of band random matrices which naturally appears in systems of interacting particles. The local spectral density is shown to follow the Breit-Wigner distribution in both localized and delocalized regimes with width independent on the band/system size. We analyse the implications of this distribution to the inverse participation ratio, level spacing statistics and the problem of two interacting particles in a random potential.Comment: 4 pages, 4 postscript figures appended, new version with minor change

    On the stationary points of the TAP free energy

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    In the context of the p-spin spherical model, we introduce a method for the computation of the number of stationary points of any nature (minima, saddles, etc.) of the TAP free energy. In doing this we clarify the ambiguities related to the approximations usually adopted in the standard calculations of the number of states in mean field spin glass models.Comment: 11 pages, 1 Postscript figure, plain Te

    The optical spectrum of a large isolated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon: hexa-peri-hexabenzocoronene, C42H18

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    The first optical spectrum of an isolated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon large enough to survive the photophysical conditions of the interstellar medium is reported. Vibronic bands of the first electronic transition of the all benzenoid polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon hexa-peri-hexabenzocoronene were observed in the 4080-4530 Angstrom range by resonant 2-color 2-photon ionization spectroscopy. The strongest feature at 4264 Angstrom is estimated to have an oscillator strength of f=1.4x10^-3, placing an upper limit on the interstellar abundance of this polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon at 4x10^12 cm^-2, accounting for a maximum of ~0.02% of interstellar carbon. This study opens up the possibility to rigorously test neutral polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons as carriers of the diffuse interstellar bands in the near future.Comment: 9 pages, 1 figure. Fixed a typo on the frequency of the 'b' ban

    Delivering reform in English healthcare: an ideational perspective

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    A variety of perspectives has been put forward to understand reform across healthcare systems. Recently, some have called for these perspectives to give greater recognition to the role of ideational processes. The purpose of this article is to present an ideational approach to understanding the delivery of healthcare reform. It draws on a case of English healthcare reform – the Next Stage Review led by Lord Darzi – to show how the delivery of its reform proposals was associated with four ideational frames. These frames built on the idea of “progress” in responding to existing problems; the idea of “prevailing policy” in forming part of a bricolage of ideas within institutional contexts; the idea of “prescription” as top-down structural change at odds with local contexts; and the idea of “professional disputes” in challenging the notion of clinical engagement across professional groups. The article discusses the implications of these ideas in furthering our understanding of policy change, conflict and continuity across healthcare settings

    Time resolved particle dynamics in granular convection

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    We present an experimental study of the movement of individual particles in a layer of vertically shaken granular material. High-speed imaging allows us to investigate the motion of beads within one vibration period. This motion consists mainly of vertical jumps, and a global ordered drift. The analysis of the system movement as a whole reveals that the observed bifurcation in the flight time is not adequately described by the Inelastic Bouncing Ball Model. Near the bifurcation point, friction plays and important role, and the branches of the bifurcation do not diverge as the control parameter is increased. We quantify the friction of the beads against the walls, showing that this interaction is the underlying mechanism responsible for the dynamics of the flow observed near the lateral wall
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