24 research outputs found

    Objašnjenja značenja za paremiološke žanrove u rječnicima eSSKJ i SPP; Što se izražava poslovicom, izrekom, praznovjerjem, vremenskom poslovicom, antiposlovicom, wellerizmom, sloganom i nekonvencionalnim odgovorom?

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    This article presents theory-based model explanations of meaning and compares them with the explanations of meaning presented in the Dictionary of the Slovenian Standard Language, third edition, and the Dictionary of Proverbs and Similar Paremiological Expressions – the paremiological dictionary of contemporary Slovenian. The making of model explanations of meaning is connected particularly with a desire to help lexicographers to present the meanings of paremiological expressions as uniformly as possible. The article discusses the scope of paremiological genres included in both dictionaries, describes the theoretical basis for the making of the model explanations of the meaning, and presents concrete examples of the explanations of meaning for expressions belonging to seven paremiological genres and certain subgenres.U članku su prikazani teorijski modeli značenja sedam paremioloških vrsta i pojedinih podvrsta. Prikazana je i teorijska podloga za izradu modela značenja za svaku paremiološku vrstu (poslovica, izreka, praznovjerje, antiposlovica, wellerizam, slogan inekonvencionalni frazeološki odgovor). Poslovica izražava uvjerenje da je radnja ili stanje rezultat nekog općeg načela i nudi pouku; izreka opisuje obilježje radnje ili stanja (bez pouke); praznovjerje izražava praznovjerno uvjerenje da je radnja ili stanje rezultat nekog općeg načela; slogan izražava poziv na djelovanje ili stanje, u nekim slučajevima sadržava i pouku; antiposlovica parodijski izražava kritiku uvjerenja da je radnja ili stanje rezultat nekog općeg načela i da je pouka određene poslovice valjana; wellerizam izražava kritiku vjerovanja u pouku određenoga (paremiološkog ili neparemiološkog) izraza predstavljajući ga u izravnom govoru i uz parodiranje izravnoga govora; nekonvencionalni odgovor izražava duhovit, razigran, namjerno neprikladan odgovor na izraz sugovornika. Uz prikaz glavnih značajka razmatranih paremioloških vrsta u radu se uspoređuju teorijski modeli značenja s njihovom praktičnom primjenom u dvama mrežnim rječnicima: Rječniku slovenskoga standardnog jezika, treće izdanje (Slovar slovenskega knjižnega jezika, tretja izdaja – eSSKJ) i Rječniku poslovica i sličnih paremioloških izraza (Slovar pregovorov in sorodnih paremioloških izrazov – SPP) – paremiološkomu rječniku suvremenoga slovenskog jezika. U radu se navode konkretni primjeri objašnjenja značenja te primjeri njihove uporabe

    The Slovene Paremiological Optimum: New Empirical Research Tools and the Augmentation of the Field of Minimum-Oriented Research

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    The article presents the main results of an online survey and corpus research of Slovene paremiological units and discusses how paremiological units of modern origin are gathered. Some practical examples of the advantages of an optimum are given. An overview of the top 50 units of the Slovene paremiological optimum and their English equivalents touches upon the question of describing shares of units with a common motivation as “high” or “low”, while a comparison of genetically close languages – Slavic languages in this case – points towards a broader context. The article also discusses how the field of minimum-oriented research can be expanded by taking different socio-linguistic criteria into account. Lastly, it argues that the use of spoken corpora could lead to an even more holistic optimum in the future

    The Slovene Paremiological Optimum: New Empirical Research Tools and the Augmentation of the Field of Minimum-Oriented Research

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    The article presents the main results of an online survey and corpus research of Slovene paremiological units and discusses how paremiological units of modern origin are gathered. Some practical examples of the advantages of an optimum are given. An overview of the top 50 units of the Slovene paremiological optimum and their English equivalents touches upon the question of describing shares of units with a common motivation as “high” or “low”, while a comparison of genetically close languages – Slavic languages in this case – points towards a broader context. The article also discusses how the field of minimum-oriented research can be expanded by taking different socio-linguistic criteria into account. Lastly, it argues that the use of spoken corpora could lead to an even more holistic optimum in the future

    Antonimija enako motiviranih paremioloških enot (primeri iz slovenščine in slovaščine)

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    Zanima nas, kako se jezikovna sredstva za izražanje nasprotnega pomena uveljavljajo v frazeologiji, ko gre za dvojice enako motiviranih stavčnih frazemov. Pozornost posvecčamo vprašanju nasprotnega pomena v paremiologiji ter vprašanju obstoja paremioloških antonimičnih gnezd. Na primerih iz slovenščine in slovaščine si želimo ogledati, kdaj (in ali sploh) lahko govorimo o antonimičnih gnezdih in v čem je specifika enako motiviranih pregovorov z nasprotnim pomenom. V članku se opiramo na demografsko raziskavo poznavanja slovenskih pregovorov v okviru doktorskega študija in na podatke iz jezikovnega korpusa Gigafida

    Unconventional Replies: A Special Type of Phraseme and a Paremiological Genre

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    The article investigates unconventional replies and their tar-get statements using various examples from English and five Slavic languages (Slovak, Slovene, Czech, Polish and Russian) and a survey conducted among over 400 Slovene and Slovak students. This paremiological genre – a type of phraseological replies – has received little attention in worldwide research to date. We begin by formulating our own definition. Frequent mechanisms for establishing the link between a target statement and an unconventional reply are presented. Two un-conventional replies from English used in internet memes are analysed along with their equivalents in Slavic languages. The initial results of sociolinguistic research we conducted on 20 Slovene and 20 Slovak unconventional replies are presented, with a focus on how respondents interpret dialogues with unconventional replies. A number of new Slovene and Slovak unconventional replies and their variants were collected in the framework of this research, and will need to be analysed in the near future. The conclusion of the article outlines aspects that offer potential for further research on this special type of phraseme and paremiological genre

    Unconventional Replies: A Special Type of Phraseme and a Paremiological Genre

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    The article investigates unconventional replies and their tar-get statements using various examples from English and five Slavic languages (Slovak, Slovene, Czech, Polish and Russian) and a survey conducted among over 400 Slovene and Slovak students. This paremiological genre – a type of phraseological replies – has received little attention in worldwide research to date. We begin by formulating our own definition. Frequent mechanisms for establishing the link between a target statement and an unconventional reply are presented. Two un-conventional replies from English used in internet memes are analysed along with their equivalents in Slavic languages. The initial results of sociolinguistic research we conducted on 20 Slovene and 20 Slovak unconventional replies are presented, with a focus on how respondents interpret dialogues with unconventional replies. A number of new Slovene and Slovak unconventional replies and their variants were collected in the framework of this research, and will need to be analysed in the near future. The conclusion of the article outlines aspects that offer potential for further research on this special type of phraseme and paremiological genre

    Empirični pristopi k razločevanju med neparemiološkimi in paremiološkimi stavčnimi frazemi

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    Sociolinguistic and corpus‑based approaches can be used to study the boundary between paremiological and non‑paremiological material. This study primarily examines whether speakers and researchers perceive a certain group of phrasemes as being representative of the (paremiological) genre or not. Second, it examines semantic and pragmatic features, the corpus frequency of these units, and the presence or absence of introductory formulas typical of paremiological units. In this manner it distinguishes units that should be placed at the edge of the paremiological spectrum from those that represent the edge of the non‑paremiological spectrum of sentential phraseology. It is proposed that a line be drawn between “sayings” and non‑paremiological sentential phrasemes in this manner.Za raziskovanje meje med paremiološkim in neparemiološkim spektrom lahko uporabimo nekatere sociolingvistične in korpusne pristope. Najprej nas zanima, ali je med govorci in raziskovalci določena skupina frazemov žanrsko uzaveščena ali ne. Potem se osredotočamo na semantične in pragmatične sestavine, pogostnost v jezikovnem korpusu in na prisotnost ali odsotnost tipičnih paremioloških uvajalnih sredstev. Tako poskušamo raz‑likovati med enotami, ki spadajo na rob paremiološkega spektra, in tistimi, ki spadajo na rob neparemiološkega spektra stavčne frazeologije. S tem predlagamo empirično ločnico med reki in neparemiološkimi stavčnimi frazemi

    Aktualna raba in pomenska določljivost 200 pregovorov in sorodnih paremioloških izrazov

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    Two hundred paremiological expressions from four different sources have been analyzed with the help of language corpora and questionnaires. Of interest was the contemporary usage of the units analyzed (and their variants) and the possibility of determining their meaning with the help of the context they are used in. A list of the two hundred units analyzed is presented with the results of the analysis and an estimation of the quality of the four paremiological sources. The units with proven contemporary usage and determined meaning will be included in the first issue of the growing online Dictionary of Proverbs and Similar Paremiological Expressions.S pomočjo jezikovnih korpusov in anket smo analizirali 200 paremioloških izrazov iz štirih različnih virov. Zanimala nas je aktualna raba teh izrazov (in njihovih variant) ter njihova pomenska določljivost s pomočjo njihovega sobesedila. Predstavljamo seznam 200 analiziranih enot z rezultati analize in oceno kakovosti izhodiščnih virov tega paremiološkega gradiva. Enote z dokazano aktualno rabo in določenim pomenom bodo vključene v prvo izdajo rastočega spletnega Slovarja pregovorov in sorodnih paremioloških izrazov

    Paremiološki optimum

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    The work presents the set of the 300 most well-known and most frequent proverbs, sayings and similar paremiological units in modern Slovene, its theoretical and methodological basis and also how it can be used in different phraseological and phraseographical tasks. The concept of the paremiological optimum was developed by Ďurčo and it combines the concept of the Permjakov’s paremiological minimum of the most well-known units with corpus-based and frequency-oriented analyses. 316 Slovene speakers were included in the sociolinguistic test and the top list of the 300 most well-known out of 918 units presented to them was additionally arranged according to their frequency in the FidaPLUS language corpus. Author presents different search procedures which he used in the language corpora. The paremiological optimum is modernized according to the most frequent form of each unit in the Gigafida language corpus. The comparative research of the Slovak and Slovene paremiology based on the paremiological optimum is presented in details. Author also describes how the data he gained can be used in the lexicography.Monografija se ukvarja s paremiologijo – delom stavčne frazeologije z žanrskimi značilnostmi pregovorov, rekov, velerizmov in sorodnih paremioloških enot. Predstavlja s sociolingvistično in korpusno raziskavo zamejeno jedro slovenskih paremioloških enot oziroma paremij. Paremiološki minimum – seznam tristotih najbolj poznanih paremioloških enot – je bil do sedaj določen že v vrsti jezikov, vrzel v slovenski frazeologiji delo ne le zapolnjuje, temveč gre še korak dlje. Avtor je paremiološki minimum po slovaškem vzoru s podatki o pogostnosti enot v jezikovnem korpusu nadgradil v paremiološki optimum. V delu sta podrobno predstavljeni sociolingvistična spletna raziskava poznanosti 918 paremioloških enot, izpisanih iz dveh slovarjev ter korpusna raziskava pogostnosti 300 najbolj poznanih izmed njih. Delo prinaša še medjezikovno primerjavo slovenskega in slovaškega paremiološkega optimuma. Predstavljene so tudi oporne točke za nadaljnje raziskave zaledja paremiološkega minimuma ter optimuma, npr. najbolj poznani slovenski antipregovori, ki jim je bilo v slovenskih raziskavah do sedaj posvečeno malo pozornosti. Nazorno je prikazana tudi uporabnost opravljenih raziskav za slovaropisje

    Enote slovenskega paremiološkega minimuma v govornem korpusu GOS

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    Prispevek predstavlja prvi poskus raziskave slovenske paremiolo gije v korpusu govorjene slovenščine GOS, ki obsega 120 ur posnetega govora. S korpusn o raziskavo, v katero smo vključili 300 najbolj poznanih paremioloških enot iz slovensk ega paremiološkega minimu - ma, smo našli 37 enot. Opisujemo razpon variant, prenovitev i n transformacij pregovorov ter prikazujemo primere njihove neprototipne rabe. Po analizi uvajalnih sredstev pregovorov pokažemo, kako ta sredstva lahko uporabimo za odkrivanje no vega frazeološkega gradiva v korpusih. Analiziramo tudi zastopanost enot v različnih tip ih diskurzov in razmišljamo o mestu paremiologije med preostalimi stavčnimi frazemi