4,493 research outputs found

    Is subjective social status a more important determinant of health than objective social status? Evidence from a prospective observational study of Scottish men

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    Both subjective and objective measures of lower social position have been shown to be associated with poorer health. A psychosocial, as opposed to material, aetiology of health inequalities predicts that subjective social status should be a stronger determinant of health than objective social position. In a workplace based prospective study of 5232 Scottish men recruited in the early 1970s and followed up for 25 years we examined the association between objective and subjective indices of social position, perceived psychological stress, cardiovascular disease risk factors and subsequent health. Lower social position, whether indexed by more objective or more subjective measures, was consistently associated with an adverse profile of established disease risk factors. Perceived stress showed the opposite association. The main subjective social position measure used was based on individual perceptions of workplace status (as well as their actual occupation, men were asked whether they saw themselves as “employees”, “foremen”, or “managers”). Compared to foremen, employees had a small and imprecisely estimated increased risk of all cause mortality, whereas managers had a more marked decreased risk. The strongest predictors of increased mortality were father's manual as opposed to non-manual occupation; lack of car access and shorter stature, (an indicator of material deprivation in childhood). In the fully adjusted analyses, perceived work-place status was only weakly associated with mortality. In this population it appears that objective material circumstances, particularly in early life, are a more important determinant of health than perceptions of relative status. Conversely, higher perceived stress was not associated with poorer health, presumably because, in this population, higher stress was not associated with material disadvantage. Together these findings suggest that, rather than targeting perceptions of disadvantage and associated negative emotions, interventions to reduce health inequalities should aim to reduce objective material disadvantage, particularly that experienced in early life

    Individual employment histories and subsequent cause specific hospital admissions and mortality: a prospective study of a cohort of male and female workers with 21 years follow up

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    It is a widely held view that the labour market is demanding increased levels of flexibility, and that this is causing greater psychosocial stress among employees.1 Such stress may affect health, either through neuroendocrine pathways, or through increases in behaviours linked with poor health.2 Previously we presented evidence linking an unstable employment history, as measured by a greater number of job changes and shorter duration of current job, with a greater prevalence of smoking and greater alcohol consumption, in male and female workers.3 4 Despite this, we did not observe clear detrimental effects of such instability on health related physiological measures (body mass index, diastolic blood pressure, cholesterol, and lung function), nor on current cardiovascular health (electrocardiogram determined ischaemia and reported symptoms of angina). Finding work is easier for healthy persons, and those persons who need to find work repeatedly will be particularly likely to drop out of the workforce if their health deteriorates. Consequently, an occupational cohort, upon which our previous work was based, is least likely to include people of poor health with an unstable work history. If such people are underrepresented, attempts to determine the association between health and individual work histories will mislead. This study links the same cohort to information on the hospitalisations and deaths experienced over a 21 year follow up period. While those people whose health deteriorated before the enrolment of this cohort must remain poorly represented, these prospective data permit unbiased observation of those cases who experienced ill health subsequently, whether or not this resulted in an exit from the workforce. We hypothesise that an employment history characterised by frequent job changes, whatever the motivation for those changes, will require the person to be more focused on work, and less focused on maintaining personal health, with consequent poorer health for such people

    Psychological stress and cardiovascular disease: empirical demonstration of bias in a prospective observational study of Scottish men

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    Objectives: To examine the association between self perceived psychological stress and cardiovascular disease in a population where stress was not associated with social disadvantage. Design: Prospective observational study with follow up of 21 years and repeat screening of half the cohort 5 years from baseline. Measures included perceived psychological stress, coronary risk factors, self reported angina, and ischaemia detected by electrocardiography. Setting: 27 workplaces in Scotland. Participants: 5606 men (mean age 48 years) at first screening and 2623 men at second screening with complete data on all measures Main outcome measures: Prevalence of angina and ischaemia at baseline, odds ratio for incident angina and ischaemia at second screening, rate ratios for cause specific hospital admission, and hazard ratios for cause specific mortality. Results: Both prevalence and incidence of angina increased with increasing perceived stress (fully adjusted odds ratio for incident angina, high versus low stress 2.66, 95% confidence interval 1.61 to 4.41; P for trend <0.001). Prevalence and incidence of ischaemia showed weak trends in the opposite direction. High stress was associated with a higher rate of admissions to hospital generally and for admissions related to cardiovascular disease and psychiatric disorders (fully adjusted rate ratios for any general hospital admission 1.13, 1.01 to 1.27, cardiovascular disease 1.20, 1.00 to 1.45, and psychiatric disorders 2.34, 1.41 to 3.91). High stress was not associated with increased admission for coronary heart disease (1.00, 0.76-1.32) and showed an inverse relation with all cause mortality, mortality from cardiovascular disease, and mortality from coronary heart disease, that was attenuated by adjustment for occupational class (fully adjusted hazard ratio for all cause mortality 0.94, 0.81 to 1.11, cardiovascular mortality 0.91, 0.78 to 1.06, and mortality from coronary heart disease 0.98, 0.75 to 1.27). Conclusions: The relation between higher stress, angina, and some categories of hospital admissions probably resulted from the tendency of participants reporting higher stress to also report more symptoms. The lack of a corresponding relation with objective indices of heart disease suggests that these symptoms did not reflect physical disease. The data suggest that associations between psychosocial measures and disease outcomes reported from some other studies may be spurious

    Limitations of adjustment for reporting tendency in observational studies of stress and self reported coronary heart disease

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    Recently, observational evidence has been suggested to show a causal association between various "psychosocial" exposures, including psychological stress, and heart disease. Much of this evidence derives from studies in which a self reported psychosocial exposure is related to an outcome dependent on the subjective experience of coronary heart disease (CHD) symptoms. Such outcomes may be measured using standard symptom questionnaires (like the Rose angina schedule). Alternatively they may use diagnoses of disease from medical records, which depend on an individual perceiving symptoms and reporting them to a health worker. In these situations, reporting bias may generate spurious exposure-outcome associations. For example if people who perceive and report their life as most stressful also over-report symptoms of cardiovascular disease then an artefactual association between stress and heart disease will result

    Cause-specific hospital admission and mortality among working men: association with socioeconomic circumstances in childhood and adult life, and the mediating role of daily stress

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    BACKGROUND: The aim of this study was to investigate the association of childhood and adulthood social class with the occurrence of specific diseases, including those not associated with a high mortality rate, and to investigate daily stress as the mechanism for that part of any association which cannot be accounted for by established risk factors. METHODS: This was a prospective cohort study with 25 years of follow-up for cause-specific morbidity and mortality. A total of 5577 Scottish men were recruited from 27 workplaces in the West of Scotland. Childhood social class was determined from the occupation held by the individual's father, and adulthood social class from the individual's occupation at enrolment. Daily stress was measured at enrolment using the Reeder Stress Inventory. RESULTS: Health differentials were found for cardiovascular diseases, lung cancer, peptic ulcer, asthma, accidents and violence, alcohol-related diseases, and perhaps psychiatric illness. Adulthood circumstances were associated with the incidence of most diseases in adulthood, the exception being stroke, which was strongly associated with less privileged circumstances in childhood. Both childhood and adulthood circumstances contributed to the incidence of coronary heart disease. Daily stress did not underlie any of these associations once the influence of established risk factors had been taken into account. CONCLUSIONS: Socioeconomic circumstances in childhood and adulthood both contribute to health differentials in adulthood, the relative contributions depending upon the particular disease. Where known risk factors explained only part of the excess of a disease among individuals raised or living in less-privileged circumstances, there was no evidence to suggest that daily stress was the reason for the unexplained excess

    Perspectives on pre-exposure prophylaxis for people who inject drugs in the context of an HIV outbreak: a qualitative study

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    Background: There is an ongoing HIV outbreak amongst people who inject drugs (PWID) in Glasgow, Scotland, and one response which has not yet been widely implemented is the provision of Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP). PrEP is the use of HIV anti-retrovirals prior to HIV infection to provide a barrier to infection. This has been shown to be effective amongst various at-risk populations in preventing HIV spread. The present study aimed to explore views of PWID who might benefit from PrEP provision and Service Providers working with PWID to understand will to use PrEP and literacy of PrEP, contributing to the development of a PrEP service. Methods: A qualitative approach was taken, with semi structured interviews conducted in Glasgow at two third sector service sites. 11 Service Providers and 21 PWID participated in the study. Data was analysed thematically. Results: Participants, both PWID and Service Providers, were keen to engage with PrEP and perceived substantial potential benefits of PrEP for this population. Potential barriers to engagement were identified as a lack of health literacy, motivation, and self-ascribed risk, as well as the overwhelming unpredictability of substance use. Participants wanted PrEP to be provided within already existing structures, particularly community pharmacies, and for promotion and provision to involve peers. Conclusion: This sample reported willingness to engage with PrEP, and suggested there is a specific need amongst PWID for PrEP. However, PWID have specific lived experienced contexts and needs, and are burdened by social and economic marginalisation and inequality at every level. This contrasts them from other populations currently being provided with PrEP, and must be considered in the development of provision

    Strichartz estimates on Schwarzschild black hole backgrounds

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    We study dispersive properties for the wave equation in the Schwarzschild space-time. The first result we obtain is a local energy estimate. This is then used, following the spirit of earlier work of Metcalfe-Tataru, in order to establish global-in-time Strichartz estimates. A considerable part of the paper is devoted to a precise analysis of solutions near the trapping region, namely the photon sphere.Comment: 44 pages; typos fixed, minor modifications in several place

    Development of high temperature, radiation hard detectors based on diamond

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    © 2016 Single crystal CVD diamond has many desirable properties compared to current, well developed, detector materials; exceptional radiation, chemical and physical hardness, chemical inertness, low Z (close to human tissue, good for dosimetry), wide bandgap and an intrinsic pathway to fast neutron detection through the 12C(n,α)9Be reaction. However effective exploitation of these properties requires development of a suitable metallisation scheme to give stable contacts for high temperature applications. To best utilise available processing techniques to optimise sensor response through geometry and conversion media configurations, a reliable model is required. This must assess the performance in terms of spectral response and overall efficiency as a function of detector and converter geometry. The same is also required for proper interpretation of experimental data. Sensors have been fabricated with varying metallisation schemes indented to permit high temperature operation; Present test results indicate that viable fabrication schemes for high temperature contacts have been developed and present modelling results, supported by preliminary data from partners indicate simulations provide a useful representation of response
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