928 research outputs found

    Directionality effects in the transfer of X-rays from a magnetized atmosphere: Beam pulse shape

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    A formalism is presented for radiation transfer in two normal polarization modes in finite and semiinfinite plane parallel uniform atmospheres with a magnetic field perpendicular to the surface and arbitrary propagation angles. This method is based on the coupled integral equations of transfer, including emission, absorption, and scattering. Calculations are performed for atmosphere parameters typical of X-ray pulsars. The directionality of the escaping radiation is investigated for several cases, varying the input distributions. Theoretical pencil beam profiles and X-ray pulse shapes are obtained assuming the radiation is emitted from the polar caps of spinning neutron stars. Implications for realistic models of accreting magnetized X-ray sources are briefly discussed

    Mars-Earth geographical comparisons: A pictorial view

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    A collection of pictorial comparisons of prominent physiographic features found on Mars and Earth, consisting of equal-scale side-by-side pairs or cartographic overlays is presented. Martian features compared with terrestrial ones include Vales Marineris, the Tharsis bulge, Olympus Mons, the Hellas and Argyre basins, areas of catastrophic flooding, and the polar regions. The illustrations are accompanied by a brief descriptive text and bibliography

    World Atlas of large optical telescopes (second edition)

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    By early 1986 there will be over 120 large optical telescopes in the world engaged in astronomical research with mirror or lens diameters of one meter (39-inches) and larger. This atlas gives information on these telescopes and shows their observatory sites on continent sized maps. Also shown are observatory locations considered suitable for the construction of future large telescopes. Of the 126 major telescopes listed in this atlas, 101 are situated in the Northern Hemisphere and 25 are located in the Southern Hemisphere. The totals by regions are as follows: Europe (excluding the USSR), 30; Soviet Union, 9; Asia (excluding the USSR), 5; Africa, 9; Australia, 6; The Pacific, 4 (all on Hawaii); South America, 17; North America, 46 (the continental US has 38 of these). In all, the United States has 42 of the world's major telescopes on its territory (continental US plus Hawaii) making it by far the leading nation in astronomical instrumentation

    A geographic comparison of selected large-scale planetary surface features

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    Photographic and cartographic comparisons of geographic features on Mercury, the Moon, Earth, Mars, Ganymede, Callisto, Mimas, and Tethys are presented. Planetary structures caused by impacts, volcanism, tectonics, and other natural forces are included. Each feature is discussed individually and then those of similar origin are compared at the same scale

    Planetary size comparisons: A photographic study

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    Over the past two decades NASA spacecraft missions obtained photographs permitting accurate size measurements of the planets and moons, and their surface features. Planetary global views are displayed at the same scale, in each picture to allow visual size comparisons. Additionally, special geographical features on some of the planets are compared with selected Earth areas, again at the same scale. Artist renderings and estimated sizes are used for worlds not yet reached by spacecraft. Included with each picture is number designation for use in ordering copies of the photos

    World atlas of large optical telescopes

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    By 1980 there will be approximately 100 large optical telescopes in the world with mirror or lens diameters of one meter (39 inches) and larger. This atlas gives information on these telescopes and shows their locations on continent-sized maps. Observatory locations considered suitable for the construction of future large telescopes are also shown

    Self-consistent models for Coulomb heated X-ray pulsar atmospheres

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    Calculations of accreting magnetized neutron star atmospheres heated by the gradual deceleration of protons via Coulomb collisions are presented. Self consistent determinations of the temperature and density structure for different accretion rates are made by assuming hydrostatic equilibrium and energy balance, coupled with radiative transfer. The full radiative transfer in two polarizations, using magnetic cross sections but with cyclotron resonance effects treated approximately, is carried out in the inhomogeneous atmospheres

    Analysis of Temporal Features of Gamma Ray Bursts in the Internal Shock Model

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    In a recent paper we have calculated the power density spectrum of Gamma-Ray Bursts arising from multiple shocks in a relativistic wind. The wind optical thickness is one of the factors to which the power spectrum is most sensitive, therefore we have further developed our model by taking into account the photon down-scattering on the cold electrons in the wind. For an almost optically thick wind we identify a combination of ejection features and wind parameters that yield bursts with an average power spectrum in agreement with the observations, and with an efficiency of converting the wind kinetic energy in 50-300 keV emission of order 1%. For the same set of model features the interval time between peaks and pulse fluences have distributions consistent with the log-normal distribution observed in real bursts.Comment: ApJ in press, 2000; with slight revisions; 12 pag, 6 fi

    Effect of Primordial Black Holes on the Cosmic Microwave Background and Cosmological Parameter Estimates

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    We investigate the effect of non-evaporating primordial black holes (PBHs) on the ionization and thermal history of the universe. X-rays emitted by gas accretion onto PBHs modify the cosmic recombination history, producing measurable effects on the spectrum and anisotropies of the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB). Using the third-year WMAP data and FIRAS data we improve existing upper limits on the abundance of PBHs with masses >0.1 Msun by several orders of magnitude. Fitting WMAP3 data with cosmological models that do not allow for non-standard recombination histories, as produced by PBHs or other early energy sources, may lead to an underestimate of the best-fit values of the amplitude of linear density fluctuations (sigma_8) and the scalar spectral index (n_s). Cosmological parameter estimates are affected because models with PBHs allow for larger values of the Thomson scattering optical depth, whose correlation with other parameters may not be correctly taken into account when PBHs are ignored. Values of tau_e=0.2, n_s=1 and sigma_8=0.9 are allowed at 95% CF. This result that may relieve recent tension between WMAP3 data and clusters data on the value of sigma_8. PBHs may increase the primordial molecular hydrogen abundance by up to two orders of magnitude, this promoting cooling and star formation. The suppression of galaxy formation due to X-ray heating is negligible for models consistent with the CMB data. Thus, the formation rate of the first galaxies and stars would be enhanced by a population of PBHs.Comment: 17 pages (Apj style), 9 figures, submitted to Ap