13 research outputs found

    Strong spin-exchange recombination of three weakly interacting 7Li atoms

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    We reveal a significant spin-exchange pathway in the three-body recombination process for ultracold lithium-7 atoms near a zero-crossing of the two-body scattering length. This newly discovered recombination pathway involves the exchange of spin between all three atoms, which is not included in many theoretical approaches with restricted spin structure. Taking it into account, our calculation is in excellent agreement with experimental observations. To contrast our findings, we predict the recombination rate around a different zero-crossing without strong spin-exchange effects to be two orders of magnitude smaller, which gives a clear advantage to future many-body experiments in this regime. This work opens new avenues to study elementary reaction processes governed by the spin degree of freedom in ultracold gases

    Strong spin-exchange recombination of three weakly interacting 7Li atoms

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    Quantifying the nonuniversal three-body losses in ultracold atomic gases has been a long-standing problem. We go beyond earlier approaches to solve this problem by using a model that includes realistic pairwise interaction potentials and the exact three-atom spin structure. With this model we can successfully explain experimental observations for weakly interacting Li7 and Rb87 atoms. Capturing the exact spin structure, we are able to reveal a strong three-body spin-exchange recombination mechanism. In addition, we predict a regime of low three-body recombination rate in the Li7 system that is advantageous for a variety of many-body experiments. This work opens avenues to study spin-involved few-body processes in quantum gases

    Efimov-van der Waals universality for ultracold atoms with positive scattering lengths

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    We study the universality of the three-body parameters for systems relevant for ultracold quantum gases with positive s-wave two-body scattering lengths. Our results account for finite-range effects and their universality is tested by changing the number of deeply bound diatomic states supported by our interaction model. We find that the physics controlling the values of the three-body parameters associated with the ground and excited Efimov states is constrained by a variational principle and can be strongly affected by d-wave interactions that prevent both trimer states from merging into the atom-dimer continuum. Our results enable comparisons to current experimental data and they suggest tests of universality for atomic systems with positive scattering lengths

    Efimov-van der Waals universality for ultracold atoms with positive scattering lengths

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    We study the universality of the three-body parameters for systems relevant for ultracold quantum gases with positive s-wave two-body scattering lengths. Our results account for finite-range effects and their universality is tested by changing the number of deeply bound diatomic states supported by our interaction model. We find that the physics controlling the values of the three-body parameters associated with the ground and excited Efimov states is constrained by a variational principle and can be strongly affected by d-wave interactions that prevent both trimer states from merging into the atom-dimer continuum. Our results enable comparisons to current experimental data and they suggest tests of universality for atomic systems with positive scattering lengths

    Finite-range effects in Efimov physics beyond the separable approximation

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    We study Efimov physics for three identical bosons interacting via a pairwise square-well potential, analyze the validity of the separable approximation as a function of the interaction strength, and investigate what is needed to improve this approximation. We find separable approximations to be accurate for potentials with just one (nearly) bound dimer state. For potentials with more bound or almost bound dimer states, these states need to be included for an accurate determination of the Efimov spectrum and the corresponding three-body observables. We also show that a separable approximation is insufficient to accurately compute the trimer states for energies larger than the finite-range energy even when the two-body T matrix is highly separable in this energy regime. Additionally, we have analyzed three distinct expansion methods for the full potential that give exact results and thus improve on the separable approximation. With these methods, we demonstrate the necessity to include higher partial-wave components of the off-shell two-body T matrix in the three-body calculations. Moreover, we analyze the behavior of the Efimov states near the atom-dimer threshold and observe the formation of non-Efimovian trimer states as the potential depth is increased. Our results can help to elaborate simpler theoretical models that are capable of reproducing the correct three-body physics in atomic systems

    Scattering hypervolume for ultracold bosons from weak to strong interactions

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    The elastic scattering properties of three bosons at low energy enter the many-body description of ultracold Bose gases via the three-body scattering hypervolume D. We study this quantity for identical bosons that interact via a pairwise finite-range potential. Our calculations cover the regime from strongly repulsive potentials towards attractive potentials supporting multiple two-body bound states and are consistent with the few existing predictions for D. We present a numerical confirmation of the universal predictions for D in the strongly interacting regime, where Efimov physics dominates, for a local nonzero-range potential. Our findings highlight how D is influenced by three-body quasibound states with strong d-wave or g-wave characteristics in the weakly interacting regime

    Multichannel effects in the Efimov regime from broad to narrow Feshbach resonances

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    We study Efimov physics of three identical bosons with pairwise multichannel interactions for Feshbach resonances of adjustable width in magnetic field. We find that the two-body multichannel realization of the interaction can affect the universal Efimov spectrum, especially for resonances of intermediate width. We analyze two scenarios that are equivalent on the two-body level but differ in their realization in three-body multichannel spin space. The deviations in the Efimov spectra of these scenarios are caused by trimer states in the closed interaction channels whose binding energy and coupling strength to the Efimov states depend on the spin realization. However, in the narrow resonance limit the Efimov spectrum is set by the resonance width parameter r∗ only and does not depend on the realization in spin space. We find this limit to be even independent of the interaction potential considered. In the broad resonance limit all excited Efimov trimer energies approach the ones from the corresponding single-channel system for the scenarios investigated

    Efficient three-body calculations with a two-body mapped grid method

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    We investigate the prospects of combining a standard momentum space approach for ultracold three-body scattering with efficient coordinate space schemes to solve the underlying two-body problem. In many of those schemes the two-body problem is numerically restricted up to a finite interparticle distance rb. We analyze effects of this two-body restriction on the two- and three-body level using pairwise square-well potentials that allow for analytic two-body solutions and more realistic Lennard-Jones van der Waals potentials to model atomic interactions. We find that the two-body t-operator converges exponentially in rb for the square-well interaction. Setting rb to 2000 times the range of the interaction, the three-body recombination rate can be determined accurately up to a few percent when the magnitude of the scattering length is small compared to rb, while the position of the lowest Efimov features is accurate up to the percent level. In addition we find that with the introduction of a momentum cut-off, it is possible to determine the three-body parameter in good approximation even for deep van der Waals potentials

    Three-body recombination calculations with a two-body mapped grid method

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    We investigate the prospects of combining a standard momentum space approach for ultracold three-body scattering with efficient coordinate space schemes to solve the underlying two-body problem. In many of those schemes, the two-body problem is numerically restricted up to a finite interparticle distance rb. We analyze the effects of this two-body restriction on the two- and three-body level using pairwise square-well potentials that allow for analytic two-body solutions and more realistic Lennard-Jones van der Waals potentials to model atomic interactions. We find that the two-body t operator converges exponentially in rb for the square-well interaction. Setting rb to 2000 times the range of the interaction, the three-body recombination rate can be determined accurately up to a few percent when the magnitude of the scattering length is small compared to rb, while the position of the lowest Efimov features is accurate up to the percent level. In addition, we find that with the introduction of a momentum cutoff, it is possible to determine the three-body parameter in good approximation even for deep van der Waals potentials