373 research outputs found

    If NAFTA fails, Canada should reach across the Atlantic to the UK

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    The future of the North American Free Trade Agreement is looking increasingly uncertain under Donald Trump as president of the United States. In case NAFTA implodes, Armand de Mestral proposes the creation of the Atlantic Free Trade Area between Canada and the United Kingdom, in a framework involving Europe and the US

    Born to Be Wild: The \u27Trans‐Systemic\u27 Programme at McGill and the De‐Nationalization of Legal Education

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    One of the major challenges legal education faces nowadays is that jurisdictional boundaries are losing significance in an internationalized, globalized and post-regulatory environment. This calls into question the very notion of “law” itself, at least as traditionally understood as a system of posited norms within a given jurisdiction, and the classic model of legal education based on such an understanding of law. While North American legal education has a longstanding tradition of self-reflection, the situation in Europe is different: there is little incentive for legal scholars to devote a considerable amount of time to a serious scholarly treatment of the issue of legal education. Whereas the challenge of internationalization, particularly in its emanation of “Europeanization,” has literally become omnipresent in legal discourse, legal education is still dominated by a traditionalist view of its primary goal: an almost exclusive focus on training lawyers (or judges) for the practice within the boundaries of a national jurisdiction. As a contribution to the debate on the challenges posed to the teaching of law we would like to offer the following brief analysis of the efforts made at the Faculty of Law of McGill University, situated in Québec, Canada to develop a new approach to the teaching of law. Ten years ago, in 1998, the Faculty undertook the effort to offer an integrated comparative three year curriculum, known as the McGill Programme, that teaches even first year introductory courses, such as Contracts and Torts, from a comparative perspective. The ultimate aspiration of this programme, however, is to transcend the fixation on the study of law as the study of “legal systems” - hence the label “trans-systemic” legal education

    Born to Be Wild: The \u27Trans‐Systemic\u27 Programme at McGill and the De‐Nationalization of Legal Education

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    One of the major challenges legal education faces nowadays is that jurisdictional boundaries are losing significance in an internationalized, globalized and post-regulatory environment. This calls into question the very notion of “law” itself, at least as traditionally understood as a system of posited norms within a given jurisdiction, and the classic model of legal education based on such an understanding of law. While North American legal education has a longstanding tradition of self-reflection, the situation in Europe is different: there is little incentive for legal scholars to devote a considerable amount of time to a serious scholarly treatment of the issue of legal education. Whereas the challenge of internationalization, particularly in its emanation of “Europeanization,” has literally become omnipresent in legal discourse, legal education is still dominated by a traditionalist view of its primary goal: an almost exclusive focus on training lawyers (or judges) for the practice within the boundaries of a national jurisdiction. As a contribution to the debate on the challenges posed to the teaching of law we would like to offer the following brief analysis of the efforts made at the Faculty of Law of McGill University, situated in Québec, Canada to develop a new approach to the teaching of law. Ten years ago, in 1998, the Faculty undertook the effort to offer an integrated comparative three year curriculum, known as the McGill Programme, that teaches even first year introductory courses, such as Contracts and Torts, from a comparative perspective. The ultimate aspiration of this programme, however, is to transcend the fixation on the study of law as the study of “legal systems” - hence the label “trans-systemic” legal education

    Des manuels comme vecteurs de transferts culturels : circulations transcantonales des savoirs scolaires au prisme des manuels d'histoire, d'instruction civique et d'allemand en Suisse (19e-20e siècles)

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    L’objectif de cet article est de proposer une analyse de la circulation transcantonale des savoirs scolaires en Suisse en s’appuyant sur les développements méthodologiques de la notion de transferts culturels. Il s’agit ainsi de penser le manuel scolaire comme un vecteur de transferts culturels, qui permet la circulation et l’appropriation de savoirs pluriels liés à la consolidation de normes identitaires, cantonales, régionales ou nationales. L’article propose d’étayer les mécanismes de transfert en examinant des manuels d’histoire, d’éducation civique et d’allemand qui circulent entre les cantons suisses et même au-delà des frontières nationales. Kantonsübergreifende Verbreitung schulischen Wissens in der Schweiz mit Hilfe von Schulbüchern der Fächer Geschichte, Deutsch und politische Bildung (1830-1950) Zusammenfassung Ziel dieses Artikels ist es, die kantonsübergreifende Verbreitung schulischen Wissens in der Schweiz unter Verwendung aktueller methodologischer Entwicklungen im Bereich des Kulturtransfers zu analysieren. Schulbücher (und Lehrmittel) sind dabei als Vektor des kulturellen Transfers zu verstehen. Dieser erlaubt die Verbreitung und Aneignung vielfältigen Wissens, verbunden mit der gleichzeitigen Konsolidierung kantonaler, regionaler oder nationaler Identitätsnormen. Der Artikel beabsichtigt im Zuge der Analyse der Schulbücher in den Fächern Geschichte, politische Bildung und Deutsch die These der Transfermechanismen zu stärken, zumal Schulbücher zwischen den Kantonen der Schweiz und auch über nationale Grenzen hinaus zirkulierten. Circolazioni transcantonali di saperi scolastici nel prisma dei manuali di storia, di tedesco e di educazione civica in Svizzera (1830-1950) Riassunto L’obiettivo di questo contributo è di proporre un’analisi della circolazione transcantonale dei saperi scolastici in Svizzera, ricorrendo agli sviluppi metodologici propri alla nozione di transferts culturale. Si tratta quindi di pensare il manuale scolastico come un vettore di transferts culturali, che favorisce la circolazione e l’appropriazione di saperi multipli legati alla consolidazione di norme identitarie, cantonali, regionali o nazionali. Attraverso questo articolo s’intende quindi sottolineare i meccanismi di transfert esaminando i manuali di storia, di educazione civica e di tedesco che circolano tra i cantoni svizzeri e pure al di là delle frontiere nazionali. Transcantonal circulation of school knowledge through the prism of history textbooks, German and civic education in Switzerland (1830-1950) Summary This article aims to provide an analysis of school knowledge transcantonal circulation in Switzerland using the methodological developments of the concept of Cultural transfers. It consists in considering the textbook as a vector of Cultural transfers, which allows the circulation and appropriation of plural knowledge related to the consolidation of cantonal, regional or national identities. The article proposes to support transfer mechanisms by examining history, civic education and German textbooks that circulate between Swiss cantons and even beyond national borders

    Trends in diabetes prevalence, awareness, treatment, and control in French-speaking Switzerland.

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    Diabetes is increasing in Switzerland, but whether its management has improved is unknown. We aimed to assess diabetes prevalence, diagnosis, treatment, and control in French-speaking Switzerland. Our study used cross-sectional data for years 2005-2019 from a population-based study in Geneva, Switzerland. Overall prevalence (self-reported diagnosis and/or fasting plasma glucose level ≥ 7 mmol/L), diagnosed, treated (among diagnosed participants) and controlled diabetes (defined as a fasting plasma glucose FPG < 6.7 mmol/L among treated participants) were calculated for periods 2005-9, 2010-4 and 2015-9. Data from 12,348 participants (mean age ± standard deviation: 48.6 ± 13.5 years, 51.7% women) was used. Between 2005-9 and 2015-9, overall prevalence and frequency of diagnosed diabetes decreased (from 8.7 to 6.2% and from 7.0 to 5.2%, respectively). Among participants diagnosed with diabetes, treatment and control rates did not change from 44.1 to 51.9%, p = 0.251 and from 30.2 to 34.0%, p = 0.830, respectively. A trend towards higher treatment of participants with diabetes was found after multivariable adjustment, while no changes were found for overall prevalence, diagnosis, nor control. Among antidiabetic drugs, percentage of combinations increased from 12 to 23%; percentage of sulfonylureas and biguanides decreased from 15 to 6% and from 63 to 54%, respectively, while no trend was found for insulin. After multivariable analysis, women with diabetes were less likely to be treated but more likely to be controlled, the opposite association being found for obesity. In conclusion, in Canton Geneva, antidiabetic combination therapy is gaining importance, but only half of participants diagnosed with diabetes are treated, and glycaemic control remains poor