2 research outputs found

    Intradermal melanocytic nevus of the external auditory canal: case report and literature review

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    Introdução: Nevos são neoplasias melanocíticas benignas e são os tipos mais comuns de tumores de pele. Podem ocorrer em qualquer parte da pele, mas o aparecimento no meato acústico externo é muito raro. Há pouco menos de 50 casos descritos na literatura inglesa sobre nevo melanocítico em meato acústico e, no Brasil, foi encontrado apenas um caso relatado em 2005. Objetivo: Apresentar um caso de nevo melanocítico intradérmico em meato acústico externo e discutir uma conduta conservadora, diferente dos demais casos já relatados na literatura após uma revisão desta. Importância do problema: Alertar à comunidade científica sobre os possíveis diagnósticos diferenciais das lesões em meato acústico externo e riscos da manipulação deste, frente a uma lesão benigna e assintomática. Comentários: Ressaltamos a possibilidade em conduzir de forma conservadora uma lesão assintomática ou minimamente sintomática, desde que seja descartada qualquer suspeita de malignidade, transformação maligna ou excluídos diagnósticos diferenciais que necessitem de uma intervenção mais invasiva, visto que uma meatoplastia poderia trazer mais danos (estenose meatal) do que benefícios para os pacientes, inclusive para o apresentado neste relato.Introduction: Nevi are benign melanocytic neoplasms and are the most common types of skin tumors. They can occur anywhere on the skin, but the appearance in the external auditory canal is very rare. There are only a fewer than 50 cases described in English literature regarding melanocytic nevus of external auditory canal and, in Brazil, only one case was reported in 2005. Objective: To present a case of intradermal melanocytic nevus in external auditory canal and to discuss a conservative conduct, different from the other cases already reported in the literature after a review of this. Importance of the problem: To alert the scientific community about the possible differential diagnoses of lesions in the external auditory canal and risks of manipulation of this, in front of a benign and asymptomatic lesion. Comments: We emphasize the possibility of conservatively conducting an asymptomatic or minimally symptomatic lesion, provided that any suspicion of malignancy, malignant transformation or other differential diagnosis, that requires a more invasive intervention, is ruled out, since a meatoplasty could bring more damage (meatal stenosis) than benefits for the patients, including for the presented in this report

    Neurotological Findings at a Health Unit for Adults with Cervicalgia

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    Abstract Introduction The cervical spine is a flexible link between the sensory platform of the skull and torso. The fundamental principle of its operation is due to the balance between muscle strength and flexibility, and any dysfunction of this balance causes neck pain, known as cervicalgia. Objective The objective of this study is to analyze the most prevalent neurotological findings in adults with neck pain. Method A cross-sectional study in which 33 adults from 50 to 83 years of age with neck pain were evaluated and underwent the following procedures: anamnesis, as well as ENT, audiological, and vestibular exams. Results The most evident neurotological symptoms were dizziness (75.7%), tinnitus, neck cracking, tingling in the extremities, and auditory problems (36.3% for each). The most frequently reported clinical symptoms were related to cardiovascular (69.7%), endocrine-metabolic (48.5%), and rheumatic (30.3%) systems. In the audiological assessment, 30 subjects (91.0%) presented hearing impairment in at least one ear, with sensorineural impairment being the most prevalent (88.0%). In the vestibular assessment, there were alterations in 13 subjects (39.0%) found in the caloric test. There was a prevalence of alterations in the peripheral vestibular system with a predominance of irritative peripheral vestibular dysfunction. Conclusion Neurotological complaints were frequent in this population, verifying the importance of these tests in the dysfunctions of the cervical region or the craniocervical junction