390 research outputs found

    Global MRI with Braginskii viscosity in a galactic profile

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    We present a global-in-radius linear analysis of the axisymmetric magnetorotational instability (MRI) in a collisional magnetized plasma with Braginskii viscosity. For a galactic angular velocity profile Ω\Omega we obtain analytic solutions for three magnetic field orientations: purely azimuthal, purely vertical and slightly pitched (almost azimuthal). In the first two cases the Braginskii viscosity damps otherwise neutrally stable modes, and reduces the growth rate of the MRI respectively. In the final case the Braginskii viscosity makes the MRI up to 222\sqrt{2} times faster than its inviscid counterpart, even for \emph{asymptotically small} pitch angles. We investigate the transition between the Lorentz-force-dominated and the Braginskii viscosity-dominated regimes in terms of a parameter \sim \Omega \nub/B^2 where \nub is the viscous coefficient and BB the Alfv\'en speed. In the limit where the parameter is small and large respectively we recover the inviscid MRI and the magnetoviscous instability (MVI). We obtain asymptotic expressions for the approach to these limits, and find the Braginskii viscosity can magnify the effects of azimuthal hoop tension (the growth rate becomes complex) by over an order of magnitude. We discuss the relevance of our results to the local approximation, galaxies and other magnetized astrophysical plasmas. Our results should prove useful for benchmarking codes in global geometries.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figure

    Plasma Modes Along the Open Field Lines of a Neutron Star

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    We consider electrostatic plasma modes along the open field lines of a rotating neutron star. Goldreich-Julian charge density in general relativity is analyzed for the neutron star with zero inclination. It is found that the charge density is maximum at the polar cap and it remains almost same in certain extended region of the pole. For a steady state Goldreich-Julian charge density we found the usual plasma oscillation along the field lines; plasma frequency resembles to the gravitational redshift close to the Schwarzschild radius. We study the nonlinear plasma mode along the field lines. From the system of equations under general relativity, a second order differential equation is derived. The equation contains a term which describes the growing plasma modes near Schwarzschild radius in a black hole environment. The term vanishes with the distance far away from the gravitating object. For initially zero potential and field on the surface of a neutron star, Goldreich-Julian charge density is found to create the plasma mode, which is enhanced and propagates almost without damping along the open field lines. We briefly outline our plan to extend the work for studying soliton propagation along the open field lines of strongly gravitating objects

    The Crustal Rigidity of a Neutron Star, and Implications for PSR 1828-11 and other Precession Candidates

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    We calculate the crustal rigidity parameter, b, of a neutron star (NS), and show that b is a factor 40 smaller than the standard estimate due to Baym & Pines (1971). For a NS with a relaxed crust, the NS's free-precession frequency is directly proportional to b. We apply our result for b to PSR 1828-11, a 2.5 Hz pulsar that appears to be precessing with period 511 d. Assuming this 511-d period is set by crustal rigidity, we show that this NS's crust is not relaxed, and that its reference spin (roughly, the spin for which the crust is most relaxed) is 40 Hz, and that the average spindown strain in the crust is 5 \times 10^{-5}. We also briefly describe the implications of our b calculation for other well-known precession candidates.Comment: 44 pages, 10 figures, submitted to Ap

    Stellar models of evolved secondaries in CVs

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    In this paper we study the impact of chemically evolved secondaries on CV evolution. We find that when evolved secondaries are included a spread in the secondary mass-orbital period plane comparable to that seen in the data is produced for either the saturated prescription for magnetic braking or the unsaturated model commonly used for CVs. We argue that in order to explain this spread a considerable fraction of all CVs should have evolved stars as the secondaries. The evolved stars become fully convective at lower orbital periods. Therefore, even if there was an abrupt decrease in magnetic braking for fully convective stars (contrary to open cluster data) it would not be expected to produce a sharp break in the period distribution for CVs. We also explore recent proposed revisions to the angular momentum loss rate for single stars, and find that only modest increases over the saturated prescription are consistent with the overall observed spindown pattern. We compare predictions of our models with diagnostics of the mass accretion rate in WDs and find results intermediate between the saturated and the older braking prescription. Taken together these suggest that the angular momentum loss rate may be higher in CV secondaries than in single stars of the same rotation period, but is still significantly lower than in the traditional model. Alternative explanations for the CV period gap are discussed.Comment: 24 pages, 9 figures. Submitted to Ap

    General Relativistic Effect of Gravitomagnetic Charge on Pulsar Magnetosphere and Particle Acceleration in a Polar Cap

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    We study magnetospheric structure surrounding rotating magnetized neutron star with nonvanishing NUT (Newman-Tamburino-Unti) parameter. For the simplicity of calculations Goldreich-Julian charge density is analyzed for the aligned neutron star with zero inclination between magnetic field, gravitomagnetic field and rotation axis. From the system of Maxwell equations in spacetime of slowly rotating NUT star, second-order differential equation for electrostatic potential is derived. Analytical solution of this equation indicates the general relativistic modification of an accelerating electric field and charge density along the open field lines by the gravitomagnetic charge. The implication of this effect to the magnetospheric energy loss problem is underlined. In the second part of the paper we derive the equations of motion of test particles in magnetosphere of slowly rotating NUT star. Then we analyze particle motion in the polar cap and show that NUT parameter can significantly change conditions for particle acceleration.Comment: 21 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    An Empirical Model for the Radio Emission from Pulsars

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    A model for slow radio pulsars is proposed which involves the entire magnetosphere in the production of the observed radio emission. It is argued that observations of pulsar profiles suggest that a feedback mechanism exists between the star surface and the null charge surface, requiring particle flow in both directions. In their flow to and from the surface the particles execute an azimuthal drift around the magnetic pole, thereby creating a ring of discrete `emission nodes' close to the surface. Motion of the nodes is observed as the well-known subpulse `drift', but is interpreted here as a small residual component of the real particle drift. The nodes can therefore move in either direction, or even remain stationary. A precise fit is found for the pulsar PSR0943+10. Azimuthal interactions between different regions of the magnetosphere depend on the angle between the magnetic and rotation axes and influence the conal type, as observed. The requirement of intermittent weak pair-production in an outergap suggests a natural evolutionary link between radio and gamma-ray pulsars.Comment: 17 pages 8 figure

    The effect of magnetic fields on star cluster formation

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    We examine the effect of magnetic fields on star cluster formation by performing simulations following the self-gravitating collapse of a turbulent molecular cloud to form stars in ideal MHD. The collapse of the cloud is computed for global mass-to-flux ratios of infinity, 20, 10, 5 and 3, that is using both weak and strong magnetic fields. Whilst even at very low strengths the magnetic field is able to significantly influence the star formation process, for magnetic fields with plasma beta < 1 the results are substantially different to the hydrodynamic case. In these cases we find large-scale magnetically-supported voids imprinted in the cloud structure; anisotropic turbulent motions and column density structure aligned with the magnetic field lines, both of which have recently been observed in the Taurus molecular cloud. We also find strongly suppressed accretion in the magnetised runs, leading to up to a 75% reduction in the amount of mass converted into stars over the course of the calculations and a more quiescent mode of star formation. There is also some indication that the relative formation efficiency of brown dwarfs is lower in the strongly magnetised runs due to the reduction in the importance of protostellar ejections.Comment: 16 pages, 9 figures, 8 very pretty movies, MNRAS, accepted. Version with high-res figures + movies available from http://www.astro.ex.ac.uk/people/dprice/pubs/mcluster/index.htm

    Angular Momentum Transfer in Star-Discs Encounters: The Case of Low-Mass Discs

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    A prerequisite for the formation of stars and planetary systems is that angular momentum is transported in some way from the inner regions of the accretion disc. Tidal effects may play an important part in this angular momentum transport. Here the angular momentum transfer in an star-disc encounter is investigated numerically for a variety of encounter parameters in the case of low mass discs. Although good agreement is found with analytical results for the entire disc, the loss {\it inside} the disc can be up to an order of magnitude higher than previously assumed. The differences in angular momentum transport by secondaries on a hyperbolic, parabolic and elliptical path are shown, and it is found that a succession of distant encounters might be equally, if not more, successful in removing angular momentum than single close encounter.Comment: 11pages, 8 figures, 1 tabl

    Evolutionary calculations of phase separation in crystallizing white dwarf stars

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    We present an exploration of the significance of Carbon/Oxygen phase separation in white dwarf stars in the context of self-consistent evolutionary calculations. Because phase separation can potentially increase the calculated ages of the oldest white dwarfs, it can affect the age of the Galactic disk as derived from the downturn in the white dwarf luminosity function. We find that the largest possible increase in ages due to phase separation is 1.5 Gyr, with a most likely value of approximately 0.6 Gyr, depending on the parameters of our white dwarf models. The most important factors influencing the size of this delay are the total stellar mass, the initial composition profile, and the phase diagram assumed for crystallization. We find a maximum age delay in models with masses of 0.6 solar masses, which is near the peak in the observed white dwarf mass distribution. We find that varying the opacities (via the metallicity) has little effect on the calculated age delays. In the context of Galactic evolution, age estimates for the oldest Galactic globular clusters range from 11.5 to 16 Gyr, and depend on a variety of parameters. In addition, a 4 to 6 Gyr delay is expected between the formation of the globular clusters and that of the Galactic thin disk, while the observed white dwarf luminosity function gives an age estimate for the thin disk of 9.5 +/-1.0 Gyr, without including the effect of phase separation. Using the above numbers, we see that phase separation could add between 0 to 3 Gyr to the white dwarf ages and still be consistent with the overall picture of Galaxy formation. Our calculated maximum value of 1.5 Gyr fits within these bounds, as does our best guess value of 0.6 Gyr.Comment: 13 total pages, 8 figures, 3 tables, accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal on May 25, 199

    On the Coupling between Helium Settling and Rotation-Induced Mixing in Stellar Radiative Zones: I- Analytical Approach

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    In the presence of rotation-induced mixing, element diffusion still occurs in stellar radiative zones, although at a slower rate than in the case of a complete stability of the stellar gas. As a consequence, helium settling leads to vertical ÎĽ\displaystyle \mu -gradients which, due to the meridional circulation, turn into horizontal fluctuations. Up to now, the feed-back effect of this process on the rotation-induced mixing was currently neglected in the computations of abundance variations in stellar surfaces, or artificially reduced. Here we analyse its consequences and derive an approximate analytical solution in a quasi-stationary case. We also discuss the relative importance of the various physical effects which influence the meridional circulation velocity. In a second paper (Th\'eado and Vauclair 2002a), we will present a complete 2D numerical simulation of this process while a third paper (Th\'eado and Vauclair 2002b) will be devoted to special applications to Pop I stars.Comment: 7 printed pages, 1 figure. ApJ, in press (April 20, 2003
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