7,606 research outputs found

    Influence of hydrogen on paramagnetic defects induced by UV laser exposure in natural silica

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    Diffusion limited reactions of point defects were investigated in amorphous SiO2 exposed to UV laser light. Electron spin resonance and in situ absorption measurements at room temperature evidenced the annealing of E' centers and the growth of H(II) centers both occurring in the post-irradiation stage and lasting a few hours. These transients are caused by reactions involving molecular hydrogen H2, made available by dimerization of radiolytic H0.Comment: Submitted to Physica Status Solid

    Overcharging: The Crucial Role of Excluded Volume

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    In this Letter we investigate the mechanism for overcharging of a single spherical colloid in the presence of aqueous salts within the framework of the primitive model by molecular dynamics (MD) simulations as well as integral-equation theory. We find that the occurrence and strength of overcharging strongly depends on the salt-ion size, and the available volume in the fluid. To understand the role of the excluded volume of the microions, we first consider an uncharged system. For a fixed bulk concentration we find that upon increasing the fluid particle size one strongly increases the local concentration nearby the colloidal surface and that the particles become laterally ordered. For a charged system the first surface layer is built up predominantly by strongly correlated counterions. We argue that this a key mechanism to produce overcharging with a low electrostatic coupling, and as a more practical consequence, to account for charge inversion with monovalent aqueous salt ions.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figs (4 EPS files). To appear in Europhysics Letter

    Polyelectrolyte Multilayering on a Charged Planar Surface

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    The adsorption of highly \textit{oppositely} charged flexible polyelectrolytes (PEs) on a charged planar substrate is investigated by means of Monte Carlo (MC) simulations. We study in detail the equilibrium structure of the first few PE layers. The influence of the chain length and of a (extra) non-electrostatic short range attraction between the polycations and the negatively charged substrate is considered. We show that the stability as well as the microstructure of the PE layers are especially sensitive to the strength of this latter interaction. Qualitative agreement is reached with some recent experiments.Comment: 28 pages; 11 (main) Figs - Revtex4 - Higher resolution Figs can be obtained upon request. To appear in Macromolecule

    High Efficiency Detection of Argon Scintillation Light of 128nm Using LAAPDs

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    The possibility of efficient collection and detection of vacuum ultraviolet light as emitted by argon, krypton, and xenon gas is studied. Absolute quantum efficiencies of large area avalanche photodiodes (LAAPDs) are derived at these wavelengths. VUV light of wavelengths down to the 128nm of Ar emission is shown to be detectable with silicon avalanche photodiodes at quantum efficiencies above 42%. Flexible Mylar foil overcoated with Al+MgF2_2 is measured to have a specular reflectivity of \sim91% at argon emission wavelength. Low-pressure argon gas is shown to emit significant amounts of non-UV radiation. The average energy expenditure for the creation of non-UV photons in argon gas at this pressure is measured to be below 378 eV.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, Talk given at IEEE 2005 Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference, Puerto Ric

    A site selection model to identify optimal locations for microalgae biofuel production facilities in sicily (Italy)

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    The lack of sustainability and negative environmental impacts of using fossil fuel resources for energy production and their consequent increase in prices during last decades have led to an increasing interest in the development of renewable biofuels. Among possible biomass fuel sources, microalgae represent one of the most promising solutions. The present work is based on the implementation of a model that facilitates identification of optimal geographic locations for large-scale open ponds for microalgae cultivation for biofuels production. The combination of a biomass production model with specific site location parameters such as irradiance, geographical constraints, land use, topography, temperatures and CO2 for biofuels plants were identified in Sicily (Italy). A simulation of CO2 saved by using the theoretical biofuel produced in place of traditional fuel was implemented. Results indicate that the territory of Sicily offers a good prospective for these technologies and the results identify ideal locations for locating biomass fuel production facilities. Moreover, the research provides a robust method that can be tailored to the specific requirements and data availability of other territories. © Research India Publications

    Nonequilibrium Casimir-Polder Force in Non-Stationary Systems

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    Recently the Casmir-Polder force felt by an atom near a substrate under nonequilibrium stationary conditions has been studied theoretically with macroscopic quantum electrodyanamics (MQED) and verified experimentally with cold atoms. We give a quantum field theory derivation of the Langevin equation describing the atom's motion based on the influence functional method valid for fully nonequilibrium (nonstationary) conditions. The noise associated with the quantum field derived from first principles is generally colored and nonlocal, which is at variance with the `local source hypothesis' of MQED's generalization to nonequilibrium conditions. Precision measurements on the shape deformation of an atomic gas as a function of its distance from a mirror would provide a direct check of our predictions based on this Langevin equation.Comment: Rewritten Introduction and Abstract in v2 with a slightly altered title to place a sharper focus of our goals and a clearer distinction of what the influence functional method can achieve beyond the macroscopic QED approach. The rest of the paper and the results remain the sam

    H(II) centers in natural silica under repeated UV laser irradiations

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    We investigated the kinetics of H(II) centers (=Ge'-H) in natural silica under repeated 266nm UV irradiations performed by a Nd:YAG pulsed laser. UV photons temporarily destroy these paramagnetic defects, their reduction being complete within 250 pulses. After re-irradiation, H(II) centers grow again, and the observed recovery kinetics depends on the irradiation dose; multiple 2000 pulses re-irradiations induce the same post-irradiation kinetics of H(II) centers after each exposure cycle. The analysis of these effects allows us to achieve a deeper understanding of the dynamics of the centers during and after laser irradiation.Comment: Submitted to Journal of Non Crystalline Solid

    Entanglement Generation by Qubit Scattering in Three Dimensions

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    A qubit (a spin-1/2 particle) prepared in the up state is scattered by local spin-flipping potentials produced by the two target qubits (two fixed spins), both prepared in the down state, to generate an entangled state in the latter when the former is found in the down state after scattering. The scattering process is analyzed in three dimensions, both to lowest order and in full order in perturbation, with an appropriate renormalization for the latter. The entanglement is evaluated in terms of the concurrence as a function of the incident and scattering angles, the size of the incident wave packet, and the detector resolution, to clarify the key elements for obtaining an entanglement with high quality. The characteristics of the results are also discussed in the context of (in)distinguishability of alternative paths for a quantum particle.Comment: 21 pages, 19 figures, the final versio