1,465 research outputs found

    Mineralogy of Interplanetary Dust Particles from the Comet Giacobini-Zinner Dust Stream Collections

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    The Draconoid meteor shower, originating from comet 21P/Giacobini-Zinner, is a low-velocity Earth-crossing dust stream that had a peak anticipated flux on Oct. 8, 2012. In response to this prediction, NASA performed dedicated stratospheric dust collections to target interplanetary dust particles (IDPs) from this comet stream on Oct 15-17, 2012 [3]. Twelve dust particles from this targeted collection were allocated to our coordinated analysis team for studies of noble gas (Univ. Minnesota, Minnesota State Univ.), SXRF and Fe-XANES (SSL Berkeley) and mineralogy/isotopes (JSC). Here we report a mineralogical study of 3 IDPs from the Draconoid collection.

    Coordinated Mineralogical and Isotopic Analysis of a Cosmic Symplectite Identified in a Stardust Terminal Particle

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    Comet Wild-2 samples returned by the Stardust spacecraft contain a chemically diverse mixture of material, underscoring the complex nature of comets. Studies of entire Stardust aerogel tracks afford the opportunity to examine the fine-grained particle fragments distributed along the length of the track as well as the terminal particles. Previous TEM characterization of a terminal particle (TP) in track #147 revealed a symplectically intergrown iron sulfide and oxide assemblage. Mineralogically similar assemblages, known as cosmic symplectites (COS, formerly termed "new-PCP"), have only been identified in the primitive carbonaceous chondrite Acfer 094. Meteoritic COS have isotopically heavy O compositions (delta (sup 17), O-18 = 180per mille) that point to interactions with early solar system primordial water. In this study we report mineralogical and O isotopic measurements of the Wild-2 COS assemblage. Experimental: Track #147 is a "bulbous"-type track (4600 microns long) containing 7 terminal particles. The TPs were removed from the track, embedded in epoxy, and ultramicrotomed. A JEOL 2500SE 200 keV field-emission scanning-transmission electron microscope was used to obtain quantitative elemental maps and detailed mineralogical characterization. Following TEM analysis, two thin sections of TP4 (12 microns) were analyzed for O isotopes by raster ion imaging with the JSC NanoSIMS 50L. All three O isotopes were measured simultaneously using electron multipliers. San Carlos olivine grains were used as isotopic standards. Results and Discussion: The COS in the Wild-2 track #147 TP4 sample consists of symplectically intergrown pentlandite and nanocrystalline maghemite which coexists with high-Ca pyroxene with Na and Cr (kosmochlor component). This kosmochlor component could have a nebular origin and be precursors to type II chondrules in ordinary chondrites. Yet pentlandite is not a stable phase in the nebula. The COS in Acfer 094 also consists of pentlandite, but contains magnetite [4] rather than the more oxidized maghemite observed in the Wild-2 COS. The Acfer 094 COS display heavy O isotopic compositions that are the result of sulfidization and oxidation of Fe, Ni-metal grains and sulfides by O-17- and O-18-rich water in the solar nebula or possibly on the parent body. The O isotopic composition of the Wild-2 COS, however, is indistinguishable from terrestrial, indicating it was not altered by the same primordial aqueous reservoir as the Acfer 094 COS. The alteration could have occurred on the parent body by isotopically equilibrated ice. The mineralogy and petrography of Wild-2 samples suggests an incomplete or nascent hydration process. In future work we will analyze S isotopes in the track #147 TP4 COS and search for additional COS in Stardust samples

    Sulfur and Oxygen Isotopic Analysis of a Cosmic Symplectite from a Comet Wild 2 Stardust Terminal Particle

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    Introduction: Analyses of comet 81P/Wild 2 samples re-turned from the Stardust mission have uncovered surprising simi-larities to meteoritic material, including the identification of inner solar system grains [1-3]. The TEM characterization of terminal particle (TP) 4 from Stardust track #147 revealed an assemblage consisting of symplectically intergrown pentlandite and nanocrys-talline maghemite coexisting with high-Ca pyroxene [4]. Mineral-ogically similar cosmic symplectites (COS) containing pentlandite and magnetite in the primitive Acfer 094 meteorite are highly de-pleted in 16O (17O, 18O ~ 180 per mille) [5-7]. This isotopic signature is proposed to record alteration with primordial solar nebula water. Conversely, the normal O isotopic composition of the Stardust COS indicates alteration by a different aqueous reservoir, perhaps on the comet [8]. In this study, we analyzed the Wild 2 COS for S isotopes to further constrain its origin. Experimental: Thin sections of TP4 (12 m) were produced and their mineralogy was thoroughly characterized by TEM. Two of the sections were analyzed for O isotopes by isotopic imaging in the JSC NanoSIMS 50L. The sample in one of the slices was completely consumed. The remaining material in the adjacent slice was analyzed simultaneously for 16O, 32S, 33S, 34S, and 56Fe16O in electron multipliers using a Cs+ primary ion beam. Quasi-simulta-neous arrival (QSA) can have a significant effect on S isotopic ra-tios when using electron multipliers, resulting in undercounting of 32S [9]. Canyon Diablo troilite (CDT) was measured numerous times to deduce a correction factor for QSA and ensure measure-ment reproducibility. Isotopic ratios are reported relative to CDT. Results and Discussion: The Wild 2 COS is enriched in the heavy S isotopes relative to CDT (33S = 6.5 +/- 1.6 per mille; 34S = 5.1 +/- 0.7 per mille; 1). The degree of 33S enrichment indicates mass-inde-pendent fractionation (MIF) with 33S = 3.9 +/- 1.7 per mille. MIF of S has been observed in some chondrules (33S up to 0.11per mille) [10], but this effect has not been identified in sulfides from carbonaceous chondrites [11] or IDPs [12]. S isotopic analysis of Stardust impact craters also did not reveal MIF or anomalies, save for one potential 32S-rich presolar sulfide [13]. Measurement errors on these impact craters were much larger than those in this study, however. MIF of S has been proposed to result from heterogeneities in the solar neb-ula from nucleosynthetic components [14] or photochemical irra-diation of solar nebula gas [10]. Presolar SiC grains are observed to have 32S enrichments [15, 16] contrary to the S isotopic compo-sition of the cometary COS. The S isotopic composition more likely reflects irradiation of nebular gas

    Assemblage of Presolar Materials and Early Solar System Condensates in Chondritic Porous Interplanetary Dust Particles

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    Anhydrous chondritic porous inter-planetary dust particles (CP IDPs) contain an assortment of highly primitive solar system components, molecular cloud matter, and presolar grains. These IDPs have largely escaped parent body processing that has affected meteorites, advocating cometary origins. Though the stardust abundance in CP IDPs is generally greater than in primitive meteorites, it can vary widely among individual CP IDPs. The average abundance of silicate stardust among isotopically primitive IDPs is approx. 375 ppm while some have extreme abundances up to approx. 1.5%. H and N isotopic anomalies are common in CP IDPs and the carrier of these anomalies has been traced to organic matter that has experienced chemical reactions in cold molecular clouds or the outer protosolar disk. Significant variations in these anomalies may reflect different degrees of nebular processing. Refractory inclusions are commonly observed in carbonaceous chondrites. These inclusions are among the first solar system condensates and display 16O-rich isotopic compositions. Refractory grains have also been observed in the comet 81P/Wild-2 samples re-turned from the Stardust Mission and in CP IDPs, but they occur with much less frequency. Here we conduct coordinated mineralogical and isotopic analyses of CP IDPs that were characterized for their bulk chemistry by to study the distribution of primitive components and the degree of nebular alteration incurred

    Identification of a Compound Spinel and Silicate Presolar Grain in a Chondritic Interplanetary Dust Particle

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    Anhydrous chondritic porous interplanetary dust particles (CP IDPs) have undergone minimal parent body alteration and contain an assemblage of highly primitive materials, including molecular cloud material, presolar grains, and material that formed in the early solar nebula [1-3]. The exact parent bodies of individual IDPs are not known, but IDPs that have extremely high abundances of presolar silicates (up to 1.5%) most likely have cometary origins [1, 4]. The presolar grain abundance among these minimally altered CP IDPs varies widely. "Isotopically primitive" IDPs distinguished by anomalous bulk N isotopic compositions, numerous 15N-rich hotspots, and some C isotopic anomalies have higher average abundances of presolar grains (~375 ppm) than IDPs with isotopically normal bulk N (<10 ppm) [5]. Some D and N isotopic anomalies have been linked to carbonaceous matter, though this material is only rarely isotopically anomalous in C [1, 5, 6]. Previous studies of the bulk chemistry and, in some samples, the mineralogy of select anhydrous CP IDPs indicate a link between high C abundance and pyroxene-dominated mineralogy [7]. In this study, we conduct coordinated mineralogical and isotopic analyses of samples that were analyzed by [7] to characterize isotopically anomalous materials and to establish possible correlations with C abundance

    Stardust Abundance Variations among Interplanetary Dust Particles

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    Presolar grain abundances reflect the degree of processing primitive materials have experienced. This is evidenced by the wide range of silicate stardust abundances among primitive meteorites (~10 to 300 ppm) [1], attributable to parent body hydrothermal processing. Stardust abundance variations are also pronounced in anhydrous interplanetary dust particles (CPIDPs), that have not experienced parent body processing (300 to > 10,000 ppm) [2-4]. The large range in stardust abundances among CP IDPs thus reflect nebular processing. Here we present results of a systematic search for stardust among cluster CP IDPs. Our goals are to establish mineralogical trends among IDPs with different stardust abundances. This may shed light into the nature of isotopically normal presolar grains (GEMS grains?; 5) if their abundances vary similarly to that of isotopically exotic stardust grains

    Systematic Examination of Stardust Bulbous Track Wall Materials

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    Analyses of Comet Wild-2 samples returned by NASA's Stardust spacecraft have focused primarily on terminal particles (TPs) or well-preserved fine-grained materials along the track walls [1,2]. However much of the collected material was melted and mixed intimately with the aerogel by the hypervelocity impact [3,4]. We are performing systematic examinations of entire Stardust tracks to establish the mineralogy and origins of all comet Wild 2 components [7,8]. This report focuses on coordinated analyses of indigenous crystalline and amorphous/melt cometary materials along the aerogel track walls, their interaction with aerogel during collection and comparisons with their TPs

    Coordinated In Situ Analyses of Organic Nanoglobules in the Sutter's Mill Meteorite

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    The Sutter s Mill meteorite is a newly fallen carbonaceous chondrite that was collected and curated quickly after its fall [1]. Preliminary petrographic and isotopic investigations suggest affinities to the CM2 carbonaceous chondrites. The primitive nature of this meteorite and its rapid recovery provide an opportunity to investigate primordial solar system organic matter in a unique new sample. Organic matter in primitive meteorites and chondritic porous interplanetary dust particles (CP IDPs) is commonly enriched in D/H and N-15/N-14 relative to terrestrial values [2-4]. These anomalies are ascribed to the partial preservation of presolar cold molecular cloud material [2]. Some meteorites and IDPs contain gm-size inclusions with extreme H and N isotopic anomalies [3-5], possibly due to preserved primordial organic grains. The abundance and isotopic composition of C in Sutter's Mill were found to be similar to the Tagish Lake meteorite [6]. In the Tagish Lake meteorite, the principle carriers of large H and N isotopic anomalies are sub-micron hollow organic spherules known as organic nanoglobules [7]. Organic nanoglobules are commonly distributed among primitive meteorites [8, 9] and cometary samples [10]. Here we report in-situ analyses of organic nano-globules in the Sutter's Mill meteorite using UV fluorescence imaging, Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM), NanoSIMS, and ultrafast two-step laser mass spectrometry (ultra-L2MS)

    A FIB/TEM/Nanosims Study of a Wark-Lovering Rim on an Allende CAI

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    Ca- Al-rich inclusions (CAIs) are commonly surrounded by Wark-Lovering (WL) rims - thin (approx. 50 micrometers) multilayered sequences - whose mineralogy is dominated by high temperature minerals similar to those that occur in the cores of CAIs [1]. The origins of these WL rims involved high temperature events in the early nebula such as condensation, flashheating or reaction with a nebular reservoir, or combinations of these processes. These rims formed after CAI formation but prior to accretion into their parent bodies. We have undertaken a coordinated mineralogical and isotopic study of WL rims to determine the formation conditions of the individual layers and to constrain the isotopic reservoirs they interacted with during their history. We focus here on the spinel layer, the first-formed highest- temperature layer in the WL rim sequence. Results and Discussion: We have performed mineralogical, chemical and isotopic analyses of an unusual ultrarefractory inclusion from the Allende CV3 chondrite (SHAL) consisting of an approx. 500 micrometers long single crystal of hibonite and co-existing coarsegrained perovskite. SHAL is partially surrounded by WL rim. We previously reported on the mineralogy, isotopic compositions and trace elements in SHAL [2-4]. The spinel layer in the WL rim is present only on the hibonite and terminates abruptly at the contact with the coarse perovskite. This simple observation shows that the spinel layer is not a condensate in this case (otherwise spinel would have condensed on the perovskite as well). The spinel layer appears to have formed by gas-phase corrosion of the hibonite by Mg-rich vapors such that the spinel layer grew at the expense of the hibonite. We also found that the spinel layer has the same 16Orich composition as the hibonite. The spinel layer is polycrystalline and individual crystals do not show a crystallographic relationship with the hibonite. An Al-diopside layer overlies the spinel layer, and is present on both the hibonite and perovskite. While the spinel is 16O-rich, WL-rim perovskite and pyroxene are 16O-poor. This isotopic heterogeneity likely reflects O isotopic equilibration of WL-rim perovskite and pyroxene with a planetary O isotopic reservoir after the WL rim formation. The hibonite is zoned and contains wt.% levels of Ti, Mg and Fe in contact with the Fe-bearing spinel (Sp60Hc40) in the WL rim. The Fe enrichment in spinel is likely related to the Na-Fe metasomatism that is ubiquitous in Allende. Conclusions: The petrography and microstructure of the spinel layer in a WL rim sequence shows that it formed by gas phase reactions at high temperature in the nebula. The oxygen isotopic composition of the spinel indicates that this WL rim layer formed in the same (or similar) nebular gas reservoir as the host CAI

    A FIB/TEM Study of a Complex Wark-Lovering Rim on a Vigarano CAI

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    Wark-Lovering (WL) rims are thin multilayered mineral sequences that surround most Ca, Al-rich inclusions (CAIs). Several processes have been proposed for WL rim formation, including condensation, flash-heating or reaction with a nebular reservoir, or combinations of these [e.g. 1-7], but no consensus exists. Our previous coordinated transmission electron microscope (TEM) and NanoSIMS O isotopic measurements showed that a WL rim experienced flash heating events in a nebular environment with planetary O isotopic composition, distinct from the (16)O-rich formation environment [6]. Our efforts have focused on CAIs from the CV(sub red) chondrites, especially Vigarano, because these have escaped much of the parent body alteration effects that are common in CAIs from CV(sub ox) group
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