377 research outputs found

    Beyond War Crimes: Denazification, National Security and American Deportation and Internment of SS Agents after World War II

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    Streaming video requires RealPlayer to view.The University Archives has determined that this item is of continuing value to OSU's history.David Messenger is assistant professor of history and graduate director for international studies at the University of Wyoming. He is currently a visiting scholar at the Mershon Center for International Security Studies. During his time at Mershon, he will be preparing a study of Nazi party agents repatriated from Spain and Portugal to Germany in 1946 and 1947 following American and British investigations into their wartime and postwar activities. Messenger's research focuses on the transition from war to peace in Europe following the Second World War. He is particularly interested in how the international system, domestic politics, and societies at large dealt with issues of justice and democratization following the experience of Nazi atrocities and the collaboration of many non-Germans in these crimes over the course of the war. Messenger has focused his work on examining the Spanish dictatorship of Gen. Francisco Franco as one place, on the periphery of the war, where themes of collaboration, justice, and continuity raise some interesting questions. His first book, L’Espagne Républicaine: French Policy and Spanish Republicanism in Liberated France was published in 2008 by Sussex Academic Press. He has held fellowships from the Government of Spain and the Center for Advanced Holocaust Studies at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, D.C.Ohio State University. Mershon Center for International Security StudiesEvent Web page, streaming video, event photo

    Is faster still better in therapeutic hypothermia?

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    The rapid institution of therapeutic hypothermia after cardiac arrest has become an accepted practice. In the previous issue of Critical Care, Haugk and colleagues present a retrospective analysis of 13 years of experience with therapeutic hypothermia at their center that suggests an association between rate of cooling and less favorable neurological outcomes. The association most likely reflects easier cooling in patients more severely brain injured by their initial cardiac arrest, and should not lead clinicians to abandon or slow their efforts to achieve post-resuscitative cooling

    Metagenomic domain substitution for the high-throughput creation of non-ribosomal peptide analogues

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    Direct Estimation of Parameters in ODE Models Using WENDy: Weak-form Estimation of Nonlinear Dynamics

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    We introduce the Weak-form Estimation of Nonlinear Dynamics (WENDy) method for estimating model parameters for non-linear systems of ODEs. Without relying on any numerical differential equation solvers, WENDy computes accurate estimates and is robust to large (biologically relevant) levels of measurement noise. For low dimensional systems with modest amounts of data, WENDy is competitive with conventional forward solver-based nonlinear least squares methods in terms of speed and accuracy. For both higher dimensional systems and stiff systems, WENDy is typically both faster (often by orders of magnitude) and more accurate than forward solver-based approaches. The core mathematical idea involves an efficient conversion of the strong form representation of a model to its weak form, and then solving a regression problem to perform parameter inference. The core statistical idea rests on the Errors-In-Variables framework, which necessitates the use of the iteratively reweighted least squares algorithm. Further improvements are obtained by using orthonormal test functions, created from a set of C-infinity bump functions of varying support sizes. We demonstrate the high robustness and computational efficiency by applying WENDy to estimate parameters in some common models from population biology, neuroscience, and biochemistry, including logistic growth, Lotka-Volterra, FitzHugh-Nagumo, Hindmarsh-Rose, and a Protein Transduction Benchmark model. Software and code for reproducing the examples is available at (https://github.com/MathBioCU/WENDy).Comment: 28 pages, 16 figure

    Measurements of the Young’s modulus of hydroxide catalysis bonds, and the effect on thermal noise in ground-based gravitational wave detectors

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    With the outstanding results from the detection and observation of gravitational waves from coalescing black holes and neutron star inspirals, it is essential that pathways to further improve the sensitivities of the LIGO and VIRGO detectors are explored. There are a number of factors that potentially limit the sensitivities of the detectors. One such factor is thermal noise, a component of which results from the mechanical loss in the bond material between the silica fibre suspensions and the test mass mirrors. To calculate its magnitude, the Young’s modulus of the bond material has to be known with reasonable accuracy. In this paper we present a new combination of ultrasonic technology and Bayesian analysis to measure the Young’s modulus of hydroxide catalysis bonds between fused silica substrates. Using this novel technique, we measure the bond Young’s modulus to be 18.5 ± 2.0 2.3     GPa . We show that by applying this value to thermal noise models of bonded test masses with suitable attachment geometries, a reduction in suspension thermal noise consistent with an overall design sensitivity improvement allows a factor of 5 increase in event rate to be achieved

    La colònia alemanya, els consolats nord-americans i la desnazificació a Vigo i Bilbao després de la Segona Guerra Mundial

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    Milers de alemanys que formaven part del règim nazi van residir a Espanya durant la Segona Guerra Mundial. El govern dels Estats Units va fer notables esforços per a que posteriorment retornessin a l’Alemanya ocupada. Aquesta política seria duta a terme per agents estadounidencs que residien a ciutats espanyoles? quina va se la reacció que mostraria la colònia alemanya a Espanya davant aquesta política? I, finalment, quina fou la resposta individual dels alemanys que havien de ser objecte de repatriació quan foren nomenades les autoritats aliades i els funcionaris espanyols que decidirien sobre el seu destí? Aquest estudi explora com es duria a terme la repatriació dels alemanys perseguits pels aliats i quin va ser el impacte entre els funcionaris nord-americans, alemanys i els del Règim de Franco en dues ciutats espanyoles: Vigo i Bilbao.Thousands of Germans in Spain affiliated with the Nazi regime during the Second World War were subject to efforts by the U.S. Government to return them to occupied Germany afterwards. How did American agents in Spanish cities implement this policy? What was the reaction of the German colony to these efforts? Finally, how did individual Germans wanted for repatriation respond to being named by both Allied authorities and Spanish officials who ultimately decided their fate? This study explores how the repatriation of obnoxious Germans impacted American officials, Germans and the Franco regime in the two communities of Vigo and Bilbao.Miles de alemanes que formaban parte del régimen nazi residieron en España durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial. El gobierno de los Estados Unidos hizo notables esfuerzos para que posteriormente retornaran a la Alemania ocupada. ¿Esta política la llevaría a cabo a través de agentes estadounidenses que residían en ciudades españolas? ¿qué reacción mostró la colonia alemana en España ante esta política? Y, finalmente, ¿cuál fue la respuesta individual de los alemanes que habían de ser objeto de repatriación cuando fueron nombradas las autoridades aliadas y los funcionarios españoles que debían decir su destino? Este estudio explora cómo se llevaría a cabo la repatriación de los alemanes perseguidos por los aliados y cuál fue su impacto entre los funcionarios norteamericanos, alemanes y los del Régimen de Franco en dos ciudades españolas: Vigo y Bilba
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