1,179 research outputs found

    Nitrogenase activity associated with codium species from New Zealand marine habitats

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    Nitrogenase activity, measured as acetylene reduction, was recorded at rates up to 1028 nmol.h \g * dry weight for Codium adhaerens (Cabr.) Ag. var. convolutum Dellow and Codium fragile (Sur.) Hariot subsp. tomentosoides (Van Goor) Silva collected from New Zealand habitats. In both species the ability to reduce acetylene is invariably associated with the presence of a heterocystous blue-green alga, Calothrix sp., epiphytic or embedded in the Codium thallus. A highly significant (P < 0.001) correlation between heterocyst frequency and nitrogenase activity was found. Nitrogenase and net photosynthesis of the Codium-Calothrix system have different steady-state responses to light intensity, and the kinetics of the two processes also differ in that nitrogenase is slow to respond to illumination or darkening. Glucose additions to Codium did not significantly increase nitrogenase activity. Nitrogenase is relatively insensitive to oxygen tension over the range 0-1.0 atm (0-1.033 kgf.cnT2) and still occurs at 1.5 atm (1.55 kgf.cm"2); this condition is unique in all nitrogenase systems thus far reported. Collectively these facts suggest that Calothrix is the agent primarily responsible for nitrogenase activity in these Codium species

    How Bioethics Principles Can Aid Design of Electronic Health Records to Accommodate Patient Granular Control

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    Ethics should guide the design of electronic health records (EHR), and recognized principles of bioethics can play an important role. This approach was adopted recently by a team of informaticists designing and testing a system where patients exert granular control over who views their personal health information. While this method of building ethics in from the start of the design process has significant benefits, questions remain about how useful the application of bioethics principles can be in this process, especially when principles conflict. For instance, while the ethical principle of respect for autonomy supports a robust system of granular control, the principles of beneficence and non-maleficence counsel restraint due to the danger of patients being harmed by restrictions on provider access to data. Conflict between principles has long been recognized by ethicists and has even motivated attacks on approaches that state and apply principles. In this paper we show how using ethical principles can help in the design of EHRs by first, explaining how ethical principles can and should be used generally, and then by, discuss how attention to details in specific cases can show that the tension between principles is not as bad as it initially appeared. We conclude by suggesting further ways in which the application of these (and other) principles can add value to the ongoing discussion of patient involvement in their health care. This is a new approach to linking principles to informatics design that we expect will stimulate further interest

    Dog ecology and demography in Antananarivo, 2007

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Rabies is a widespread disease in African domestic dogs and a serious public health problem in developing countries. Canine rabies became established in Africa during the 20th century, coinciding with ecologic changes that favored its emergence in canids.</p> <p>This paper reports the results of a cross-sectional study of dog ecology in the Antananarivo urban community in Madagascar.</p> <p>A questionnaire survey of 1541 households was conducted in Antananarivo from October 2007 to January 2008. The study addressed both owned and unowned dogs. Various aspects of dog ecology were determined, including size of dog population, relationship between dogs and humans, rabies vaccination.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Dog ownership was common, with 79.6 to 94.1% (mean 88.9%) of households in the six arrondissements owning dogs. The mean owned dog to person ratio was 1 dog per 4.5 persons and differed between arrondissements (administrative districts), with ratios of 1:6.0 in the first arrondissement, 1:3.2 persons in the 2<sup>nd</sup>, 1:4.8 in the 3<sup>rd</sup>, 1:5.2 in the 4<sup>th</sup>, 1:5.6 in the 5<sup>th </sup>and 1:4.4 in the 6<sup>th </sup>arrondissement. Overall, there were more male dogs (61.3%) and the male/female sex ratio was estimated to be 1.52; however, mature females were more likely than males to be unowned (OR: 1.93, CI 95%; 1.39<OR<2.69). Most (79.1%) owned dogs were never restricted and roamed freely to forage for food and mix with other dogs. Only a small proportion of dogs (11.7%) were fed with commercial dog food. Only 7.2% of owned dogs had certificates confirming vaccination against rabies. The proportion of vaccinated dogs varied widely between arrondissements (3.3% to 17.5%).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Antananarivo has a higher density of dogs than many other urban areas in Africa. The dog population is unrestricted and inadequately vaccinated against rabies. This analysis of the dog population will enable targeted planning of rabies control efforts.</p

    The trade specialization of SANE: Evidence from manufacturing industries

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    This paper studies the evolution of the foreign trade specialization in manufacturing sectors of South Africa, Algeria, Nigeria and Egypt. These four countries, the so-called SANE, have recently been viewed as Africa’s best chance of producing an economic bloc whose role for Africa might be comparable to that of the BRIC economies of Brazil, Russia, India and China for the world economy. Using data on trade flows since mid-1970s, the results show that the SANE group has experienced few changes in its trade structure, which is still based on low-technology and slow-growth world demand sectors. The degree of persistence in the specialization model is higher in the case of Algeria and Nigeria, where the dependence on products based on natural resources is stronger.SANE, Trade specialization, Manufacturing, Lafay index

    The demography of free-roaming dog populations and applications to disease and population control

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    Understanding the demography of domestic dog populations is essential for effective disease control, particularly of canine-mediated rabies. Demographic data are also needed to plan effective population management. However, no study has comprehensively evaluated the contribution of demographic processes (i.e. births, deaths and movement) to variations in dog population size or density, or determined the factors that regulate these processes, including human factors. We report the results of a 3-year cohort study of domestic dogs, which is the first to generate detailed data on the temporal variation of these demographic characteristics. The study was undertaken in two communities in each of Bali, Indonesia and Johannesburg, South Africa, in rabies-endemic areas and where the majority of dogs were free-roaming. None of the four communities had been engaged in any dog population management interventions by local authorities or animal welfare organizations. All identified dogs in the four communities were monitored individually throughout the study. We observed either no population growth or a progressive decline in population size during the study period. There was no clear evidence that population size was regulated through environmental resource constraints. Rather, almost all of the identified dogs were owned and fed regularly by their owners, consistent with population size regulated by human demand. Finally, a substantial fraction of the dogs originated from outside the population, entirely through the translocation of dogs by people, rather than from local births. These findings demonstrate that previously reported growth of dog populations is not a general phenomenon and challenge the widely held view that free-roaming dogs are unowned and form closed populations. Synthesis and applications. These observations have broad implications for disease and population control. The accessibility of dogs for vaccination and evaluation through owners and the movement of dogs (some of them infected) by people will determine the viable options for disease control strategies. The impact of human factors on population dynamics will also influence the feasibility of annual vaccination campaigns to control rabies and population control through culling or sterilization. The complex relationship between dogs and people is critically important in the transmission and control of canine-mediated rabies. For effective management, human factors must be considered in the development of disease and population control programmes

    Tariff Escalation in the Doha Talks--Bringing the Issue to Resolution

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    Development objectives dictate that the Doha negotiations address tariff escalation. This could increase the production and export of processed goods in developing countries, expand investment and employment, and reduce dependence on primary product exports. Despite its importance, little progress has been made, notwithstanding that a final resolution to the negotiations will not be possible without bringing this issue to resolution. This paper quantifies tariff escalation within WTO members' tariff schedules and the degree to which a tiered formula could address this problem. Utilizing a detailed partial equilibrium global agricultural trade model we estimate the possible gains to developing countries from reducing tariff escalation.tariff escalation, agriculture, trade, tariffs, WTO, International Relations/Trade, F13, Q17,

    The Trade Specialization of SANE:Evidence from Manufacturing Industries

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    This paper studies the evolution of the foreign trade specialization in manufacturing sectors of South Africa, Algeria, Nigeria and Egypt. These four countries, the so-called SANE, are recently viewed as Africa’s best chance of producing an economic bloc comparable to the BRIC economies of Brazil, Russia, India and China. Using data on trade flows since mid-1970s, the results show that the SANE group has experienced few changes in its trade structure, which is still based on low-technology and slow-growth world demand sectors. The degree of persistence in the specialization model is higher in the case of Algeria and Nigeria, where the dependence on products based on natural resources is stronger.SANE; Trade specialization; Manufacturing; Lafay index

    Bioethics of Xenotransplantation: Three Religious Perspectives

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    The recent explosion of biotechnology has raised many ethical and religious questions among faith communities. Many of these faith communities are attempting to balance modern technology and historical religion. Using xenotransplantation as a case study, the transplantation of genetically engineered animal organs into human beings, this article follows three major religious traditions through the discernment process of how to deal faithfully with this new technology. In addition, the role of the biotechnology industry and the pressures that researchers face are also explored in the context of investigating how to effectively integrate science and religion into future bioethical discussions

    Response to a rabies epidemic in Bali, Indonesia

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    Emergency vaccinations and culling failed to contain an outbreak of rabies in Bali, Indonesia, during 2008–2009. Subsequent island-wide mass vaccination (reaching 70% coverage, &#62;200,000 dogs) led to substantial declines in rabies incidence and spread. However, the incidence of dog bites remains high, and repeat campaigns are necessary to eliminate rabies in Bali

    Modelling agricultural policy reforms in the Mediterranean basin - Adjustments of AGRISIM

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    In recent years the Mediterranean countries encounter a number of changes of the agricultural policy that could influence significantly their agricultural sector and thus their overall economy. They are faced with the ongoing trade liberalisation, the Reform of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) of the European Union (EU), since the EU is one of the major trade partners of the Mediterranean countries and the establishment of a Free Trade Area between the EU and the Mediterranean Countries after 2010. The latest is/will be accomplished through the Euro- Mediterranean Association Agreements, was decided in the Summit of Barcelona in 1995 and is particularly up- to date after 2005, 10 years after the establishment of the Barcelona Agreement. These changes are expected above all to influence the trade flows between the EU and the Mediterranean Partner Countries (MPC) and therefore, to have impacts on the production, consumption, domestic and border prices and welfare. Aim of the paper is to discuss methodological issues connected with the modelling of policy changes in the Mediterranean basin and to provide more insights on the modification of the model AGRISIM so as to make it a suitable tool to analyse the trade flows in the Mediterranean basin.MPCs, Euro- Mediterranean Association, Agricultural and Food Policy,
