18 research outputs found

    Vorinostat with Sustained Exposure and High Solubility in Poly(ethylene glycol)-b-poly(DL-lactic acid) Micelle Nanocarriers: Characterization and Effects on Pharmacokinetics in Rat Serum and Urine

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    The histone deacetylase inhibitor suberoylanilide hydroxamic acid, known as vorinostat, is a promising anti-cancer drug with a unique mode of action; however, it is plagued by low water solubility, low permeability, and suboptimal pharmacokinetics. In this study, poly(ethylene glycol)-b-poly(DL-lactic acid) (PEG-b-PLA) micelles of vorinostat were developed. Vorinostat’s pharmacokinetics in rats were investigated after intravenous (i.v.) (10 mg/kg) and oral (50 mg/kg) micellar administrations and compared to a conventional PEG400 solution and methylcellulose suspension. The micelles increased the aqueous solubility of vorinostat from 0.2 mg/ml to 8.15 ± 0.60 mg/ml and 10.24 ± 0.92 mg/ml at drug to nanocarrier ratios of 1:10 and 1:15, respectively. Micelles had nanoscopic mean diameters of 75.67 ± 7.57 nm and 87.33 ± 8.62 nm for 1:10 and 1:15 micelles, respectively, with drug loading capacities of 9.93 ± 0.21% and 6.91 ± 1.19 %, and encapsulation efficiencies of 42.74 ± 1.67% and 73.29 ± 4.78%, respectively. The micelles provided sustained exposure and improved pharmacokinetics characterized by a significant increase in serum half-life, area under curve, and mean residence time. The micelles reduced vorinostat clearance particularly after i.v. dosing. Thus, PEG-b-PLA micelles significantly improved the oral and intravenous pharmacokinetics and bioavailability of vorinostat, which warrants further investigation

    Formulation of lipid polymer hybrid nanoparticles of the phytochemical Fisetin and its in vivo assessment against severe acute pancreatitis

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    Abstract Fisetin (FST) is a naturally occurring flavonol that has recently emerged as a bioactive phytochemical with an impressive array of biological activities. To the author knowledge, boosting the activity of FST against severe acute pancreatitis (SAP) through a nanostructured delivery system (Nanophytomedicine) has not been achieved before. Thereupon, FST-loaded lipid polymer hybrid nanoparticles (FST-loaded LPHNPs) were prepared through conjoined ultrasonication and double emulsion (w/o/w) techniques. Comprehensive in vitro and in vivo evaluations were conducted. The optimized nanoparticle formula displayed a high entrapment efficiency % of 61.76 ± 1.254%, high loading capacity % of 32.18 ± 0.734, low particle size of 125.39 ± 0.924 nm, low particle size distribution of 0.357 ± 0.012, high zeta potential of + 30.16 ± 1.416 mV, and high mucoadhesive strength of 35.64 ± 0.548%. In addition, it exhibited a sustained in vitro release pattern of FST. In the in vivo study, oral pre-treatment of FST-loaded LPHNPs protected against l-arginine induced SAP and multiple organ injuries in rats compared to both FST alone and plain LPHNPs, as well as the untreated group, proven by both biochemical studies, that included both amylase and lipase activities, and histochemical studies of pancreas, liver, kidney and lungs. Therefore, the study could conclude the potential efficacy of the novel phytopharmaceutical delivery system of FST as a prophylactic regimen for SAP and consequently, associated multiple organ injuries

    Formulation Study and Evaluation of Matrix and Three-layer Tablet Sustained Drug Delivery Systems Based on Carbopols with Isosorbite Mononitrate

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    The purpose of this research was to develop and evaluate different preparations of sustained delivery systems, using Carbopols as carriers, in the form of matrices and three-layer tablets with isosorbite mononitrate. Matrix tablets were prepared by direct compression whereas three-layer tablets were prepared by compressing polymer barrier layers on both sides of the core containing the drug. The findings of the study indicated that all systems demonstrated sustained release. The properties of the polymer used and the structure of each formulation appear to considerably affect drug release and its release rate. The three-layer formulations exhibit lower drug release compared to the matrices. This was due to the fact that the barrier-layers hindered the penetration of liquid into the core and modified drug dissolution and release. The geometrical characteristics/structure of the tablets as well as the weight/thickness of the barriers-layers considerably influence the rate of drug release and the release mechanisms. Kinetic analysis of the data indicated that drug release from matrices was mainly attributed to Fickian diffusion while three-layer tablets exhibited either anomalous diffusion or erosion/relaxation mechanisms. The advantage of Carbopol formulations is that a range of release profiles can easily be obtained through variations in tablet structure and thus Carbopols are appropriate carriers of oral sustained drug delivery systems for soluble drugs such as the isosorbite mononitrate

    Chitosan and sodium alginate—Based bioadhesive vaginal tablets

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    Metronidazole was formulated in mucoadhesive vaginal tablets by directly compressing the natural cationic polymer chitosan, loosely cross-linked with glutaraldehyde, together with sodium alginate with or ine cellulose (MCC). Sodium carboxymethylcellulose (CMC) was added to some of the formulations. The drug content in tablets was 20%. Drug dissolution rate studies from tablets were carried out in buffer pH 4.8 and distilled water. Swelling indices and adhesion forces were also measured for all formulations. The formula (FIII) containing 6% chitosan, 24% sodium alginate, 30% sodium CMC, and 20% MCC showed adequate release properties in both media and gave lower values of swelling index compared with the other examined formulations. FIII also proved to have good adhesion properties with minimum applied weights. Moreover, its release properties (% dissolution efficiency, DE) in buffer pH 4.8, as well as release mechanism (n values), were negligibly affected by aging. Thus, this formula may be considered a good candidate for vaginal mucoadhesive dosage forms