12 research outputs found

    Oxidation analysis of exogenous substrates in the tissues of the male reproductive system of intact rats

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    Интактуу келемиштердин эркектик репродуктивдүү системасынын ткандарында кычкылтекти керектөө процесстеринин абалын изилдөө.To study the state of oxygen consumption processes in the tissues of the male reproductive system of intact rats.Изучение состояния процессов потребления кислорода тканями мужской репродуктивной системы интактных крыс

    Reduced stomatal density in bread wheat leads to increased water-use efficiency

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    Wheat is a staple crop, frequently cultivated in water-restricted environments. Improving crop water-use efficiency would be desirable if grain yield can be maintained. We investigated whether a decrease in wheat stomatal density via the manipulation of epidermal patterning factor (EPF) gene expression could improve water-use efficiency. Our results show that severe reductions in stomatal density in EPF-overexpressing wheat plants have a detrimental outcome on yields. However, wheat plants with a more moderate reduction in stomatal density (i.e. <50% reduction in stomatal density on leaves prior to tillering) had yields indistinguishable from controls, coupled with an increase in intrinsic water-use efficiency. Yields of these moderately reduced stomatal density plants were also comparable with those of control plants under conditions of drought and elevated CO2. Our data demonstrate that EPF-mediated control of wheat stomatal development follows that observed in other grasses, and we identify the potential of stomatal density as a tool for breeding wheat plants that are better able to withstand water-restricted environments without yield loss

    Metabolic regulation of the maize rhizobiome by benzoxazinoids

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    The rhizobiome is an important regulator of plant growth and health. Plants shape their rhizobiome communities through production and release of primary and secondary root metabolites. Benzoxazinoids (BXs) are common tryptophan-derived secondary metabolites in grasses that regulate belowground and aboveground biotic interactions. In addition to their biocidal activity, BXs can regulate plant–biotic interactions as semiochemicals or within-plant defence signals. However, the full extent and mechanisms by which BXs shape the root-associated microbiome has remained largely unexplored. Here, we have taken a global approach to examine the regulatory activity of BXs on the maize root metabolome and associated bacterial and fungal communities. Using untargeted mass spectrometry analysis in combination with prokaryotic and fungal amplicon sequencing, we compared the impacts of three genetic mutations in different steps in the BX pathway. We show that BXs regulate global root metabolism and concurrently influence the rhizobiome in a root type-dependent manner. Correlation analysis between BX-controlled root metabolites and bacterial taxa suggested a dominant role for BX-dependent metabolites, particularly flavonoids, in constraining a range of soil microbial taxa, while stimulating methylophilic bacteria. Our study supports a multilateral model by which BXs control root–microbe interactions via a global regulatory function in root secondary metabolism

    Stimulation of oxygen uptake in rat testicular tissues for forty days after a general single -γ-irradiation

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    By using the polarographic method, the rate of oxygen uptake by endogenous and exogenous substrates (Vend, Vsuc, Vglu, Vdnf) was studied in rat testicular tissue samples after total exposure to single gamma radiation (1.0 gy). It was found that on the 40th day (Vend, Vsuc, Vglu) increased by 120.7% (p<0.05), 124.8% (p<0.05) and 97.1% (p<0.05), respectively. Increased oxygen uptake was accompanied with a significant decrease in SDdnf by 18.1% (p<0.001) in the experimental group, which indicates the risk of separation of oxidation and phosphorylation processes. Along with this, on the 40th day of observation, the content of MDA in blood plasma increased by 149.3% (p<0.01), this is confirmed by prolonged activation of LPO processes in the testicles of irradiated rats.С помощью полярографического метода, исследована скорость поглощения кислорода на эндогенных и экзогенных субстратах (Vэнд, Vяк, Vглу, Vднф) в образцах ткани семенников крыс после тотального однократного γ-облучения (1.0 Гр). Установлено, что на 40-е сутки (Vэнд, Vяк, Vглу) возрастали соответственно на 120.7% (p<0.05), 124.8% (p<0.05) и 97.1% (p<0.05). Усиление поглощения кислорода сопровождалось снижением СДднф на 18.1% (p<0.001) в подопытной группе, что предполагало угрозу разобщения процессов окисления и фосфорилирования. Наряду с этим, на 40-е суток наблюдения содержание МДА в плазме крови увеличивались на 149.3%) (p<0.01), это подтверждают длительную активацию процессов ПОЛ в семенниках облученных крыс

    Indicators of oxygen absorption in testicular tissues under the influence of incorporation 137CS

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    The results of assessing the effect of caesium-137 radionuclide, with a specific activity of 3300 Bq/kg, on oxygen consumption by rat testicular tissues. A significant increase in the rate of oxygen consumption was demonstrated on both endogenous and exogenous substrates. The maximum increase in tissue respiration was noted against the background of the use of glutamate as an exogenous substrate. Signs of disconnection of oxidative phosphorylation processes with the use of 2,4-dinitrophenol have been recorded, as well as inhibitory analysis confirms a decrease in the intensity of NAD-dependent oxidation Thus, the oral intake of caesium-137 into the body of rats with a specific activity of 3300 Bq/kg poses a danger to the male reproductive system.В исследовании представлены результаты оценки влияния радионуклида цезия-137, с удельной активностью 3300 Бк/кг, на потребление кислорода тканями семенников крыс. Как на эндогенных, так и на экзогенных субстратах продемонстрировано значимое повышение скорости потребления кислорода. Отмечен максимальный прирост тканевого дыхания на фоне применения глутамата в качестве экзогенного субстрата. Зафиксированы признаки разобщения процессов окислительного фосфорилирования при применении 2,4-динитрофенола. Ингибиторный анализ подтверждает снижение интенсивности НАД-зависимого окисления. Таким образом, пероральное поступление в организм крыс цезия-137 удельной активностью 3300 Бк/кг, представляет опасность для мужской репродуктивной системы

    The state of oxygen consumption by testicular tissues in rats at a dose of 0.5 gy after a single external γ-irradiation

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    The work shows that on the 10th and 90th days after a single external gamma irradiation of male rats at a dose of 0.5 Gy, the oxygen consumption indicators of the testicular tissues change, the separation of oxidative phosphorylation and a change in energy metabolism in the testicular tissue are detected. The effect of low doses of gamma radiation on the energetic state and the process of oxidative phosphorylation is one of the causes of testicular dysfunction.В работе показано, что на 10 и 90 сутки после однократного внешнего γ–облучения крыс-самцов в дозе 0,5 Гр изменяется показателей потребления кислорода тканями семенников, обнаруживаются разобщение окислительного фосфорилирования и изменение энергетического метаболизма в ткани семенников. Воздействие малых доз γ–облучения на энергическое состояние и процесс окислительного фосфорилирования является одной из причин дисфункции семенников

    The state of oxygen consumption by testicular tissues in rats at a dose of 0.5 Gy after a single external γ-irradiation

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    The work shows that on the 10th and 90th days after a single external gamma irradiation of male rats at a dose of 0.5 Gy, the oxygen consumption indicators of the testicular tissues change, the separation of oxidative phosphorylation and a change in energy metabolism in the testicular tissue are detected. The effect of low doses of gamma radiation on the energetic state and the process of oxidative phosphorylation is one of the causes of testicular dysfunction.В работе показано, что на 10 и 90 сутки после однократного внешнего γ–облучения крыс-самцов в дозе 0,5 Гр изменяется показателей потребления кислорода тканями семенников, обнаруживаются разобщение окислительного фосфорилирования и изменение энергетического метаболизма в ткани семенников. Воздействие малых доз γ–облучения на энергическое состояние и процесс окислительного фосфорилирования является одной из причин дисфункции семенников

    Analysis of morphological changes of testes after γ-irradiation

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    We studied the effects of radiation in small doses (0.5 Gy) on the spermatogenic epithelium of white rats, counted the number of transversely cut convoluted seminiferous tubules, and determined the types of tubules. A decrease in the number of seminiferous tubules was noted, with damage to the cells of the spermatogenic epithelium.Мы изучили воздействия радиации в малых дозах (0,5 Гр) на сперматогенный эпителий, белых крыс, подсчитывали количество поперечно срезанных извитых семенных канальцев, определяли типы канальцев. Было отмечено снижение количества семенных канальцев, с повреждением клеток сперматогенного эпителия