690 research outputs found

    Correction: New knowledge on the antiglycoxidative mechanism of chlorogenic acid

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    Correction for 'New knowledge on the antiglycoxidative mechanism of chlorogenic acid' by Beatriz Fernandez-Gomez et al., Food Funct., 2015, DOI: 10.1039/c5fo00194c

    The Castilian Spanish version of the Juvenile Arthritis Multidimensional Assessment Report (JAMAR)

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    The Juvenile Arthritis Multidimensional Assessment Report (JAMAR) is a new parent/patient reported outcome measure that enables a thorough assessment of the disease status in children with juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA). We report the results of the cross-cultural adaptation and validation of the parent and patient versions of the JAMAR in the Castilian Spanish language. The reading comprehension of the questionnaire was tested in 10 JIA parents and patients. Each participating centre was asked to collect demographic, clinical data and the JAMAR in 100 consecutive JIA patients or all consecutive patients seen in a 6-month period and to administer the JAMAR to 100 healthy children and their parents. The statistical validation phase explored descriptive statistics and the psychometric issues of the JAMAR: the three Likert assumptions, floor/ceiling effects, internal consistency, Cronbach\u2019s alpha, interscale correlations, test\u2013retest reliability and construct validity (convergent and discriminant validity). A total of 526 JIA patients (8.6% systemic, 49.4% oligoarticular, 18.2% RF negative polyarthritis, 23.8% other categories) and 78 healthy children, were enrolled in six centres. The JAMAR components discriminated well healthy subjects from JIA patients. All JAMAR components revealed good psychometric performances. In conclusion, the Castilian Spanish version of the JAMAR is a valid tool for the assessment of children with JIA and is suitable for use both in routine clinical practise and clinical research

    Opportunistic infections in immunosuppressed patients with juvenile idiopathic arthritis: Analysis by the Pharmachild Safety Adjudication Committee

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    Background: To derive a list of opportunistic infections (OI) through the analysis of the juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) patients in the Pharmachild registry by an independent Safety Adjudication Committee (SAC). Methods: The SAC (3 pediatric rheumatologists and 2 pediatric infectious disease specialists) elaborated and approved by consensus a provisional list of OI for use in JIA. Through a 5 step-procedure, all the severe and serious infections, classified as per MedDRA dictionary and retrieved in the Pharmachild registry, were evaluated by the SAC by answering six questions and adjudicated with the agreement of 3/5 specialists. A final evidence-based list of OI resulted by matching the adjudicated infections with the provisional list of OI. Results: A total of 772 infectious events in 572 eligible patients, of which 335 serious/severe/very severe non-OI and 437 OI (any intensity/severity), according to the provisional list, were retrieved. Six hundred eighty-two of 772 (88.3%) were adjudicated as infections, of them 603/682 (88.4%) as common and 119/682 (17.4%) as OI by the SAC. Matching these 119 opportunistic events with the provisional list, 106 were confirmed by the SAC as OI, and among them infections by herpes viruses were the most frequent (68%), followed by tuberculosis (27.4%). The remaining events were divided in the groups of non-OI and possible/patient and/or pathogen-related OI. Conclusions: We found a significant number of OI in JIA patients on immunosuppressive therapy. The proposed list of OI, created by consensus and validated in the Pharmachild cohort, could facilitate comparison among future pharmacovigilance studies. Trial registration: Clinicaltrials.gov NCT 01399281; ENCePP seal: awarded on 25 November 2011

    Differential proinflammatory activities of Spike proteins of SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern

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    The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic turned the whole world upside down in a short time. One of the main challenges faced has been to understand COVID-19-associated life-threatening hyperinflammation, the so-called cytokine storm syndrome (CSS). We report here the proinflammatory role of Spike (S) proteins from different severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) variants of concern in zebrafish. We found that wild-type/Wuhan variant 51 (S1WT) promoted neutrophil and macrophage recruitment, local and systemic hyperinflammation, emergency myelopoiesis, and hemorrhages. In addition, S1 gamma was more proinflammatory while S1 delta was less proinflammatory than S1WT, and, notably, S1 beta promoted delayed and long-lasting inflammation. Pharmacological inhibition of the canonical inflammasome alleviated S1-induced inflammation and emergency myelopoiesis. In contrast, genetic inhibition of angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 strengthened the proinflammatory activity of S1, and angiotensin (1-7) fully rescued S1-induced hyperinflammation and hemorrhages. These results shed light into the mechanisms orchestrating the COVID-19-associated CSS and the host immune response to different SARS-CoV-2 S protein variants

    Prevalencia de tabaquismo durante el embarazo y factores asociados en Andalucía 2007-2012 (*)

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    Background: Smoking during pregnancy is the most important preventable perinatal health problem. The aim of this research is to determine smoking prevalence in pregnant women at different times of pregnancy in Andalucía, using biochemical validation methods and to explore factors associated with it. Methods: Cross-sectional study. The study population was pregnant women followed in andalusian public health centers. A random sample of 40 health centers, stratified by number of pregnancies was collected, with 1813 pregnant enrolled in 3 independent samples (beginning and end of pregnancy, postpartum). The smoke exposure was measured by urinary cotinine, self-report and carbon monoxide in exhaled air. Control variables were socio-demographic, obstetric and related to smoking habit. A logistic regression was performed to explore factors associated with pregnancy smoking. Results: The mean prevalence in the whole sample was 21.6%, which was lower at the end of pregnancy (15.6%) and postpartum (16.7%) than at the beginning (30.3%). Daily smokers fell from 56.3% before pregnancy to 14% at the end (according to selfreport). Most of the quitters gave up before pregnancy (21.8%) or when they noticed they were pregnant (23.6%). Deception rate was 19.6%, varying according to gestational age and the amount of tobacco consumed. Younger age (OR: 0.956, CI 0.92-0.99), be exposed to second hand smoke at home (OR: 3.48, CI 2.6 to 4.7), a higher level of consumption before pregnancy (6-10 OR 13.1 CI 3 to 56.9,> 10 OR 25.1 CI 5.8 to 109.6), greater gestational age at measurement (end OR: 0.5 CI: 0.4-0.8; immediate postpartum OR 0.4 CI 0.3-0.6) and lower educational level (no education and first grade compared to university OR: 1.98, CI 1.22 to 3.22) were identified as factors associated. Conclusion: Consumption variations with gestational age compel to indicate the time of measurement in prevalence studies. The profile of the pregnant smoker was being young, poorly educated, exposed to tobacco smoke at home and with a previous history of heavy smoking.Fundamentos: El tabaquismo durante la gestación constituye el principal problema prevenible de salud perinatal. El objetivo es establecer la prevalencia de tabaquismo de las mujeres gestantes en distintos momentos del embarazo así como explorar factores asociados al mismo. Métodos: Estudio transversal. La población diana fueron las mujeres cuyo control de embarazo se realizaba en centros de salud públicos. Muestra aleatoria representativa de 40 centros estratificados según número de embarazos. Participaron 1.813 mujeres seleccionadas en 3 muestras independientes (inicio y final del embarazo y posparto). La exposición se midió mediante cotinina en orina, autodeclaración y monóxido de carbono. Se registraron variables sociodemográficas, de tabaquismo y clínico-obstétricas. Se realizó una regresión logística para identificar los factores asociados al tabaquismo. Resultados: La prevalencia media fue 21,6%, menor al final del embarazo (15,6%) y en el puerperio (16,7%) y mayor en el principio del embarazo (30,3%). Las mujeres fumadoras diarias pasaron del 56,3% antes del embarazo al 14% al final (autodeclaración). El 21,8% de los abandonos se produjo antes del embarazo y el 23,6% cuando las mujeres supieron que estaban embarazadas. La ocultación del consumo fue 19,6% . Fueron factores asociados ser joven (OR: 0,956; IC: 0,92-0,99), estar expuesta al tabaco en el hogar (OR: 3,48; IC: 2,6-4,7), consumo pregestacional alto (6-10 OR: 13,1 IC: 3-56,9; >10 OR: 25,1 IC: 5,8-109,6), mayor edad gestacional en la medición (al final OR: 0,5 IC: 0,4-0,8; posparto inmediato OR: 0,4 IC: 0,3-0,6) y menor nivel de estudios (sin estudios y primer grado comparadas con universitarias OR: 1,98; IC: 1,22-3,22). Conclusiones: El perfil de la mujer gestante fumadora es el de una mujer joven con bajo nivel educativo, expuesta al humo de tabaco en el hogar y con alto consumo pregestacional

    Using Explainable Artificial Intelligence in the Clock Drawing Test to Reveal the Cognitive Impairment Pattern

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    The prevalence of dementia is currently increasing worldwide. This syndrome produces a deterioration in cognitive function that cannot be reverted. However, an early diagnosis can be crucial for slowing its progress. The Clock Drawing Test (CDT) is a widely used paper-and-pencil test for cognitive assessment in which an individual has to manually draw a clock on a paper. There are a lot of scoring systems for this test and most of them depend on the subjective assessment of the expert. This study proposes a computer-aided diagnosis (CAD) system based on artificial intelligence (AI) methods to analyze the CDT and obtain an automatic diagnosis of cognitive impairment (CI). This system employs a preprocessing pipeline in which the clock is detected, centered and binarized to decrease the computational burden. Then, the resulting image is fed into a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) to identify the informative patterns within the CDT drawings that are relevant for the assessment of the patient’s cognitive status. Performance is evaluated in a real context where patients with CI and controls have been classified by clinical experts in a balanced sample size of 3282 drawings. The proposed method provides an accuracy of 75.65% in this classification task, with an AUC of 0.83. These results overcome previous studies, showing that the method proposed has a high reliability to be used in clinical contexts. The large size of the sample and the performance obtained despite being applied to the classic version of the CDT demonstrate the suitability of CAD systems in the CDT assessment process. Explainable AI (XAI) methods are applied to identify the most relevant regions during classification. Finding these patterns is extremely helpful to understand the brain damage caused by cognitive impairment. A validation method using resubstitution with upper bound correction in a machine learning approach is also discussed.This work was supported by the MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033/ and FEDER “Una manera de hacer Europa” under the RTI2018- 098913-B100 project, by the Consejeria de Economia, Innovacion, Ciencia y Empleo (Junta de Andalucia) and FEDER under CV20-45250, A-TIC-080-UGR18, B-TIC-586-UGR20 and P20-00525 projects, and by the Ministerio de Universidades under the FPU18/04902 grant given to C. Jimenez-Mesa and the Margarita-Salas grant to J.E. Arco

    Consensus document on the primary prevention of cow's milk protein allergy in infants aged less than 7 days

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    Introduction: Cow's milk protein allergy (CMPA) is the most frequent food allergy in the first year of life. There is no clear consensus regarding its prevention. A recommendation to avoid CMP in the first week of life as a preventive measure in alt infants, regardless of their atopic risk, has recently been published. The purpose of this document is to issue a recommendation on the use of extensively hydrolyzed CMP formulas in the first week of life for the primary prevention of CMPA.Methods: A group of experts was formed with members proposed by the Spanish Association of Pediatrics (AEP), the Spanish Society of Clinical Immunology and Allergology and Pediatric Asthma (SEICAAP), the Spanish Society of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition (SEGHNP) and the Spanish Society of Neonatology (SENEO). The group conducted a critical review of the evidence on the subject published in the last 10 years.Results: The search yielded 72 studies, of which 66 were rejected for not meeting the inclusion criteria. The final review included 6 documents: 3 clinical trials and 3 systematic reviews, 2 of them with meta-analysis. There was no evidence of a statistically significant reduction in the incidence of CMPA in the infants who received hypoallergenic formulae or exclusive breastfeeding.Conclusion: Based on the current evidence, it is not possible to draw clear conclusions about the effect of avoiding CMP in the first week of life for prevention of CMPA. Although there are data that suggest a certain beneficial effect of avoiding CMPA in atopic risk infants, these results are not conclusive enough to extend the recommendation to the general population. (C) 2022 Asociacion Espanola de Pediatria. Published by Elsevier Espana, S.L.U