871 research outputs found

    Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis Associated with Environmental Mycobacteria

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    A previously healthy man working as a machine operator in an automotive factory developed respiratory symptoms. Medical evaluation showed abnormal pulmonary function tests, a lung biopsy showed hypersensitivity pneumonitis, and his illness was traced to his work environment. His physician asked the employer to remove him from exposure to metalworking fluids. Symptoms reoccurred when he was later reexposed to metalworking fluids, and further permanent decrement in his lung function occurred. Investigation of his workplace showed that five of six large reservoirs of metalworking fluids (cutting oils) grew Mycobacterium chelonae (or Mycobacterium immunogenum), an organism previously associated with outbreaks of hypersensitivity pneumonitis in automaking factories. His lung function remained stable after complete removal from exposure. The employer, metalworking fluid supplier, union, and the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health were notified of this sentinel health event. No further cases have been documented in this workplace

    Bommiers – Daluet

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    Date de l'opération : 1986 (DF) Inventeur(s) : Mery A.-M Les travaux de rectification du cours de la rivière la Théols ont amené la découverte d'une sculpture gallo-romaine en calcaire d'Ambrault, représentant un bélier marin. Cet élément de statuaire ornait probablement le fronton ou le faîtage d'un bâtiment (Coulon, Dufour, 1989)

    Intended Reader Perception over Mrs. Bennet’s Character in Jane Austen’s Novel Pride and Prejudice

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    The portraits of women in literary works are very diverse. The reader has an important role  in interpreting issues and fenomena in the work through a response. To see the reader response, a literary reception approach is used, an approach that involves the reader as the main object. This study aims to reveal intended reader perceptions of Mrs. Bennet's character in Jane Austen's novel Pride and Prejudice by using literary reception theory in a synchronous method. A qualitative research method was applied by collecting primary data from participants in the form of responses from the intended reader in the different  period, using Jauss's literary reception approach. The results show that the readers' responses to Mrs. Bennet's character, whether as a woman, wife, or mother, were quite diverse. It also shows that gender, religion, environment, some particular traditions, space, and time are things that greatly influence the reader's response. Then it shows the intended reader's reception towards Mrs. Bennet's character is shaped by experience, the horizon of expectation, aesthetic distance, and the space and time of the reader in the different period

    Potensi Pemanfaatan Limbah Ikan Untuk Pembuatan Pakan Ikan Lele

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    Pakan dari pelet ikan komersial harganya relatiif mahal sehingga perlu dlakukan upaya pembuatan pelet dari bahan baku yang melimpah dan murah, seperti pemanfaatan limbah ikan di Pasar Tradisional Atambua. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk membuat pakan pengganti pellet yang berasal dari limbah ikan. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode kualitatif dengan pedekatan studi literatur. Data yang diperoleh dari hasil studi literatur digunakan sebagai hasil dari penelitian ini.  Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah limbah ikan hasil tangkapan yang sudah direbus, dikeringkankemudian digiling ini dicampur dengan tambahan lain seperti tepung tapioka, dedak jagung dan vitamin konsentrat. Pakan yang hampir jadi ini tidak bisa langsung diberikan kepada ikan lele karena mengandung racun berbahaya yaitu aflaktosin. Maka itu perlu dilakukan fermentasi dengan dicampur ragi tempe serta ditambahkan irisan daun papaya guna mencegah senyawa aflaktosin. Dengan begitu limbah hasil tangkapan yang merusak ekosistem dapat dimanfaatkan oleh masyarakat.   Kata kunci: limbah ikan, pakan ikan, pasar tradisiona

    Communication in conceptual fashion product: case study

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    Partindo do princípio que a moda é uma manifestação social e, portanto capaz de usar de seu alto poder comunicacional para passar mensagens, este trabalho que tem como tema a comunicação do calçado conceitual, foi desenvolvido com o objetivo de analisar semioticamente as criações de uma designer, compreendendo assim o quê e como o calçado conceitual comunica.Assuming that fashion is a social manifestation, and therefore able to use its power to pass along messages, this work that has as its theme the communication of conceptual shoes, it was developed with the aim to analyze semiotically the creations of a designer, comprising what and how the conceptual shoes communicate

    A comunicação e a diferenciação entre calçado comercial X calçado conceitual através de análise semiótica

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    Fashion communication occurs through images, shapes, and cultural values, leading individuals to feel the need to "belong" to a particular group. This article investigates the communication and differentiation between commercial footwear V conceptual analysis, through semiotic analysis. For such differentiation could be studied, it was made a brief study on semiotic analysis, settling some points to be analyzed in commercial and conceptual images of footwear in order to demonstrate this differentiation. The result of this analysis shows that the interpreter differentiates the products by several aspects, determining which one to use and the other as conceptual or symbolic object that favors the concept in detriment of the use or sellable.A comunicação de moda acontece através de imagens, formas e valores culturais, levando os indivíduos a sentirem necessidade de “pertencer” a um determinado grupo. Este artigo investiga a comunicação e a diferenciação entre calçado comercial x calçado conceitual através de análise semiótica. Para que essa diferenciação pudesse ser estudada, foi feito um breve estudo sobre análise semiótica, estabelecendo-se alguns pontos a serem analisados em imagens de calçado comercial e conceitual de forma a demonstrar essa diferenciação. O resultado da análise mostra que o interpretante diferencia os produtos por vários aspetos, determinando um deles para uso e o outro como objeto conceitual ou simbólico que privilegia o conceito em detrimento ao uso ou o vendável

    Analysis of Male Participation in Contraceptive USAge in Indralaya Mulya District Kecamatan Indralaya Ogan Ilir Regency in Year 2011

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    Background : Indonesia has 216,9 million number of people with 1,36% population growth rate. In order to restrict this rapid population increasing, Governmalet had done the construction oriented to the justice and gender equality in Family planning and Reproductive Health. One of the gender equality in family planning was male participation in contraceptive USAge. But, nowadays the gender equality in Indonesia is still dominated by women. Based on the data of UPTB KB Monthly Report Kecamatan Indralaya, male participation in contraceptive USAge in Kelurahan Indralaya Mulya was still bad. Because of that, this research aimed to know the male participation in contraceptive USAge. Method : Used analytic survey method with cross sectional study design. Sample in this research was male who have wife aged 15-49 years old which amounts to 82 people. The sampling technique used simple random sampling. Data analysis technique used univariate and bivariate with statistic test used Chi Square test. Result : Showed that from 7 independent variables, 5 variables were connected to male participation in family planning, education (pvalue = 0,001), knowledge (pvalue = 0,014), family planning services access (pvalue = 0,010), male family planning quality service (pvalue = 0,030) and male family planning image (acceptance) (pvalue = 0,008). Conclusion : Variables related to male participation in family planning are education, knowledge, family planning services access, male family planning quality service and male family planning image (acceptance) whereas variables which are not related are age and number of children

    Resource Flows Among Three Generations in Guatemala Study (2007–08): Definitions, tracking, data collection, coverage, and attrition

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    The allocation of resources across generations and the consequences of these allocations represent a research agenda with significant policy implications. At the same time, their empirical investigation imposes immense data requirements, and therefore data collection challenges. In this paper, we describe how we met these challenges, in the Resource Flows Among Three Generations in Guatemala Study, or IGT, carried out in 2006–07. In doing so, we provide a guide for using and interpreting the data collected as part of IGT, as well as an example for others interested in implementing research projects on similar themes elsewhere. Complex research topics, across generations and across a range of possible measures of well-being, led to a relatively complicated sample selection process and survey design, with component modules that were applicable to different “types” of sample members, depending on their generational status and age, and who often lived in different locations. It also led to a wide set of survey domains, ranging from economic, educational, and psychological surveys to clinical medical exams for both the young and the elderly. Survey coverage was above 85% of the targeted sample for most categories of respondents and most modules, and a number of safeguards were in place to ensure high quality data. Biases due to attrition, measured against the original 1970s rounds of survey work upon which IGT built, while present, should not reduce substantially the validity of research findings to come from this rich sample. The extent to which this is true, though, may vary depending on the topic under consideration and the controls included in the analyses.