10 research outputs found

    Research Notes : United States : Screening of the USDA soybean cultivar collection for slow and fast urease isozymes

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    Urease present in soybean seed is known to consist of two isozyme variants. These variants are referred to as electrophoretically fast or slow on polyacrylamide gels and are believed to be polymers of a single subunit (Buttery and Buzzell, 1971; Polacco and Havir, 1979). The slow variant, considered a hexamer, has been estimated at 480,000 daltons by Polacco and Havir (1979) and at 520,000 daltons by Buttery and Buzzell (1971)

    Research Notes : United States : Screening of the USDA Glycine soja collection for urease variants

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    Two isozyme variants of seed urease are present in soybeans. These variants are referred to as electrophoretically fast and slow on polyacrylamide gels (Buttery and Buzzell, 1971; Polacco and Havir, 1979). Kloth and Hymowitz (1985) demonstrated that the urease isozymes are codominantly inherited. They assigned the gene symbol Eul-a to the slow-moving allele and Eul-b to the fast-moving allele

    Granulocyte-Colony-Stimulating Factor Alters the Proteomic Landscape of the Ventral Tegmental Area

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    Cocaine addiction is characterized by aberrant plasticity of the mesolimbic dopamine circuit, leading to dysregulation of motivation to seek and take drug. Despite the significant toll that cocaine use disorder exacts on society, there are currently no available pharmacotherapies. We have recently identified granulocyte-colony stimulating factor (G-CSF) as a soluble cytokine that alters the behavioral response to cocaine and which increases dopamine release from the ventral tegmental area (VTA). Despite these known effects on behavior and neurophysiology, the molecular mechanisms by which G-CSF affects brain function are unclear. In this study mice were treated with repeated injections of G-CSF, cocaine or a combination and changes in protein expression in the VTA were examined using an unbiased proteomics approach. Repeated G-CSF treatment resulted in alterations in multiple signaling pathways related to synaptic plasticity and neuronal morphology. While the treatment groups had marked overlap in their effect, injections of cocaine and the combination of cocaine and G-CSF lead to distinct patterns of significantly regulated proteins. These experiments provide valuable information as to the molecular pathways that G-CSF activates in an important limbic brain region and will help to guide further characterization of G-CSF function and evaluation as a possible translational target

    Influência de sais e do pH da água na eficiência de imazethapyr + imazapic no controle de arroz-vermelho Influence of salts and water pH on the efficiency of imazethapyr + imazapic for red rice control

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    Na safra agrícola de 2004/2005, em Santa Maria/RS, foi realizado um experimento com o objetivo de avaliar a influência de sais e do pH da água de diferentes fontes de abastecimento de pulverizadores (água de fonte mineral, água de açude e água de poço artesiano) sobre a eficiência de imazethapyr (75 g L-1) + imazapic (25 g L-1) no controle de arroz-vermelho (Oryza sativa). No preparo da calda para pulverização do herbicida, foi utilizada água na sua condição original e água acidificada com ácido cítrico até pH 4,5. Foi verificado que os tratamentos com água de pH 4,5 proporcionaram maior eficiência da mistura (imazethapyr + imazapic) no controle do arroz-vermelho do que com águas alcalinas (pH 9,4 e 8,7). Todos os tratamentos herbicidas causaram intoxicação às plantas do arroz cultivado. Entretanto, nos tratamentos em que se utilizou água alcalina, foi observada recuperação mais rápida das plantas de arroz, cultivar IRGA 422 CL.<br>This research was carried out in Santa Maria/RS during the 2004/2005 crop season to evaluate the influence of salts and water pH on different sources of spray suppliers (mineral water, dam water and artesian well water) on imazethapyr (75 g L-1) + imazapic (25 g L-1) efficiency in red rice control. Thus, water under original condition and acidified water with citric acid to pH 4,5 have been used to prepare the herbicide solutions. It has been verified that the treated plots with water at pH 4,5 showed better action of imazethapyr (75 g L-1) + imazapic (25 g L-1) in the red rice control than alkaline water with pH 9,4 and 8,7. All the treatments with herbicide presented intoxication in the rice. Nevertheless, the treatments with alkaline water showed a fast recuperation in rice plants (IRGA 422CL)