60 research outputs found

    Triggered fragmentation in gravitationally unstable discs: forming fragments at small radii

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    We carry out three dimensional radiation hydrodynamical simulations of gravitationally unstable discs using to explore the movement of mass in a disc following its fragmentation. Compared to a more quiescent state before it fragments, the radial velocity of the gas increases by up to a factor of ~2-3 after fragmentation. While the mass movement occurs both inwards and outwards, the inwards motion can cause the inner spirals to be sufficiently dense that they may become unstable and potentially fragment. Consequently, the dynamical behaviour of fragmented discs may cause subsequent fragmentation at smaller radii after an initial fragment has formed in the outer disc.Comment: Submitted to the conference proceedings of: Instabilities and Structures in Proto-Planetary Disks. 5 pages; 4 figure

    Non-convergence of the critical cooling timescale for fragmentation of self-gravitating discs

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    We carry out a resolution study on the fragmentation boundary of self-gravitating discs. We perform three-dimensional Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics simulations of discs to determine whether the critical value of the cooling timescale in units of the orbital timescale, beta_{crit}, converges with increasing resolution. Using particle numbers ranging from 31,250 to 16 million (the highest resolution simulations to date) we do not find convergence. Instead, fragmentation occurs for longer cooling timescales as the resolution is increased. These results suggest that at the very least, the critical value of the cooling timescale is longer than previously thought. However, the absence of convergence also raises the question of whether or not a critical value exists. In light of these results, we caution against using cooling timescale or gravitational stress arguments to deduce whether gravitational instability may or may not have been the formation mechanism for observed planetary systems.Comment: Accepted for publication by MNRAS Letters. 6 pages, 3 figure

    Planet migration in self-gravitating discs : survival of planets

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    We carry out three-dimensional SPH simulations to study whether planets can survive in self-gravitating protoplanetary discs. The discs modelled here use a cooling prescription that mimics a real disc which is only gravitationally unstable in the outer regions. We do this by modelling the cooling using a simplified method such that the cooling time in the outer parts of the disc is shorter than in the inner regions, as expected in real discs. We find that both giant (>MSat) and low mass (<MNep) planets initially migrate inwards very rapidly, but are able to slow down in the inner gravitationally stable regions of the disc without needing to open up a gap. This is in contrast to previous studies where the cooling was modelled in a more simplified manner where regardless of mass, the planets were unable to slow down their inward migration. This shows the important effect the thermodynamics has on planet migration. In a broader context, these results show that planets that form in the early stages of the discs’ evolution, when they are still quite massive and self-gravitating, can survive

    Large grains can grow in circumstellar discs

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    We perform coagulation & fragmentation simulations to understand grain growth in T Tauri & brown dwarf discs. We present a physically-motivated approach using a probability distribution function for the collision velocities and separating the deterministic & stochastic velocities. We find growth to larger sizes compared to other models. Furthermore, if brown dwarf discs are scaled-down versions of T Tauri discs (in terms of stellar & disc mass, and disc radius), growth at the same location with respect to the outer edge occurs to similar sizes in both discs.Comment: Submitted to the conference proceedings of the IAU Symposium 299 - Exploring the formation and evolution of planetary systems. 2 pages; 2 figure

    On the gap-opening criterion of migrating planets in protoplanetary disks

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    We perform two-dimensional hydrodynamical simulations to quantitatively explore the torque balance criterion for gap-opening (as formulated by Crida et al. 2006) in a variety of disks when considering a migrating planet. We find that even when the criterion is satisfied, there are instances when planets still do not open gaps. We stress that gap-opening is not only dependent on whether a planet has the ability to open a gap, but whether it can do so quickly enough. This can be expressed as an additional condition on the gap-opening timescale versus the crossing time, i.e. the time it takes the planet to cross the region which it is carving out. While this point has been briefly made in the previous literature, our results quantify it for a range of protoplanetary disk properties and planetary masses, demonstrating how crucial it is for gap-opening. This additional condition has important implications for the survival of planets formed by core accretion in low mass disks as well as giant planets or brown dwarfs formed by gravitational instability in massive disks. It is particularly important for planets with intermediate masses susceptible to Type III-like migration. For some observed transition disks or disks with gaps, we expect that estimates on the potential planet masses based on the torque balance gap-opening criterion alone may not be sufficient. With consideration of this additional timescale criterion theoretical studies may find a reduced planet survivability or that planets may migrate further inwards before opening a gap.Comment: Accepted by ApJ, 22 pages, 13 figures, 6 table

    On the fragmentation of self-gravitating discs

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    I have carried out three-dimensional numerical simulations of self-gravitating discs to determine under what circumstances they fragment to form bound clumps that may grow into giant planets. Through radiation hydrodynamical simulations using a Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics code, I find that the disc opacity plays a vital role in determining whether a disc fragments. Specifically, opacities that are smaller than interstellar Rosseland mean values promote fragmentation (even at small radii, R < 25AU) since low opacities allow a disc to cool quickly. This may occur if a disc has a low metallicity or if grain growth has occurred. Given that the standard core accretion model is less likely to form planets in a low metallicity environment, I predict that gravitational instability is the dominant planet formation mechanism in a low metallicity environment. In addition, I find that the presence of stellar irradiation generally acts to inhibit fragmentation (since the discs can only cool to the temperature defined by stellar irradiation). However, fragmentation may occur if the irradiation is sufficiently weak that it allows the disc to attain a low Toomre stability parameter. With specific reference to the HR 8799 planetary system, I find that it is only possible for fragments to form in the radial range where the HR 8799 planets are located (approximately 24-68 AU) if the disc is massive. In such a high mass regime, mass transport occurs in the disc causing the surface mass density to alter. Therefore, fragmentation is not only affected by the disc temperature and cooling, but also by any restructuring due to the gravitational torques. The high mass discs also pose a problem for the formation of this system because the protoplanets accrete from the disc and end up with masses greater than those inferred from observation and thus, the growth of planets would need to be inhibited. In addition, I find that further subsequent fragmentation at small radii also takes place. By way of analytical arguments in combination with hydrodynamical simulations using a parameterised cooling method, I explore the fragmentation criteria which in the past, has placed emphasis on the cooling timescale in units of the orbital timescale, beta. I find that at a given radius the surface mass density (i.e. disc mass and profile) and star mass also play a crucial role in determining whether a disc fragments or not as well as where in the disc fragments form. I find that for shallow surface mass density profiles (p<2, where the surface mass density is proportional to R^{-p}), fragments form in the outer regions of the disc. However for steep surface mass density profiles (p is greater than or similar to 2), fragments form in the inner regions of a disc. In addition, I find that the critical value of the cooling timescale in units of the orbital timescale, beta_crit, found in previous simulations is only applicable to certain disc surface mass density profiles and for particular disc radii and is not a general rule for all discs. I obtain an empirical fragmentation criteria between the cooling timescale in units of the orbital timescale, beta, the surface mass density, the star mass and the radius. Finally, I carry out crucial resolution testing by performing the highest resolution disc simulations to date. My results cast some serious doubts on previous conclusions concerning fragmentation of self-gravitating discs
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